Exemplo n.º 1
        private void DrawCellDrag(List <RollColumn> visibleColumns)
            if (_draggingCell != null && _draggingCell.RowIndex.HasValue && _draggingCell.Column.Width.HasValue &&
                _currentX.HasValue && _currentY.HasValue)
                var text    = "";
                int offsetX = 0;
                int offsetY = 0;
                QueryItemText?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, out text, ref offsetX, ref offsetY);

                Color bgColor = _backColor;
                QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, ref bgColor);

                int columnHeight = CellHeight;
                if (HorizontalOrientation)
                    int columnIndex = visibleColumns.IndexOf(_draggingCell.Column);
                    columnHeight = GetHColHeight(columnIndex);
                int x1 = _currentX.Value - (_draggingCell.Column.Width.Value / 2);
                int y1 = _currentY.Value - (columnHeight / 2);
                int x2 = x1 + _draggingCell.Column.Width.Value;
                int y2 = y1 + columnHeight;

                _renderer.FillRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
                _renderer.PrepDrawString(_font, _foreColor);
                _renderer.DrawString(text, new Point(x1 + CellWidthPadding + offsetX, y1 + CellHeightPadding + offsetY));
        private void DrawColumnDrag(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (_draggingCell != null)
                var text    = "";
                int offsetX = 0;
                int offsetY = 0;

                QueryItemText?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _columns.IndexOf(_draggingCell.Column), out text);
                QueryItemTextAdvanced?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, out text, ref offsetX, ref offsetY);

                Color bgColor = ColumnHeaderBackgroundColor;
                QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, ref bgColor);

                int x1 = _currentX.Value - (_draggingCell.Column.Width.Value / 2);
                int y1 = _currentY.Value - (CellHeight / 2);
                int x2 = x1 + _draggingCell.Column.Width.Value;
                int y2 = y1 + CellHeight;

                sBrush = new SolidBrush(bgColor);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(sBrush, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
                sBrush = new SolidBrush(ColumnHeaderFontColor);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(text, ColumnHeaderFont, sBrush, (PointF)(new Point(x1 + CellWidthPadding + offsetX, y1 + CellHeightPadding + offsetY)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Calls QueryItemBkColor callback for all visible cells and fills in the background of those cells.
        private void DoBackGroundCallback(List <RollColumn> visibleColumns)
            int startIndex         = FirstVisibleRow;
            int range              = Math.Min(LastVisibleRow, RowCount - 1) - startIndex + 1;
            int lastVisibleColumn  = LastVisibleColumn;
            int firstVisibleColumn = FirstVisibleColumn;

            // Prevent exceptions with small TAStudio windows
            if (firstVisibleColumn < 0)

            for (int i = 0, f = 0; f < range; i++, f++)
                f += _lagFrames[i];
                Color rowColor = Color.White;
                QueryRowBkColor?.Invoke(f + startIndex, ref rowColor);

                for (int j = firstVisibleColumn; j <= lastVisibleColumn; j++)
                    Color itemColor = Color.White;
                    QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(f + startIndex, visibleColumns[j], ref itemColor);

                    if (itemColor == Color.White)
                        itemColor = rowColor;
                    else if (itemColor.A != 255 && itemColor.A != 0)
                        float alpha = (float)itemColor.A / 255;
                        itemColor = Color.FromArgb(rowColor.R - (int)((rowColor.R - itemColor.R) * alpha),
                                                   rowColor.G - (int)((rowColor.G - itemColor.G) * alpha),
                                                   rowColor.B - (int)((rowColor.B - itemColor.B) * alpha));

                    if (itemColor != Color.White)                     // An easy optimization, don't draw unless the user specified something other than the default
                        var cell = new Cell
                            Column   = visibleColumns[j],
                            RowIndex = i
                        DrawCellBG(itemColor, cell, visibleColumns);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void DoSelectionBG(PaintEventArgs e, List <RollColumn> visibleColumns)
            // SuuperW: This allows user to see other colors in selected frames.
            Color rowColor        = Color.White;
            int   _lastVisibleRow = LastVisibleRow;
            int   lastRow         = -1;

            foreach (Cell cell in _selectedItems)
                if (cell.RowIndex > _lastVisibleRow || cell.RowIndex < FirstVisibleRow || !VisibleColumns.Contains(cell.Column))

                Cell relativeCell = new Cell
                    RowIndex = cell.RowIndex - FirstVisibleRow,
                    Column   = cell.Column,
                relativeCell.RowIndex -= CountLagFramesAbsolute(relativeCell.RowIndex.Value);

                if (QueryRowBkColor != null && lastRow != cell.RowIndex.Value)
                    QueryRowBkColor(cell.RowIndex.Value, ref rowColor);
                    lastRow = cell.RowIndex.Value;

                Color cellColor = rowColor;
                QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(cell.RowIndex.Value, cell.Column, ref cellColor);

                // Alpha layering for cell before selection
                float alpha = (float)cellColor.A / 255;
                if (cellColor.A != 255 && cellColor.A != 0)
                    cellColor = Color.FromArgb(rowColor.R - (int)((rowColor.R - cellColor.R) * alpha),
                                               rowColor.G - (int)((rowColor.G - cellColor.G) * alpha),
                                               rowColor.B - (int)((rowColor.B - cellColor.B) * alpha));

