Exemplo n.º 1
        static public bool BatchUploadFolder(string MacName, string SourceFolder, string DestFolder, bool bDeleteTarget)
            if (Config.bUseRPCUtil)
                if (!ConditionalInitRemoting(MacName))

                if (bDeleteTarget)
                    // tell Mac to delete target if requested
                    RPCCommandHelper.RemoveDirectory(RPCSocket, DestFolder);

            Program.Log(" ... '" + SourceFolder + "' -> '" + DestFolder + "'");

            DirectoryInfo SourceFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(SourceFolder);

            if (!SourceFolderInfo.Exists)
                Program.Error("Source folder does not exist");

            // gather the files to batch upload
            List <string> FilesToUpload = new List <string>();

            RecursiveBatchUploadFolder(SourceFolderInfo, DestFolder, FilesToUpload);

            if (Config.bUseRPCUtil)
                // send them off!
                RPCCommandHelper.RPCBatchUpload(RPCSocket, FilesToUpload.ToArray());
                SSHCommandHelper.BatchUpload(MacName, FilesToUpload.ToArray());

Exemplo n.º 2
		/** Cranks up the remoting utility if needed */
		static private bool ConditionalInitRemoting(string MacName)
			if (RPCCommandHelper.PingRemoteHost(MacName))
					RPCSocket = RPCCommandHelper.ConnectToUnrealRemoteTool(MacName);
				catch (Exception)
					Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to UnrealRemoteTool running on {0}", MacName);
					return false;
				return false;

			return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Hashtable Command(string WorkingDirectory, string Command, string CommandArgs, string RemoteOutputPath)
            if (RemoteToolChain.bUseRPCUtil)
                int RetriesRemaining = 6;
                    // a $ on the commandline will actually be converted, so we need to quote it
                    CommandArgs = CommandArgs.Replace("$", "\\$");

                        Hashtable Results = RPCCommandHelper.RPCCommand(GetSocket(), WorkingDirectory, Command, CommandArgs, RemoteOutputPath);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        if (RetriesRemaining > 0)
                            Int32 RetryTimeoutMS = 1000;
                            Debug.WriteLine("Retrying command after sleeping for " + RetryTimeoutMS + " milliseconds. Command is:" + Command + " " + CommandArgs);
                            Log.TraceInformation("Out of retries, too many exceptions:" + Ex.ToString());
                            // We've tried enough times, just throw the error
                            throw new Exception("Deep Exception, retries exhausted... ", Ex);
                }while (RetriesRemaining > 0);

                return(RemoteToolChain.SSHCommand(WorkingDirectory, Command + " " + CommandArgs, RemoteOutputPath));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static Socket GetSocket()
            Socket ThreadSocket = null;

            lock (CommandThreadSockets)
                ThreadSocket = CommandThreadSockets[Thread.CurrentThread] as Socket;
                if (ThreadSocket == null)
                        ThreadSocket = RPCCommandHelper.ConnectToUnrealRemoteTool(MacName);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        Log.TraceInformation("Failed to connect to UnrealRemoteTool running on {0}.", MacName);
                        throw new BuildException(Ex, "Failed to connect to UnrealRemoteTool running on {0}.", MacName);
                    CommandThreadSockets[Thread.CurrentThread] = ThreadSocket;

Exemplo n.º 5
        static Int32 Main(string[] args)
            Int64 ExitCode = 0;

            // No parameters means run as a server
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[{0} {1}]", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
                Console.WriteLine("RPCUtility no longer runs as a server. Use UnrealRemoteTool instead.");
                Debug.WriteLine("Client starting up");
                    // Extract the command line parameters
                    if (args.Length < 2 ||
                        (args[1] == "RPCBatchUpload" && args.Length != 3) ||
                        (args[1] == "RPCSoakTest" && args.Length != 2) ||
                        ((args[1] == "RPCUpload" || args[1] == "RPCDownload") && args.Length != 4))
                        throw new Exception("\n\nWrong number of arguments!\n" +
                                            "Usage: RPCUtility.exe MachineName RemoteWorkingDirectory CommandName [CommandArg...]\n" +
                                            "       RPCUtility.exe MachineName RPCBatchUpload CommandFile\n" +
                                            "       RPCUtility.exe MachineName RPCUpload LocalFilePath RemoteFilePath\n" +
                                            "       RPCUtility.exe MachineName RPCDownload RemoteFilePath LocalFilePath\n" +
                                            "       RPCUtility.exe MachineName RPCSoakTest\n");

                    string MachineName = args[0];

