protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var Qtype   = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;
                var opptype = DropDownList2.SelectedValue;
                var mark    = markTxt.Text;
                var pOpt    = percentOption.Checked;
                // var preambleid = preambleLists.SelectedValue;
                //var preambleName = PreambleName.Text;
                //var preamble = preambleText.Text;
                //T_QuestionsPreamble p = null;

                //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(preamble))
                //    {
                //        p = new T_QuestionsPreamble
                //        {
                //            Name = preambleName,
                //            Body = preamble,
                //            AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                //            DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                //        };
                //        _db.T_QuestionPreamble.Add(p);
                //        _db.SaveChanges();
                //    }

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox1.Text))
                    var     email   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session);
                    var     opttype = long.Parse(opptype);//(long)ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single;
                    decimal altmark = 1;
                    var     qMark   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mark) ? 1 : decimal.TryParse(mark, out altmark)?altmark:1;

                    var        tyId     = long.Parse(Qtype);
                    var        tenantId = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session));
                    T_Question q        = new T_Question
                        //PreambleId = p != null ? p.Id : string.IsNullOrEmpty(preambleid)||(long.Parse(preambleid) == -1) ? 0 :long.Parse(preambleid),
                        TypeId               = tyId,
                        OptionType           = opttype,
                        Section              = Section.Text,
                        TenantId             = tenantId,
                        IsActive             = true,
                        Details              = TextBox1.Text,
                        Mark                 = qMark,
                        OptionPercentageMark = pOpt,
                        AddedBy              = email,
                        DateAdded            = DateTime.Now

                Response.Redirect("QuestionsList.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            T_Question q = new T_Question
                TypeId     = long.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedValue),
                OptionType = long.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue),
                IsActive   = true,
                Details    = TextBox1.Text

            Response.Redirect("QuestionsList.aspx", false);
        public static string SwitchEssayActivity(string id)
            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var opt = _db.T_EssayQuestions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == long.Parse(id));
                if (opt != null)
                    if (opt.IsActive.Value)
                        opt.IsActive     = false;
                        opt.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
                        opt.IsActive     = true;
                        opt.DateModified = DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception ex)
        public void SwitchActivityAction(QuizBookDbEntities1 _db, HttpContext context, string id)
            var opt = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == long.Parse(id));

            if (opt != null)
                if (opt.IsActive != null && opt.IsActive.Value)
                    opt.IsActive = false;
                    opt.IsActive = true;

                context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static string DisableRole(string id)
            var tenantId            = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session));
            var userId              = SessionHelper.FetchUserId(HttpContext.Current.Session);
            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var rId = long.Parse(id);
                //var user = _db.AdminUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);
                var qg = _db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.TenantId == tenantId && s.Id == rId);
                if (qg != null)
                    qg.Active       = false;
                    qg.ModifiedBy   = userId.ToString();
                    qg.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["NewSelRole"] = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static string ResetMth(string name)
            string keySalt = "QuizBook";

            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var pw     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var phrase = pw.Split('-')[0];

                var qg = _db.Candidates.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username.Trim() == name.Trim() || s.Email.Trim() == name.Trim());
                //var qg = _db.T_QuestionType.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == long.Parse(id));
                if (qg != null)
                    qg.LogInKey               = ErecruitHelper.getHash(phrase.Trim(), keySalt.Trim());
                    qg.ModifiedBy             = qg.Username;
                    qg.DefaultLoginKeyChanged = false;
                    qg.DateModified           = DateTime.Now;
                    ErecruitHelper.sendPwReser(qg, " ", phrase);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static string SwitchCandidateActivity(string id)
            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var opt = _db.Candidates.Where(s => s.Id == long.Parse(id)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (opt != null)
                    if (opt.Status == ErecruitHelper.CStatus.Active.ToString())
                        opt.Status = ErecruitHelper.CStatus.Inactive.ToString();
                        opt.Status = ErecruitHelper.CStatus.Active.ToString();

            catch (Exception ex)
        public static string NewQuestionGroup(string id, string name)
            var tenantId            = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session));
            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var qg = _db.T_QuestionType.FirstOrDefault(s => s.TenantId == tenantId && s.Name.ToLower().Trim() == id.ToLower().Trim());
                if (qg == null)
                    _db.T_QuestionType.Add(new T_QuestionType
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        Name        = id.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        Description = id.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        Status      = true,
                        AddedBy     = name,
                        DateAdded   = DateTime.Now
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static string DeleteQuestionGroup(string id, string name)
            var tenantId            = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session));
            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var qg = _db.T_QuestionType.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == long.Parse(id));
                if (qg != null)
                    var qs = _db.T_Question.Where(s => s.TypeId == qg.Id);
                    qg.Status = false;
                    foreach (var x in qs)
                        x.IsActive = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var staffid = SessionHelper.FetchStaffId(Page.Session);

                var c = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Code == staffid);
                if (c != null)
                    submit.Text = "Update";

                    var gr  = grades.SelectedValue;
                    var br  = branches.SelectedValue;
                    var div = divisions.SelectedValue;
                    var sec = Sector.SelectedValue;
                    var reg = Region.SelectedValue;
                    var lastname  = SessionHelper.FetchLastName(Page.Session);
                    var othername = SessionHelper.FetchFirstName(Page.Session);
                    var email     = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Page.Session);

                    var gr  = grades.SelectedValue;
                    var br  = branches.SelectedValue;
                    var div = divisions.SelectedValue;
                    var sec = Sector.SelectedValue;
                    var reg = Region.SelectedValue;
                        new T_Candidate
                        Code           = staffid,
                        StaffID        = staffid,
                        FirstName      = othername,
                        LastName       = lastname,
                        Email          = email,
                        Grade          = gr,
                        Branch         = int.Parse(br),
                        Division       = div,
                        Sector         = sec,
                        IsActive       = true,
                        ApprovalStatus = ErecruitHelper.ApprovalStatus.APPROVED.ToString(),
                        Region         = int.Parse(reg),
                        RegisterBy     = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Page.Session),
                        DateRegistered = DateTime.Now

                    Response.Redirect("TestLanding.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("Err.aspx", false);
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var curQ_id = long.Parse(HiddenField1.Value);

                if (curQ_id != null)
                    var question = _db.T_Question.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == curQ_id);
                    if (question != null)
                        T_Option q = new T_Option
                            Q_Id      = curQ_id,
                            Answer    = CheckBox1.Checked,
                            Details   = TextBox1.Text,
                            AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                            DateAdded = DateTime.Now

                        var qTrueOption = _db.T_Option.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Q_Id == question.Id && s.Answer == true);
                        var single      = ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single.ToString();
                        var opttype     = _db.T_QOptionType.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == single);

