Exemplo n.º 1
        public override async Task Apply(CADDocument doc, params string[] args)
            Editor ed = doc.Editor;


            var p1 = await ed.GetPoint("Start point: ");

            if (p1.Result != ResultMode.OK)
            var p2 = await ed.GetPoint("End point: ", p1.Value);

            if (p2.Result != ResultMode.OK)
            QuadraticBezier cons = new QuadraticBezier(p1.Value, Point2D.Average(p1.Value, p2.Value), p2.Value);

            var p3 = await ed.GetPoint("Control point: ", (p) => cons.P1 = p);

            if (p3.Result != ResultMode.OK)

            Drawable newItem = new QuadraticBezier(p1.Value, p3.Value, p2.Value);

Exemplo n.º 2
    private static void DiscontinuityLocations()
        start_discontinuities = new List <QuadraticBezier>();
        end_discontinuities   = new List <QuadraticBezier>();
        for (int index = 0; index < lines.Count; ++index) //for each QuadraticBezier and the next; (including last then first !)
            QuadraticBezier QB = lines[index];

            if (NearBoundary(QB.begin_UV) && !NearBoundary(QB.end_UV)) // just because this can work does not mean it will always work (at least in theory)...
            else if (NearBoundary(QB.end_UV) && !NearBoundary(QB.begin_UV))
            else if (NearBoundary(QB.begin_UV) && NearBoundary(QB.end_UV) && //TODO: CHECK: include all vertexes unless the line is parallel to the boundary
                     Mathf.Floor(EdgeMapKey(QB.end_UV)) != Mathf.Floor(EdgeMapKey(QB.begin_UV)))
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        QuadraticBezier thisBezier = (QuadraticBezier)target;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bezier Length", thisBezier.bezierLength.ToString());


        if (GUILayout.Button("Center Bezier Between End Points"))


        if (GUILayout.Button("Create Right Angle Bezier[1]"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Create Right Angle Bezier[2]"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Calculate Bezier Length"))
Exemplo n.º 4
    private static void BuildShape()
        //each "shape" may contain more than one shape (e.g. a zig-zag on the southern hemisphere between two octahedral faces will have #zig + #zag + 1 shapes)

        edge_pattern = new Dictionary <QuadraticBezier, QuadraticBezier>();
        AugmentDictionary();            // add edges that are along the square (0,0) -> (1,0) -> (1,1) -> (0,1)
        while (edge_pattern.Count != 0) // make sure there are no more shapes left to process
            Dictionary <QuadraticBezier, QuadraticBezier> .Enumerator iter = edge_pattern.GetEnumerator();
            QuadraticBezier first_edge   = iter.Current.Key;
            QuadraticBezier current_edge = first_edge;

            do // process every edge in each shape
                QuadraticBezier temp_edge = current_edge;
                DebugUtility.Log("Cycling:", current_edge.end_UV, current_edge.begin_UV);
                current_edge = edge_pattern[current_edge];
            } while (current_edge != first_edge);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void SetEdge(QuadraticBezier curve)
     if (first)
         writer.Write("M" + curve.begin_UV.x * 1000 + "," + curve.begin_UV.y * 1000);
         first = false;
     writer.Write(" Q" + curve.control_point.x * 1000 + "," + curve.control_point.y * 1000 + " " + curve.end_UV.x * 1000 + "," + curve.end_UV.y * 1000);
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void Reset()
        EditorOnlyToolSettings = new ToolSettings();

        var localBezier = new QuadraticBezier(
            new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f),
            new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
            new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f)

        Path = new QuadraticBezierPath(transform, localBezier);
Exemplo n.º 7
    private static void OverlapSharedEdges()
        for (int index = 0; index < lines.Count; ++index) //for each QuadraticBezier and the next; (including last then first !)
            QuadraticBezier QB1 = lines[index];
            QuadraticBezier QB2 = lines[(index + 1) % lines.Count];

            if (Vector2.Distance(QB1.end_UV, QB2.begin_UV) < threshold) //if QB1.end ~= QB2.begin
                QB1.end = QB2.begin = (QB1.end + QB2.begin) / 2;        //make the points equal
Exemplo n.º 8
    private static void BuildDictionary()
        for (int index = 0; index < lines.Count; ++index) //for each QuadraticBezier and the next; (including last then first !)
            QuadraticBezier QB1 = lines[index];
            QuadraticBezier QB2 = lines[(index + 1) % lines.Count];

            if (!NearBoundary(QB1.end_UV) && !NearBoundary(QB2.begin_UV)) // take identical points and link them
                edge_pattern.Add(QB1, QB2);                               //should work since it's referencing the QuadraticBezier inside of the List<QB>
Exemplo n.º 9
    private static void ClampToEdges()
        for (int index = 0; index < lines.Count; ++index) //for each QuadraticBezier and the next; (including last then first !)
            QuadraticBezier QB1 = lines[index];
            QuadraticBezier QB2 = lines[(index + 1) % lines.Count];

            if (NearBoundary(QB1.end_UV))                             //if end is not close to begin, there is a discontinuity
                ProjectOntoSquare(ref QB1.end_UV, QB1.control_point); // project the points onto the edge of a square
                ProjectOntoSquare(ref QB2.begin_UV, QB2.control_point);
        protected override List <PointF> GetPoints()
            QuadraticBezier qb = new QuadraticBezier();

            qb.StartPoint = Start;
            qb.EndPoint   = End;

            qb.Control = control;

            qb.Resolution = 100;

