public override Field Convert(GroupValue fieldDef, ITemplateRegistry templateRegistry, ConversionContext context)
     var name = new QName(fieldDef.GetString("Name"), fieldDef.GetString("Ns"));
     bool optional = fieldDef.GetBool("Optional");
     GroupValue exponentDef = fieldDef.GetGroup("Exponent");
     GroupValue exponentOperatorDef = exponentDef.GetGroup("Operator").GetGroup(0);
     Operator exponentOperator = GetOperator(exponentOperatorDef.Group);
     ScalarValue exponentDefaultValue = ScalarValue.Undefined;
     if (exponentDef.IsDefined("InitialValue"))
         exponentDefaultValue = new IntegerValue(exponentDef.GetInt("InitialValue"));
     GroupValue mantissaDef = fieldDef.GetGroup("Mantissa");
     GroupValue mantissaOperatorDef = mantissaDef.GetGroup("Operator").GetGroup(0);
     Operator mantissaOperator = GetOperator(mantissaOperatorDef.Group);
     ScalarValue mantissaDefaultValue = ScalarValue.Undefined;
     if (mantissaDef.IsDefined("InitialValue"))
         mantissaDefaultValue = new LongValue(mantissaDef.GetInt("InitialValue"));
     ComposedScalar composedDecimal = Util.ComposedDecimal(name, exponentOperator, exponentDefaultValue,
                                                           mantissaOperator, mantissaDefaultValue, optional);
     IFieldValue retAuxId;
     if (fieldDef.TryGetValue("AuxId", out retAuxId) && retAuxId!=null)
         composedDecimal.Id = retAuxId.ToString();
     return composedDecimal;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ComposedScalar(QName name, FASTType type, Scalar[] fields, bool optional, ComposedValueConverter valueConverter)
     : base(name, optional)
     this.fields = fields;
     this.valueConverter = valueConverter;
     this.type = type;
Exemplo n.º 3
 static FastConstants()
     ANY_TYPE = new QName("any");
     ERROR = FastAlertSeverity.ERROR;
     WARN = FastAlertSeverity.WARN;
     FATAL = FastAlertSeverity.FATAL;
     DYNAMIC = new ErrorType("Dynamic");
     STATIC = new ErrorType("Static");
     REPORTABLE = new ErrorType("Reportable");
     S1_INVALID_XML = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 1, "ERR S1", "Invalid XML", ERROR);
     S2_OPERATOR_TYPE_INCOMP = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 2, "ERR S2", "Incompatible operator and type", ERROR);
     S3_INITIAL_VALUE_INCOMP = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 3, "ERR S3", "Incompatible initial value", ERROR);
     S4_NO_INITIAL_VALUE_FOR_CONST = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 4, "ERR S4", "Fields with constant operators must have a default value defined.", ERROR);
     S5_NO_INITVAL_MNDTRY_DFALT = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 5, "ERR S5", "No initial value for mandatory field with default operator", ERROR);
     D1_FIELD_APP_INCOMP = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 1, "ERR D1", "Field cannot be converted to type of application field", ERROR);
     D2_INT_OUT_OF_RANGE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 2, "ERR D2", "The integer value is out of range for the specified integer type.", WARN);
     D3_CANT_ENCODE_VALUE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 3, "ERR D3", "The value cannot be encoded for the given operator.", ERROR);
     D4_INVALID_TYPE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 4, "ERR D4", "The previous value is not the same type as the type of the current field.", ERROR);
     D5_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 5, "ERR D5", "If no prior value is set and the field is not present, there must be a default value or the optional flag must be set.", ERROR);
     D6_MNDTRY_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 6, "ERR D6", "A mandatory field must have a value", ERROR);
     D7_SUBTRCTN_LEN_LONG = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 7, "ERR D7", "The subtraction length is longer than the base value.", ERROR);
     D8_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXIST = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 8, "ERR D8", "The referenced template does not exist.", ERROR);
     D9_TEMPLATE_NOT_REGISTERED = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 9, "ERR D9", "The template has not been registered.", ERROR);
     R1_LARGE_DECIMAL = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 1, "ERR R1", "Decimal exponent does not fit into range -63...63", WARN);
     R4_NUMERIC_VALUE_TOO_LARGE = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 4, "ERR R4", "The value is too large.", WARN);
     R5_DECIMAL_CANT_CONVERT_TO_INT = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 5, "ERR R5", "The decimal value cannot convert to an integer because of trailing decimal part.", WARN);
     R7_PMAP_OVERLONG = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 7, "ERR R7", "The presence map is overlong.", WARN);
     R8_PMAP_TOO_MANY_BITS = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 8, "ERR R8", "The presence map has too many bits.", WARN);
     R9_STRING_OVERLONG = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 9, "ERR R9", "The string is overlong.", ERROR);
     GENERAL_ERROR = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 100, "GENERAL", "An error has occurred.", ERROR);
     IMPOSSIBLE_EXCEPTION = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 101, "IMPOSSIBLE", "This should never happen.", ERROR);
     IO_ERROR = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 102, "IOERROR", "An IO error occurred.", FATAL);
     PARSE_ERROR = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 103, "PARSEERR", "An exception occurred while parsing.", ERROR);
     LENGTH_FIELD = new QName("length", TEMPLATE_DEFINITION_1_1);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Group(QName name, Field[] fields, bool optional)
     : base(name, optional)
     var expandedFields = new List<Field>();
     var references = new List<StaticTemplateReference>();
     for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
         if (fields[i] is StaticTemplateReference)
             var currentTemplate = (StaticTemplateReference)fields[i];
             Field[] referenceFields = currentTemplate.Template.Fields;
             for (int j = 1; j < referenceFields.Length; j++)
     this.fields = expandedFields.ToArray();
     fieldDefinitions = fields;
     fieldIndexMap = ConstructFieldIndexMap(this.fields);
     fieldNameMap = ConstructFieldNameMap(this.fields);
     fieldIdMap = ConstructFieldIdMap(this.fields);
     introspectiveFieldMap = ConstructInstrospectiveFields(this.fields);
     usesPresenceMap_Renamed_Field = DeterminePresenceMapUsage(this.fields);
     staticTemplateReferences = references.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected Field(string name, string key, bool optional, string id)
 { = new QName(name);
     this.key = new QName(key);
     this.optional = optional; = id;
        public override Field Convert(GroupValue fieldDef, TemplateRegistry templateRegistry, ConversionContext context)
            string name = fieldDef.GetString("Name");
            string ns = fieldDef.GetString("Ns");
            var qname = new QName(name, ns);
            var fields = GroupConverter.ParseFieldInstructions(fieldDef, templateRegistry, context);
            bool optional = fieldDef.GetBool("Optional");
            Scalar length = null;
            if (fieldDef.IsDefined("Length"))
                var lengthDef = fieldDef.GetGroup("Length");
                QName lengthName;
                string id = null;
                if (lengthDef.IsDefined("Name"))
                    var nameDef = lengthDef.GetGroup("Name");
                    lengthName = new QName(nameDef.GetString("Name"), nameDef.GetString("Ns"));
                    if (nameDef.IsDefined("AuxId"))
                        id = nameDef.GetString("AuxId");
                    lengthName = Global.CreateImplicitName(qname);
                var operator_Renamed = Operator.NONE;
                if (lengthDef.IsDefined("Operator"))
                    operator_Renamed = GetOperator(lengthDef.GetGroup("Operator").GetGroup(0).GetGroup());
                var initialValue = ScalarValue.UNDEFINED;
                if (lengthDef.IsDefined("InitialValue"))
                    initialValue = (ScalarValue) lengthDef.GetValue("InitialValue");
                length = new Scalar(lengthName, Type.U32, operator_Renamed, initialValue, optional) {Id = id};

            return new Sequence(qname, length, fields, optional);
 public override int GetId(QName name)
     MessageTemplate template = nameMap[name];
     if (template == null || !templateMap.ContainsKey(template))
         return - 1;
     return templateMap[template];
        private static Field createComposedDecimal(System.Xml.XmlElement fieldNode, QName name, bool optional, System.Xml.XmlNode mantissaNode, System.Xml.XmlNode exponentNode, ParsingContext context)
            string mantissaOperator = "none";
            string exponentOperator = "none";
            ScalarValue mantissaDefaultValue = ScalarValue.UNDEFINED;
            ScalarValue exponentDefaultValue = ScalarValue.UNDEFINED;
            QName mantissaKey = null;
            QName exponentKey = null;
            string mantissaDictionary = context.Dictionary;
            string exponentDictionary = context.Dictionary;
            string mantissaNamespace = context.Namespace;
            string exponentNamespace = context.Namespace;

            if ((mantissaNode != null) && mantissaNode.HasChildNodes)
                System.Xml.XmlElement operatorElement = GetElement((System.Xml.XmlElement) mantissaNode, 1);
                mantissaOperator = operatorElement.Name;