                        if (question.OptionType == opttype.Id)
                            if (q.Answer == true && qTrueOption != null)
                                q.AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session);
                                q.DateAdded = DateTime.Now;

                                qTrueOption.Answer       = false;
                                qTrueOption.ModifiedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session);
                                qTrueOption.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
                            else if (question.T_QOptionType.Name == "Multi")
                                q.AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session);
                                q.DateAdded = DateTime.Now;

                Response.Redirect("QuestionOptions.aspx?z=" + curQ_id, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
        //protected void preambleLists_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    try{
        //    var selectedQtype = long.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedValue);
        //    var t = _db.T_QuestionTypes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == selectedQtype);
        //    var QType = _db.T_Question.Select(s => s.PreambleId).Distinct();
        //    var Qt = _db.T_QuestionTypes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == selectedQtype);
        //    var QTypeCount = QType.Count();
        //    var QTC = QTypeCount++;
        //    var selectedpreamble = long.Parse(preambleLists.SelectedValue);
        //    if (selectedpreamble == 0)
        //    {
        //        PreambleName.Text = Qt.Name + " " + QTC;
        //        preambleText.Text = "";
        //        PreamblePreview.Text = "";

        //        preview.Visible = false;
        //        preambleRow.Visible = true;
        //        preambleNameRow.Visible = true;

        //        var quests = _db.T_Question.Where(x => x.TypeId == selectedQtype).OrderBy(x =>x.DateAdded).Select(a => new QuestionModel
        //        {
        //            ID = a.Id,
        //            Detail = string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Details) ? "Empty" : a.Details.Trim(),
        //            Type = ErecruitHelper.getTypeName(_db, a.TypeId),
        //            Preamble = ErecruitHelper.GetPreambleName(_db, a.PreambleId),
        //            OptionType = ErecruitHelper.getOptionTypeName(_db, a.OptionType),
        //            OptionsCount = ErecruitHelper.getOptionNum(_db, a.Id).ToString(),
        //            IsActive = a.IsActive.Value ? "Yes" : "No",
        //            // D = "<a id='" + a.Id.ToString() + "'  onclick='deleteQuest(this)' href='#' >Delete</a>"
        //            D = a.IsActive.Value ? "Deactivate" : "Activate"

        //        }).Distinct().ToList();
        //       // QuestionIndex.Text = quests.Count + " " + t.Name + " Question(s)";
        //       // GridView1.DataSource = quests;
        //       // GridView1.DataBind();

        //    }
        //    else if (selectedpreamble != -1 && selectedpreamble != 0)
        //    {
        //        var id = QPid.Value;
        //        //var Id = long.Parse(id);
        //        //var cur = _db.T_Question.Where(s => s.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault();
        //        //var Qt = _db.T_QuestionTypes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == cur.TypeId);
        //        if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)))
        //        {
        //            var preamble = _db.T_QuestionPreamble.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == selectedpreamble);

        //            PreamblePreview.Text ="";
        //            PreambleNamePreview.Text = "";
        //            preview.Visible = false;
        //            QPid.Value = preamble.Id.ToString();
        //            PreambleName.Text = preamble.Name;
        //            preambleText.Text = preamble.Body;

        //            preambleNameRow.Visible = true;
        //            preambleRow.Visible = true;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            var preamble = _db.T_QuestionPreamble.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == selectedpreamble);

        //            PreambleName.Text = "";
        //            preambleText.Text = "";

        //            preambleNameRow.Visible = false;
        //            preambleRow.Visible = false;

        //            PreambleNamePreview.Text = preamble.Name;
        //            PreamblePreview.Text = preamble.Body;
        //            preview.Visible = true;
        //        }

        //        var quests = _db.T_Question.Where(x => x.PreambleId == selectedpreamble).OrderBy(x =>x.DateAdded).Select(a => new QuestionModel
        //        {
        //            ID = a.Id,
        //            Detail = string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Details) ? "Empty" : a.Details.Trim(),
        //            Type = ErecruitHelper.getTypeName(_db, a.TypeId),
        //            Preamble = ErecruitHelper.GetPreambleName(_db, a.PreambleId),
        //            OptionType = ErecruitHelper.getOptionTypeName(_db, a.OptionType),
        //            OptionsCount = ErecruitHelper.getOptionNum(_db, a.Id).ToString(),
        //            IsActive = a.IsActive.Value ? "Yes" : "No",
        //            // D = "<a id='" + a.Id.ToString() + "'  onclick='deleteQuest(this)' href='#' >Delete</a>"
        //            D = a.IsActive.Value ? "Deactivate" : "Activate"

        //        }).Distinct().ToList();
        //     //   QuestionIndex.Text = quests.Count + " " + t.Name + " Question(s)";
        //       // GridView1.DataSource = quests;
        //        //GridView1.DataBind();

        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        PreambleName.Text = "";
        //        preambleText.Text = "";
        //        PreamblePreview.Text = "";
        //        PreambleNamePreview.Text = "";

        //        preview.Visible = false;
        //        preambleNameRow.Visible = false;

        //    }
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
        //        Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
        //    }
        protected void lnkeditQ_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                using (QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1()){
                    LinkButton  lnkedit = ((LinkButton)sender);
                    var         p       = lnkedit.Parent;
                    HiddenField hdfID   = (HiddenField)p.FindControl("hdfIDQ");
                    var         idcr    = long.Parse(hdfID.Value);
                    if (!(idcr == null))
                        var opt = _db.T_Question.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == (idcr));
                        if (opt != null)
                            if (opt.IsActive.Value)
                                opt.IsActive     = false;
                                opt.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
                                opt.IsActive     = true;
                                opt.DateModified = DateTime.Now;

                            var selectedQtype = long.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedValue);
                            var quests        = _db.ActiveQuestions_vw.AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.TypeId == selectedQtype && x.TenantId == long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(Session))).Select(a => new QuestionModel
                                ID           = a.Id,
                                Detail       = a.Details,
                                Type         = a.Type,
                                Preamble     = a.Preamble,
                                Section      = a.Section,
                                OptionType   = a.OptionType,
                                OptionsCount = a.OptionsCount.ToString(),
                                IsActive     = a.IsActive,
                                // D = "<a id='" + a.Id.ToString() + "'  onclick='deleteQuest(this)' href='#' >Delete</a>"
                                D = a.D
                            QuestionIndex.Text   = quests.Count + " Question(s)";
                            GridView1.DataSource = quests;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void lnkeditCS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton  lnkedit = ((LinkButton)sender);
            var         p       = lnkedit.Parent;
            HiddenField hdfID   = (HiddenField)p.FindControl("hdfIDCS");
            var         idcr    = long.Parse(hdfID.Value);

            if (!(idcr == null))
                var opt = _db.T_Candidate.Where(s => s.Id == idcr).FirstOrDefault();
                if (opt.ApprovalStatus == ErecruitHelper.ApprovalStatus.APPROVED.ToString())
                    if (opt != null)
                        if (opt.IsActive.Value)
                            opt.IsActive = false;
                            opt.IsActive = true;


