Exemplo n.º 1
        public DynamicTopic DynamicTopicFor(string topic)
            if (_topics == null)
                _topics = new Hashtable();
            DynamicTopic answer = (DynamicTopic)(_topics[topic]);
            if (answer != null)
                return answer;

            TopicName topicName = new TopicName(topic);
            QualifiedTopicNameCollection alternatives = new QualifiedTopicNameCollection();
            if (topicName.IsQualified)
                alternatives.Add(new QualifiedTopicName(topicName.LocalName, topicName.Namespace));
                alternatives.Add(new QualifiedTopicName(topicName.LocalName, Namespace));
                NamespaceManager manager = CurrentFederation.NamespaceManagerForNamespace(Namespace);
                alternatives.AddRange(manager.AllPossibleQualifiedTopicNames(new UnqualifiedTopicName(topicName.LocalName)));

            foreach (QualifiedTopicName tn in alternatives)
                NamespaceManager namespaceManager = CurrentFederation.NamespaceManagerForTopic(tn);
                if (!namespaceManager.TopicExists(tn.LocalName, ImportPolicy.DoNotIncludeImports))
                answer = new DynamicTopic(CurrentFederation, new QualifiedTopicRevision(tn));
                _topics[topic] = answer;
                return answer;
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string LinkWikiNames(string input)
            StringBuilder answer = new StringBuilder();

            string str = input;
            ArrayList processed = new ArrayList();
            while (str.Length > 0)
                Match m = extractWikiLinks.Match(str);
                if (!m.Success)
                string each = m.Groups["topic"].ToString();
                string before = m.Groups["before"].ToString();
                string after = m.Groups["after"].ToString();
                string relabel = m.Groups["relabel"].ToString();
                string anchor = m.Groups["anchor"].ToString();

                TopicName relName = new TopicName(TopicParser.StripTopicNameEscapes(each));

                // Ignore apparent links to non-existent namespaces.
                if ((null == relName.Namespace) || (null != Federation.NamespaceManagerForNamespace(relName.Namespace)))
                    // Build a list of all the possible qualified names for this topic
                    QualifiedTopicNameCollection qualifiedNames = new QualifiedTopicNameCollection();
                    // Start with the singulars in the various reachable namespaces, then add the plurals
                    qualifiedNames.AddRange(Federation.AllQualifiedTopicNamesThatExist(relName, NamespaceManager.Namespace, AlternatesPolicy.IncludeAlternates));

                    // Now see if we got any hits or not
                    string rep = beforeOrRelabel + "(" + RegexEscapeTopic(each) + ")" + s_afterWikiName;
                    TopicRevision appearedAs = new TopicRevision(each);  // in case it was a plural form, be sure to show it as it appeared
                    string displayname = TopicParser.StripTopicNameEscapes((NamespaceManager.DisplaySpacesInWikiLinks ? appearedAs.FormattedName : appearedAs.LocalName));
                    if (relabel.Length > 0)
                        displayname = relabel;

                    if (qualifiedNames.Count == 0)
                        if (!IsUnbracketedOneWordName(each))
                            // It doesn't exist, so give the option to create it
                            TopicName abs = relName.ResolveRelativeTo(NamespaceManager.Namespace);
                            //XHTML bug when str is enclosed in an wrapping anchor - property with undefined WikiTopic
                            str = ReplaceMatch(answer, str, m, before + "<a title=\"Click here to create this topic\" class=\"create\" href=\"" + LinkMaker().LinkToEditTopic(abs) + "\">" + displayname + "</a>" + after);
                            str = ReplaceMatch(answer, str, m, m.Value);
                        // We got hits, let's add links

                        if (qualifiedNames.Count == 1)
                            // The simple case is that there's only one link to point to, so we output just a normal link
                            TopicName abs = qualifiedNames[0];
                            string tip = TipForTopic(abs);
                            string tipid = null;
                            string tipHTML = null;
                            bool defaultTip = tip == null;
                            if (defaultTip)
                                tip = "Click to read this topic";
                            tipid = NewUniqueIdentifier();
                            tipHTML = Formatter.EscapeHTML(tip);
                            if (defaultTip)
                                tipHTML = "<span class=\"DefaultTopicTipText\">" + tipHTML + "</span>";
                            // No point in trying to show author and modification time if we don't have
                            // read permission on the link target: it'll just throw an exception if we
                            // try to get them.
                            if (Federation.HasPermission(new QualifiedTopicRevision(abs.DottedName), TopicPermission.Read))
                                tipHTML += "<div class=\"TopicTipStats\">" + Federation.GetTopicLastModificationTime(abs).ToString();
                                string lastAuthor = Federation.GetTopicLastModifiedBy(abs);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastAuthor))
                                    lastAuthor = "author unknown";
                                tipHTML += " - " + lastAuthor + "</div>";
                            tipHTML = "<div id=\"" + tipid + "\" style=\"display: none\">" + tipHTML + "</div>";
                            string replacement = "<a ";
                            if (tip != null)
                                replacement += "onmouseover=\"TopicTipOn(this, '" + tipid + "', event);\" onmouseout=\"TopicTipOff();\" ";
                            replacement += "href=\"" + LinkMaker().LinkToTopic(abs.DottedName);
                            if (anchor.Length > 0)
                                replacement += "#" + anchor;
                                if (0 == relabel.Length)
                                    displayname += "#" + anchor;
                            replacement += "\">" + displayname + "</a>";
                            str = ReplaceMatch(answer, str, m, before + replacement + after);
                            // There's more than one; we need to generate a dynamic menu
                            string clickEvent;
                            clickEvent = "onclick=\"javascript:LinkMenu(new Array(";
                            bool first = true;
                            foreach (TopicName eachAbs in qualifiedNames)
                                if (!first)
                                    clickEvent += ", ";
                                first = false;
                                clickEvent += "new Array('" + eachAbs + "', '" + LinkMaker().LinkToTopic(eachAbs) + "')";
                            clickEvent += "), event);\"";

                            str = ReplaceMatch(answer, str, m, before + "<a title=\"Different versions of this topic exist.  Click to pick one.\" " + clickEvent + ">" + displayname + "</a>" + after);
                    str = ReplaceMatch(answer, str, m, before + relName.DottedName + after);

            // Add on whatever's not yet been consumed
            return answer.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of all topics in the namespace, sorted using the specified comparison. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importPolicy">Indicates whether topics in imported namespaces
        /// should be included in the details.</param>
        /// <param name="sortCriterion">A <see cref="Comparision&gt;QualifiedTopicName&lt;"/> to use to
        /// sort the output, or null not to sort.</param>
        /// <returns>A (potentially sorted) list of <see cref="QualifiedTopicName"/> objects.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Order is not guaranteed in the absence of a sortCriteria.</remarks>
        public QualifiedTopicNameCollection AllTopics(ImportPolicy importPolicy, Comparison<QualifiedTopicName> sortCriterion)
            QualifiedTopicNameCollection answer = new QualifiedTopicNameCollection();

            QualifiedTopicNameCollection unsortedTopics = ContentProviderChain.AllTopics();


            if (importPolicy == ImportPolicy.IncludeImports)
                foreach (NamespaceManager namespaceManager in ImportedNamespaceManagers)

            if (sortCriterion != null)

            return answer;