                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("value"))
                    mantissaDefaultValue = FASTType.I64.GetValue(operatorElement.GetAttribute("value"));
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("ns"))
                    mantissaNamespace = operatorElement.GetAttribute("ns");
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("key"))
                    mantissaKey = new QName(operatorElement.GetAttribute("key"), mantissaNamespace);
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("dictionary"))
                    mantissaDictionary = operatorElement.GetAttribute("dictionary");

            if ((exponentNode != null) && exponentNode.HasChildNodes)
                System.Xml.XmlElement operatorElement = GetElement((System.Xml.XmlElement) exponentNode, 1);
                exponentOperator = operatorElement.Name;

                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("value"))
                    exponentDefaultValue = FASTType.I32.GetValue(operatorElement.GetAttribute("value"));
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("ns"))
                    exponentNamespace = operatorElement.GetAttribute("ns");
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("key"))
                    exponentKey = new QName(operatorElement.GetAttribute("key"), exponentNamespace);
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("dictionary"))
                    exponentDictionary = operatorElement.GetAttribute("dictionary");

            ComposedScalar scalar = Util.ComposedDecimal(name, Operator.Operator.GetOperator(exponentOperator), exponentDefaultValue, Operator.Operator.GetOperator(mantissaOperator), mantissaDefaultValue, optional);

            Scalar exponent = scalar.Fields[0];
            exponent.Dictionary = exponentDictionary;
            if (exponentKey != null)
                exponent.Key = exponentKey;

            Scalar mantissa = scalar.Fields[1];
            mantissa.Dictionary = mantissaDictionary;
            if (mantissaKey != null)
                mantissa.Key = mantissaKey;

            if (fieldNode.HasAttribute("id"))
                scalar.Id = fieldNode.GetAttribute("id");
            return scalar;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public ComposedScalar(QName name, FastType fastType, Scalar[] fields, bool optional,
                       IComposedValueConverter valueConverter)
     : base(name, optional)
     _fields = fields;
     _valueConverter = valueConverter;
     _fastType = fastType;
 public override Field Convert(GroupValue fieldDef, TemplateRegistry templateRegistry, ConversionContext context)
     var name = new QName(fieldDef.GetString("Name"), fieldDef.GetString("Ns"));
     if (!templateRegistry.IsDefined(name))
         throw new System.SystemException("Referenced template " + name + " not defined.");
     return new StaticTemplateReference(templateRegistry.get_Renamed(name));
        public override Field Convert(GroupValue fieldDef, ITemplateRegistry templateRegistry, ConversionContext context)
            var name = new QName(fieldDef.GetString("Name"), fieldDef.GetString("Ns"));
            MessageTemplate template;
            if (templateRegistry.TryGetTemplate(name, out template))
                return new StaticTemplateReference(template);

            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fieldDef", name, "Referenced template name not defined.");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Group(QName name, string childNamespace, Field[] fields, bool optional)
            : base(name, optional)
            _childNamespace = childNamespace;

                 out _fieldDefinitions, out _fields, out _fieldIndexMap, out _fieldNameMap,
                 out _introspectiveFieldMap, out _usesPresenceMapRenamedField, out _staticTemplateReferences);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Group(Group other)
            : base(other)
            _childNamespace = other._childNamespace;
            _typeReference = other._typeReference;

                 out _fieldDefinitions, out _fields, out _fieldIndexMap, out _fieldNameMap,
                 out _introspectiveFieldMap, out _usesPresenceMapRenamedField, out _staticTemplateReferences);
        public override void Add(int templateId, QName templateName)
            MessageTemplate template;
            if (!_defNameMap.TryGetValue(templateName, out template))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("templateName", templateName, "The template is not defined.");

            _regTemplateMap[template] = templateId;
            _regIdMap[templateId] = template;
            NotifyTemplateRegistered(template, templateId);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public ParsingContext(XmlElement node, ParsingContext parent)
     _parent = parent;
     if (node.HasAttribute("templateNs"))
         TemplateNamespace = node.GetAttribute("templateNs");
     if (node.HasAttribute("ns"))
         Namespace = node.GetAttribute("ns");
     if (node.HasAttribute("dictionary"))
         Dictionary = node.GetAttribute("dictionary");
     if (node.HasAttribute("name"))
         _name = new QName(node.GetAttribute("name"), Namespace);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public Sequence(QName name, Scalar length, Field[] fields, bool optional)
            : base(name, optional)
            _group = new Group(name, fields, optional);

            if (length == null)
                _length = CreateLength(name, optional);
                _implicitLength = true;
                _length = length;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public Scalar(QName name, FASTType type, OperatorCodec operatorCodec, ScalarValue defaultValue, bool optional)
     : base(name, optional)
     operator_Renamed = operatorCodec.Operator;
     this.operatorCodec = operatorCodec;
     dictionary = "global";
     this.defaultValue = defaultValue ?? ScalarValue.UNDEFINED;
     this.type = type;
     typeCodec = type.GetCodec(operator_Renamed, optional);
     initialValue = ((defaultValue == null) || defaultValue.Undefined)?this.type.DefaultValue:defaultValue;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private Scalar(QName name, FastType fastType, Operator op, OperatorCodec operatorCodec,
                ScalarValue defaultValue, bool optional)
     : base(name, optional)
     _operator = op;
     _operatorCodec = operatorCodec;
     _dictionary = DictionaryFields.Global;
     _defaultValue = defaultValue ?? ScalarValue.Undefined;
     _fastType = fastType;
     _typeCodec = fastType.GetCodec(op, optional);
     _initialValue = (defaultValue == null || defaultValue.IsUndefined) ? _fastType.DefaultValue : defaultValue;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override Field Convert(GroupValue fieldDef, ITemplateRegistry templateRegistry, ConversionContext context)
            string name = fieldDef.GetString("Name");
            string ns = fieldDef.GetString("Ns");
            var qname = new QName(name, ns);
            Field[] fields = GroupConverter.ParseFieldInstructions(fieldDef, templateRegistry, context);
            bool optional = fieldDef.GetBool("Optional");
            Scalar length = null;
            IFieldValue retLength;
            if (fieldDef.TryGetValue("Length", out retLength) && retLength!=null)
                GroupValue lengthDef = (GroupValue)retLength;
                QName lengthName;
                string id = null;
                IFieldValue retName;
                if (lengthDef.TryGetValue("Name", out retName) && retName != null)
                    GroupValue nameDef = (GroupValue)retName;
                    lengthName = new QName(nameDef.GetString("Name"), nameDef.GetString("Ns"));
                    IFieldValue retAuxId;
                    if (nameDef.TryGetValue("AuxId", out retAuxId) && retAuxId != null)
                        id = retAuxId.ToString();
                    lengthName = Global.CreateImplicitName(qname);
                Operator op = Operator.None;
                IFieldValue retOperator;
                if (lengthDef.TryGetValue("Operator", out retOperator) && retOperator != null)
                    op = GetOperator(((GroupValue)retOperator).GetGroup(0).Group);
                ScalarValue initialValue = ScalarValue.Undefined;
                IFieldValue retInitialValue;
                if (lengthDef.TryGetValue("InitialValue", out retInitialValue) && retInitialValue != null)
                    initialValue = (ScalarValue) retInitialValue;
                length = new Scalar(lengthName, FastType.U32, op, initialValue, optional) {Id = id};

            var sequence = new Sequence(qname, length, fields, optional);
            IFieldValue retTypeRef;
            if (fieldDef.TryGetValue("TypeRef", out retTypeRef) && retTypeRef != null)
                GroupValue typeRef = (GroupValue)retTypeRef;
                string typeRefName = typeRef.GetString("Name");
                string typeRefNs = ""; // context.getNamespace();
                IFieldValue rettypeRefNs;
                if (typeRef.TryGetValue("Ns", out rettypeRefNs) && rettypeRefNs!=null)
                    typeRefNs = rettypeRefNs.ToString();
                sequence.TypeReference = new QName(typeRefName, typeRefNs);
            return sequence;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private Scalar ParseSequenceLengthField(QName name, System.Xml.XmlElement sequence, bool optional, ParsingContext parent)
            System.Xml.XmlNodeList lengthElements = sequence.GetElementsByTagName("length");

            if (lengthElements.Count == 0)
                var implicitLength = new Scalar(Global.CreateImplicitName(name), FASTType.U32, Operator.Operator.NONE, ScalarValue.UNDEFINED, optional)
                                         {Dictionary = parent.Dictionary};
                return implicitLength;

            var length = (System.Xml.XmlElement) lengthElements.Item(0);
            var context = new ParsingContext(length, parent);
            return (Scalar) sequenceLengthParser.Parse(length, optional, context);
 public static bool Average(IEnumerator<QName> left, out QName result)
     decimal sum = 0;
     decimal count = 0;
     if (left.MoveNext())
         sum += left.Current.GetValueOrDefault<decimal>();
         while (left.MoveNext())
             sum += left.Current.GetValueOrDefault<decimal>();
     result = (sum / count).CreateLiteral();
     // always returns true - means that execution avareage will always succeed if arguments match list criteria.
     return true;
 public override Field Convert(GroupValue fieldDef, TemplateRegistry templateRegistry, ConversionContext context)
     var name = new QName(fieldDef.GetString("Name"), fieldDef.GetString("Ns"));
     bool optional = fieldDef.GetBool("Optional");
     var exponentDef = fieldDef.GetGroup("Exponent");
     var exponentOperatorDef = exponentDef.GetGroup("Operator").GetGroup(0);
     var exponentOperator = GetOperator(exponentOperatorDef.GetGroup());
     var exponentDefaultValue = ScalarValue.UNDEFINED;
     if (exponentDef.IsDefined("InitialValue"))
         exponentDefaultValue = new IntegerValue(exponentDef.GetInt("InitialValue"));
     var mantissaDef = fieldDef.GetGroup("Mantissa");
     var mantissaOperatorDef = mantissaDef.GetGroup("Operator").GetGroup(0);
     var mantissaOperator = GetOperator(mantissaOperatorDef.GetGroup());
     var mantissaDefaultValue = ScalarValue.UNDEFINED;
     if (mantissaDef.IsDefined("InitialValue"))
         mantissaDefaultValue = new LongValue(mantissaDef.GetInt("InitialValue"));
     return Util.ComposedDecimal(name, exponentOperator, exponentDefaultValue, mantissaOperator, mantissaDefaultValue, optional);
Exemplo n.º 23
        static Names()
            Example = Logics.Names.Internal.Uri.CreateDomain("");
            Brain = Example.CreateName("brain");
            DatabaseName = Example.CreateName("database");
            SecondDatabaseName = Example.CreateName("secondDatabase");