                // Alpha layering for selection
                alpha     = 0.33f;
                cellColor = Color.FromArgb(cellColor.R - (int)((cellColor.R - SystemColors.Highlight.R) * alpha),
                                           cellColor.G - (int)((cellColor.G - SystemColors.Highlight.G) * alpha),
                                           cellColor.B - (int)((cellColor.B - SystemColors.Highlight.B) * alpha));
                DrawCellBG(cellColor, relativeCell, visibleColumns);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void DoSelectionBG(List <RollColumn> visibleColumns, Rectangle rect)
            Color rowColor    = Color.White;
            var   visibleRows = FirstVisibleRow.RangeTo(LastVisibleRow);
            int   lastRow     = -1;

            foreach (Cell cell in _selectedItems)
                if (!cell.RowIndex.HasValue || !visibleRows.Contains(cell.RowIndex.Value) || !VisibleColumns.Contains(cell.Column))

                Cell relativeCell = new Cell
                    RowIndex = cell.RowIndex - visibleRows.Start,
                    Column   = cell.Column,
                relativeCell.RowIndex -= CountLagFramesAbsolute(relativeCell.RowIndex.Value);

                if (QueryRowBkColor != null && lastRow != cell.RowIndex.Value)
                    QueryRowBkColor(cell.RowIndex.Value, ref rowColor);
                    lastRow = cell.RowIndex.Value;

                Color cellColor = rowColor;
                QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(cell.RowIndex.Value, cell.Column, ref cellColor);

                // Alpha layering for cell before selection
                float alpha = (float)cellColor.A / 255;
                if (cellColor.A != 255 && cellColor.A != 0)
                    cellColor = Color.FromArgb(rowColor.R - (int)((rowColor.R - cellColor.R) * alpha),
                                               rowColor.G - (int)((rowColor.G - cellColor.G) * alpha),
                                               rowColor.B - (int)((rowColor.B - cellColor.B) * alpha));

                // Alpha layering for selection
                alpha     = 0.33f;
                cellColor = Color.FromArgb(cellColor.R - (int)((cellColor.R - SystemColors.Highlight.R) * alpha),
                                           cellColor.G - (int)((cellColor.G - SystemColors.Highlight.G) * alpha),
                                           cellColor.B - (int)((cellColor.B - SystemColors.Highlight.B) * alpha));
                DrawCellBG(cellColor, relativeCell, visibleColumns, rect);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Calls QueryItemBkColor callback for all visible cells and fills in the background of those cells.
        private void DoBackGroundCallback(List <RollColumn> visibleColumns, Rectangle rect, int firstVisibleRow, int lastVisibleRow)
            if (!visibleColumns.Any())

            int startIndex = firstVisibleRow;
            int range      = Math.Min(lastVisibleRow, RowCount - 1) - startIndex + 1;

            for (int i = 0, f = 0; f < range; i++, f++)
                f += _lagFrames[i];
                Color rowColor = Color.White;
                QueryRowBkColor?.Invoke(f + startIndex, ref rowColor);

                foreach (var column in visibleColumns)
                    Color itemColor = Color.White;
                    QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(f + startIndex, column, ref itemColor);

                    if (itemColor == Color.White)
                        itemColor = rowColor;
                    else if (itemColor.A != 255 && itemColor.A != 0)
                        float alpha = (float)itemColor.A / 255;
                        itemColor = Color.FromArgb(rowColor.R - (int)((rowColor.R - itemColor.R) * alpha),
                                                   rowColor.G - (int)((rowColor.G - itemColor.G) * alpha),
                                                   rowColor.B - (int)((rowColor.B - itemColor.B) * alpha));

                    if (itemColor != Color.White)                     // An easy optimization, don't draw unless the user specified something other than the default
                        var cell = new Cell
                            Column   = column,
                            RowIndex = i
                        DrawCellBG(itemColor, cell, visibleColumns, rect);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void DrawCellDrag(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (_draggingCell != null)
                var text    = "";
                int offsetX = 0;
                int offsetY = 0;
                QueryItemText?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, out text, ref offsetX, ref offsetY);

                Color bgColor = _backColor;
                QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, ref bgColor);

                int x1 = _currentX.Value - (_draggingCell.Column.Width.Value / 2);
                int y1 = _currentY.Value - (CellHeight / 2);
                int x2 = x1 + _draggingCell.Column.Width.Value;
                int y2 = y1 + CellHeight;

                _gdi.FillRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
                _gdi.PrepDrawString(_normalFont, _foreColor);
                _gdi.DrawString(text, new Point(x1 + CellWidthPadding + offsetX, y1 + CellHeightPadding + offsetY));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void GDIP_DrawCellDrag(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (_draggingCell != null)
                var text    = "";
                int offsetX = 0;
                int offsetY = 0;
                QueryItemText?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, out text, ref offsetX, ref offsetY);

                Color bgColor = _backColor;
                QueryItemBkColor?.Invoke(_draggingCell.RowIndex.Value, _draggingCell.Column, ref bgColor);

                int x1 = _currentX.Value - (_draggingCell.Column.Width.Value / 2);
                int y1 = _currentY.Value - (CellHeight / 2);
                int x2 = x1 + _draggingCell.Column.Width.Value;
                int y2 = y1 + CellHeight;

                sBrush = new SolidBrush(bgColor);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(sBrush, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
                sBrush = new SolidBrush(_foreColor);
                //e.Graphics.DrawString(text, _commonFont, sBrush, (PointF)(new Point(x1 + CellWidthPadding + offsetX, y1 + CellHeightPadding + offsetY)));
                GDIP_DrawString(e, text, _commonFont, new Point(x1 + CellWidthPadding + offsetX, y1 + CellHeightPadding + offsetY), _foreColor);