Exemplo n.º 1
        private void DisplayButtonPanel()
            Vec3 headPosition   = Input.Head.position;
            Vec3 windowPosition = new Vec3(0.4f, 0f, 0.1f);
            Pose windowPose     = new Pose(windowPosition, Quat.LookAt(windowPosition, headPosition));

            UI.WindowBegin("Button Panel", ref windowPose, new Vec2(25f, 25f) * Units.cm2m, false);
            if (UI.Button("Cube"))
                whichObject = "cube";
            if (UI.Button("Sphere"))
                whichObject = "sphere";
            if (UI.Button("Reset"))
                                      Mesh.GenerateCube(new Vec3(20f, 1f, 20f)),
            if (UI.Button("Exit"))
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// Once you have that information, it's simply a matter of placing a
    /// window off to the side of the hand! The palm pose Right direction
    /// points to different sides of each hand, so a different X offset
    /// is required for each hand.
    public static void DrawHandMenu(Handed handed)
        if (!HandFacingHead(handed))

        // Decide the size and offset of the menu
        Vec2  size   = new Vec2(4, 16);
        float offset = handed == Handed.Left ? -2 - size.x : 2 + size.x;

        // Position the menu relative to the side of the hand
        Hand hand   = Input.Hand(handed);
        Vec3 at     = hand[FingerId.Little, JointId.KnuckleMajor].position;
        Vec3 down   = hand[FingerId.Little, JointId.Root].position;
        Vec3 across = hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.KnuckleMajor].position;

        Pose menuPose = new Pose(
            Quat.LookAt(at, across, at - down) * Quat.FromAngles(0, handed == Handed.Left ? 90 : -90, 0));

        menuPose.position += menuPose.Right * offset * U.cm;
        menuPose.position += menuPose.Up * (size.y / 2) * U.cm;

        // And make a menu!
        UI.WindowBegin("HandMenu", ref menuPose, size * U.cm, UIWin.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 3
        void StepMenuIndicator(Hand hand)
            // Scale the indicator based on the 'activation' of the grip motion
            float dist = Math.Min(
                    hand[FingerId.Little, JointId.Tip].position,
                    hand[FingerId.Ring, JointId.Root].position),
                    hand[FingerId.Middle, JointId.Tip].position,
                    hand[FingerId.Ring, JointId.Root].position));
            const float previewDist = 10 * Units.cm2m;

            activation = minScale + (Math.Max(0, previewDist - dist) / previewDist) * 0.2f;

            // Show the indicator towards the middle of the fingers that control
            // the grip motion, the help show the user
            menuPose.position =
                (hand[FingerId.Ring, JointId.Tip].position +
                 hand[FingerId.Little, JointId.Root].position +
                 hand[FingerId.Middle, JointId.Root].position) * 0.3333f;
            menuPose.orientation = Quat.LookAt(menuPose.position, Input.Head.position);
            menuPose.position   += menuPose.Forward * Units.cm2m;

            // Draw the menu circle!

            // And if the user grips, show the menu!
            if (hand.IsJustGripped)
                Show(hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].position);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>Force the hand menu to show at a specific location.
 /// This will close the hand menu if it was already open, and resets
 /// it to the root menu layer. Also plays an opening sound.</summary>
 /// <param name="at">A world space position for the hand menu.</param>
 public void Show(Vec3 at)
     if (active)
     destPose.position    = at;
     destPose.orientation = Quat.LookAt(menuPose.position, Input.Head.position);
     activeLayer          = 0;
     active = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     Trigger.enabled = !mov;
     if (transform.position == currentTarget.position)
         currentTarget.GetComponent <Player>().Ready = true;
         transform.rotation = Quat.LookAt(transform, GetOtherTrgt(), -90f);
         transform.rotation = Quat.LookAt(transform, currentTarget, -90f);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>Show a file picker to the user! If one is already up, it'll be cancelled out,
 /// and this one will replace it.</summary>
 /// <param name="mode">For opening files, or for saving them?</param>
 /// <param name="initialFolder">The starting folder. By default (or null), this'll just be
 /// the working directory.</param>
 /// <param name="onSelectFile">The function to call when the user has selected a file.</param>
 /// <param name="onCancel">If the file selection has been cancelled, this'll get called!</param>
 /// <param name="filters">What file types should show up in the picker?</param>
 public static void Show(FilePickerMode mode, string initialFolder, Action <string> onSelectFile, Action onCancel, params FileFilter[] filters)
     if (_inst != null)
     if (_inst == null)
         _inst = StereoKitApp.AddStepper(new FilePicker());
         Vec3 pos = Input.Head.position + Input.Head.Forward * .5f + Input.Head.Up * 0.2f;
         _inst._windowPose = new Pose(pos, Quat.LookAt(pos, Input.Head.position));
     _inst.Setup(mode, initialFolder, onSelectFile, onCancel, filters);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void DisplayButtonPanel()
            Vec3 headPosition   = Input.Head.position;
            Vec3 windowPosition = new Vec3(0.4f, 0f, 0.1f);
            Pose windowPose     = new Pose(windowPosition, Quat.LookAt(windowPosition, headPosition));