            Frans = Example.CreateName("Frans");
            Maria = Example.CreateName("Maria");
            Jos = Example.CreateName("Jos");
            Rita = Example.CreateName("Rita");
            Geert = Example.CreateName("Geert");
            Caroline = Example.CreateName("Caroline");
            Dirk = Example.CreateName("Dirk");
            Greta = Example.CreateName("Greta");
            Paul = Example.CreateName("Paul");
            Dp = Example.CreateName("dp");

            Sex = Example.CreateName("sex");
            SpouseIn = Example.CreateName("spouseIn");
            ChildIn = Example.CreateName("childIn");
            Father = Example.CreateName("father");
            Mother = Example.CreateName("mother");
            Parent = Example.CreateName("parent");
            Child = Example.CreateName("child");
            Daughter = Example.CreateName("daughter");
            Son = Example.CreateName("son");
            Ancestor = Example.CreateName("ancestor");
            Descendent = Example.CreateName("descendent");
            Grandfather = Example.CreateName("grandfather");
            Grandmother = Example.CreateName("grandmother");
            Grandparent = Example.CreateName("grandparent");
            Grandchild = Example.CreateName("grandchild");
            Granddaughter = Example.CreateName("granddaughter");
            Grandson = Example.CreateName("grandson");
            FirstName = Example.CreateName("firstName");
            LastName = Example.CreateName("lastName");
            Age = Example.CreateName("age");

            Female = Example.CreateName("female");
            Male = Example.CreateName("male");
            Person = Example.CreateName("Person");
Exemplo n.º 24
    private static string GetSimpleTypeInternal(this OpenXmlGeneratorServices services, QName qname)
        if (_mapping.TryGetValue(qname, out var mapped))

        if (services.TryGetEnum(qname, out var @enum, out var ns))

        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find simple type mapping for {qname}");
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static Field CreateComposedDecimal(XmlElement fieldNode, QName name, bool optional,
                                                   XmlNode mantissaNode, XmlNode exponentNode,
                                                   ParsingContext context)
            string      mantissaOperator     = "none";
            string      exponentOperator     = "none";
            ScalarValue mantissaDefaultValue = ScalarValue.Undefined;
            ScalarValue exponentDefaultValue = ScalarValue.Undefined;
            QName       mantissaKey          = null;
            QName       exponentKey          = null;
            string      mantissaDictionary   = context.Dictionary;
            string      exponentDictionary   = context.Dictionary;
            string      mantissaNamespace    = context.Namespace;
            string      exponentNamespace    = context.Namespace;

            if ((mantissaNode != null) && mantissaNode.HasChildNodes)
                XmlElement operatorElement = GetElement((XmlElement)mantissaNode, 1);
                mantissaOperator = operatorElement.LocalName;

                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("value"))
                    mantissaDefaultValue = FastType.I64.GetValue(operatorElement.GetAttribute("value"));
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("ns"))
                    mantissaNamespace = operatorElement.GetAttribute("ns");
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("key"))
                    mantissaKey = new QName(operatorElement.GetAttribute("key"), mantissaNamespace);
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("dictionary"))
                    mantissaDictionary = operatorElement.GetAttribute("dictionary");

            if ((exponentNode != null) && exponentNode.HasChildNodes)
                XmlElement operatorElement = GetElement((XmlElement)exponentNode, 1);
                exponentOperator = operatorElement.LocalName;

                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("value"))
                    exponentDefaultValue = FastType.I32.GetValue(operatorElement.GetAttribute("value"));
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("ns"))
                    exponentNamespace = operatorElement.GetAttribute("ns");
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("key"))
                    exponentKey = new QName(operatorElement.GetAttribute("key"), exponentNamespace);
                if (operatorElement.HasAttribute("dictionary"))
                    exponentDictionary = operatorElement.GetAttribute("dictionary");

            ComposedScalar scalar = Util.ComposedDecimal(name, Operator.GetOperator(exponentOperator),
                                                         exponentDefaultValue, Operator.GetOperator(mantissaOperator),
                                                         mantissaDefaultValue, optional);

            Scalar exponent = scalar.Fields[0];

            exponent.Dictionary = exponentDictionary;
            if (exponentKey != null)
                exponent.Key = exponentKey;

            Scalar mantissa = scalar.Fields[1];

            mantissa.Dictionary = mantissaDictionary;
            if (mantissaKey != null)
                mantissa.Key = mantissaKey;

            if (fieldNode.HasAttribute("id"))
                scalar.Id = fieldNode.GetAttribute("id");
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves type definition of the attribute in an element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="elem">
 ///            element name </param>
 /// <returns> schema definition of the type of the attribute </returns>
 public virtual TypeDefinition attribute_type_definition(QName elem)
     return(_model.lookupAttributeDeclaration(elem.local(), elem.@namespace()));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public QName NewColumnSchemaQName(QName table, SimpleName name)
     return(this.NewColumnQName(table, name.Name, name.IsNameQuoted));
Exemplo n.º 28
        private bool AssertXPath(XdmNode assertion, SingleResultDoc result, XPathCompiler assertXpc, bool debug)
            if (IsException())
                IEnumerator iter = assertion.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Namespace);
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode namespace1 = (XdmNode)iter.Current;
                    if (namespace1.NodeName != null)
                        assertXpc.DeclareNamespace(namespace1.NodeName.LocalName, namespace1.StringValue);

                XPathExecutable exp       = assertXpc.Compile(assertion.StringValue);
                XPathSelector   s         = exp.Load();
                QName           resultVar = new QName("result");

                if (exp.GetRequiredCardinalityForVariable(resultVar) == '0')
                    if (result.value is XdmItem) // this path used in XSLT tests
                        s.ContextItem = ((XdmItem)result.value);
                    s.SetVariable(resultVar, result.value);

                bool b = s.EffectiveBooleanValue();
                if (!b && debug)
                    driver.println("XPath assertion " + assertion.StringValue + " failed");
                    try {
                        string ass = assertion.StringValue;
                        int    eq  = ass.IndexOf("=");
                        if (eq > 0)
                            ass = ass.Substring(0, eq);
                            exp = assertXpc.Compile(ass);
                            s   = exp.Load();
                            if (exp.GetRequiredCardinalityForVariable(resultVar) == null)
                                if (result.value is XdmItem) // this path used in XSLT tests
                                    s.ContextItem = ((XdmItem)result.value);
                                s.SetVariable(resultVar, result.value);
                            XdmValue val = s.Evaluate();
                            driver.println("Actual result of " + ass + ": " + val.ToString());
                    } catch (Exception err) {}
                    driver.println("Actual results: " + result.value);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public QName NewAutoName(string prefix, QName schema, QName parent, int type)
     return(this.NewAutoName(prefix, null, schema, parent, type));
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a variable to current scope.
 /// used for static checking.... i.e. presence of variables
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="var">
 ///            variable name to add. </param>
 public virtual void add_variable(QName @var)
     set_variable(@var, (AnyType)null);
Exemplo n.º 31
    public static string GetSimpleType(this OpenXmlGeneratorServices context, QName qname, bool isList)
        var type = context.GetSimpleTypeInternal(qname);

        return(isList ? $"ListValue<{type}>" : type);
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static MemberModel GetMember(MemberInfo info, FlagType baseFlags)
            MemberModel member = new MemberModel();

            member.Name      =;
            member.Flags     = baseFlags;
            member.Access    = Visibility.Public;
            member.Namespace = "public";

            if (info is SlotInfo)
                SlotInfo slot = info as SlotInfo;
                member.Flags |= FlagType.Variable;
                if (slot.kind == TraitMember.Const)
                    member.Flags |= FlagType.Constant;
                if (slot.value is Namespace)
                    member.Flags |= FlagType.Namespace;
                    member.Value  = '"' + (slot.value as Namespace).uri + '"';
                member.Type = ImportType(slot.type);