            List <PointF> pts = new List <PointF>();


Exemplo n.º 11
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the world position of "t" percentage along a given bezier.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="checkedBezier"></param>
    /// <param name="percentageAlongBezier"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Vector3 GetPositionFromCompletionPercentage(this QuadraticBezier main, float t)
        Vector3 p0 = main.points[0];
        Vector3 p1 = main.points[1];
        Vector3 p2 = main.points[2];

        if (t < 0)
        else if (t > 1)
            Vector3 bezierCalc = p1 + (Mathf.Pow(1 - t, 2) * (p0 - p1)) + (Mathf.Pow(t, 2) * (p2 - p1));
    private void Draw()
        QuadraticBezier worldBezier = qdrBezierPath.WorldSpaceBezier;
        var             cPointCache = new EvaluationCache(worldBezier, QuadraticBezier.GoodNumMidPoints).Values;

        // draw bezier

        // draw direction cone cap
        if (!settings.HideDirectionCones &&
            targetScript.transform.lossyScale != Vector3.zero)         // also hide cones if virtually a dot
            float startConeSize = PathEditorUtility.Nice3DHandleSize(worldBezier.Evaluate(0f));
            float endConeSize   = PathEditorUtility.Nice3DHandleSize(worldBezier.Evaluate(1f));

            Handles.color = Color.yellow;
            Handles.ConeCap(0, worldBezier.Evaluate(0f), Quaternion.LookRotation(worldBezier.Evaluate(0.01f) - worldBezier.Evaluate(0f)), startConeSize);
            Handles.color = Color.magenta;
            Handles.ConeCap(0, worldBezier.Evaluate(1f), Quaternion.LookRotation(worldBezier.Evaluate(1f) - worldBezier.Evaluate(1f - 0.01f)), endConeSize);

        // draw tangent lines
        if (!settings.HideTangentLines)
            Handles.color = Color.cyan;
            Handles.DrawDottedLine(worldBezier.StartPosition, worldBezier.MidTangent, 7.5f);
            Handles.DrawDottedLine(worldBezier.MidTangent, worldBezier.EndPosition, 7.5f);

        // test t
        if (settings.TestInterpolate)
            PathEditorUtility.DrawTestInterpolate(worldBezier, settings.EditorData.T);

        // draw GUI
Exemplo n.º 13
    private static void StitchTogether(QuadraticBezier cursor, QuadraticBezier last)
        if (swapped)
            QuadraticBezier swapper = cursor;
            cursor = last;
            last   = swapper;

        DebugUtility.Log("Stitching:", cursor.end_UV, last.begin_UV);
        float cursor_key = EdgeMapKey(cursor.end_UV);
        float last_key   = EdgeMapKey(last.begin_UV);

        bool clockwise = Vector3.Dot(ClockwiseDirection(cursor_key),
                                     -cursor.arc.EvaluateRight(cursor.end)) > 0; // left for start_edge_map/end because right DNE

        // add edges that weren't added by BuildDictionary (along  the square (0,0) -> (1,0) -> (1,1) -> (0,1) )
        optional <Vector2> corner = NextCorner(cursor_key, last_key, clockwise);
        Vector2            control_point;
        QuadraticBezier    intermediate_line;

        while (corner.exists)

            control_point     = (cursor.end_UV + corner.data) / 2;
            intermediate_line = new QuadraticBezier(null, cursor.end_UV, control_point, corner.data, -1f, -1f);
            edge_pattern.Add(cursor, intermediate_line);
            cursor     = intermediate_line;
            cursor_key = EdgeMapKey(cursor.end_UV);
            corner     = NextCorner(cursor_key, last_key, clockwise);
        control_point     = (cursor.end_UV + last.begin_UV) / 2;
        intermediate_line = new QuadraticBezier(null, cursor.end_UV, control_point, last.begin_UV, -1f, -1f);
        edge_pattern.Add(cursor, intermediate_line);
        edge_pattern.Add(intermediate_line, last);
Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the window and the graphics device
            VeldridInit(out var window, out var graphicsDevice);

            // Create a texture storage that manages textures.
            // Textures in OpenWheels are represented with integer values.
            // A platform-specific ITextureStorageImplementation handles texture creation,
            // destruction and modification.
            var texStorage = new VeldridTextureStorage(graphicsDevice);

            // Create a renderer that implements the OpenWheels.Rendering.IRenderer interface
            // this guy actually draws everything to the backbuffer
            var renderer = new VeldridRenderer(graphicsDevice, texStorage);