                        var quests = _db.Candidates.Select(a => new CandidateGridModel
                            ID             = a.Id,
                            TenantId       = a.TenantId ?? 0,
                            Username       = a.Username,
                            FirstName      = a.FirstName,
                            LastName       = a.LastName,
                            Sex            = a.Sex,
                            DOB            = a.DOB == null ? "-" : a.DOB.Value.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"),
                            Status         = a.Status ?? "-",
                            Email          = a.Email,
                            D              = a.Status == ErecruitHelper.CStatus.Active.ToString() ? "Deactivate" : "Activate",
                            DateRegistered = a.DateCreated == null ? "-" : a.DateCreated.Value.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")
                        TotalRecCount.Text       = quests.Count() + " Candidate(s)";
                        CandidateList.DataSource = quests.OrderByDescending(x => x.ID).ToList();
                    resultLbl.Text = "";
                    resultLbl.Text = "The candidate has to be approved first";
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void CutOff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var cid      = coffId.Value;
                var newvalue = Coff.Text;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cid))
                    long id   = long.Parse(cid);
                    var  coff = _db.T_Settings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);

                    if (coff != null)
                        coff.SettingsValue = newvalue;
                        coff.ModifiedBy    = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session);
                        coff.DateModified  = DateTime.Now;
            }catch (Exception ex) {
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
 protected void ESave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var essay = EssayText.Text;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(essay))
             var duration = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EssayDuration.Text) ? int.Parse(EssayDuration.Text) : 0;
             _db.T_EssayQuestions.Add(new T_EssayQuestions {
                 Question = essay, Duration = duration, IsActive = Q_Active.Checked, DateAdded = DateTime.Now
         Response.Redirect("EssayQuestions.aspx", false);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
         Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected void lnkeditD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton  lnkeditD = ((LinkButton)sender);
            var         p        = lnkeditD.Parent;
            HiddenField hdfIDD   = (HiddenField)p.FindControl("hdfIDD");
            var         idcr     = long.Parse(hdfIDD.Value);
            var         userId   = SessionHelper.FetchUserId(Session);

            using (QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1())
                var admin = _db.AdminUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == idcr);
                admin.Status       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(admin.Status)?"Inactive":admin.Status.Trim() == "Active"?"Inactive": "Active";
                admin.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
            Response.Redirect("Admins.aspx", false);
        public static string deleteQuestOption(string id)
            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var optId = long.Parse(id);
                var opt   = _db.T_Option.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == optId);
                if (opt != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
        protected void lnkeditCa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton  lnkedit = ((LinkButton)sender);
            var         p       = lnkedit.Parent;
            HiddenField hdfID   = (HiddenField)p.FindControl("hdfIDCa");
            var         idcr    = long.Parse(hdfID.Value);

            using (QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1())
                var tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == idcr);
                if (tracker != null)
                    tracker.LastQIndex       = 0;
                    tracker.CurrentStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                    tracker.InSession        = false;
                    tracker.Finished         = true;
            Response.Redirect("ActiveCandidates.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 19
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var id  = candId.Value;
         var com = Comment.Text;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
             var cand = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id.ToString() == id);
             if (cand != null)
                 cand.Comment = string.IsNullOrEmpty(com) ? "" : com;
     catch (Exception ex)
         ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
         Response.Redirect("Candidate.aspx", false);
 protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var id        = cidHdn.Value;
         var gr        = grades.SelectedValue;
         var br        = branches.SelectedValue;
         var div       = divisions.SelectedValue;
         var sec       = Sector.SelectedValue;
         var reg       = Region.SelectedValue;
         var candidate = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == long.Parse(id));
         candidate.Grade    = gr;
         candidate.Branch   = int.Parse(br);
         candidate.Division = div;
         candidate.Sector   = sec;
         candidate.Region   = int.Parse(reg);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
         Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
        protected void check_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var code = Code.Text;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                    var cand = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Code == code);

                    if (cand != null)
                        var b_id = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id).Select(x => x.BatchId);

                        var candBatch = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => b_id.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value);
                        if (candBatch != null)
                            var cbSet   = _db.T_BatchSet.FirstOrDefault(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id && s.CandidateId == cand.Id);
                            var tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id);
                            if (tracker != null)
                                if (cbSet.Finished == false && cbSet.IsLive == true)
                                    cbSet.IsLive = false;


                                    var      duration        = candBatch.Duration.ToString();
                                    string[] ds              = duration.Split(':');
                                    int      min             = 0;
                                    int      sec             = 0;
                                    int      hour            = 0;
                                    int      TestdurationSum = 0;
                                    if (ds.Length == 1)
                                        min             = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                        sec             = 0;
                                        hour            = 0;
                                        TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);
                                    else if (ds.Length == 2)
                                        min             = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                        sec             = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                        hour            = 0;
                                        TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);
                                        min             = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                        sec             = int.Parse(ds[2]);
                                        hour            = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                        TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);

                                    var timeEnding = DateTime.Now;
                                    var ending     = timeEnding.AddSeconds(TestdurationSum);

                                    var st          = DateTime.Now;
                                    var initialTime = tracker.InitialStartTime == null
                          ? st
                          : tracker.InitialStartTime.Value;

                                    DateTime lastActiveTime = tracker.CurrentStartTime == null
                             ? initialTime
                             : tracker.CurrentStartTime.Value;

                                    //TimeSpan spent = (lastActiveTime - initialTime);

                                    //int hours = spent.Hours;
                                    //int mins = spent.Minutes;
                                    //int secs = spent.Seconds;
                                    if (initialTime != null)
                                        var span = (lastActiveTime - initialTime);

                                        //var sumSpent = ((span.Hours * 3600) + (span.Minutes * 60) + span.Seconds);

                                        var spentTime = new TimeSpan(span.Hours, span.Minutes, span.Seconds);

                                        ending = ending.Subtract(spentTime);

                                    TimeSpan remaining = (ending - timeEnding);

                                    //var timeString = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(remaining.Hours),
                                    //                               ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(remaining.Minutes),
                                    //                               ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(remaining.Seconds));
                                    resultLbl.Text = "Session for the Candidate: " + cand.Code + " has been reset.<br />Time Remaining: " + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(remaining.Hours) + " hours, " + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(remaining.Minutes) + " minutes and " + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(remaining.Seconds) + " seconds";
                                    //int sumSpent = ((hours ) + (mins * 60) + secs);
                                    //string[] ds = duration.Split(',');
                                    //int min = 0;
                                    //int sec = 0;
                                    //if (ds.Length == 1)
                                    //    min = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                    //    sec = 0;
                                    //    duration = min + "," + sec;
                                    //    resultLbl.Text = "Session for the Candidate: " + cand.Code + " has been reset.<br />Time Remaining: " + min + " minutes and " + sec + " seconds";
                                    //    min = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                    //    sec = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                    //    duration = min + "," + sec;
                                    //    resultLbl.Text = "Session for the Candidate: " + cand.Code + " has been reset.<br />Time Remaining: " + min + " minutes and " + sec + " seconds";

