Exemplo n.º 1
    public string fnInsert(QuotesD quotesD)
        string sSql = "  INSERT INTO [MNDTquotes_details]  " +
                      "             ([order_id]  " +
                      "             ,[product_id]  " +
                      "             ,[amount]  " +
                      "             ,[price]  " +
                      "             ,[modify_amount]  " +
                      "             ,[modify_price]  " +
                      "             ,[description]  " +
                      "             ,[create_id]  " +
                      "             ,[create_datetime] " +
                      "             ,[modify_id]  " +
                      "             ,[modify_datetime])  " +
                      "       VALUES  " +
                      "             ('" + quotesD.order_id + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.product_id + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.amount + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.price + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.amount + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.price + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.description + "'  " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.create_id + "'  " +
                      "             ,GETDATE() " +
                      "             ,'" + quotesD.create_id + "'  " +
                      "             ,GETDATE())  ";

        return(PublicApi.fnExecuteSQL(sSql, "MNDT"));
Exemplo n.º 2
    public string fnDelete(QuotesD quotesD)
        string sSql =
            "  DELETE [MNDTquotes_details]  " +
            "  WHERE [order_id] = '" + quotesD.order_id + "' " +
            "   AND [product_id] = '" + quotesD.product_id + "' ";

        return(PublicApi.fnExecuteSQL(sSql, "MNDT"));
Exemplo n.º 3
    public string fnSelectAmount(QuotesD quotesD)
        string sSql = "  SELECT ISNULL(SUM([modify_amount]), '0')  " +
                      "  FROM [MNDTquotes_details]  " +
                      "  WHERE [order_id] = '" + quotesD.order_id + "' " +
                      "   AND [product_id] = '" + quotesD.product_id + "' ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetValue(sSql, "MNDT"));
Exemplo n.º 4
    public bool fnIsExist(QuotesD quotesD)
        string sSql =
            "  SELECT COUNT([product_id])   " +
            "  FROM   [MNDTquotes_details]   " +
            "  WHERE [order_id] = '" + quotesD.order_id + "' " +
            "       AND [product_id] = '" + quotesD.product_id + "' ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetValue(sSql, "MNDT") == "1");
Exemplo n.º 5
    public string fnUpdate(QuotesD quotesD)
        string sSql =
            "  UPDATE [MNDTquotes_details]  " +
            "     SET [modify_amount] = '" + quotesD.modify_amount + "'  " +
            "        ,[modify_price] = '" + quotesD.modify_price + "'  " +
            "        ,[description] = '" + quotesD.description + "'  " +
            "        ,[modify_id] = '" + quotesD.create_id + "'  " +
            "        ,[modify_datetime] = GETDATE()  " +
            " WHERE [order_id] = '" + quotesD.order_id + "' " +
            "   AND [product_id] = '" + quotesD.product_id + "' ";

        return(PublicApi.fnExecuteSQL(sSql, "MNDT"));
Exemplo n.º 6
    public string fnCount(QuotesD quotesD)
        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[order_id]", quotesD.order_id);

        string sCountSql =
            "          SELECT COUNT([order_id])   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTquotes_details]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition;
        string sPageSize = PublicApi.fnGetValue(sCountSql, "MNDT");

Exemplo n.º 7
    // iPage 第N頁
    // iSize 最大顯示數量
    public DataTable fnSelects(QuotesD quotesD, int iPage, int iSize)
        int iStart = (iPage - 1) * iSize + 1;
        int iEnd   = iPage * iSize;

        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[order_id]", quotesD.order_id);

        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [quotes_d].[product_id],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[amount],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[price],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[modify_amount],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[modify_price],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[description]   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [product_id] ASC) NUM,   " +
            "                  *   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTquotes_details]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition + ") AS [quotes_d]  " +
            "  WHERE  NUM BETWEEN " + iStart.ToString() + " AND " + iEnd.ToString() + "   ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));