Exemplo n.º 1
        public Unit RaiseUnitPower(float power)
            //make short-cut when power equal zero return dimensionless unit immediatly
            //  because if I left the execution to the end
            //  the dimensionless unit is created and wrapping the original unit under sub unit
            //    and this made errors in conversion between dimensionless units :).
            if (power == 0)

            Unit u = (Unit)this.MemberwiseClone();

            if (SubUnits != null)
                u.SubUnits = new List <Unit>(SubUnits.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < SubUnits.Count; i++)
                u.unitExponent *= power;   //the exponent is changing in strongly typed units

            u._UnitDimension = this._UnitDimension * power; //must change the unit dimension of the unit
            // however because the unit is having sub units we don't have to modify the exponent of it
            //  note: unit that depend on sub units is completly unaware of its exponent
            //    or I should say it is always equal = 1

            u._QuantityType = QuantityDimension.GetQuantityTypeFrom(u._UnitDimension);

            if (u.SubUnits == null && u.unitExponent == 1)
                //no sub units and exponent ==1  then no need to processing
            else if (u.SubUnits == null)
                //exponent != 1  like ^5 ^0.3  we need processing
                return(new Unit(u._QuantityType, u));
                //consist of sub units definitly we need processing.
                return(new Unit(u._QuantityType, u.SubUnits.ToArray()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Resturns the name of the quantity associated with this dimension
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimension"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static QsValue FromDimension(QsParameter dimension)
            string ss = dimension.ParameterRawText;

            if (dimension.QsNativeValue is QsText)
                ss = ((QsText)dimension.QsNativeValue).Text;
            var q = QuantityDimension.Parse(ss);

            string qt = QuantityDimension.GetQuantityTypeFrom(q).Name;

            return(new QsText(qt.Substring(0, qt.Length - 2)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the unit corresponding to the passed string.
        /// Suppors units with exponent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static Unit ParseUnit(string un)
            if (un == "1")
                //this is dimensionless value
                return(new Unit(typeof(Quantities.DimensionlessQuantities.DimensionlessQuantity <>)));

            //find '^'

            string[] upower = un.Split('^');

            string unit = upower[0];

            int power = 1;

            if (upower.Length > 1)
                power = int.Parse(upower[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            Unit FinalUnit = null;

            //Phase 1: try direct mapping.
                FinalUnit = FindUnit(unit);
            catch (UnitNotFoundException)
                //try to find if it as a Metric unit with prefix
                //loop through all prefixes.
                for (int i = 10; i >= -10; i -= 1)
                    if (i == 0)
                        i--;         //skip the None prefix
                    if (unit.StartsWith(MetricPrefix.GetPrefix(i).Symbol, StringComparison.Ordinal))

                        MetricPrefix mp    = MetricPrefix.GetPrefix(i);
                        string       upart = unit.Substring(mp.Symbol.Length);

                        //then it should be MetricUnit otherwise die :)

                        MetricUnit u = FindUnit(upart) as MetricUnit;

                        if (u == null)
                            goto nounit;

                        u.UnitPrefix = mp;

                        FinalUnit = u;

            if (FinalUnit == null)
                goto nounit;

            if (power > 1)
                //discover the new type
                QuantityDimension ud = FinalUnit.UnitDimension * power;

                Unit[] chobits = new Unit[power];  //what is chobits any way :O

                for (int iy = 0; iy < power; iy++)
                    chobits[iy] = (Unit)FinalUnit.MemberwiseClone();

                Type uQType = null;

                uQType = QuantityDimension.GetQuantityTypeFrom(ud);

                FinalUnit = new Unit(uQType, chobits);


            throw new UnitNotFoundException(un);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse units with exponent and one division '/' with many '.'
        /// i.e. m/s m/s^2 kg.m/s^2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="units"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Unit Parse(string units)
            //  if found  treat store its value.
            //  m/s^2   m.K/m.s
            //  kg^2/in^2.s

            // sea
            //search for '/'

            string[] uny = units.Split('/');

            string[] numa = uny[0].Split('.');

            List <Unit> dunits = new List <Unit>();

            foreach (string num in numa)

            if (uny.Length > 1)
                string[] dena = uny[1].Split('.');
                foreach (string den in dena)
                    var uu = ParseUnit(den);
                    if (uu.SubUnits != null)
                        //then it is unit with sub units in it
                        if (uu.SubUnits.Count == 1)
                            uu = uu.SubUnits[0];

            if (dunits.Count == 1)

            //get the dimension of all units
            QuantityDimension ud = QuantityDimension.Dimensionless;

            foreach (Unit un in dunits)
                ud += un.UnitDimension;

            Type uQType = null;

            uQType = QuantityDimension.GetQuantityTypeFrom(ud);

            Unit FinalUnit = new Unit(uQType, dunits.ToArray());