            else if (info is MethodInfo)
                switch (info.kind)
                case TraitMember.Setter: member.Flags |= FlagType.Setter; break;

                case TraitMember.Getter: member.Flags |= FlagType.Getter; break;

                default: member.Flags |= FlagType.Function; break;
                MethodInfo method = info as MethodInfo;
                QName      type   = method.returnType;
                member.Type = ImportType(type);

                member.Parameters = new List <MemberModel>();
                int n             = method.paramTypes.Length;
                int defaultValues = (method.optionalValues != null) ? n - method.optionalValues.Length : n;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    MemberModel param = new MemberModel();
                    param.Name = (!inSWF && method.paramNames != null) ? method.paramNames[i] : "param" + i;
                    type       = method.paramTypes[i];
                    param.Type = ImportType(type);

                    if (param.Name[0] == '.' && param.Type == "Array") //
                        param.Type = "";
                    else if (i >= defaultValues)
                        SetDefaultValue(param, method.optionalValues[i - defaultValues]);
Exemplo n.º 33
 public Scalar(QName name, FastType fastType, Operator op, ScalarValue defaultValue,
               bool optional)
     : this(name, fastType, op, op.GetCodec(fastType), defaultValue, optional)
Exemplo n.º 34
        private static MemberList GetMembers(List <MemberInfo> abcMembers, FlagType baseFlags, QName instName)
            MemberList list    = new MemberList();
            string     package = instName.uri;
            string     protect = instName.ToString();

            foreach (MemberInfo info in abcMembers)
                MemberModel member = GetMember(info, baseFlags);
                if (member == null)

                string uri = ?? "";
                if (uri.Length > 0)
                    if (uri == "private" || package == "private")
                    else if (uri == protect)
                        member.Access    = Visibility.Protected;
                        member.Namespace = "protected";
                    else if (uri == package)
                        member.Access    = Visibility.Internal;
                        member.Namespace = "internal";
                    else if (uri == "")
                        member.Access    = Visibility.Public;
                        member.Namespace = "AS3";
                    else if (uri == "")
                    else if (uri == "")
                        member.Access    = Visibility.Public;
                        member.Namespace = "flash_proxy";
                    else if (uri == "")
                        member.Access    = Visibility.Public;
                        member.Namespace = "object_proxy";
                    else // unknown namespace
                        member.Access    = Visibility.Public;
                        member.Namespace = "internal";

                if (thisDocs != null)

Exemplo n.º 35
        public override bool MoveToAttribute(string name)
            var qn = new QName(this, name);

            return(MoveToAttribute(qn.LocalName, qn.Namespace));
Exemplo n.º 36
        public override string?GetAttribute(string name)
            var qn = new QName(this, name);

            return(GetAttribute(qn.LocalName, qn.Namespace));
Exemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Expands a qname and uses the default function namespace if unprefixed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 ///            qname to expand. </param>
 /// <returns> true on success. </returns>
 public virtual bool expand_function_qname(QName name)
     return(expand_qname(name, default_function_namespace()));
Exemplo n.º 38
        // overwrites, or creates
        public virtual void set_variable(QName @var, AnyType val)
            IDictionary scope = current_scope();

            scope[@var] = val;
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Expands the qname's prefix into a namespace.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 ///            qname to expand. </param>
 /// <returns> true on success. </returns>
 public virtual bool expand_qname(QName name)
     return(expand_qname(name, null));
Exemplo n.º 40
 public bool HasReportedError(QName errorCode)
     return(errorsReported != null && errorsReported.Contains(errorCode));
Exemplo n.º 41
         * Set a XPath2 sequence into a variable.
        public virtual void set_variable(QName @var, ResultSequence val)
            IDictionary scope = current_scope();

            scope[@var] = val;
Exemplo n.º 42
        private bool TestAssertion2(XdmNode assertion, SingleResultDoc result, XPathCompiler assertXpc, XPathCompiler catalogXpc, bool debug)
            string tag = assertion.NodeName.LocalName;

            if (tag.Equals("assert-eq"))
                return(assertEq(assertion, result, assertXpc));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-deep-eq"))
                return(assertDeepEq(assertion, result, assertXpc));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-permutation"))
                return(assertPermutation(assertion, result, assertXpc));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-xml"))
                return(assertXml(assertion, result, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug));
            else if (tag.Equals("serialization-matches"))
                return(AssertSerializationMatches(assertion, result, catalogXpc));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-serialization-error"))
                return(AssertSerializationError(assertion, result, assertXpc));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-empty"))
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-count"))
                return(assertCount(assertion, result));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert"))
                return(AssertXPath(assertion, result, assertXpc, debug));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-string-value"))
                return(AssertstringValue(assertion, result, debug));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-serialization"))
                return(AssertSerialization(assertion, result, catalogXpc, debug));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-type"))
                return(AssertType(assertion, result, assertXpc));
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-true"))
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-false"))
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-warning"))
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-message"))
                XdmNode subAssertion = (XdmNode)catalogXpc.EvaluateSingle("*", assertion);
                foreach (XdmNode message in xslMessages)
                    if (TestAssertion2(subAssertion, new SingleResultDoc(message, ""), assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug))
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-result-document"))
                XdmNode        subAssertion = (XdmNode)catalogXpc.EvaluateSingle("*", assertion);
                XmlUrlResolver res          = new XmlUrlResolver();
                Uri            uri          = new Uri(driver.getResultsDir() + "/results/output.xml");
                uri = res.ResolveUri(uri, assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("uri")));
                SingleResultDoc doc = GetSecondaryResult(uri);
                if (doc == null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("**** No output document found for " + uri);
                bool ok = TestAssertion2(subAssertion, doc, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug);
                if (!ok)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("**** Assertion failed for result-document " + uri);
            else if (tag.Equals("error"))
                bool b = false;
                try {
                    b = IsException() && compareExpectedError(assertion);
                } catch (Exception) {
                    if (GetException() is StaticError)
                        string expectedError = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("code"));
                        QName  expectedErrorQ;
                        if (expectedError.Equals("*"))
                            expectedErrorQ = null;
                        else if (expectedError.StartsWith("Q{"))
                            expectedErrorQ = QName.FromEQName(expectedError);
                            expectedErrorQ = new QName("err", JNamespaceConstant.ERR, expectedError);

                        JFastStringBuffer fsb = new JFastStringBuffer(100);
                        fsb.append("Expected ");
                        fsb.append("; got ");
                        fsb.setLength(fsb.length() - 1);
                        wrongError = fsb.ToString();
                    if (GetException() is DynamicError)
                        string expectedError = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("code"));
                        QName  expectedErrorQ;
                        if (expectedError.Equals("*"))
                            expectedErrorQ = null;
                        else if (expectedError.StartsWith("Q{"))
                            expectedErrorQ = QName.FromEQName(expectedError);
                            expectedErrorQ = new QName("err", JNamespaceConstant.ERR, expectedError);

                        JFastStringBuffer fsb = new JFastStringBuffer(100);
                        fsb.append("Expected ");
                        fsb.append("; got ");
                        fsb.setLength(fsb.length() - 1);
                        wrongError = fsb.ToString();
            else if (tag.Equals("all-of"))
                foreach (XdmItem child in catalogXpc.Evaluate("*", assertion))
                    if (!TestAssertion((XdmNode)child, result, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug))
            else if (tag.Equals("any-of"))
                bool partialSuccess = false;
                foreach (XdmItem child in catalogXpc.Evaluate("*", assertion))
                    if (TestAssertion((XdmNode)child, result, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug))
                        if (wrongError != null)
                            partialSuccess = true;
            else if (tag.Equals("not"))
                XdmNode subAssertion = (XdmNode)catalogXpc.EvaluateSingle("*", assertion);
                return(!TestAssertion(subAssertion, result, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug));
            throw new Exception("Unknown assertion element " + tag);
Exemplo n.º 43
    public void go(String[] args)
        processor.SetProperty("", "true");
        testSuiteDir = args[0];
        if (testSuiteDir.EndsWith("/"))
            testSuiteDir = testSuiteDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1);
        saxonResultsDir = args[1];
        if (saxonResultsDir.EndsWith("/"))
            saxonResultsDir = saxonResultsDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1);
        Hashtable exceptions = new Hashtable();

        if (args.Length > 1)
            testPattern = (args[2]); // TODO: allow a regex

        for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
            if (args[i].Equals("-w"))
                //showWarnings = true;

        fileComparer = new FileComparer(processor, testSuiteDir);

        XPathCompiler xpc = processor.NewXPathCompiler();

        xpc.DeclareNamespace("t", testURI);
        xpc.DeclareVariable(new QName("", "param"));
        findSourcePath = xpc.Compile("//t:test-suite/t:sources/t:source[@ID=$param]");

        findCollection = xpc.Compile("//t:test-suite/t:sources/t:collection[@ID=$param]");

        xpc = processor.NewXPathCompiler();
        xpc.DeclareNamespace("t", testURI);
        xpc.DeclareVariable(new QName("", "testcase"));
        xpc.DeclareVariable(new QName("", "moduleuri"));
        findModule = xpc.Compile("for $m in $testcase/t:module[@namespace=$moduleuri] " +
                                 "return concat('file:///" + testSuiteDir +
                                 "/', root($testcase)/t:test-suite/t:sources/t:module[@ID=string($m)]/@FileName, '.xq')");

