Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Check_if_Opportunity_was_created_after_sending_request()
            var context = new XrmFakedContext();

            context.ProxyTypesAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var service = context.GetFakedOrganizationService();

            var lead = new Lead()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid()

            context.Initialize(new[] { lead });

            var request = new QualifyLeadRequest()
                CreateAccount     = false,
                CreateContact     = false,
                CreateOpportunity = true,
                LeadId            = lead.ToEntityReference(),
                Status            = new OptionSetValue((int)LeadState.Qualified)


            var opportunity = (from opp in context.CreateQuery <Opportunity>()
                               where opp.OriginatingLeadId.Id == lead.Id
                               select opp).First();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Status_of_qualified_Lead_should_be_qualified()
            var context = new XrmFakedContext();
            var service = context.GetOrganizationService();

            var lead = new Lead()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid()

            context.Initialize(new List <Entity>()

            var request = new QualifyLeadRequest()
                CreateAccount     = false,
                CreateContact     = false,
                CreateOpportunity = false,
                LeadId            = lead.ToEntityReference(),
                Status            = new OptionSetValue((int)LeadState.Qualified)


            var qualifiedLead = (from l in context.CreateQuery <Lead>()
                                 where l.Id == lead.Id
                                 select l).Single();

            Assert.Equal((int)LeadState.Qualified, qualifiedLead.StatusCode.Value);
        public QualifyLeadResponse QualifyLead(EntityReference entityReference, bool createAccount, bool createContact, bool createOpportunity,
                                               EntityReference opportunityCurrencyId, EntityReference opportunityCustomerId)
            var portal  = PortalCrmConfigurationManager.CreatePortalContext();
            var context = portal.ServiceContext;

            if (opportunityCurrencyId == null)
                var currency =
                        c => c.GetAttributeValue <string>("currencyname") == "US Dollar") ??

                if (currency != null)
                    opportunityCurrencyId = currency.ToEntityReference();

            //start with the case of creating contact, account, AND opportunity
            var qualifyLeadReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount         = true,
                CreateContact         = true,
                CreateOpportunity     = true,
                LeadId                = entityReference,
                OpportunityCurrencyId = opportunityCurrencyId,
                Status                = new OptionSetValue((int)LeadStatusCode.Qualified)

            var qualifyLeadResponse = (QualifyLeadResponse)context.Execute(qualifyLeadReq);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <List <Entity> > QualifyLeadAsync(QualifyLeadRequest action)
            string  fullUrl = $"{ApiUrl}/leads({action.LeadId:P})/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.QualifyLead";
            JObject jObject = action.GetRequestObject();

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("POST"), fullUrl)
                Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jObject), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

            HttpResponseMessage response = await Authorization.GetHttpClient().SendAsync(request);

            string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var           data     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(responseContent);
            List <Entity> entities = QualifyLeadResponseFormatter.GetCreatedEntities(data);

            foreach (Entity entity in entities)
                EntityDefinition entityDefinition = WebApiMetadata.GetEntityDefinition(entity.LogicalName);
                string           primaryKey       = entityDefinition?.PrimaryIdAttribute;
                if (entity.Contains(primaryKey))
                    entity.Id = Guid.Parse(entity.GetAttributeValue <string>(primaryKey));

Exemplo n.º 5
        public override EntityReferenceCollection Execute()
            EntityReference aliasRef = _crmContext.RecordCache[_alias];
            var             lead     = new Lead(GlobalTestingContext.ConnectionManager.CurrentConnection.Retrieve(aliasRef, new ColumnSet(Lead.Fields.TransactionCurrencyId, Lead.Fields.CustomerId, Lead.Fields.CampaignId)));

            Logger.WriteLine($"Qualifying Lead {lead.Id}");
            QualifyLeadRequest req = lead.CreateQualifyLeadRequest(_createAccount, _createContact, _createOpportunity);

            return(GlobalTestingContext.ConnectionManager.CurrentConnection.Execute <QualifyLeadResponse>(req).CreatedEntities);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
            #region "Load CRM Service from context"

            Common objCommon = new Common(executionContext);
            objCommon.tracingService.Trace("Load CRM Service from context --- OK");