                                    //SessionHelper.SetCandidateCode(code, Session);
                                    //Response.Redirect("ActivateCandidateSession.aspx", false);
                                else if (cbSet.Finished == false && cbSet.IsLive == false)
                                    resultLbl.Text = "The candidate Session currently valid.";
                                    var rsltTxt = "The candidate must have finished the test.";

                                    resultLbl.Text = rsltTxt;
                                resultLbl.Text = "The candidate is yet to start the test.";
                            resultLbl.Text = "The candidate has not been assigned to a test batch.";
                        resultLbl.Text = "This is not a valid candidate code";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 22
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var sb = Batches.SelectedValue;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb))
                var selectedBatch = long.Parse(Batches.SelectedValue);
                var selectedIndex = Batches.SelectedIndex;
                var batch         = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == selectedBatch);

                int[] selectedCandidates = ActiveCandidateList.GetSelectedIndices();
                var   contentIds         = new List <int>();
                var   cids = selectedCandidates.Select(i => int.Parse(ActiveCandidateList.Items[i].Value)).ToList();

                foreach (int x in cids)
                    if (x == 0)
                foreach (int x in contentIds)
                    var            x1           = x;
                    var            hasActive    = false;
                    var            prevBatchSet = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.CandidateId == x1).Select(s => s.BatchId);
                    List <T_Batch> prevBatch    = null;
                    if (prevBatchSet.Any())
                        prevBatch = _db.T_Batch.Where(s => prevBatchSet.Contains(s.Id)).ToList();
                    if (prevBatch != null && prevBatch.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var batch1 in prevBatch)
                            if (batch1.IsActive == true)
                                hasActive = true;
                    if (hasActive)
                        //Session["Status"] = "";
                        var existing = _db.T_BatchSet.FirstOrDefault(s => s.BatchId == batch.Id && s.CandidateId == x);

                        if (existing == null)
                            if (batch != null)
                                _db.T_BatchSet.Add(new T_BatchSet
                                    CandidateId = x,
                                    BatchId     = batch.Id,
                                    Finished    = false,
                                    IsLive      = false

                Session["ToBeSelected"] = selectedIndex;

                Response.Redirect("AddCandidateToBatch.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected void BQsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var candId = SessionHelper.FetchCandidateId(Session);
                var id     = long.Parse(candId);
                var cand   = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);

                if (cand != null)
                    var b_id      = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id).Select(x => x.BatchId);
                    var candBatch = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => b_id.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value);

                    if (candBatch != null)
                        var Q1  = TextBox1.Text;
                        var Q2  = TextBox2.Text;
                        var Q3  = TextBox3.Text;
                        var Q4a = Request.Form["r1"];
                        var Q4b = TextBox4.Text;

                        var Q5a = TextBox5.Text;
                        var Q5b = TextBox6.Text;

                        var Q6a = TextBox7.Text;
                        var Q6b = TextBox8.Text;

                        var Q7a = TextBox9.Text;
                        var Q7b = TextBox10.Text;

                        var Q8a = TextBox11.Text;
                        var Q8b = TextBox12.Text;

                        var Q9a = TextBox13.Text;
                        var Q9b = TextBox14.Text;

                        var Q10a = TextBox15.Text;
                        var Q10b = TextBox16.Text;

                        var Q11 = TextBox17.Text;
                        var Q12 = TextBox18.Text;

                        var Q13 = TextBox19.Text;
                        var Q14 = TextBox20.Text;

                        var Q15a = TextBox21.Text;
                        var Q15b = TextBox22.Text;
                        var Q15c = TextBox23.Text;

                        var Q16 = TextBox24.Text;

                        var Q17a = Request.Form["r2"];
                        var Q17b = TextBox25.Text;

                        var Q18a = Request.Form["r3"];
                        var Q18b = TextBox26.Text;

                        var Q19 = TextBox27.Text;

                        var Q20a = Request.Form["r4"];
                        var Q20b = TextBox28.Text;

                        var Q21a = Request.Form["r5"];
                        var Q21b = TextBox29.Text;

                        var Q22 = TextBox30.Text;

                        var Q23a1 = TextBox31.Text;
                        var Q23a2 = TextBox32.Text;
                        var Q23a3 = TextBox33.Text;

                        var Q23b1 = TextBox34.Text;
                        var Q23b2 = TextBox35.Text;
                        var Q23b3 = TextBox36.Text;

                        var Q24a1 = TextBox37.Text;
                        var Q24a2 = TextBox38.Text;

                        var Q24b = TextBox39.Text;

                        var Q25 = TextBox40.Text;

                        var ack = Request.Form["r6"];
                        var      litmus   = false;
                        string[] elements = new string[] { TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text,
                                                           Request.Form["r1"], TextBox4.Text, TextBox5.Text, TextBox6.Text,
                                                           TextBox7.Text, TextBox8.Text, TextBox9.Text, TextBox10.Text, TextBox11.Text,
                                                           TextBox12.Text, TextBox13.Text, TextBox14.Text, TextBox15.Text, TextBox16.Text,
                                                           TextBox17.Text, TextBox18.Text, TextBox19.Text, TextBox20.Text
                                                           , TextBox21.Text, TextBox22.Text, TextBox23.Text, TextBox24.Text, Request.Form["r2"],
                                                           TextBox25.Text, Request.Form["r3"], TextBox26.Text, TextBox27.Text, Request.Form["r4"]
                                                           , TextBox28.Text, Request.Form["r5"], TextBox29.Text, TextBox30.Text, TextBox31.Text,
                                                           TextBox32.Text, TextBox33.Text, TextBox34.Text, TextBox35.Text, TextBox36.Text, TextBox37.Text,
                                                           TextBox38.Text, TextBox39.Text, TextBox40.Text, Request.Form["r6"] };

                        foreach (var i in elements)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(i))
                                litmus = true;
                                litmus = false;
                        if (litmus)
                            msgLabel.Text = "Please make sure you answer all the questions";
                            _db.T_BackGroundQuestAnswers.Add(new T_BackGroundQuestAnswers
                                CandidateId = cand.Id,
                                BatchId     = candBatch.Id,
                                Q1          = Q1,
                                Q2          = Q2,
                                Q3          = Q3,
                                Q4a         = Q4a,
                                Q4b         = Q4b,
                                Q5a         = Q5a,
                                Q5b         = Q5b,
                                Q6a         = Q6a,
                                Q6b         = Q6b,
                                Q7a         = Q7a,
                                Q7b         = Q7b,
                                Q8a         = Q8a,
                                Q8b         = Q8b,
                                Q9a         = Q9a,
                                Q9b         = Q9b,
                                Q10a        = Q10a,
                                Q10b        = Q10b,