        //xpc = processor.NewXPathCompiler();
        //xpc.DeclareNamespace("saxon", "");
        //xpc.DeclareVariable(new QName("", "actual"));
        //xpc.DeclareVariable(new QName("", "gold"));
        //xpc.DeclareVariable(new QName("", "debug"));
        //compareDocuments = xpc.Compile("saxon:deep-equal($actual, $gold, (), if ($debug) then 'JNCPS?!' else 'JNCPS')");

        QName testCaseNT             = new QName(testURI, "test-case");
        QName nameNT                 = new QName(testURI, "name");
        QName queryNT                = new QName(testURI, "query");
        QName inputNT                = new QName(testURI, "input");
        QName inputFileNT            = new QName(testURI, "input-file");
        QName inputUriNT             = new QName(testURI, "input-URI");
        QName defaultCollectionNT    = new QName(testURI, "defaultCollection");
        QName outputFileNT           = new QName(testURI, "output-file");
        QName expectedErrorNT        = new QName(testURI, "expected-error");
        QName schemaNT               = new QName(testURI, "schema");
        QName contextItemNT          = new QName(testURI, "contextItem");
        QName inputQueryNT           = new QName(testURI, "input-query");
        QName sourceDocumentNT       = new QName(testURI, "source-document");
        QName errorNT                = new QName(testURI, "error");
        QName validationNT           = new QName(testURI, "validation");
        QName discretionaryItemsNT   = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-items");
        QName discretionaryFeatureNT = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-feature");
        QName discretionaryChoiceNT  = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-choice");
        QName initialContextNodeNT   = new QName(testURI, "initial-context-node");

        QName fileAtt      = new QName("", "file");
        QName filePathAtt  = new QName("", "FilePath");
        QName fileNameAtt  = new QName("", "FileName");
        QName errorIdAtt   = new QName("", "error-id");
        QName compareAtt   = new QName("", "compare");
        QName nameAtt      = new QName("", "name");
        QName behaviorAtt  = new QName("", "behavior");
        QName qnameAtt     = new QName("", "qname");
        QName modeAtt      = new QName("", "mode");
        QName validatesAtt = new QName("", "validates");
        QName variableAtt  = new QName("", "variable");
        QName roleAtt      = new QName("", "role");

        DocumentBuilder builder       = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
        XdmNode         exceptionsDoc = builder.Build(new Uri(saxonResultsDir + "/exceptions.xml"));

        // The exceptions.xml file contains details of tests that aren't to be run, for example
        // because they have known bugs or require special configuration

        IEnumerator exceptionTestCases = exceptionsDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, new QName("", "exception"));

        while (exceptionTestCases.MoveNext())
            XdmNode  n          = (XdmNode)exceptionTestCases.Current;
            String   nameAttVal = n.StringValue;
            char[]   seps       = { ' ', '\n', '\t' };
            String[] parts      = nameAttVal.Split(seps);
            foreach (string p in parts)
                if (!exceptions.ContainsKey(p))
                    exceptions.Add(p, "Exception");

        // Hash table containing all source documents. The key is the document name in the
        // catalog, the value is the corresponding document node

        Hashtable sourceDocs = new Hashtable(50);

        // Load the catalog

        XdmNode catalog = builder.Build(new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/XQTScatalog.xml"));

        // Add all Static Typing test cases to the exceptions list

        xpc = processor.NewXPathCompiler();
        xpc.DeclareNamespace("t", testURI);
        XPathSelector st = xpc.Compile("//t:test-group[@name='StaticTyping']//t:test-case").Load();

        st.ContextItem = catalog;
        IEnumerator ste = st.GetEnumerator();

        while (ste.MoveNext())
            XdmNode testCase = (XdmNode)ste.Current;
            exceptions.Add(testCase.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt), "StaticTypingException");

        // Create the results file and log file

        results = new StreamWriter(saxonResultsDir + "/results"
                                   + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml");
        log = new StreamWriter(saxonResultsDir + "/log"
                               + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml");

        log.WriteLine("Testing Saxon " + processor.ProductVersion);
        results.WriteLine("<test-suite-result xmlns=''>");

        // Pre-load all the schemas

        SchemaManager mgr = processor.SchemaManager;
        IEnumerator   se  = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, schemaNT);

        while (se.MoveNext())
            XdmNode schemaNode = (XdmNode)se.Current;
            log.WriteLine("Loading schema " + schemaNode.GetAttributeValue(fileNameAtt));
            Uri location = new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/" + schemaNode.GetAttributeValue(fileNameAtt));

        total = 0;
        IEnumerator testCases = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testCaseNT);

        while (testCases.MoveNext())

        // Process the test cases in turn

        testCases = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testCaseNT);
        while (testCases.MoveNext())
            XdmNode testCase = (XdmNode)testCases.Current;

            String testName = testCase.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
            if (testPattern != null && !testName.StartsWith(testPattern))
            if (exceptions.ContainsKey(testName))

            log.WriteLine("Test " + testName);

            // Compile the query

            String errorCode = null;

            String  filePath  = testCase.GetAttributeValue(filePathAtt);
            XdmNode query     = getChildElement(testCase, queryNT);
            String  queryName = query.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
            String  queryPath = testSuiteDir + "/Queries/XQuery/" + filePath + queryName + ".xq";

            XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
            compiler.BaseUri       = new Uri(queryPath).ToString();
            compiler.QueryResolver = new XqtsModuleResolver(testCase, findModule);
            compiler.SchemaAware   = true;
            // Set all queries to schema-aware, because we don't really know whether they will have to handle typed input or not.

            IList <StaticError> errors = new List <StaticError>();
            compiler.ErrorList = errors;
            XQueryEvaluator xqe    = null;
            FileStream      stream = null;
                stream = new FileStream(queryPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                xqe    = compiler.Compile(stream).Load();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (errors.Count > 0 && ((StaticError)errors[0]).ErrorCode != null)
                    errorCode = ((StaticError)errors[0]).ErrorCode.LocalName;
                else if (e is StaticError && ((StaticError)e).ErrorCode != null)
                    errorCode = ((StaticError)e).ErrorCode.LocalName;
                    errorCode = "ErrorXXX";
                if (stream != null)

            // if the query compiled successfully, try to run it

            String outputPath = null;
            if (errorCode == null && xqe != null)
                // Supply any input documents

                IEnumerator en = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, inputFileNT);
                while (en.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode file = (XdmNode)en.Current;
                    String  var  = file.GetAttributeValue(variableAtt);
                    if (var != null)
                        String  sourceName = file.StringValue;
                        XdmNode sourceDoc;
                        if (sourceDocs.ContainsKey(sourceName))
                            sourceDoc = (XdmNode)sourceDocs[sourceName];
                            sourceDoc = buildSource(catalog, builder, sourceName);
                            sourceDocs.Add(sourceName, sourceDoc);
                        xqe.SetExternalVariable(new QName("", var), sourceDoc);

                // Supply any input URIs

                IEnumerator eu = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, inputUriNT);
                while (eu.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode file = (XdmNode)eu.Current;
                    String  var  = file.GetAttributeValue(variableAtt);
                    if (var != null)
                        String sourceName = file.StringValue;
                        if (sourceName.StartsWith("collection"))
                            // Supply a collection URI.
                            // This seems to be the only way to distinguish a document URI
                            // from a collection URI.
                            String        uri = "collection:" + sourceName;
                            XPathSelector xpe = findCollection.Load();
                            xpe.SetVariable(new QName("", "param"), new XdmAtomicValue(sourceName));
                            xpe.ContextItem = catalog;
                            XdmNode collectionNode = (XdmNode)xpe.EvaluateSingle();
                            if (collectionNode == null)
                                log.WriteLine("*** Collection " + sourceName + " not found");
                            processor.RegisterCollection(new Uri(uri), getCollection(collectionNode));
                            xqe.SetExternalVariable(new QName("", var), new XdmAtomicValue(uri));
                            // Supply a document URI.
                            // We exploit the fact that the short name of the document is
                            // always the same as the file name in these tests. With one exception!
                            if (sourceName == "Char010D")
                                sourceName = "0x010D";
                            String uri = "file:///" + testSuiteDir + "/TestSources/" + sourceName + ".xml";
                            xqe.SetExternalVariable(new QName("", var), new XdmAtomicValue(uri));

                // Supply the default collection if required

                XdmNode defaultCollection = getChildElement(testCase, defaultCollectionNT);
                if (defaultCollection != null)
                    String        sourceName = defaultCollection.StringValue;
                    XPathSelector xpe        = findCollection.Load();
                    xpe.SetVariable(new QName("", "param"), new XdmAtomicValue(sourceName));
                    xpe.ContextItem = catalog;
                    XdmNode collectionNode = (XdmNode)xpe.EvaluateSingle();
                    if (collectionNode == null)
                        log.WriteLine("*** Collection " + sourceName + " not found");
                    processor.RegisterCollection(null, getCollection(collectionNode));