            #region "Read Parameters"
            EntityReference lead = this.Lead.Get(executionContext);
            if (lead == null)

            bool            createAccount     = this.CreateAccount.Get(executionContext);
            bool            createContact     = this.CreateContact.Get(executionContext);
            bool            createOpportunity = this.CreateOpportunity.Get(executionContext);
            EntityReference existingAccount   = this.ExistingAccount.Get(executionContext);
            int             leadStatus        = this.LeadStatus.Get(executionContext);

            objCommon.tracingService.Trace("LeadID=" + lead.Id);

            #region "QualifyLead Execution"
            var query = new QueryExpression("organization");
            query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("basecurrencyid");
            var result     = objCommon.service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
            var currencyId = (EntityReference)result.Entities[0]["basecurrencyid"];

            var qualifyIntoOpportunityReq = new QualifyLeadRequest();

            qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.CreateOpportunity     = createOpportunity;
            qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.CreateAccount         = createAccount;
            qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.CreateContact         = createContact;
            qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.OpportunityCurrencyId = currencyId;
            if (existingAccount != null)
                qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.OpportunityCustomerId = new EntityReference(
                    "account", existingAccount.Id);
            qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.Status = new OptionSetValue(leadStatus);
            qualifyIntoOpportunityReq.LeadId = new EntityReference("lead", lead.Id);

            var qualifyIntoOpportunityRes =
            Console.WriteLine("  Executed OK.");

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// <c>Qualify</c> a <c>Lead</c> and create an account, contact, or opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead.
        /// <para>
        /// For more information look at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.crm.sdk.messages.qualifyleadrequest(v=crm.8).aspx
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"><c>Lead</c> Id</param>
        /// <param name="qualifyTo">Lead qualified to entity type</param>
        /// <param name="existingRecordType">Existing record entity type</param>
        /// <param name="existingRecordId">If you qualify with existing record (account or contact) set record Id</param>
        /// <param name="currencyId">
        /// If you want create an <c>Opportunity</c> set <c>TransactionCurrency Id</c>, otherwise leave NULL.
        /// <para>
        /// If you want create an <c>Opportunity</c> and do not know / sure <c>TransactionCurrency Id</c> leave NULL, this method will find <c>TransactionCurrency Id</c>
        /// </para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="campaignId"></param>
        /// <param name="status"><see cref="LeadQualifiedStatusCode"/> status code</param>
        /// <param name="customStatusCode">If you're using your custom statuscodes set this, otherwise you can set "0 (zero)" or null</param>
        /// <returns>Resturns created entities after qualification in <see cref="QualifyLeadResponse.CreatedEntities"/> property.</returns>
        public QualifyLeadResponse Qualify(Guid id, QualifyLeadTo qualifyTo, ExistingEntityType?existingRecordType, Guid?existingRecordId, Guid?currencyId, Guid?campaignId, LeadQualifiedStatusCode status = LeadQualifiedStatusCode.Qualified, int customStatusCode = 0)
            ExceptionThrow.IfGuidEmpty(id, "id");
            ExceptionThrow.IfNegative((int)qualifyTo, "qualifyTo");

            int statusCode = (int)status;

            if (status == LeadQualifiedStatusCode.CustomStatusCode)
                ExceptionThrow.IfNegative(customStatusCode, "customStatusCode");
                statusCode = customStatusCode;

            bool isAccount     = (qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.Account) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.AccountAndContact) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithAccountAndContact)) && !qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.None);
            bool isContact     = (qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.Contact) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.AccountAndContact) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithContact) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithAccountAndContact)) && !qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.None);
            bool isOpportunity = (qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithContact) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithAccountAndContact) || qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithExistingRecord)) && !qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.None);

            QualifyLeadRequest request = new QualifyLeadRequest()
                LeadId            = new EntityReference(this.EntityName.ToLower(), id),
                CreateAccount     = isAccount,
                CreateContact     = isContact,
                CreateOpportunity = isOpportunity,
                Status            = new OptionSetValue(statusCode)

            if (campaignId.HasValue)
                ExceptionThrow.IfGuid(campaignId.Value, "campaignId");

                request.SourceCampaignId = new EntityReference("campaign", campaignId.Value);

            if (isOpportunity)
                var currencyEntityReference = currencyId.HasValue && !currencyId.Value.IsGuidEmpty() ? new EntityReference("transactioncurrency", currencyId.Value) : GetTransactionCurrency("lead", id);

