Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Process()
            myQuantPkgs = new List <QuantPackage2>();
            SignalGenerator isotopicSignal = new SignalGenerator();

            foreach (SEProFileInfo sfi in SEProFiles)
                foreach (string file in sfi.MyFilesFullPath)
                    Console.WriteLine("Processing for " + file);
                    ResultPackage rp = ResultPackage.Load(file);

                    List <string> filesInSEPro = (from sqt in rp.MyProteins.AllSQTScans
                                                  select sqt.FileName).Distinct().ToList();

                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);

                    foreach (string msFile in filesInSEPro)
                        QuantPackage2 qp = new QuantPackage2(msFile, fi.Directory.FullName, sfi.ClassLabel);

                        Console.WriteLine("\t" + msFile);
                        List <string> ms1OrRawOrmzMLFiles = fi.Directory.GetFiles("*.ms1").ToList().Concat(fi.Directory.GetFiles("*.RAW")).Concat(fi.Directory.GetFiles("*.mzML")).ToList().Select(a => a.Name).ToList();

                        int fileToRead = ms1OrRawOrmzMLFiles.FindIndex(a => RemoveExtension(a).Equals(RemoveExtension(msFile)));

                        XICGet5 xic = new XICGet5(fi.DirectoryName + "/" + ms1OrRawOrmzMLFiles[fileToRead]);

                        List <SQTScan> scansTMP = rp.MyProteins.AllSQTScans.FindAll(a => a.FileName.Equals(msFile));

                        if (MyClusterParams.OnlyUniquePeptides)
                            int removedForNotUnique = scansTMP.RemoveAll(a => a.IsUnique);
                            Console.WriteLine("Scans removed for not dealing with unique peptides: " + removedForNotUnique);

                        List <SQTLight> scans = scansTMP.Select(a => new SQTLight(a)).ToList();

                        int counter = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < scans.Count; i++)
                            Dictionary <string, List <Quant> > theseQuants = Core35.Quant(xic, scans[i], scans[i].TheoreticalMH, isotopicSignal, scans[i].ScanNumber, MyClusterParams);

                            foreach (var kvp in theseQuants)
                                kvp.Value.RemoveAll(a => a.MyIons.GetLength(1) < MyClusterParams.MinMS1Counts);

                                if (kvp.Value.Count > 0)
                                    if (qp.MyQuants.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                                        qp.MyQuants.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                            Console.Write("\rScans Processed: " + counter + "/" + scans.Count);

                        //Store them
                        Console.WriteLine("\nTotal quants stored so far = " + myQuantPkgs.Sum(a => a.MyQuants.Count));
                        Console.WriteLine("Total files analyzed so far = " + myQuantPkgs.Count);

                        Console.WriteLine("Done procesing :" + msFile);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// We recomend runing this after retaining optimal signal.  This will revisit other MS1s to try and find a XIC to reuce the undersampling problem
        /// </summary>
        public void FillInTheGaps(List <string> peptideWithCharges)
            //We need to know the acceptable comaprisons.
            List <int> groups = MyAssociationItems.Select(a => a.Assosication).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (int group in groups)
                //Get the stuff from this group
                List <AssociationItem> items      = MyAssociationItems.FindAll(a => a.Assosication == group);
                List <string>          seproFiles = items.Select(a => a.Directory + "\\" + a.Directory + ".sepr").ToList();

                //Now get all peptides from  the group
                List <QuantPackage2> relevantQuantPackages = (from qpackg in myQuantPkgs
                                                              where items.Exists(a => qpackg.FullDirPath.Contains(a.Directory) && a.FileName.Equals(qpackg.FileName))
                                                              select qpackg).ToList();

                //Load all MS1s to RAM
                List <XICGet5> myGetters = new List <XICGet5>(items.Count);
                foreach (AssociationItem ai in items)
                    //Find out the full directory
                    string dtmp = @"\" + ai.Directory;