                // Supply any external variables defined as the result of a separate query

                IEnumerator ev = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, inputQueryNT);
                while (ev.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode inputQuery = (XdmNode)ev.Current;

                    String         fileName     = inputQuery.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                    String         subQueryPath = testSuiteDir + "/Queries/XQuery/" + filePath + fileName + ".xq";
                    XQueryCompiler subCompiler  = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
                    compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(subQueryPath).ToString();
                    FileStream subStream = new FileStream(subQueryPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                    XdmValue   value     = subCompiler.Compile(subStream).Load().Evaluate();
                    String     var       = inputQuery.GetAttributeValue(variableAtt);
                    xqe.SetExternalVariable(new QName("", var), value);

                // Supply the context item if required

                IEnumerator ci = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, contextItemNT);
                while (ci.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode file = (XdmNode)ci.Current;

                    String sourceName = file.StringValue;
                    if (!sourceDocs.ContainsKey(sourceName))
                        XdmNode doc = buildSource(catalog, builder, sourceName);
                        sourceDocs.Add(sourceName, doc);
                    XdmNode sourceDoc = (XdmNode)sourceDocs[sourceName];
                    xqe.ContextItem = sourceDoc;

                // Create a serializer for the output

                outputPath = saxonResultsDir + "/" + filePath + queryName + ".out";
                Serializer sr = processor.NewSerializer();
                    sr.SetOutputProperty(new QName("", "method"), "xml");
                    sr.SetOutputProperty(new QName("", "omit-xml-declaration"), "yes");
                    sr.SetOutputProperty(new QName("", "indent"), "no");
                catch (DynamicError)
                    // probably means that no output directory exists, which is probably because
                    // an error is expected
                    outputPath = saxonResultsDir + "/" + filePath + queryName + ".out";

                // Finally, run the query

                catch (DynamicError e)
                    QName code = e.ErrorCode;
                    if (code != null && code.LocalName != null)
                        errorCode = code.LocalName;
                        errorCode = "ErrYYYYY";
                catch (Exception e2)
                    log.WriteLine("Unexpected exception: " + e2.Message);
                    errorCode = "CRASH!!!";

            // Compare actual results with expected results

            if (errorCode != null)
                // query returned an error at compile time or run-time, check this was expected

                string      expectedError = "";
                bool        matched       = false;
                IEnumerator en            = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, expectedErrorNT);
                while (en.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode error             = (XdmNode)en.Current;
                    String  expectedErrorCode = error.StringValue;
                    expectedError += (expectedErrorCode + " ");
                    if (expectedErrorCode.Equals(errorCode))
                        matched = true;
                        feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                        log.WriteLine("Error " + errorCode + " as expected");
                        results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='pass'/>");
                if (!matched)
                    if (expectedError.Equals(""))
                        feedback.Feedback(passed, failed++, total);
                        log.WriteLine("Error " + errorCode + ", expected success");
                        results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='fail' comment='error " + errorCode + ", expected success'/>");
                        results.WriteLine("<--" + filePath + queryName + "-->");
                        feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                        log.WriteLine("Error " + errorCode + ", expected " + expectedError);
                        results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='pass' comment='error " + errorCode + ", expected " + expectedError + "'/>");
                        results.WriteLine("<--" + filePath + queryName + "-->");
                // query returned no error

                bool        matched = false;
                String      diag    = "";
                IEnumerator en      = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, outputFileNT);
                while (en.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode outputFile = (XdmNode)en.Current;
                    String  fileName   = testSuiteDir + "/ExpectedTestResults/" + filePath + outputFile.StringValue;
                    String  comparator = outputFile.GetAttributeValue(compareAtt);
                    if (comparator.Equals("Inspect"))
                        matched = true;
                        feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                        results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='inspect'/>");
                        results.WriteLine("<--" + filePath + queryName + "-->");
                        String comparison =, fileName, comparator);
                        matched = (comparison == "OK" || comparison.StartsWith("#"));
                        if (matched)
                            feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                            results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='pass'/>");
                            diag = diag + ("<!-- " + comparison + " -->\n");

                if (!matched)
                    string      expectedError = "";
                    IEnumerator ee            = testCase.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, expectedErrorNT);
                    while (ee.MoveNext())
                        XdmNode error             = (XdmNode)ee.Current;
                        String  expectedErrorCode = error.StringValue;
                        expectedError += (expectedErrorCode + " ");

                    if (expectedError.Equals(""))
                        feedback.Feedback(passed, failed++, total);
                        log.WriteLine("Results differ from expected results");
                        results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='fail'/>");
                        results.WriteLine("<--" + filePath + queryName + "-->");
                        feedback.Feedback(passed, failed++, total);
                        log.WriteLine("Error " + expectedError + "expected but not reported");
                        results.WriteLine("<test-case name='" + testName + "' result='fail' comment='expected error " + expectedError + "not reported'/>");
                        results.WriteLine("<--" + filePath + queryName + "-->");

Exemplo n.º 44
        internal static object ToObject(this Value value)
            //Check for null/empty
            if (value == null)

            //Is it a sequence?
            Seq seq = value as Seq;

            if (seq != null)
                return(new IterEnum(seq.iter()));

            // Is it a node?
            ANode node = value as ANode;

            if (node != null)

            // Get the Java object
            object obj = value.toJava();

            // Clean up non-.NET values
            if (obj is java.lang.Number)
                int    i;
                double d;
                if (int.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out i))
                    obj = i;
                else if (double.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out d))
                    obj = d;
                else if (obj is BigInteger)
                    BigInteger bigInteger = (BigInteger)obj;
                    obj = Convert.ToDecimal(bigInteger.toString());
                else if (obj is BigDecimal)
                    BigDecimal bigDecimal = (BigDecimal)obj;
                    obj = Convert.ToDecimal(bigDecimal.toString());
            else if (obj is XMLGregorianCalendar)
                XMLGregorianCalendar date = (XMLGregorianCalendar)obj;
                obj = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(date.toXMLFormat(), XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);
            else if (obj is Duration)
                Duration duration = (Duration)obj;
                obj = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan(duration.toString());
            else if (obj is QName)
                QName qname = (QName)obj;
                obj = new XmlQualifiedName(qname.getLocalPart(), qname.getNamespaceURI());

Exemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>
        /// does variable exist in current scope ?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="var">
        ///            variable name. </param>
        /// <returns> true if it does. </returns>
        public virtual bool variable_exists(QName @var)
            IDictionary scope = current_scope();

Exemplo n.º 46
 public override bool HasAttribute(QName attributeName)
     return group.HasAttribute(attributeName);
Exemplo n.º 47
 public Sequence(QName name, Field[] fields, bool optional)
     : this(name, CreateLength(name, optional), fields, optional)
     implicitLength = true;
Exemplo n.º 48
		private void ProcessAttribute (XPathNavigator nav)
			// skip attributes from non-default namespace
			if (nav.NamespaceURI != string.Empty) {

			string value = nav.Value;

			switch (nav.LocalName) {
			case "cdata-section-elements":
				if (value.Length > 0) {
					cdSectsList.AddRange (XslNameUtil.FromListString (value, nav));
			case "method":
				if (value.Length == 0) {

				switch (value) {
					case "xml":
						method = OutputMethod.XML;
					case "html":
						omitXmlDeclaration = true;
						method = OutputMethod.HTML;
					case "text":
						omitXmlDeclaration = true;
						method = OutputMethod.Text;
						method = OutputMethod.Custom;
						customMethod = XslNameUtil.FromString (value, nav);
						if (customMethod.Namespace == String.Empty) {
							IXmlLineInfo li = nav as IXmlLineInfo;
							throw new XsltCompileException (new ArgumentException (
								"Invalid output method value: '" + value + "'. It" +
								" must be either 'xml' or 'html' or 'text' or QName."),
								li != null ? li.LineNumber : 0,
								li != null ? li.LinePosition : 0);
			case "version":
				if (value.Length > 0) {
					this.version = value;
			case "encoding":
				if (value.Length > 0) {
					try {
						this.encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding (value);
					} catch (ArgumentException) {
						// MS.NET just leaves the default encoding when encoding is unknown
					} catch (NotSupportedException) {
						// Workaround for a bug in System.Text, it throws invalid exception
			case "standalone":
				switch (value) {
					case "yes":
						this.standalone = StandaloneType.YES;
					case "no":
						this.standalone = StandaloneType.NO;
						if (stylesheetVersion != "1.0")

						IXmlLineInfo li = nav as IXmlLineInfo;
						throw new XsltCompileException (new XsltException (
							"'" + value + "' is an invalid value for 'standalone'" +
							" attribute.", (Exception) null),
							li != null ? li.LineNumber : 0,
							li != null ? li.LinePosition : 0);
			case "doctype-public":
				this.doctypePublic = value;
			case "doctype-system":
				this.doctypeSystem = value;
			case "media-type":
				if (value.Length > 0) {
					this.mediaType = value;
			case "omit-xml-declaration":
				switch (value) {
					case "yes":
						this.omitXmlDeclaration = true;
					case "no":
						this.omitXmlDeclaration = false;
						if (stylesheetVersion != "1.0")