                ExceptionThrow.IfNull(currencyEntityReference, "OpportunityCurrency");
                ExceptionThrow.IfGuidEmpty(currencyEntityReference.Id, "OpportunityCurrency.Id");

                request.OpportunityCurrencyId = currencyEntityReference;

                if (qualifyTo.HasFlag(QualifyLeadTo.OpportunityWithExistingRecord))
                    ExceptionThrow.IfNull(existingRecordType, "existingRecordType");
                    ExceptionThrow.IfGuidEmpty(existingRecordId.Value, "existingRecordId");

                    request.OpportunityCustomerId = new EntityReference(existingRecordType.Description(), existingRecordId.Value);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public QualifyLeadRequest CreateQualifyLeadRequest(bool createAccount, bool createContact, bool createOpportunity)
            var req = new QualifyLeadRequest()
                CreateAccount         = createAccount,
                CreateContact         = createContact,
                CreateOpportunity     = createOpportunity,
                LeadId                = _lead.ToEntityReference(),
                OpportunityCurrencyId = Currency,
                OpportunityCustomerId = Customer,
                SourceCampaignId      = Campaign,
                Status                = new OptionSetValue((int)Lead_StatusCode.Qualified)

            req.Parameters.Add("SuppressDuplicateDetection", true);
        public void PerformTestSetup()
            MessageName = "QualifyLead";

            var accountEntity  = EntityFactory.CreateAccount();
            var campaignEntity = EntityFactory.CreateCampaign();
            var leadEntity     = EntityFactory.CreateLead();

            QualifyLeadRequest = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount         = true,
                CreateContact         = true,
                CreateOpportunity     = true,
                LeadId                = leadEntity.ToEntityReference(),
                OpportunityCurrencyId = CrmReader.GetCurrencyId(),
                OpportunityCustomerId = accountEntity.ToEntityReference(),
                SourceCampaignId      = campaignEntity.ToEntityReference(),
                Status                = new OptionSetValue(3)
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void ExecuteWorkflowLogic()
            var qualifyLeadRequest = new QualifyLeadRequest()
                CreateAccount         = IsCreateAccont.Get(Context.ExecutionContext),
                CreateContact         = IsCreateContact.Get(Context.ExecutionContext),
                CreateOpportunity     = IsCreateOpportunity.Get(Context.ExecutionContext),
                LeadId                = Lead.Get(Context.ExecutionContext),
                Status                = LeadStatus.Get(Context.ExecutionContext),
                OpportunityCurrencyId = Currency.Get(Context.ExecutionContext)

            if (OpportunityCustomerAccount.Get(Context.ExecutionContext) != null)
                qualifyLeadRequest.OpportunityCustomerId = OpportunityCustomerAccount.Get(Context.ExecutionContext);
            else if (OpportunityCustomerContact.Get(Context.ExecutionContext) != null)
                qualifyLeadRequest.OpportunityCustomerId = OpportunityCustomerContact.Get(Context.ExecutionContext);

            var qualifyLeadResponse = (QualifyLeadResponse)Context.UserService.Execute(qualifyLeadRequest);

            foreach (var createdEntity in qualifyLeadResponse.CreatedEntities)
                switch (createdEntity.LogicalName)
                case "account":
                    Account.Set(Context.ExecutionContext, createdEntity);

                case "contact":
                    Contact.Set(Context.ExecutionContext, createdEntity);

                case "opportunity":
                    Opportunity.Set(Context.ExecutionContext, createdEntity);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig,
            bool promptforDelete)
            using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
                // This statement is required to enable early bound type support.

                Console.WriteLine("=== Creating and Qualifying Leads ===");

                // Create two leads.
                var lead1 = new Lead
                    CompanyName = "A. Datum Corporation",
                    FirstName = "Henriette",
                    LastName = "Andersen",
                    Subject = "Sample Lead 1"

                _lead1Id = _serviceProxy.Create(lead1);
                NotifyEntityCreated(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1Id);

                var lead2 = new Lead
                    CompanyName = "Adventure Works",
                    FirstName = "Michael",
                    LastName = "Sullivan",
                    Subject = "Sample Lead 2"

                _lead2Id = _serviceProxy.Create(lead2);
                NotifyEntityCreated(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id);