            UI.WindowBegin("Button Panel", ref windowPose, new Vec2(20f, 20f) * Units.cm2m, false);

            if (UI.Button("Start"))
                start = true;

            if (UI.Button("Exit"))
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Step()
            UI.Handle("from", ref from, new Bounds(Vec3.One * 0.02f), true);
            UI.HandleBegin("at", ref at, new Bounds(Vec3.One * 0.02f), true);
            UI.ToggleAt("On", ref _previewing, new Vec3(4, -2, 0) * U.cm, new Vec2(8 * U.cm, UI.LineHeight));
            if (_previewing && UI.ToggleAt("Record", ref _recording, new Vec3(4, -6, 0) * U.cm, new Vec2(8 * U.cm, UI.LineHeight)))
                _frameTime  = Time.ElapsedUnscaledf;
                _frameIndex = 0;

            float fov        = 10 + Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, (Vec3.Distance(from.position, at.position) - 0.1f) / 0.2f)) * 110;
            Vec3  previewAt  = at.position + at.orientation * Vec3.Up * 0.06f;
            Vec3  renderFrom = at.position + (at.position - from.position).Normalized * 0.06f;

            _renderFrom = Pose.Lerp(_renderFrom, new Pose(renderFrom, Quat.LookDir(at.position - from.position)), Time.Elapsedf * damping);

            Lines.Add(from.position, at.position, Color.White, 0.005f);
            from.orientation = at.orientation = Quat.LookDir(from.position - at.position);

            if (_previewing)
                Hierarchy.Push(Matrix.TR(previewAt, Quat.LookAt(previewAt, Input.Head.position)));
                Default.MeshQuad.Draw(_frameMaterial, Matrix.S(V.XYZ(0.08f * ((float)Width / Height), 0.08f, 1)));
                Text.Add("" + (int)fov, Matrix.TS(-0.03f, 0, 0, 0.5f), TextAlign.CenterLeft);

                                  Matrix.Perspective(fov, (float)Width / Height, 0.01f, 100));
            if (_recording)
Exemplo n.º 9
    public void Update()
        /// :CodeSample: Quat Quat.LookAt
        /// Quat.LookAt and LookDir are probably one of the easiest ways to
        /// work with quaternions in StereoKit! They're handy functions to
        /// have a good understanding of. Here's an example of how you might
        /// use them.

        // Draw a box that always rotates to face the user
        Vec3 boxPos = new Vec3(1, 0, 1);
        Quat boxRot = Quat.LookAt(boxPos, Input.Head.position);

        Mesh.Cube.Draw(Material.Default, Matrix.TR(boxPos, boxRot));

        // Make a Window that faces a user that enters the app looking
        // Forward.
        Pose winPose = new Pose(0, 0, -0.5f, Quat.LookDir(0, 0, 1));

        UI.WindowBegin("Posed Window", ref winPose);

        /// :End:
Exemplo n.º 10
        void StepMenuIndicator(Hand hand)
            // Scale the indicator based on the 'activation' of the grip motion
            activation = Math.Max(0.02f, hand.gripActivation * 0.2f);

            // Show the indicator towards the middle of the fingers that control
            // the grip motion, the help show the user
            menuPose.position =
                (hand[FingerId.Ring, JointId.Tip].position +
                 hand[FingerId.Ring, JointId.Root].position) * 0.5f;
            menuPose.orientation = Quat.LookAt(menuPose.position, Input.Head.position);
            menuPose.position   += menuPose.Forward * U.cm;

            // Draw the menu circle!