						IXmlLineInfo li = nav as IXmlLineInfo;
						throw new XsltCompileException (new XsltException (
							"'" + value + "' is an invalid value for 'omit-xml-declaration'" +
							" attribute.", (Exception) null),
							li != null ? li.LineNumber : 0,
							li != null ? li.LinePosition : 0);
			case "indent":
				indent = value;
				if (stylesheetVersion != "1.0")
				switch (value) {
				case "yes":
				case "no":
					switch (method) {
					case OutputMethod.Custom:
						throw new XsltCompileException (String.Format ("Unexpected 'indent' attribute value in 'output' element: '{0}'", value), null, nav);
				if (stylesheetVersion != "1.0")

				IXmlLineInfo xli = nav as IXmlLineInfo;
				throw new XsltCompileException (new XsltException (
					"'" + nav.LocalName + "' is an invalid attribute for 'output'" +
					" element.", (Exception) null),
					xli != null ? xli.LineNumber : 0,
					xli != null ? xli.LinePosition : 0);
Exemplo n.º 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for SchemaElemTest.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="arg">
 ///            QName argument. </param>
 public SchemaElemTest(QName arg)
     _arg = arg;
Exemplo n.º 50
 public QNameManager(Database database)
     this._catalogName = new QName(this, "PUBLIC", 1, false);
Exemplo n.º 51
 public Scalar(QName name, FastType fastType, OperatorCodec operatorCodec, ScalarValue defaultValue,
               bool optional)
     : this(name, fastType, operatorCodec.Operator, operatorCodec, defaultValue, optional)
Exemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Expands a qname and uses the default type/element namespace if
 /// unprefixed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 ///            qname to expand. </param>
 /// <returns> true on success. </returns>
 public virtual bool expand_elem_type_qname(QName name)
     return(expand_qname(name, default_namespace()));
Exemplo n.º 53
 public override string GetAttribute(QName qname)
     return group.GetAttribute(qname);
Exemplo n.º 54
    private XdmNode getChildElement(XdmNode parent, QName child)
        IEnumerator e = parent.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, child);

        return(e.MoveNext() ? (XdmNode)e.Current : null);
Exemplo n.º 55
 private static Scalar CreateLength(QName name, bool optional)
     return new Scalar(Global.CreateImplicitName(name), FASTType.U32, Operator.Operator.NONE, ScalarValue.UNDEFINED, optional);
Exemplo n.º 56
    public void go(String[] args)
        int passed = 0;
        int failed = 0;
        int total  = 0;

        testSuiteDir = args[0];
        if (testSuiteDir.EndsWith("/"))
            testSuiteDir = testSuiteDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1);
        Hashtable exceptions = new Hashtable();

        if (args.Length > 1)
            testPattern = (args[1]);

        for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
            if (args[i].Equals("-w"))
                //showWarnings = true;

            schemaAwareProcessor = new Processor(true);
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("Cannot load Saxon-SA: continuing without it");

        processor.SetProperty("", "true");

        if (schemaAwareProcessor != null)
            schemaAwareProcessor.SetProperty("", "true");
        fileComparer = new FileComparer(processor, testSuiteDir);

        String testURI = "";

        QName testCaseNT             = new QName(testURI, "testcase");
        QName nameNT                 = new QName(testURI, "name");
        QName inputNT                = new QName(testURI, "input");
        QName outputNT               = new QName(testURI, "output");
        QName stylesheetNT           = new QName(testURI, "stylesheet");
        QName schemaNT               = new QName(testURI, "schema");
        QName initialModeNT          = new QName(testURI, "initial-mode");
        QName entryNamedTemplateNT   = new QName(testURI, "entry-named-template");
        QName sourceDocumentNT       = new QName(testURI, "source-document");
        QName stylesheetParametersNT = new QName(testURI, "stylesheet-parameters");
        QName paramNT                = new QName(testURI, "param");
        QName resultDocumentNT       = new QName(testURI, "result-document");
        QName errorNT                = new QName(testURI, "error");
        QName validationNT           = new QName(testURI, "validation");
        QName discretionaryItemsNT   = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-items");
        QName discretionaryFeatureNT = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-feature");
        QName discretionaryChoiceNT  = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-choice");
        QName discretionaryVersionNT = new QName(testURI, "discretionary-version");
        QName initialContextNodeNT   = new QName(testURI, "initial-context-node");

        QName fileAtt      = new QName("", "file");
        QName errorIdAtt   = new QName("", "error-id");
        QName typeAtt      = new QName("", "type");
        QName nameAtt      = new QName("", "name");
        QName behaviorAtt  = new QName("", "behavior");
        QName specAtt      = new QName("", "spec");
        QName qnameAtt     = new QName("", "qname");
        QName modeAtt      = new QName("", "mode");
        QName validatesAtt = new QName("", "validates");
        QName roleAtt      = new QName("", "role");

        DocumentBuilder builder       = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
        XdmNode         exceptionsDoc = builder.Build(new Uri(testSuiteDir + '/' + getResultDirectoryName() + "/exceptions.xml"));

        IEnumerator exceptionTestCases = exceptionsDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testCaseNT);

        while (exceptionTestCases.MoveNext())
            XdmNode  n          = (XdmNode)exceptionTestCases.Current;
            String   nameAttVal = n.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
            char[]   seps       = { ' ', '\n', '\t' };
            String[] parts      = nameAttVal.Split(seps);
            foreach (string p in parts)
                if (!exceptions.ContainsKey(p))
                    exceptions.Add(p, "Kilroy");

        XdmNode catalog = builder.Build(new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/catalog.xml"));

        results = new StreamWriter(testSuiteDir + "/"
                                   + processor.ProductVersion + ".xml");
        log = new StreamWriter(testSuiteDir + "/"
                               + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml");
        log.WriteLine("Testing Saxon " + processor.ProductVersion);

        results.WriteLine(" <implementation name='Saxon-SA' version='" + processor.ProductVersion +
                          "' anonymous-result-column='false'>");
        results.WriteLine("  <organization name='' anonymous='false'/>");
        results.WriteLine("  <submitter name='Michael Kay' email='*****@*****.**'/>");
        results.WriteLine(" </implementation>");

        total = 0;
        IEnumerator testCases = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testCaseNT);

        while (testCases.MoveNext())

        testCases = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testCaseNT);
        while (testCases.MoveNext())
            bool    useAssociated = false;
            XdmNode testCase      = (XdmNode)testCases.Current;

            String testName = getChildElement(testCase, nameNT).StringValue;
            if (testPattern != null && !testName.StartsWith(testPattern))
            if (exceptions.ContainsKey(testName))
            if (isExcluded(testName))
            log.WriteLine("Test " + testName);
            XdmNode testInput = getChildElement(testCase, inputNT);

            XdmNode stylesheet = getChildElement(testInput, stylesheetNT);
            String  absXSLName = null;
            if (stylesheet == null)
                useAssociated = true;
                absXSLName = testSuiteDir + "/TestInputs/" + stylesheet.GetAttributeValue(fileAtt);

            XdmNode sourceDocument = getChildElement(testInput, sourceDocumentNT);
            String  absXMLName     = null;
            if (sourceDocument != null)
                absXMLName = testSuiteDir + "/TestInputs/" + sourceDocument.GetAttributeValue(fileAtt);

            bool    schemaAware            = false;
            bool    recoverRecoverable     = true;
            bool    backwardsCompatibility = true;
            bool    supportsDOE            = true;
            bool    recoverSESU0007        = false;
            bool    useXSLT30          = false;
            XdmNode discretionaryItems = getChildElement(testCase, discretionaryItemsNT);
            if (discretionaryItems != null)
                IEnumerator features = discretionaryItems.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, discretionaryFeatureNT);
                while (features.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode feature     = (XdmNode)features.Current;
                    String  featureName = feature.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                    if ("schema_aware".Equals(featureName) || "Saxon-PE".Equals(featureName))   // TODO: test Saxon-PE properly
                        schemaAware = "on".Equals(feature.GetAttributeValue(behaviorAtt));
                    else if ("XML_1.1".Equals(featureName))
                        xml11 = "on".Equals(feature.GetAttributeValue(behaviorAtt));
                    else if ("backwards_compatibility".Equals(featureName))
                        backwardsCompatibility = "on".Equals(feature.GetAttributeValue(behaviorAtt));
                    else if ("disabling_output_escaping".Equals(featureName))
                        supportsDOE = "on".Equals(feature.GetAttributeValue(behaviorAtt));
                IEnumerator choices = discretionaryItems.EnumerateAxis(
                    XdmAxis.Child, discretionaryChoiceNT);
                while (choices.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode choice      = (XdmNode)choices.Current;
                    String  featureName = choice.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                    if ("error".Equals(choice.GetAttributeValue(behaviorAtt)))
                        recoverRecoverable = false;
                    else if ("SESU0007".Equals(featureName))
                        recoverSESU0007 = "recovery".Equals(choice.GetAttributeValue(behaviorAtt));
                IEnumerator versions = discretionaryItems.EnumerateAxis(
                    XdmAxis.Child, discretionaryVersionNT);
                while (versions.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode dv = (XdmNode)versions.Current;
                    useXSLT30 = ("XSLT30" == dv.GetAttributeValue(specAtt));

            if (!backwardsCompatibility)
                // Saxon cannot run with BC switched off
                results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName + "' result='not run' comment='requires backwards-compatibility=off'/>");

            if (!supportsDOE)
                // Saxon cannot run with DOE switched off
                results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName + "' result='not run' comment='requires disable-output-escaping=off'/>");

            if (recoverSESU0007)
                // Saxon cannot recover from error SESU0007
                results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName + "' result='not run' comment='requires recovery from error SESU0007'/>");