                    List <string> seprof = (from s in SEProFiles
                                            from d in s.MyFilesFullPath
                                            where d.Contains(dtmp + "\\")
                                            select d).ToList();

                    foreach (string s in seprof)
                        FileInfo f = new FileInfo(s);

                        //We need to find out if we are dealing with .ms2, .RAW or .mzML
                        string theExtension = GetExtension(f);

                        string fileName = f.Directory.FullName + @"\" + Regex.Replace(ai.FileName, ".sqt", theExtension);
                        myGetters.Add(new XICGet5(fileName));

                foreach (string peptideWithZ in peptideWithCharges)
                    string[] cols = Regex.Split(peptideWithZ, "::");

                    string peptide = cols[0];
                    int    z       = int.Parse(cols[1]);

                    //Find out which one has the greatest XIC

                    List <QuantPackage2> qpSearch = relevantQuantPackages.FindAll(a => a.MyQuants.ContainsKey(peptide));

                    List <Quant> refQuants = (from qpckg in qpSearch
                                              from quant in qpckg.MyQuants[peptide]
                                              where quant.Z == z && quant.QuantArea > 0
                                              select quant).OrderByDescending(a => a.QuantArea).ToList();

                    if (refQuants.Count == 0)

                    List <IonLight> MyIonsLight = refQuants[0].GetIonsLight();

                    List <string> fileNames = (from qpckg in qpSearch
                                               from quant in qpckg.MyQuants[peptide]
                                               where quant.Z == z && quant.QuantArea > 0
                                               select qpckg.FullDirPath + @"\" + qpckg.FileName).Distinct().ToList();

                    //Find out the tolerance i.e., the XIC above +- the tolerance

                    double lowerBound = MyIonsLight.Min(a => a.RetentionTime) - (double)ChromeAssociationTolerance;
                    double upperBound = MyIonsLight.Max(a => a.RetentionTime) + (double)ChromeAssociationTolerance;

                    //Extract the XICs of this peptide in the not found ones and add them
                    //Find the missing getters
                    List <string> fileGetters = myGetters.Select(a => a.MyFile.FullName).ToList();

                    List <string> fileQuants = new List <string>();

                    string theExtension = null;
                    foreach (string fName in fileNames)
                        theExtension = GetExtension(new FileInfo(fName));
                        fileQuants.Add(Regex.Replace(fName, ".sqt", theExtension));

                    List <string> missing = fileGetters.FindAll(a => !fileQuants.Contains(a)).ToList();

                    List <XICGet5> gettersToUse = myGetters.FindAll(a => missing.Contains(a.MyFile.FullName));

                    foreach (XICGet5 xg in gettersToUse)
                        //The problem is it is getting the reference mass of onw charge when it is supposed to be the other
                        double mz         = refQuants[0].PrecursorMZ;
                        double ppmTol     = MyClusterParams.ClusteringPPM;
                        double minCurrent = MyClusterParams.MinMaxSignal;
                        double minGapForItemsInCluster = MyClusterParams.MinTimeGapFromItemsInCluster;

                        //Find out a good scan number
                        double   maxInt    = MyIonsLight.Max(a => a.Intensity);
                        IonLight maxIntIon = MyIonsLight.Find(a => a.Intensity == maxInt);

                        double Ctolerance = (double)ChromeAssociationTolerance;

                        double[,] cluster = xg.GetXIC3(mz, ppmTol, maxIntIon.RetentionTime);

                        if (cluster != null)
                            string tmpf = xg.MyFile.Name;
                            tmpf = Regex.Replace(tmpf, theExtension, ".sqt");
                            tmpf = Regex.Replace(tmpf, theExtension, ".sqt");
                            QuantPackage2 qp = myQuantPkgs.Find(a => a.FullDirPath.Equals(xg.MyFile.Directory.FullName) && a.FileName.Equals(tmpf));

                            Quant q = new Quants.Quant(cluster, -1, z, mz);

                            if (qp.MyQuants.ContainsKey(peptide))
                                qp.MyQuants.Add(peptide, new List <Quant>()