                                Q11  = Q11,
                                Q12  = Q12,
                                Q13  = Q13,
                                Q14  = Q14,
                                Q15a = Q15a,
                                Q15b = Q15b,
                                Q15c = Q15c,
                                Q16  = Q16,
                                Q17a = Q17a,
                                Q17b = Q17b,
                                Q18a = Q18a,
                                Q18b = Q18b,
                                Q19  = Q19,
                                Q20a = Q20a,
                                Q20b = Q20b,

                                Q21a            = Q21a,
                                Q21b            = Q21b,
                                Q22             = Q22,
                                Q23a1           = Q23a1,
                                Q23a2           = Q23a2,
                                Q23a3           = Q23a3,
                                Q23b1           = Q23b1,
                                Q23b2           = Q23b2,
                                Q23b3           = Q23b3,
                                Q24a1           = Q24a1,
                                Q24a2           = Q24a2,
                                Q24b            = Q24b,
                                Q25             = Q25,
                                Acknowledgement = ack,
                                Dateadded       = DateTime.Now

                            var cbSet = _db.T_BatchSet.FirstOrDefault(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id && s.CandidateId == cand.Id);
                            cbSet.Psychometric = true;
                            Response.Redirect("FinalPage.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected void regBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();
            var page = Page.IsValid;

            if (page)
                var fn       = firstname.Text;
                var ln       = lname.Text;
                var address  = Address.Text;
                var emailvar = email.Text;
                var sx       = sex.SelectedItem.Value;
                var dateOb   = dob.Text;
                var un       = username.Text;
                var pw       = password.Text;
                var cpw      = cPass.Text;
                if (pw.Trim() == cpw.Trim())
                    HttpPostedFile file = tLogo.PostedFile;

                    if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                        string fname  = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                        string ext    = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                        string fileID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        string path   = "";
                        if (shortName.Text.Length >= 6)
                            var tenant = new Tenant
                                TenantName   = name.Text,
                                TenantCode   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortName.Text) ? name.Text.Substring(0, 6) : shortName.Text,
                                Address      = Address.Text,
                                State        = Request[state.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                Country      = Request[country.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                TenantStatus = true,
                                DateCreated  = DateTime.Now,
                                CreatedBy    = "QuizBook",
                                TenantLimit  = 0,
                                Image        = Path.Combine("~/TenantLogo/", fileID + ext)

                            using (QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1())
                                var rl = _db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Description == "Admin");

                                _db.AdminUsers.Add(new AdminUser
                                    FirstName              = fn,
                                    LastName               = ln,
                                    Username               = un,
                                    Sex                    = sx,
                                    DOB                    = ErecruitHelper.GetCurrentDateFromDateString(dateOb),
                                    Address                = Address.Text,
                                    State                  = Request[state.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                    Country                = Request[country.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                    Location               = Request[Location.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                    TenantId               = tenant.Id,
                                    Email                  = emailvar,
                                    Role                   = rl.Id,
                                    Status                 = ErecruitHelper.CStatus.Active.ToString(),
                                    DateCreated            = DateTime.Now,
                                    CreatedBy              = "QuizBook",
                                    Captcha                = Page.IsValid,
                                    DefaultLoginKeyChanged = true,
                                    LogInKey               = ErecruitHelper.getHash(pw, keySalt),
                                    IpAddress              = ErecruitHelper.GetIP(HttpContext.Current)

                            // var all =  new List<string[]>();
                            if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/TenantLogo/")))
                                path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/TenantLogo/", fileID + ext));
                                // PPath = Path.Combine("~/Passports/", cand.Code + ext);
                                path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/TenantLogo/", fileID + ext));
                                // PPath = Path.Combine("~/Passports/", cand.Code + ext);
                            var data = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                            SessionHelper.SetInfoValue("Your Profile has been successfully saved. Kindly <a href='Welcome.aspx'>click here</a> to proceed.", Session);
                            Response.Redirect("Info.aspx", false);
                            lblAlert.Text = "Short Name should be at least 6 characters";
                    lblAlert.Text = "Administrator's Password did not match";
                lblAlert.Text = "Kindly fill the recaptcha";
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static string ChangePass(string op, string xx)
            string keySalt = "QuizBook";

            QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1();

                var usName = SessionHelper.FetchUserName(HttpContext.Current.Session);
                var psWord = op;

                string key = "";
                if (xx == "index")
                    var qg = _db.AdminUsers.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username.Trim() == usName.Trim());
                    if (qg == null)
                        qg.LogInKey = ErecruitHelper.getHash(psWord.Trim(), keySalt.Trim());
                        qg.DefaultLoginKeyChanged = true;
                        qg.DateModified           = DateTime.Now;
                    var qg = _db.Candidates.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username.Trim() == usName.Trim());
                    if (qg == null)
                        qg.LogInKey     = ErecruitHelper.getHash(psWord.Trim(), keySalt.Trim());
                        qg.ModifiedBy   = qg.Username;
                        qg.DateModified = DateTime.Now;

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
                //    byte[] pw = ErecruitHelper.getByte(psWord, keySalt);
                //    byte[] pwFromDB = Convert.FromBase64String(key);

                //if (ErecruitHelper.CompareByteArrays(pw, pwFromDB))
                //    return "success";
                //    return "failed";
                //    return "failed";
            catch (Exception ex)
        protected void lnkedit3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton  lnkedit = ((LinkButton)sender);
            var         p       = lnkedit.Parent;
            HiddenField hdfID   = (HiddenField)p.FindControl("hdfID3");
            var         idcr    = long.Parse(hdfID.Value);

            if (!(idcr == null))
                var batch = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == idcr);
                var sid   = SessionHelper.FetchUserName(Page.Session);
                var user  = _db.Candidates.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username.Trim() == sid.Trim());
                if (batch.IsActive.Value)
                    Session["SelectedBatch"] = idcr;
                    if (batch.StartDate <= DateTime.Now)
                        var tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == user.Id && s.BatchId == batch.Id);

                        if (tracker != null)
                            SessionHelper.SetCandidateId(user.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Session);
                            Response.Redirect("_CandidateTestPage.aspx", false);
                            var st       = DateTime.Now;
                            var duration = batch.Duration.ToString();

