/// <summary>
        /// SubClassTransitivity (rdfs11) implements structural entailments based on 'rdfs:subClassOf' taxonomy:
        /// ((C1 SUBCLASSOF C2)      AND (C2 SUBCLASSOF C3))      => (C1 SUBCLASSOF C3);
        /// ((C1 SUBCLASSOF C2)      AND (C2 EQUIVALENTCLASS C3)) => (C1 SUBCLASSOF C3);
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFOntologyReasonerReport SubClassTransitivityExec(RDFOntology ontology)
            var report     = new RDFOntologyReasonerReport();
            var subClassOf = RDFVocabulary.RDFS.SUB_CLASS_OF.ToRDFOntologyObjectProperty();

            foreach (var c      in ontology.Model.ClassModel)
                //Enlist the superclasses of the current class
                var superclasses = ontology.Model.ClassModel.GetSuperClassesOf(c);
                foreach (var sc in superclasses)
                    //Create the inference as a taxonomy entry
                    var sem_inf = new RDFOntologyTaxonomyEntry(c, subClassOf, sc).SetInference(RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyInferenceType.Reasoner);

                    //Add the inference to the ontology and to the report
                    if (ontology.Model.ClassModel.Relations.SubClassOf.AddEntry(sem_inf))
                        report.AddEvidence(new RDFOntologyReasonerEvidence(RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyReasonerEvidenceCategory.ClassModel, "SubClassTransitivity", sem_inf));
        /// <summary>
        /// "RangeEntailment (rdfs3) implements structural entailments based on 'rdfs:range' taxonomy:"
        /// "((F1 P F2) AND (P RDFS:RANGE C)) => (F2 RDF:TYPE C)"
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFOntologyReasonerReport RangeEntailmentExec(RDFOntology ontology)
            var report = new RDFOntologyReasonerReport();
            var type   = RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE.ToRDFOntologyObjectProperty();

            //Calculate the set of available properties on which to perform the reasoning (exclude BASE properties and annotation properties)
            var availableprops = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.Where(prop => !RDFOntologyChecker.CheckReservedProperty(prop) &&

            foreach (var p      in availableprops)
                if (p.Range != null)
                    //Filter the assertions using the current property (F1 P1 F2)
                    var pAsns = ontology.Data.Relations.Assertions.SelectEntriesByPredicate(p);

                    //Iterate the related assertions
                    foreach (var pAsn in pAsns)
                        //Taxonomy-check for securing inference consistency
                        if (pAsn.TaxonomyObject.IsFact())
                            //Create the inference as a taxonomy entry
                            var sem_inf = new RDFOntologyTaxonomyEntry(pAsn.TaxonomyObject, type, p.Range).SetInference(RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyInferenceType.Reasoner);

                            //Add the inference to the ontology and to the report
                            if (ontology.Data.Relations.ClassType.AddEntry(sem_inf))
                                report.AddEvidence(new RDFOntologyReasonerEvidence(RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyReasonerEvidenceCategory.Data, "RangeEntailment", sem_inf));