                // Qualify the first lead, creating an account and a contact from it, but
                // not creating an opportunity.
                var qualifyIntoAccountContactReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                    CreateAccount = true,
                    CreateContact = true,
                    LeadId = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1Id),
                    Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

                var qualifyIntoAccountContactRes = 
                Console.WriteLine("  The first lead was qualified.");
                foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoAccountContactRes.CreatedEntities)
                    NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                    if (entity.LogicalName == Account.EntityLogicalName)
                        _leadAccountId = entity.Id;
                    else if (entity.LogicalName == Contact.EntityLogicalName)
                        _contactId = entity.Id;

                // Retrieve the organization's base currency ID for setting the
                // transaction currency of the opportunity.
                var query = new QueryExpression("organization");
		        query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("basecurrencyid");
		        var result = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(query);
		        var currencyId = (EntityReference)result.Entities[0]["basecurrencyid"];

                // Qualify the second lead, creating an opportunity from it, and not
                // creating an account or a contact.  We use an existing account for the
                // opportunity customer instead.
                var qualifyIntoOpportunityReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                    CreateOpportunity = true,
                    OpportunityCurrencyId = currencyId,
                    OpportunityCustomerId = new EntityReference(
                    Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified),
                    LeadId = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id)

                var qualifyIntoOpportunityRes =
                Console.WriteLine("  The second lead was qualified.");

                foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoOpportunityRes.CreatedEntities)
                    NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                    if (entity.LogicalName == Opportunity.EntityLogicalName)
                        _opportunityId = entity.Id;

Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override void Execute(PluginContext context)
            context.TracingService.Trace("enter qualifylead 1.0.0 version");

            string leadId    = context.GetInputParameter <string>("leadid");
            string contactId = context.GetInputParameter <string>("contactid");
            string userId    = context.GetInputParameter <string>("userid");

            context.TracingService.Trace("qualifylead leadId='{0}',contactId='{1}',userId='{2}'", leadId, contactId, userId);

            Lead lead         = GetLead(new Guid(leadId), context.OrganizationService);
            bool needToUpdate = false;

            Lead proxyLead = new Lead
                Id = lead.Id

            context.TracingService.Trace("get lead data");

            if (lead.ParentContact == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactId))
                context.TracingService.Trace("set new contact data");
                Contact contact = new Contact
                    FirstName                       = lead.FirstName
                    , LastName                      = lead.LastName
                    , MiddleName                    = lead.MiddleName
                    , MobilePhone                   = lead.MobilePhone
                    , EmailAddress1                 = lead.EmailAddress1
                    , CustomerType                  = lead.CustomerType ?? Contact.CustomerTypeEnum.Individual
                    , GenderCode                    = lead.GenderCode ?? Contact.GenderEnum.Unknown
                    , Store                         = lead.Store
                    , CommunicationConsent          = lead.CommunicationConsent
                    , PersonalDataProcessingConsent = lead.PersonalDataProcessingConsent

                context.TracingService.Trace("create new contact");
                contact.Id              = context.OrganizationService.Create(contact);
                lead.ParentContact      = contact.ToEntityReference();
                proxyLead.ParentContact = contact.ToEntityReference();
                needToUpdate            = true;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactId))
                    if (lead.Contact == null)
                        context.TracingService.Trace("set contact data");
                        proxyLead.ParentContact = new EntityReference(Contact.EntityLogicalName, new Guid(contactId));
                        lead.ParentContact      = new EntityReference(Contact.EntityLogicalName, new Guid(contactId));
                        needToUpdate            = true;

            if (needToUpdate)
                context.TracingService.Trace("update contact on lead");

            QualifyLeadRequest qualifyLeadRequest = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount         = false,
                CreateContact         = false,
                CreateOpportunity     = true,
                LeadId                = lead.ToEntityReference(),
                OpportunityCustomerId = lead.ParentContact,
                Status                = new OptionSetValue((int)Lead.LeadStatusCode.Qualified)

            context.TracingService.Trace("call request");
            QualifyLeadResponse qualifyLeadResponse = (QualifyLeadResponse)context.OrganizationService.Execute(qualifyLeadRequest);

            context.TracingService.Trace("get response");

            context.TracingService.Trace("get response {0} items", qualifyLeadResponse.CreatedEntities.Count());

            foreach (var data in qualifyLeadResponse.CreatedEntities)

                if (data.LogicalName == Opportunity.EntityLogicalName)
                    context.TracingService.Trace("set outputparameter opportunityid {0}", data.Id);
                    context.SetOutputParameter("opportunityid", data.Id.ToString());
                    context.SetOutputParameter("Error", string.Empty);