                    // optional strings
                    string WorkingDirectory = "";
                    string CommandName      = "";
                    string CommandArgs      = "";
                    string SourceFilename   = "";
                    string DestFilename     = "";

                    if (args[1] == "RPCBatchUpload" || args[1] == "RPCGetFileInfo")
                        CommandName    = args[1];
                        SourceFilename = args[2];
                    else if (args[1] == "RPCUpload" || args[1] == "RPCDownload")
                        CommandName    = args[1];
                        SourceFilename = args[2];
                        DestFilename   = args[3];
                    else if (args[1] == "RPCSoakTest")
                        CommandName = args[1];
                        WorkingDirectory = args[1];
                        CommandName      = args[2];
                        if (args.Length > 3)
                            CommandArgs = String.Join(" ", args, 3, args.Length - 3);

                        Debug.WriteLine("    Machine name      : " + MachineName);
                        Debug.WriteLine("    Working directory : " + WorkingDirectory);
                        Debug.WriteLine("    Command name      : " + CommandName);
                        Debug.WriteLine("    Command args      : " + CommandArgs);

                    // Make sure we can ping the remote machine before we continue
                    if (RPCCommandHelper.PingRemoteHost(MachineName))
                        Socket ClientSocket = RPCCommandHelper.ConnectToUnrealRemoteTool(MachineName);

//                      Hashtable Command = new Hashtable();
//                      Command["WorkingDirectory"] = WorkingDirectory;
//                      Command["CommandName"] = CommandName;
//                      Command["CommandArgs"] = CommandArgs;
//                      Hashtable Reply = SendMessageWithReply(ClientSocket, Command);

                        Random Generator        = new Random();
                        Int32  RetriesRemaining = 2;
                        while (RetriesRemaining >= 0)
                                Hashtable CommandResult = null;
                                // Handle special copy command on the local side
                                if (CommandName == "RPCBatchUpload")
                                    // one line per local/remote file pair
                                    string[] FilePairs = File.ReadAllLines(SourceFilename);

                                    RPCCommandHelper.RPCBatchUpload(ClientSocket, FilePairs);
                                else if (CommandName == "RPCUpload")
                                    CommandResult = RPCCommandHelper.RPCUpload(ClientSocket, SourceFilename, DestFilename);
                                else if (CommandName == "RPCDownload")
                                    CommandResult = RPCCommandHelper.RPCDownload(ClientSocket, SourceFilename, DestFilename);
                                else if (CommandName == "RPCGetFileInfo")
                                    DateTime A;
                                    long     B;
                                    RPCCommandHelper.GetFileInfo(ClientSocket, SourceFilename, DateTime.UtcNow, out A, out B);
                                    Console.WriteLine("File info for {0}: Size = {1}, ModTime = {2}", SourceFilename, B, A);
                                else if (CommandName == "RPCSoakTest")
                                    CommandResult = RPCCommandHelper.RPCCommand(ClientSocket, WorkingDirectory, CommandName, CommandArgs, null);

                                if (CommandResult != null)
                                    if (CommandResult["ExitCode"] != null)
                                        ExitCode = (Int64)CommandResult["ExitCode"];
                                    Console.WriteLine(CommandResult["CommandOutput"] as string);
                            catch (Exception Ex3)
                                if (RetriesRemaining > 0)
                                    // Generate a random retry timeout of 3-5 seconds
                                    Int32 RetryTimeoutMS = 3000 + (Int32)(2000 * Generator.NextDouble());
                                    Console.WriteLine("Retrying command after sleeping for " + RetryTimeoutMS + " milliseconds. Command is:" + CommandName + " " + CommandArgs);
                                    // We've tried enough times, just throw the error
                                    throw new Exception("Deep Exception, retries exhausted... ", Ex3);
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to ping remote host: " + MachineName);
                        ExitCode = -3;
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Outer Exception: " + Ex.ToString());
                    ExitCode = -1;

                Debug.WriteLine("Client shutting down");

Exemplo n.º 6
        static public RemoteToolChain.RemoteToolChainErrorCode Initialize(string InMacName, bool bFlushBuildDir)
            MacName = InMacName;

            // when not using RPCUtil, we do NOT want to ping the host
            if (!RemoteToolChain.bUseRPCUtil || RPCCommandHelper.PingRemoteHost(MacName))
                    if (!RemoteToolChain.bUseRPCUtil)
                        // make sure we have SSH setup
                        if (RemoteToolChain.ResolvedSSHAuthentication == null)
                            Log.TraceError("SSH authentication required a key, but one was not found. Use Editor to setup remote authentication!");
                        // ask for current time, free memory and num CPUs
                        string[] Commands = new string[]
                            "sysctl hw.memsize | awk '{print $2}'",
                            "sysctl hw.logicalcpu | awk '{print $2}'",
                        Hashtable Results = Command("/", "date", string.Join(" && ", Commands), null);
                        if ((Int64)Results["ExitCode"] != 0)
                            Log.TraceError("Failed to run init commands on {0}. Output = {1}", MacName, Results["CommandOutput"]);

