Exemplo n.º 1
        public static RCValue InvokeSequential(RCClosure closure, string name, RCVectorBase right)
            RCActivator.OverloadKey key = new RCActivator.OverloadKey(name,
            Overload overload;

            if (!_overloads.TryGetValue(key, out overload))
                throw RCException.Overload(closure, name, right);
            object array = overload.Invoke(right.Array);

Exemplo n.º 2
        static VectorMath()
            foreach (MethodInfo method in typeof(ScalarMath).GetMethods())
                object[] attributes =
                    method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Primitive), false);
                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; ++i)
                    Primitive       verb       = (Primitive)attributes[i];
                    ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
                    if (verb.Profile == Profile.Monadic)
                        Type rtype = parameters[0].ParameterType;
                        Type otype = method.ReturnType;
                        RCActivator.OverloadKey key = new RCActivator.OverloadKey(verb.Name,

                        Type vectoroptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("VectorOp`2").
                                            MakeGenericType(rtype, otype);
                        // Why do I have to do the backtick thingy on GetNestedType but not on
                        // GetMethod?
                        MethodInfo vectoropMethod = typeof(VectorMath).GetMethod("MonadicOp").
                                                    MakeGenericMethod(rtype, otype);
                        Delegate vectorop   = Delegate.CreateDelegate(vectoroptype, vectoropMethod);
                        Type     primoptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("ScalarOp`2").
                                              MakeGenericType(rtype, otype);
                        Delegate primop = Delegate.CreateDelegate(primoptype, method);

                        if (_overloads.ContainsKey(key))
                            throw new Exception("dispatch table already contains the key:" + key);
                        _overloads.Add(key, new Overload(vectorop, primop));
                    else if (verb.Profile == Profile.Dyadic)
                        Type ltype = parameters[0].ParameterType;
                        Type rtype = parameters[1].ParameterType;
                        Type otype = method.ReturnType;

                        RCActivator.OverloadKey key = new RCActivator.OverloadKey(verb.Name,
                        Type vectoroptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("VectorOp`3").
                                            MakeGenericType(ltype, rtype, otype);
                        // Why do I have to do the backtick thingy on GetNestedType but not on
                        // GetMethod?
                        MethodInfo vectoropMethod = typeof(VectorMath).GetMethod("DyadicOp").
                                                    MakeGenericMethod(ltype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate vectorop   = Delegate.CreateDelegate(vectoroptype, vectoropMethod);
                        Type     primoptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("ScalarOp`3").
                                              MakeGenericType(ltype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate primop = Delegate.CreateDelegate(primoptype, method);
                        if (_overloads.ContainsKey(key))
                            throw new Exception("dispatch table already contains the key:" + key);
                        _overloads.Add(key, new Overload(vectorop, primop));
                    else if (verb.Profile == Profile.Cumulative)
                        // The parameter is a ref parameter which is actually a different type than
                        // the type which is being referenced.  GetElementType () gives you the
                        // referenced type which is what we want when constructing generic methods.
                        Type stype = parameters[0].ParameterType.GetElementType();
                        Type rtype = parameters[1].ParameterType;
                        Type otype = method.ReturnType;
                        // The stype is not a parameter to the operator so it is not included in the
                        // key.
                        RCActivator.OverloadKey key = new RCActivator.OverloadKey(verb.Name,

                        Type cumoptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("CumVectorOp`2").
                                         MakeGenericType(stype, rtype);
                        MethodInfo cumopMethod = typeof(VectorMath).GetMethod("CumulativeOp").
                                                 MakeGenericMethod(stype, rtype);
                        Type primoptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("SeqScalarOp`3").
                                          MakeGenericType(stype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate cumop  = Delegate.CreateDelegate(cumoptype, cumopMethod);
                        Delegate primop = Delegate.CreateDelegate(primoptype, method);

                        if (_overloads.ContainsKey(key))
                            throw new Exception("dispatch table already contains the key:" + key);
                        _overloads.Add(key, new Overload(cumop, primop));
                    else if (verb.Profile == Profile.Sequential)
                        // The parameter is a ref parameter which is actually a different type than
                        // the type which is being referenced. GetElementType () gives you the
                        // referenced type which is what we want when constructing generic methods.
                        Type stype = parameters[0].ParameterType.GetElementType();
                        Type rtype = parameters[1].ParameterType;
                        Type otype = method.ReturnType;
                        // The stype is not a parameter so it is not included in the key.
                        RCActivator.OverloadKey key = new RCActivator.OverloadKey(verb.Name,

                        Type vectoroptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("SeqVectorOp`3").
                                            MakeGenericType(stype, rtype, otype);
                        // Why do I have to do the backtick thingy on GetNestedType but not on
                        // GetMethod?
                        MethodInfo vectoropMethod = typeof(VectorMath).GetMethod("SequentialOp").
                                                    MakeGenericMethod(stype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate vectorop   = Delegate.CreateDelegate(vectoroptype, vectoropMethod);
                        Type     primoptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("SeqScalarOp`3").
                                              MakeGenericType(stype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate primop = Delegate.CreateDelegate(primoptype, method);

                        if (_overloads.ContainsKey(key))
                            throw new Exception("dispatch table already contains the key:" + key);
                        _overloads.Add(key, new Overload(vectorop, primop));
                    else if (verb.Profile == Profile.Contextual)
                        // The parameter is a ref parameter which is actually a different type than
                        // the type which is being referenced. GetElementType () gives you the
                        // referenced type which is what we want when constructing generic methods.
                        Type ctype = parameters[0].ParameterType;
                        Type ltype = ctype.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        Type rtype = parameters[1].ParameterType;
                        Type otype = method.ReturnType;
                        // The stype is not a parameter to the operator so it is not included in the
                        // key.
                        RCActivator.OverloadKey key = new RCActivator.OverloadKey(verb.Name,

                        Type vectoroptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("ConVectorOp`4").
                                            MakeGenericType(ctype, ltype, rtype, otype);
                        // Why do I have to do the backtick thingy on GetNestedType but not on
                        // GetMethod?
                        MethodInfo vectoropMethod = typeof(VectorMath).GetMethod("ContextualOp").
                                                    MakeGenericMethod(ctype, ltype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate vectorop   = Delegate.CreateDelegate(vectoroptype, vectoropMethod);
                        Type     primoptype = typeof(VectorMath).GetNestedType("ConScalarOp`4").
                                              MakeGenericType(ctype, ltype, rtype, otype);
                        Delegate primop = Delegate.CreateDelegate(primoptype, method);

                        if (_overloads.ContainsKey(key))
                            throw new Exception("dispatch table already contains the key:" + key);
                        _overloads.Add(key, new Overload(vectorop, primop));