                    Team team = GetTeam(new Guid(userId), context.OrganizationService, context.TracingService);

                    EntityReference projectTypeId = null;
                    if (team != null)
                        context.TracingService.Trace("team '{0}', {1}", team.Name, team.Id);
                        projectTypeId = team.ProjectTypeId ?? null;

                        if (projectTypeId != null)
                            context.TracingService.Trace("project '{0}'", projectTypeId.Name);

                    Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity
                        Id            = data.Id
                        , Description = lead.Comment
                        , Store       = lead.Store ?? null
                        , ProjectType = projectTypeId ?? null
                    context.TracingService.Trace("update opportunity");
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void PostToRecordWalls()
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n== Working with Record Walls ==");
            // Create the leads.

            // Follow each of the leads.
            _follow1 = new PostFollow
                RegardingObjectId = _lead1.ToEntityReference()

            _follow2 = new PostFollow
                RegardingObjectId = _lead2.ToEntityReference()

            _follow3 = new PostFollow
                RegardingObjectId = _lead3.ToEntityReference()

            Console.WriteLine("  The 3 leads are now followed.");

            // Create posts, mentions, and comments related to the leads.
            // Create a post related to lead 1 with a mention and a comment.
            _leadPost1 = new Post
                RegardingObjectId = _lead1.ToEntityReference(),
                Source            = new OptionSetValue((int)PostSource.AutoPost),
                // Include a mention in the post text.
                Text = String.Format("This lead is similar to @[{0},{1},\"{2}\"]",
                                     Lead.EntityTypeCode, _lead2.Id, _lead2.FullName)

            Console.WriteLine("  Post 1 has been created.");

            // It isn't necessary to keep track of the comment because the comment will
            // be deleted when its parent post is deleted.
            var comment1 = new PostComment
                PostId = _leadPost1.ToEntityReference(),
                Text   = "Sample comment 1"

            Console.WriteLine("  Comment 1 has been created.");

            // Create a post related to lead 2 with three comments.
            var post2 = new Post
                RegardingObjectId = _lead2.ToEntityReference(),
                Source            = new OptionSetValue((int)PostSource.ManualPost),
                Text = "This lead was created for a sample."

            Console.WriteLine("  Post 2 has been created.");

            var comment2 = new PostComment
                PostId = post2.ToEntityReference(),
                Text   = "Sample comment 2"

            var comment3 = new PostComment
                PostId = post2.ToEntityReference(),
                Text   = "Sample comment 3"

            var comment4 = new PostComment
                PostId = post2.ToEntityReference(),
                Text   = "Sample comment 4"

            Console.WriteLine("  Comments 2, 3, and 4 have been created.");

            // Qualify some leads.  Since there is an active post rule config for
            // qualification of a lead, this should generate an auto post to the record
            // wall of each lead that is qualified.

            // Qualify lead 2.
            var qualifyLead2Request = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount = true,
                LeadId        = _lead2.ToEntityReference(),
                Status        = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

            var qualifyLead2Response = (QualifyLeadResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

            // Store the generated Account to delete it later.
            foreach (var entityRef in qualifyLead2Response.CreatedEntities)

            Console.WriteLine("  Lead 2 was qualified.");

            // Qualify lead 3.
            var qualifyLead3Request = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount = true,
                LeadId        = _lead3.ToEntityReference(),
                Status        = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

            var qualifyLead3Response = (QualifyLeadResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

            foreach (var entityRef in qualifyLead3Response.CreatedEntities)

            Console.WriteLine("  Lead 3 was qualified.");
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void PostToRecordWalls()
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n== Working with Record Walls ==");
            // Create the leads.