                            _db.T_CTestTracker.Add(new T_CTestTracker
                                CandidateId   = user.Id,
                                BatchId       = batch.Id,
                                CandidateCode = user.Username,
                                InSession     = true,
                                Finished      = false,
                                // InitialStartTime = st,
                                // CurrentStartTime = st,
                                TestDuration      = ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(0) + ":" + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(int.Parse(duration)) + ":" + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(0),
                                RemainingDuration = duration
                                                    //EndTime = endtime
                            batch.SessionOn = true;

                            tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == user.Id && s.BatchId == batch.Id);
                            var remaining = tracker.RemainingDuration;
                            var d         = tracker.TestDuration;
                            if (d != "0:0:0" && remaining != "0:0:0")
                                SessionHelper.SetCandidateId(user.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Session);
                                Response.Redirect("_CandidateTestPage.aspx", false);

                        //   Response.Redirect("_CandidateTestPage.aspx", false);
                        messageLbl.Visible   = true;
                        messagePanel.Visible = true;
                        messageLbl.Text      = "It is not yet time to take this Test :'" + batch.Name + "'\n Please contact the Administrator.";
                    var info = "This test is no longer active.";
                    messageLbl.Visible   = true;
                    messagePanel.Visible = true;
                    messageLbl.Text      = info;
        protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var candId = SessionHelper.FetchCandidateId(Session);
                var id     = long.Parse(candId);
                var cand   = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);

                if (cand != null)
                    var b_id      = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id).Select(x => x.BatchId);
                    var candBatch = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => b_id.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value);

                    if (candBatch != null)
                        var ansCol1 = Request.Form["D1"];
                        var ansCol2 = Request.Form["D2"];
                        var ansCol3 = Request.Form["D3"];
                        var ansCol4 = Request.Form["D4"];
                        var ansCol5 = Request.Form["D5"];
                        var ansCol6 = Request.Form["D6"];
                        var ansCol7 = Request.Form["D7"];
                        var sums    = Request.Form["Summation"];
                        var intel   = intelligence.Value;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol2) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol3) ||
                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol4) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol5) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol6) ||
                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(ansCol7) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sums) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(intel))
                            msgLabel.Text = "Please make sure you answer all the questions";
                            _db.T_MultiintelligencQuizBookDb.Add(new T_MultiintelligencQuizBookDb
                                CandidateId  = cand.Id,
                                BatchId      = candBatch.Id,
                                Options1     = ansCol1,
                                Options2     = ansCol2,
                                Options3     = ansCol3,
                                Options4     = ansCol4,
                                Options5     = ansCol5,
                                Options6     = ansCol6,
                                Options7     = ansCol7,
                                Summations   = sums,
                                Intelligence = intel,
                                DateLogged   = DateTime.Now


                            Response.Redirect("BackGroundQuestionaire.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
Exemplo n.º 28
        protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // var all = new List<string[]>();
                var    tenantId = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session));
                string fId      = FileID.Value;
                //long preaId = 0;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fId))
                    string ext = EXT.Value;
                    //all = ErecruitHelper.GetLinesFromFile(fId, ext);

                    var             data   = File.ReadAllBytes(fId);
                    ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel();
                    if (ext == ".xls")
                    else if (ext == ".xlsx")
                    //first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook
                    //second paramter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file)
                    List <QuestionUploadModel> all = import.ExcelToList <QuestionUploadModel>(0, 1);

                    if (all.Count() < 1)
                        resultLbl.Text = "Either you uploaded an empty file or you provided wrong file type. Only allowed file type is .csv, .xls or.xlsx!";
                        resultLbl.Text = "";
                        var Qtype = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;
                        var ex    = 0;
                        var obj   = new List <object>();
                        foreach (var s in all)
                            ex += _db.SearchQuestion(s.Question.ToLower()).Where(x => x.TypeId == long.Parse(Qtype)).Count();
                            T_Question q = new T_Question
                                PreambleId = 0,
                                TypeId     = long.Parse(Qtype),
                                OptionType = (long)ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single,
                                IsActive   = true,
                                Details    = s.Question,
                                TenantId   = tenantId,
                                Section    = s.Section,
                                AddedBy    = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                DateAdded  = DateTime.Now
                            var opts = new List <T_Option>();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.A))
                                opts.Add(new T_Option
                                    Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                    Details   = s.A,
                                    Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.A.ToString(),
                                    AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.B))
                                opts.Add(new T_Option
                                    Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                    Details   = s.B,
                                    Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.B.ToString(),
                                    AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.C))
                                opts.Add(new T_Option
                                    Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                    Details   = s.C,
                                    Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.C.ToString(),
                                    AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.D))
                                opts.Add(new T_Option
                                    Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                    Details   = s.D,
                                    Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.D.ToString(),
                                    AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.E))
                                opts.Add(new T_Option
                                    Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                    Details   = s.E,
                                    Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.E.ToString(),
                                    AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                            // _db.T_Option.InsertAllOnSubmit(opts);
                            ExtensionMethods.InsertAllOnSubmit(_db.T_Option, opts);
                        if (ex > 0)
                            resultLbl.Text = "Some Question(s) already exist in the system therefore were skipped.";
                            resultLbl.Text = "Questions Uploaded";
                    HttpPostedFile file = QuestionFile.PostedFile;

                    if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                        string fname  = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                        string ext    = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                        string fileID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        string path   = "";
                        // var all =  new List<string[]>();
                        if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedQuestions/")))
                            path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/UploadedQuestions/", fileID + ext));
                            // PPath = Path.Combine("~/Passports/", cand.Code + ext);
                            path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/UploadedQuestions/", fileID + ext));
                            // PPath = Path.Combine("~/Passports/", cand.Code + ext);
                        var             data   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                        ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel();
                        if (ext == ".xls")
                        else if (ext == ".xlsx")
                        //first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook
                        //second paramter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file)
                        List <QuestionUploadModel> all = import.ExcelToList <QuestionUploadModel>(0, 1);