            // And if the user grips, show the menu!
            if (hand.IsJustGripped)
                Show(hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].position);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// :CodeSample: Controller Input.Controller TrackState Input.ControllerMenuButton Controller.IsTracked Controller.trackedPos Controller.trackedRot Controller.IsX1Pressed Controller.IsX2Pressed Controller.IsStickClicked Controller.stick Controller.aim Controller.grip Controller.trigger Controller.pose
        /// ### Controller Debug Visualizer
        /// This function shows a debug visualization of the current state of
        /// the controller! It's not something you'd show to users, but it's
        /// nice for just seeing how the API works, or as a temporary
        /// visualization.
        void ShowController(Handed hand)
            Controller c = Input.Controller(hand);

            if (!c.IsTracked)

            // Pick the controller color based on trackin info state
            Color color = Color.Black;

            if (c.trackedPos == TrackState.Inferred)
                color.g = 0.5f;
            if (c.trackedPos == TrackState.Known)
                color.g = 1;
            if (c.trackedRot == TrackState.Inferred)
                color.b = 0.5f;
            if (c.trackedRot == TrackState.Known)
                color.b = 1;
            Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, Matrix.S(new Vec3(3, 3, 8) * U.cm), color);

            // Show button info on the back of the controller
            Hierarchy.Push(Matrix.TR(0, 1.6f * U.cm, 0, Quat.LookAt(Vec3.Zero, new Vec3(0, 1, 0), new Vec3(0, 0, -1))));

            // Show the tracking states as text
            Text.Add(c.trackedPos == TrackState.Known?"(pos)":(c.trackedPos == TrackState.Inferred?"~pos~":"pos"), Matrix.TS(0, -0.03f, 0, 0.25f));
            Text.Add(c.trackedRot == TrackState.Known?"(rot)":(c.trackedRot == TrackState.Inferred?"~rot~":"rot"), Matrix.TS(0, -0.02f, 0, 0.25f));

            // Show the controller's buttons
            Text.Add(Input.ControllerMenuButton.IsActive()?"(menu)":"menu", Matrix.TS(0, -0.01f, 0, 0.25f));
            Text.Add(c.IsX1Pressed?"(X1)":"X1", Matrix.TS(0, 0.00f, 0, 0.25f));
            Text.Add(c.IsX2Pressed?"(X2)":"X2", Matrix.TS(0, 0.01f, 0, 0.25f));

            // Show the analog stick's information
            Vec3 stickAt = new Vec3(0, 0.03f, 0);

            Lines.Add(stickAt, stickAt + c.stick.XY0 * 0.01f, Color.White, 0.001f);
            if (c.IsStickClicked)
                Text.Add("O", Matrix.TS(stickAt, 0.25f));

            // And show the trigger and grip buttons
            Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, Matrix.TS(0, -0.015f, -0.005f, new Vec3(0.01f, 0.04f, 0.01f)) * Matrix.TR(new Vec3(0, 0.02f, 0.03f), Quat.FromAngles(-45 + c.trigger * 40, 0, 0)));
            Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, Matrix.TS(0.0149f * (hand == Handed.Right?1:-1), 0, 0.015f, new Vec3(0.01f * (1 - c.grip), 0.04f, 0.01f)));


            // And show the pointer
            Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, c.aim.ToMatrix(new Vec3(1, 1, 4) * U.cm), Color.HSV(0, 0.5f, 0.8f).ToLinear());
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static Quat LookAt(Vector3f eye, Vector3f center, Vector3f up)
     return(Quat.LookAt(eye, center, up));