            // Follow each of the leads.
            _follow1 = new PostFollow
                RegardingObjectId = _lead1.ToEntityReference()

            _follow2 = new PostFollow
                RegardingObjectId = _lead2.ToEntityReference()

            _follow3 = new PostFollow
                RegardingObjectId = _lead3.ToEntityReference()

            Console.WriteLine("  The 3 leads are now followed.");

            // Create posts, mentions, and comments related to the leads.
            // Create a post related to lead 1 with a mention and a comment.
            _leadPost1 = new Post
                RegardingObjectId = _lead1.ToEntityReference(),
                Source = new OptionSetValue((int)PostSource.AutoPost),
                // Include a mention in the post text.
                Text = String.Format("This lead is similar to @[{0},{1},\"{2}\"]",
                    Lead.EntityTypeCode, _lead2.Id, _lead2.FullName)

            Console.WriteLine("  Post 1 has been created.");

            // It isn't necessary to keep track of the comment because the comment will
            // be deleted when its parent post is deleted.
            var comment1 = new PostComment
                PostId = _leadPost1.ToEntityReference(),
                Text = "Sample comment 1"
            Console.WriteLine("  Comment 1 has been created.");

            // Create a post related to lead 2 with three comments.
            var post2 = new Post
                RegardingObjectId = _lead2.ToEntityReference(),
                Source = new OptionSetValue((int)PostSource.ManualPost),
                Text = "This lead was created for a sample."

            Console.WriteLine("  Post 2 has been created.");

            var comment2 = new PostComment
                PostId = post2.ToEntityReference(),
                Text = "Sample comment 2"

            var comment3 = new PostComment
                PostId = post2.ToEntityReference(),
                Text = "Sample comment 3"

            var comment4 = new PostComment
                PostId = post2.ToEntityReference(),
                Text = "Sample comment 4"

            Console.WriteLine("  Comments 2, 3, and 4 have been created.");

            // Qualify some leads.  Since there is an active post rule config for
            // qualification of a lead, this should generate an auto post to the record
            // wall of each lead that is qualified.

            // Qualify lead 2.
            var qualifyLead2Request = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount = true,
                LeadId = _lead2.ToEntityReference(),
                Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

            var qualifyLead2Response = (QualifyLeadResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

            // Store the generated Account to delete it later.
            foreach (var entityRef in qualifyLead2Response.CreatedEntities)

            Console.WriteLine("  Lead 2 was qualified.");

            // Qualify lead 3.
            var qualifyLead3Request = new QualifyLeadRequest
                CreateAccount = true,
                LeadId = _lead3.ToEntityReference(),
                Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

            var qualifyLead3Response = (QualifyLeadResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

            foreach (var entityRef in qualifyLead3Response.CreatedEntities)

            Console.WriteLine("  Lead 3 was qualified.");
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
        /// <param name="promptForDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
        /// created entities.</param>
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptForDelete)
                // Connect to the Organization service.
                // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
                using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri, serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
                    // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.

                    // Creates required records for this sample.

                    // Qualify a lead to create an opportunity
                    QualifyLeadRequest qualifyRequest = new QualifyLeadRequest
                        LeadId            = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _leadId),
                        Status            = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified),
                        CreateOpportunity = true
                    QualifyLeadResponse qualifyResponse = (QualifyLeadResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(qualifyRequest);
                    _opportunityId = qualifyResponse.CreatedEntities[0].Id;
                    if (_opportunityId != Guid.Empty)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nQualified Lead to create an Opportunity record.");

                    // Verify the curently active BPF instance for the qualified Opportunity record
                    RetrieveProcessInstancesRequest procOpp1Req = new RetrieveProcessInstancesRequest
                        EntityId          = _opportunityId,
                        EntityLogicalName = Opportunity.EntityLogicalName
                    RetrieveProcessInstancesResponse procOpp1Resp = (RetrieveProcessInstancesResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(procOpp1Req);

                    // Declare variables to store values returned in response
                    Entity activeProcessInstance = null;

                    if (procOpp1Resp.Processes.Entities.Count > 0)
                        activeProcessInstance = procOpp1Resp.Processes.Entities[0]; // First record is the active process instance
                        _processOpp1Id        = activeProcessInstance.Id;           // Id of the active process instance, which will be used
                                                                                    // later to retrieve the active path of the process instance

                        Console.WriteLine("Current active process instance for the Opportunity record: '{0}'", activeProcessInstance["name"].ToString());
                        _procInstanceLogicalName = activeProcessInstance["name"].ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower();
                        Console.WriteLine("No process instances found for the opportunity record; aborting the sample.");

                    // Retrieve the active stage ID of the active process instance
                    _activeStageId = new Guid(activeProcessInstance.Attributes["processstageid"].ToString());