                        if (all.Count() < 1)
                            resultLbl.Text = "Either you uploaded an empty file or you provided wrong file type. Only allowed file type is .csv, .xls or.xlsx!";
                            resultLbl.Text = "";
                            var Qtype = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;
                            var ex    = 0;
                            var obj   = new List <object>();
                            foreach (var s in all)
                                ex += _db.SearchQuestion(s.Question.ToLower()).Where(x => x.TypeId == long.Parse(Qtype)).Count();
                                T_Question q = new T_Question
                                    PreambleId = 0,
                                    TypeId     = long.Parse(Qtype),
                                    OptionType = (long)ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single,
                                    IsActive   = true,
                                    Details    = s.Question,
                                    Section    = s.Section,
                                    TenantId   = tenantId,
                                    AddedBy    = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                    DateAdded  = DateTime.Now
                                var opts = new List <T_Option>();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.A))
                                    opts.Add(new T_Option
                                        Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                        Details   = s.A,
                                        Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.A.ToString(),
                                        AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                        DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.B))
                                    opts.Add(new T_Option
                                        Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                        Details   = s.B,
                                        Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.B.ToString(),
                                        AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                        DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.C))
                                    opts.Add(new T_Option
                                        Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                        Details   = s.C,
                                        Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.C.ToString(),
                                        AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                        DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.D))
                                    opts.Add(new T_Option
                                        Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                        Details   = s.D,
                                        Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.D.ToString(),
                                        AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                        DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.E))
                                    opts.Add(new T_Option
                                        Q_Id      = q.Id,
                                        Details   = s.E,
                                        Answer    = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.E.ToString(),
                                        AddedBy   = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session),
                                        DateAdded = DateTime.Now
                                ExtensionMethods.InsertAllOnSubmit(_db.T_Option, opts);
                            if (ex > 0)
                                resultLbl.Text = "Some Question(s) already exist in the system therefore were skipped.";
                                resultLbl.Text = "Questions Uploaded";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);
        protected void regBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var page = Page.IsValid;
                var tsn  = tsname.Text;
                var fn   = fname.Text;
                var ln   = lname.Text;
                //var address = Address.Text;
                var emailvar = email.Text;
                var sx       = sex.SelectedItem.Value;
                //var dateOb = dob.Text;
                var un = username.Text;
                //var pw = password.Text;
                //var cpw = cPass.Text;
                //var ste = Request[state.UniqueID].ToString();
                //var ctry = Request[country.UniqueID].ToString();

                var pw  = Request["userPw"].ToString();
                var cpw = Request["userPw2"].ToString();

                var lctn = Request[Location.UniqueID].ToString();
                var role = RoleList.Visible ? RoleList.SelectedValue : null;

                using (QuizBookDbEntities1 _db = new QuizBookDbEntities1())
                    var tn = _db.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(s => tsn.Trim().Equals(s.TenantCode));
                    if (tn != null)
                        if (pw.Trim() == cpw.Trim())
                            long?n  = null;
                            var  rl = _db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Description == "Candidate");

                            _db.Candidates.Add(new QuizBook.Candidate
                                FirstName = fn,
                                LastName  = ln,
                                Username  = un,
                                Sex       = sx,
                                //DOB = ErecruitHelper.GetCurrentDateFromDateString(dateOb),
                                //Address = Address.Text,
                                //State = Request[state.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                //Country = Request[country.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                Location               = Request[Location.UniqueID].ToString(),
                                Email                  = emailvar,
                                TenantId               = tn.Id,
                                Role                   = rl.Id,
                                Status                 = ErecruitHelper.CStatus.Active.ToString(),
                                DateCreated            = DateTime.Now,
                                CreatedBy              = "QuizBook",
                                Captcha                = Page.IsValid,
                                Class                  = role == null?n:long.Parse(role),
                                DefaultLoginKeyChanged = true,
                                LogInKey               = ErecruitHelper.getHash(pw, keySalt),
                                IpAddress              = ErecruitHelper.GetIP(HttpContext.Current)
                            Session["InfoValue"] = "Your Profile has been successfully saved. Kindly <a href='CandLogin.aspx'>click here</a> to proceed.";
                            Response.Redirect("Info.aspx", false);
                            lblAlert.Text = "Registration Failed. Your passwords did not match";
                        lblAlert.Text = "Registration Failed. Kindly ensure you have the correct Tenant Code.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                SessionHelper.SetExMessage(ex.Message, Session);
                SessionHelper.SetExStacktrace(ex.StackTrace, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ExceptionPage.aspx", false);
        protected void C_TestStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var code = Code.Text;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                    var cand = _db.T_Candidate.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Code == code);

                    if (cand.ApprovalStatus == QuizBook.Helpers.ErecruitHelper.ApprovalStatus.APPROVED.ToString())
                        if (cand != null)
                            SessionHelper.SetCandidateCode(cand.Code.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Session);
                            var b_id = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id).Select(x => x.BatchId);

                            if (!b_id.Any())
                                Info.Text = "You have not been assigned to a batch.\n Please contact the Administrator.";
                                var candBatch = _db.T_Batch.FirstOrDefault(s => b_id.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value);
                                if (candBatch != null)
                                    if (candBatch.StartDate <= DateTime.Now)
                                        var bSets = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id).ToList();
                                        //int membersCount = bSets.Count();
                                        //int finishedMembersCount = bSets.Where(s => s.Finished.Value).Count();
                                        var cbSet = _db.T_BatchSet.FirstOrDefault(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id && s.CandidateId == cand.Id);
                                        if (cbSet != null && cbSet.Finished == true)
                                            SessionHelper.SetCandidateId(cand.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Session);

                                            if (cbSet.Essay == true)
                                                if (cbSet.Psychometric == true)
                                                    ErecruitHelper.CheckBatches(_db, candBatch);
                                                    Info.Text = "You have already finished this process";
                                                    var exitingPsyc1 = _db.T_MultiintelligencQuizBookDb.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id);
                                                    if (exitingPsyc1 != null)
                                                        Response.Redirect("BackGroundQuestionaire.aspx", false);
                                                        Response.Redirect("MultiIntelligenceTest.aspx", false);
                                                //Info.Text = "You have not done the Essay part";
                                                Response.Redirect("CandidateTestResult.aspx", false);

                                            //if (cbSet.Psychometric == false)
                                            //    Info.Text = "You have not done the Psychometric part";
                                            //else if (cbSet.Finished == true&& cbSet.Psychometric == true && cbSet.Essay == true)

                                            //if (cbSet.Essay == true)
                                            // Info.Text = "You Have Done this test.";
                                            var batchSet = bSets.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id);

                                            if (batchSet.IsLive.Value)
                                                Info.Text = "You Currently have a Session on.\n Please contact the Administrator.";
                                                // Response.Redirect("CandidateLogin.aspx");
                                                if (candBatch != null)
                                                    var tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id);
                                                    if (tracker != null)
                                                        //var duration = tracker.RemainingDuration.ToString();
                                                        //string[] ds = duration.Split(':');
                                                        //int hour = 0;
                                                        //int min = 0;
                                                        //int sec = 0;
                                                        //if (ds.Length == 1)
                                                        //    min = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                        //    sec = 0;
                                                        //    hour = 0;
                                                        //    duration = hour+":"+min + ":" + sec;
                                                        //else if (ds.Length == 2)
                                                        //    min = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                        //    sec = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                                        //    hour = 0;
                                                        //    duration = hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
                                                        //    min = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                                        //    sec = int.Parse(ds[2]);
                                                        //    hour = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                        //    duration = hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
                                                        var st          = DateTime.Now;
                                                        var initialTime = tracker.InitialStartTime == null
                                                  ? st
                                                  : tracker.InitialStartTime.Value;