                        string[] Lines = ((string)Results["CommandOutput"]).Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                        // convert it to a time, with TimeDifferenceFromRemote as 0
                        DateTime RemoteTimebase = RemoteToLocalTime(Lines[0]);
                        if (RemoteTimebase == DateTime.MinValue)
                            throw new BuildException("Failed to parse remote time on " + MacName);

                        // calculate the difference
                        TimeDifferenceFromRemote = DateTime.UtcNow - RemoteTimebase;

                        // now figure out max number of commands to run at once
                        //						int PageSize = int.Parse(Lines[1]);
                        Int64 AvailableMem = Int64.Parse(Lines[1].Replace(".", ""));                        // *PageSize;
                        int   NumProcesses = (int)Math.Max(1, AvailableMem / (RemoteToolChain.MemoryPerCompileMB * 1024 * 1024));

                        // now, combine that with actual number of cores
                        int NumCores = int.Parse(Lines[2]);
                        MaxRemoteCommandsAllowed = Math.Min(NumProcesses, NumCores);

                        Console.WriteLine("Remote time is {0}, difference is {1}", RemoteTimebase.ToString(), TimeDifferenceFromRemote.ToString());

                    if (bFlushBuildDir)
                        Command("/", "rm", "-rf /UE4/Builds/" + Environment.MachineName, null);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Log.TraceVerbose("SSH Initialize exception {0}", Ex.ToString());
                    Log.TraceError("Failed to run init commands on {0}", MacName);
                Log.TraceError("Failed to ping Mac named {0}", MacName);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void BatchFileInfo(FileItem[] Files)
            if (RemoteToolChain.bUseRPCUtil)
                // build a list of file paths to get info about
                StringBuilder FileList = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (FileItem File in Files)
                    FileList.AppendFormat("{0}\n", File.AbsolutePath);

                DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;

                // execute the command!
                Int64[] FileSizeAndDates = RPCCommandHelper.RPCBatchFileInfo(GetSocket(), FileList.ToString());

                Console.WriteLine("BatchFileInfo version 1 took {0}", (DateTime.Now - Now).ToString());

                // now update the source times
                for (int Index = 0; Index < Files.Length; Index++)
                    Files[Index].Length        = FileSizeAndDates[Index * 2 + 0];
                    Files[Index].LastWriteTime = new DateTimeOffset(RPCCommandHelper.FromRemoteTime(FileSizeAndDates[Index * 2 + 1]));
                    Files[Index].bExists       = FileSizeAndDates[Index * 2 + 0] >= 0;
                // build a list of file paths to get info about
                StringBuilder Commands = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (FileItem File in Files)
                    Commands.AppendFormat("if [ -e \"{0}\" ]; then eval $(stat -s \"{0}\") && echo $st_mtime && echo $st_size; else echo 0 && echo -1; fi\n", File.AbsolutePath);

                // write out locally
                string LocalCommandsFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(LocalCommandsFile, Commands.ToString());

                string RemoteDir          = "/var/tmp/" + Environment.MachineName;
                string RemoteCommandsFile = Path.GetFileName(LocalCommandsFile) + ".sh";

                DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;
                RemoteToolChain.UploadFile(LocalCommandsFile, RemoteDir + "/" + RemoteCommandsFile);

                // execute the file, not a commandline
                Hashtable Results = Command(RemoteDir, "sh", RemoteCommandsFile + " && rm " + RemoteCommandsFile, null);

                Console.WriteLine("BatchFileInfo took {0}", (DateTime.Now - Now).ToString());

                string[] Lines = ((string)Results["CommandOutput"]).Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (Lines.Length != Files.Length * 2)
                    throw new BuildException("Received the wrong number of results from BatchFileInfo");

                for (int Index = 0; Index < Files.Length; Index++)
                    Files[Index].LastWriteTime = new DateTimeOffset(RemoteToLocalTime(Lines[Index * 2 + 0]));
                    Files[Index].Length        = long.Parse(Lines[Index * 2 + 1]);
                    Files[Index].bExists       = Files[Index].Length >= 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void BatchUpload(string[] Commands)
     // batch upload
     RPCCommandHelper.RPCBatchUpload(GetSocket(), Commands);