                    // Retrieve the process stages in the active path of the current process instance
                    RetrieveActivePathRequest pathReq = new RetrieveActivePathRequest
                        ProcessInstanceId = _processOpp1Id
                    RetrieveActivePathResponse pathResp = (RetrieveActivePathResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(pathReq);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieved stages in the active path of the process instance:");
                    for (int i = 0; i < pathResp.ProcessStages.Entities.Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("\tStage {0}: {1} (StageId: {2})", i + 1,
                                          pathResp.ProcessStages.Entities[i].Attributes["stagename"], pathResp.ProcessStages.Entities[i].Attributes["processstageid"]);

                        // Retrieve the active stage name and active stage position based on the activeStageId for the process instance
                        if (pathResp.ProcessStages.Entities[i].Attributes["processstageid"].ToString() == _activeStageId.ToString())
                            _activeStageName     = pathResp.ProcessStages.Entities[i].Attributes["stagename"].ToString();
                            _activeStagePosition = i;

                    // Display the active stage name and Id
                    Console.WriteLine("\nActive stage for the process instance: '{0}' (StageID: {1})", _activeStageName, _activeStageId);

                    // Prompt the user to move to the next stage. If user choses to do so:
                    // Set the next stage (_activeStagePosition + 1) as the active stage for the process instance
                    bool moveToNextStage = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to move to the next stage (y/n):");
                    String answer = Console.ReadLine();
                    moveToNextStage = (answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("Y"));
                    if (moveToNextStage)
                        // Retrieve the stage ID of the next stage that you want to set as active
                        _activeStageId = (Guid)pathResp.ProcessStages.Entities[_activeStagePosition + 1].Attributes["processstageid"];

                        // Retrieve the process instance record to update its active stage
                        ColumnSet cols1 = new ColumnSet();
                        Entity retrievedProcessInstance = _serviceProxy.Retrieve(_procInstanceLogicalName, _processOpp1Id, cols1);

                        // Update the active stage to the next stage
                        retrievedProcessInstance["activestageid"] = new EntityReference(ProcessStage.EntityLogicalName, _activeStageId);

                        // Retrieve the process instance record again to verify its active stage information
                        ColumnSet cols2 = new ColumnSet();
                        Entity retrievedProcessInstance1 = _serviceProxy.Retrieve(_procInstanceLogicalName, _processOpp1Id, cols2);

                        EntityReference activeStageInfo = retrievedProcessInstance1["activestageid"] as EntityReference;
                        if (activeStageInfo.Id == _activeStageId)
                            Console.WriteLine("\nChanged active stage for the process instance to: '{0}' (StageID: {1})",
                                              activeStageInfo.Name, activeStageInfo.Id);

                    // Prompts to delete the required records

            // Catch any service fault exceptions that Microsoft Dynamics 365 throws.
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> )
                // You can handle an exception here or pass it back to the calling method.
Exemplo n.º 16
        [STAThread] // Required to support the interactive login experience
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CrmServiceClient service = null;

                service = SampleHelpers.Connect("Connect");
                if (service.IsReady)
                    // Create any entity records that the demonstration code requires

                    #region Demonstrate
                    /// <summary>
                    /// Function to set up the sample.
                    /// </summary>
                    /// <param name="service">Specifies the service to connect to.</param>
                    Console.WriteLine("=== Creating and Qualifying Leads ===");

                    // Create two leads.
                    var lead1 = new Lead
                        CompanyName = "A. Datum Corporation",
                        FirstName   = "Henriette",
                        LastName    = "Andersen",
                        Subject     = "Sample Lead 1"

                    _lead1Id = service.Create(lead1);
                    NotifyEntityCreated(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1Id);

                    var lead2 = new Lead
                        CompanyName = "Adventure Works",
                        FirstName   = "Michael",
                        LastName    = "Sullivan",
                        Subject     = "Sample Lead 2"

                    _lead2Id = service.Create(lead2);
                    NotifyEntityCreated(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id);

                    // Qualify the first lead, creating an account and a contact from it, but
                    // not creating an opportunity.
                    var qualifyIntoAccountContactReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                        CreateAccount = true,
                        CreateContact = true,
                        LeadId        = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1Id),
                        Status        = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

                    var qualifyIntoAccountContactRes =
                    Console.WriteLine("  The first lead was qualified.");
                    foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoAccountContactRes.CreatedEntities)
                        NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                        if (entity.LogicalName == Account.EntityLogicalName)
                            _leadAccountId = entity.Id;
                        else if (entity.LogicalName == Contact.EntityLogicalName)
                            _contactId = entity.Id;