                                                        DateTime lastActiveTime = tracker.CurrentStartTime == null
                                                     ? initialTime
                                                     : tracker.CurrentStartTime.Value;

                                                        TimeSpan spent = (lastActiveTime - initialTime);

                                                        int hours    = spent.Hours;
                                                        int mins     = spent.Minutes;
                                                        int secs     = spent.Seconds;
                                                        int sumSpent = ((hours * 3600) + (mins * 60) + secs);

                                                        var      TestDuration    = tracker.TestDuration.ToString();
                                                        string[] ds              = TestDuration.Split(':');
                                                        int      hour            = 0;
                                                        int      min             = 0;
                                                        int      sec             = 0;
                                                        int      TestdurationSum = 0;
                                                        if (ds.Length == 1)
                                                            min             = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                            sec             = 0;
                                                            hour            = 0;
                                                            TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);
                                                        else if (ds.Length == 2)
                                                            min             = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                            sec             = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                                            hour            = 0;
                                                            TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);
                                                            min             = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                                            sec             = int.Parse(ds[2]);
                                                            hour            = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                            TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);

                                                        if (sumSpent >= TestdurationSum)
                                                            Response.Redirect("CandidateTestResult.aspx?z=elapsed", false);
                                                            //var endtime = st.AddSeconds(TestdurationSum - sumSpent);

                                                            //tracker.CurrentStartTime = st;
                                                            //tracker.EndTime = endtime;

                                                            batchSet.IsLive     = true;
                                                            candBatch.SessionOn = true;

                                                            tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id);
                                                            var remaining = tracker.RemainingDuration;
                                                            var d         = tracker.TestDuration;
                                                            if (d != "00:00:00" && remaining != "00:00:00")
                                                                var existingQCount = _db.T_CandidateTemp.Count(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id);

                                                                if (existingQCount < 1)
                                                                    List <long?> Q         = _db.T_BatchQuestions.Where(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id).Select(x => x.QuestionId).ToList();
                                                                    var          questions = _db.T_Question.Where(s => Q.Contains(s.Id)).ToList();
                                                                    var          typ       = questions.Select(s => s.PreambleId).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList();
                                                                    //Randomize the questions
                                                                    // Q.Shuffle();
                                                                    int count = 0;
                                                                    foreach (var t in typ)
                                                                        var qs = questions.Where(s => s.PreambleId == t).ToList();
                                                                        //Randomize the questions
                                                                        foreach (var q in qs)
                                                                            _db.T_CandidateTemp.Add(new T_CandidateTemp
                                                                                CandidateId = cand.Id,
                                                                                BatchId     = candBatch.Id,
                                                                                PreambleId  = q.PreambleId,
                                                                                Q_Id        = q.Id,
                                                                                Q_Index     = (count + 1),
                                                                                Answered    = false
                                                                //List<T_Question> questions = _db.T_Question.Where(s => Q.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value).ToList();

                                                                SessionHelper.SetCandidateId(cand.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Session);
                                                                Response.Redirect("CandidateTestPage.aspx", false);
                                                        var st       = DateTime.Now;
                                                        var duration = candBatch.Duration.ToString();
                                                        //string[] ds = duration.Split(':');
                                                        //int min = 0;
                                                        //int sec = 0;
                                                        //int hour = 0;
                                                        //int TestdurationSum = 0;
                                                        //if (ds.Length == 1)
                                                        //    min = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                        //    sec = 0;
                                                        //    hour = 0;
                                                        //    TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);
                                                        //else if (ds.Length == 2)
                                                        //    min = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                        //    sec = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                                        //    hour = 0;
                                                        //    TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);
                                                        //    min = int.Parse(ds[1]);
                                                        //    sec = int.Parse(ds[2]);
                                                        //    hour = int.Parse(ds[0]);
                                                        //    TestdurationSum = ((hour * 3600) + (min * 60) + sec);

                                                        //var endtime = st.AddSeconds(TestdurationSum);

                                                        _db.T_CTestTracker.Add(new T_CTestTracker
                                                            CandidateId   = cand.Id,
                                                            BatchId       = candBatch.Id,
                                                            CandidateCode = cand.Code,
                                                            // InitialStartTime = st,
                                                            // CurrentStartTime = st,
                                                            TestDuration      = ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(0) + ":" + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(int.Parse(duration)) + ":" + ErecruitHelper.AppendZero(0),
                                                            RemainingDuration = duration,
                                                            //EndTime = endtime

                                                        //var batchSets = _db.T_BatchSet.Where(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id).ToList();

                                                        // var batchSet = bSets.Where(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                                                        batchSet.IsLive      = true;
                                                        batchSet.TimeStarted = DateTime.Now;
                                                        candBatch.SessionOn  = true;

                                                        tracker = _db.T_CTestTracker.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id);
                                                        var remaining = tracker.RemainingDuration;
                                                        var d         = tracker.TestDuration;
                                                        if (d != "0:0:0" && remaining != "0:0:0")
                                                            var existingQCount = _db.T_CandidateTemp.Count(s => s.CandidateId == cand.Id && s.BatchId == candBatch.Id);

                                                            if (existingQCount < 1)
                                                                List <long?> Q         = _db.T_BatchQuestions.Where(s => s.BatchId == candBatch.Id).Select(x => x.QuestionId).ToList();
                                                                var          questions = _db.T_Question.Where(s => Q.Contains(s.Id)).ToList();
                                                                var          typ       = questions.Select(s => s.PreambleId).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList();
                                                                //Randomize the questions
                                                                // Q.Shuffle();
                                                                int count = 0;
                                                                foreach (var t in typ)
                                                                    var qs = questions.Where(s => s.PreambleId == t).ToList();
                                                                    //Randomize the questions
                                                                    foreach (var q in qs)
                                                                        _db.T_CandidateTemp.Add(new T_CandidateTemp
                                                                            CandidateId = cand.Id,
                                                                            BatchId     = candBatch.Id,
                                                                            PreambleId  = q.PreambleId,
                                                                            Q_Id        = q.Id,
                                                                            Q_Index     = (count + 1),
                                                                            Answered    = false
                                                            //List<T_Question> questions = _db.T_Question.Where(s => Q.Contains(s.Id) && s.IsActive.Value).ToList();

                                                            SessionHelper.SetCandidateId(cand.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Session);
                                                            Response.Redirect("CandidateTestPage.aspx", false);
                                        Info.Text = "It is not yet time to take this test.\n Please contact the Administrator.";
                                    Info.Text = "You are not assigned to any active batch.\n Please contact the Administrator.";
                            Info.Text = "This is not a valid candidate ID.\n Please contact the Administrator.";
                            // Response.Redirect("CandidateLogin.aspx");
                        Info.Text = "You have not been approved.\n Please contact the Administrator.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session);
                Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false);