/// <summary>
        /// Create region block based on test type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bReduceExtrapolate">This is used to indicate if DWT uses the "Reduce Extrapolate" method.</param>
        /// <param name="tileDict">This is used to indicate the dictionary of tile index and encoded data.</param>
        /// <param name="tileDataLength">This is used to indicate the encoded tile data length.</param>
        /// <param name="tileBlockType">This is used to indicate the tile data block type(simple, first, or upgrade).</param>
        public override RFX_Progressive_REGION BuildRegionBlock(bool bReduceExtrapolate, Dictionary <TileIndex, EncodedTile> tileDict, uint tileDataLength, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType)
            RFX_Progressive_REGION region_block = base.BuildRegionBlock(bReduceExtrapolate, tileDict, tileDataLength, tileBlockType);

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_IncorrectLen)
                region_block.blockLen += 1; // Set block length into incorrect value.

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_IncorrectTileSize)
                region_block.tileSize += 1; // Set tile size in region block is other than 64.

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_IncorrectRectsNumber)
                region_block.numRects += 1;  // Set numRects larger 1 than TS_RFX_RECT number in region_block.rects field.

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_ZeroRectsNumber)
                // Set Rect number is zero
                region_block.numRects = 0;
                region_block.rects    = null;

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_IncorrectQuantNumber)
                region_block.numQuant += 1; // Set numQuant larger 1 than TS_RFX_CODEC_QUANT number in region_block.quantVals field.

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_ZeroQuantNumber)
                // Set quant data number is zero.
                region_block.numQuant  = 0;
                region_block.quantVals = null;

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_IncorrectProgQuantNumber)
                region_block.numProgQuant += 1; // Set numProgQuant larger 1 than RFX_RPROGRESSIVE_CODEC_QUANT number in quantProgVals field.

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_IncorrectTileBlockNumber)
                region_block.numTiles += 1;  // Set numTiles larger 1 than tile block number in tiles field.

        /// <summary>
        /// Create region blocks and tile data blocks(tile simple or tile first or tile upgrade) based on test type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bReduceExtrapolate">This is used to indicate if DWT uses the "Reduce Extrapolate" method.</param>
        /// <param name="tileDict">This is used to indicate the dictionary of tile index and encoded data.</param>
        /// <param name="tileBlockType">This is used to indicate the tile data block type(simple, first, or upgrade).</param>
        public override void CreateRegionTileBlocks(bool bReduceExtrapolate, Dictionary <TileIndex, EncodedTile> tileDict, RFXProgCodecBlockType tileBlockType)
            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_AfterFrameEndBlock)

            List <RFX_Progressive_DataBlock> tile_block_list = new List <RFX_Progressive_DataBlock>();
            uint tileDataLength = 0;
            RFX_Progressive_DataBlock tile_block = new RFX_Progressive_DataBlock();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <TileIndex, EncodedTile> tilePair in tileDict)
                // Set quantIdx is always 0 since all tiles share same quant table.
                tile_block = BuildTileDataBlock(0, tilePair.Key, tilePair.Value, tileBlockType);
                tileDataLength += tile_block.blockLen;

            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_InvalidTileBlockType)
                // Change type of last block
                tile_block.blockType = (RFXProgCodecBlockType)0xffff; // Set invalid block type to 0xffff.

            RFX_Progressive_REGION region_block = BuildRegionBlock(bReduceExtrapolate, tileDict, tileDataLength, tileBlockType);


            if (bmTestType == RdpegfxNegativeTypes.RfxProgCodec_RegionBlock_BeforeFrameBeginBlock)
                CreateFrameBeginBlock(1);   // Set region count as 1 since encoded image data exists.

            // Add tile_data blocks after region block.