                    // Retrieve the organization's base currency ID for setting the
                    // transaction currency of the opportunity.
                    var query = new QueryExpression("organization");
                    query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("basecurrencyid");
                    var result     = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
                    var currencyId = (EntityReference)result.Entities[0]["basecurrencyid"];

                    // Qualify the second lead, creating an opportunity from it, and not
                    // creating an account or a contact.  We use an existing account for the
                    // opportunity customer instead.
                    var qualifyIntoOpportunityReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                        CreateOpportunity     = true,
                        OpportunityCurrencyId = currencyId,
                        OpportunityCustomerId = new EntityReference(
                        Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified),
                        LeadId = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id)

                    var qualifyIntoOpportunityRes =
                    Console.WriteLine("  The second lead was qualified.");

                    foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoOpportunityRes.CreatedEntities)
                        NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                        if (entity.LogicalName == Opportunity.EntityLogicalName)
                            _opportunityId = entity.Id;

                    DeleteRequiredRecords(service, prompt);
                    const string UNABLE_TO_LOGIN_ERROR = "Unable to Login to Common Data Service";
                    if (service.LastCrmError.Equals(UNABLE_TO_LOGIN_ERROR))
                        Console.WriteLine("Check the connection string values in cds/App.config.");
                        throw new Exception(service.LastCrmError);
                        throw service.LastCrmException;
            catch (Exception ex)

                if (service != null)

                Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit.");
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void QualifyLead(QualifyLeadRequest action)
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig,
                        bool promptforDelete)
            using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri, serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
                // This statement is required to enable early bound type support.

                Console.WriteLine("=== Creating and Qualifying Leads ===");

                // Create two leads.
                var lead1 = new Lead
                    CompanyName = "A. Datum Corporation",
                    FirstName   = "Henriette",
                    LastName    = "Andersen",
                    Subject     = "Sample Lead 1"

                _lead1Id = _serviceProxy.Create(lead1);
                NotifyEntityCreated(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1Id);

                var lead2 = new Lead
                    CompanyName = "Adventure Works",
                    FirstName   = "Michael",
                    LastName    = "Sullivan",
                    Subject     = "Sample Lead 2"

                _lead2Id = _serviceProxy.Create(lead2);
                NotifyEntityCreated(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id);

                // Qualify the first lead, creating an account and a contact from it, but
                // not creating an opportunity.
                var qualifyIntoAccountContactReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                    CreateAccount = true,
                    CreateContact = true,
                    LeadId        = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead1Id),
                    Status        = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified)

                var qualifyIntoAccountContactRes =
                Console.WriteLine("  The first lead was qualified.");
                foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoAccountContactRes.CreatedEntities)
                    NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                    if (entity.LogicalName == Account.EntityLogicalName)
                        _leadAccountId = entity.Id;
                    else if (entity.LogicalName == Contact.EntityLogicalName)
                        _contactId = entity.Id;

                // Retrieve the organization's base currency ID for setting the
                // transaction currency of the opportunity.
                var query = new QueryExpression("organization");
                query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("basecurrencyid");
                var result     = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(query);
                var currencyId = (EntityReference)result.Entities[0]["basecurrencyid"];

                // Qualify the second lead, creating an opportunity from it, and not
                // creating an account or a contact.  We use an existing account for the
                // opportunity customer instead.
                var qualifyIntoOpportunityReq = new QualifyLeadRequest
                    CreateOpportunity     = true,
                    OpportunityCurrencyId = currencyId,
                    OpportunityCustomerId = new EntityReference(
                    Status = new OptionSetValue((int)lead_statuscode.Qualified),
                    LeadId = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, _lead2Id)

                var qualifyIntoOpportunityRes =
                Console.WriteLine("  The second lead was qualified.");

                foreach (var entity in qualifyIntoOpportunityRes.CreatedEntities)
                    NotifyEntityCreated(entity.LogicalName, entity.Id);
                    if (entity.LogicalName == Opportunity.EntityLogicalName)
                        _opportunityId = entity.Id;