            // OpenWheels always requires a texture to render, so renderer implementations only need a single shader
            // Even for untextured primitives we need to have a texture set. So we create a white 1x1 texture for those.
            ReadOnlySpan <Color> blankSpan = stackalloc Color[] { Color.White };
            var blank = texStorage.CreateTexture(1, 1, TextureFormat.Rgba32);

            texStorage.SetData(blank, blankSpan);

            // Our batcher lets use make calls to render lots of different primitive shapes and text.
            // When we're done the batcher can export draw calls so the renderer can use them do the drawing.
            // We won't use text rendering in this sample so we use the dummy text renderer.
            var batcher = new Batcher(NullBitmapFontRenderer.Instance);

            var first = true;

            // We run the game loop here and do our drawing inside of it.
            VeldridRunLoop(window, graphicsDevice, () =>

                // Start a new batch

                // set the texture to the blank one we registered

                // Let's draw some primitives. The API is very obvious, you can use IntelliSense to find supported shapes.
                batcher.FillRect(new RectangleF(10, 10, 100, 100), Color.LimeGreen);

                // Note that subsequent line segments are connected at their corners
                Span <Vector2> points = stackalloc Vector2[] { new Vector2(140, 20), new Vector2(320, 20), new Vector2(320, 120), new Vector2(420, 120) };
                batcher.DrawLineStrip(points, Color.Red, 20);

                batcher.FillTriangle(new Vector2(500, 20), new Vector2(600, 70), new Vector2(500, 120), Color.White);

                // The tessellation of the circle and corners for the rounded rectangle can be adjusted with the maxError parameter
                batcher.DrawCircle(new Vector2(700, 70), 50, Color.BlueViolet, 2);

                batcher.FillRoundedRect(new RectangleF(790, 10, 100, 100), 10, Color.SandyBrown);

                var pa    = new Vector2(50, 220);
                var pb    = new Vector2(150, 120);
                var pc    = new Vector2(250, 220);
                var curve = new QuadraticBezier(pa, pb, pc);
                // The segmentation for curves can be adjusted with the segmentsPerLength parameter
                // Using that parameter and an (over)estimate of the length of the curve the number of segments
                // is computed
                batcher.DrawCurve(curve, Color.DarkGoldenrod, 2);

                var o      = new Vector2(0, 100);
                var pd     = new Vector2(200, 420);
                var curve2 = new CubicBezier(pa + o, pb + o, pd, pc + o);
                batcher.DrawCurve(curve2, Color.DarkOrchid, 2);

                // Finish the batch and let the renderer draw everything to the back buffer.

                if (first)
                    Console.WriteLine("Vertices: " + batcher.VerticesSubmitted);
                    Console.WriteLine("Indices: " + batcher.IndicesSubmitted);
                    Console.WriteLine("Batches: " + batcher.BatchCount);
                    first = false;
Exemplo n.º 15
    IEnumerator FollowRoute(Transform route)
        //Starts Route, creates the points p0 (Start Pos) p1 (Bezier Pos) and p2 (End Pos)
        enRoute = true;

        QuadraticBezier currentBezier = currentRoute.gameObject.GetComponent <QuadraticBezier>();
        Vector3         initialPos    = currentBezier.points[0];

        bezLength = currentBezier.bezierLength;

        if (Mathf.Abs((transform.position - initialPos).magnitude) > 2)
            while (Mathf.Abs((transform.position - initialPos).magnitude) > .1f)
                rb.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, initialPos, changePathSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        QuadraticBezier nextRoute = NearestBezier(currentBezier.points[2]).GetComponent <QuadraticBezier>();

        bool overrideStopping = false;

        if (currentBezier.isStoplightNode)
            if (currentBezier.isTurn())
                inTurn = true;
                inTurn = false;
            inTurn = false;

        float t         = 0;
        bool  hasHonked = false;

        while (t < 1)
            if (!overrideStopping)
                if ((transform.position - nextRoute.points[0]).magnitude < 5 && nextRoute.isStoplightNode)
                    while (nextRoute.stopLightOrder != StoplightManager.currentLight && StoplightManager.currentLight != 0 && !currentBezier.isStoplightNode)
                        canRotate = false;
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                    while (StoplightManager.currentLight == 0)
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                if (currentBezier.isStoplightNode && StoplightManager.currentLight != currentBezier.stopLightOrder && StoplightManager.currentLight != 0)
                    if (currentBezier.isTurn() && (transform.position - PlayerManager.position).magnitude > 40)
                        overrideStopping = true;
                        collider.enabled = false;

            if (!SenseObjects())
                canRotate = true;

                t += Time.deltaTime / bezLength * speed; //Move along any length of bezier at consistent speed
                if (!hasHonked) //If the car has not honked on its current route and a player is in front of it, then there is a 40% chance it will honk its horn
                    if (SensePlayer())
                        hasHonked = true;


                if (overrideStopping)
                    canRotate = true;
                    t        += Time.deltaTime / bezLength * speed; //Move along any length of bezier at consistent speed
                    canRotate = false;

            playerPos             = currentBezier.GetPositionFromCompletionPercentage(t);
            rb.transform.position = playerPos;

            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
        collider.enabled = true;
        enRoute          = false;
        yield return(null);