            XdmNode initialMode     = getChildElement(testInput, initialModeNT);
            QName   initialModeName = null;
            if (initialMode != null)
                String ini = initialMode.GetAttributeValue(qnameAtt);
                initialModeName = makeQName(ini, initialMode);

            XdmNode initialTemplate     = getChildElement(testInput, entryNamedTemplateNT);
            QName   initialTemplateName = null;
            if (initialTemplate != null)
                String ini = initialTemplate.GetAttributeValue(qnameAtt);
                initialTemplateName = makeQName(ini, initialTemplate);

            XdmNode initialContextNode = getChildElement(testInput, initialContextNodeNT);
            String  initialContextPath = null;
            if (initialContextNode != null)
                initialContextPath = initialContextNode.StringValue;

            XdmNode validation     = getChildElement(testInput, validationNT);
            String  validationMode = null;
            if (validation != null)
                validationMode = validation.GetAttributeValue(modeAtt);

            Hashtable paramTable = null;
            XdmNode   paramList  = getChildElement(testInput, stylesheetParametersNT);
            if (paramList != null)
                paramTable = new Hashtable(5);
                IEnumerator paramIter = paramList.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, paramNT);
                while (paramIter.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode param = (XdmNode)paramIter.Current;
                    QName   name  = makeQName(param.GetAttributeValue(qnameAtt), param);
                    String  value = param.StringValue;
                    paramTable.Add(name, value);

            IEnumerator schemas = testInput.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaNT);
            while (schemas.MoveNext())
                XdmNode schema = (XdmNode)schemas.Current;
                if (schema == null)
                schemaAware = true;
                String role = schema.GetAttributeValue(roleAtt);
                if (("source-validator".Equals(role) || "source-reference".Equals(role))
                    /* && schema.GetAttributeValue(validatesAtt) != null */)
                    validationMode = "strict";
                    // TODO: control which source documents are validated...
            XdmNode testOutput     = getChildElement(testCase, outputNT);
            XdmNode resultDocument = getChildElement(testOutput, resultDocumentNT);
            // TODO: handle alternative result documents
            String refFileName = null;
            String outFileName;
            String comparator = "xml";
            if (resultDocument != null)
                String relativePath = resultDocument.GetAttributeValue(fileAtt);
                int    slash        = relativePath.IndexOf('/');
                if (slash > 0)
                    String relativeDir = relativePath.Substring(0, slash);
                    String fullDir     = testSuiteDir + '/' + getResultDirectoryName() + "/" + relativeDir;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(fullDir))
                refFileName = testSuiteDir + "/ExpectedTestResults/" + relativePath;
                outFileName = testSuiteDir + '/' + getResultDirectoryName() + "/" + relativePath;
                comparator  = resultDocument.GetAttributeValue(typeAtt);
                outFileName = testSuiteDir + '/' + getResultDirectoryName() + "/temp.out";
            XdmNode error         = getChildElement(testOutput, errorNT);
            String  expectedError = null;
            if (error != null)
                expectedError = error.GetAttributeValue(errorIdAtt);
            bool      success;
            Exception xsltOutcome =
                runXSLT(testName, absXMLName, absXSLName, initialModeName, initialTemplateName,
                        outFileName, paramTable, initialContextPath,
                        useAssociated, schemaAware, validationMode, recoverRecoverable, useXSLT30);
            if (xsltOutcome == null)
                success = true;
                if (expectedError != null && resultDocument == null)
                    log.WriteLine("Test failed. Expected error " + expectedError + ", got success");
                    feedback.Feedback(passed, failed++, total);
                    success = false;
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName +
                                      "' result='differ' comment='Expected error " +
                                      expectedError + ", got success'/>");
                    feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                String errorCode = null;
                if (xsltOutcome is StaticError)
                    errorCode = ((StaticError)xsltOutcome).ErrorCode.LocalName;
                else if (xsltOutcome is DynamicError)
                    errorCode = ((DynamicError)xsltOutcome).ErrorCode.LocalName;
                if (expectedError != null && errorCode != null && errorCode.Equals(expectedError))
                    feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                    log.WriteLine("Test succeeded (" + expectedError + ')');
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName +
                                      "' result='full' comment='Error " +
                                      expectedError + " as expected'/>");
                else if (expectedError != null)
                    feedback.Feedback(passed++, failed, total);
                    log.WriteLine("Test succeeded (??) (expected " + expectedError + ", got " + errorCode + ')');
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName +
                                      "' result='different-error' comment='Expected " +
                                      expectedError + " got " + errorCode + "'/>");
                    feedback.Feedback(passed, failed++, total);
                    log.WriteLine("Test failed. Expected success, got " + errorCode);
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName +
                                      "' result='differ' comment='Expected success, got " +
                                      errorCode + "'/>");
                    results.WriteLine(" <!--" + xsltOutcome.Message + "-->");
                success = false;

            if (success)
                String outcome =, refFileName, comparator);
                if (outcome == "OK")
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName + "' result='full'/>");
                else if (outcome.StartsWith("#"))
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName + "' result='full' + comments='" + outcome.Substring(1) + "/>");
                    results.WriteLine(" <testcase name='" + testName + "' result='differ' comments='" + outcome + "'/>");


Exemplo n.º 57
    /// <summary>
    /// Run the transformation
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="testName"></param>
    /// <param name="xml"></param>
    /// <param name="xsl"></param>
    /// <param name="initialMode"></param>
    /// <param name="initialTemplate"></param>
    /// <param name="outfile"></param>
    /// <param name="paramTable"></param>
    /// <param name="initialContextPath"></param>
    /// <param name="useAssociated"></param>
    /// <param name="schemaAware"></param>
    /// <param name="validationMode"></param>
    /// <param name="recoverRecoverable"></param>
    /// <returns>Either null, indicating success, or an Exception object with information about the failure</returns>

    protected Exception runXSLT(String testName, String xml, String xsl, QName initialMode,
                                QName initialTemplate, String outfile, Hashtable paramTable, String initialContextPath,
                                bool useAssociated, bool schemaAware,
                                String validationMode, bool recoverRecoverable, bool useXSLT30)
        Serializer sr = new Serializer();

        Processor f;

        if (noCacheTests.ContainsKey(testName))
            //create a custom Processor to avoid schema caching
            f = new Processor(true);
        else if (schemaAware)
            f = schemaAwareProcessor;
            if (f == null)
                return(new DynamicError("Saxon-SA not available"));
        else if (xml11)
            f = processor;
            // Use an Xml 1.1 processor
            f = processor;

        XdmNode source = null;

        IList        errors   = new ArrayList();
        XsltCompiler compiler = f.NewXsltCompiler();

        compiler.SchemaAware = schemaAware;
        compiler.ErrorList   = errors;
        if (useXSLT30)
            compiler.XsltLanguageVersion = "3.0";
        XsltExecutable  sheet = null;
        XsltTransformer inst;

        if (useAssociated)
                source = buildSource(f.NewDocumentBuilder(), xml, validationMode);
            catch (Exception e)
                log.WriteLine("Failed to build source document: " + e.Message);
                sheet = compiler.CompileAssociatedStylesheet(source);
            catch (Exception e)
                log.WriteLine("Failed to compile stylesheet: " + e.Message);
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    //QName code = ((StaticError)errors[0]).ErrorCode;
                    //(code == null ? "Failed to compile stylesheet: " + e.Message : code.LocalName);
            Stream stream = new FileStream(xsl, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(xsl);
                sheet = compiler.Compile(stream);
            catch (StaticError e)
                if (errors.Count > 0)
            catch (Exception e2)
                log.WriteLine("Unexpected CRASH: " + e2.Message);
        if (initialContextPath != null)
            if (source == null && xml != null)
                    source = buildSource(f.NewDocumentBuilder(), xml, validationMode);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.WriteLine("Failed to build source document: " + e.Message);

            XPathCompiler   xc  = f.NewXPathCompiler();
            XPathExecutable exp = xc.Compile(initialContextPath);
            XPathSelector   xpe = exp.Load();
            xpe.ContextItem = source;
            XdmNode node = (XdmNode)xpe.EvaluateSingle();
            source = node;

        inst = sheet.Load();
        if (source != null)
            inst.InitialContextNode = source;

        if (source == null && xml != null)
            Stream stream = new FileStream(xml, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            inst.SetInputStream(stream, new Uri(xml));

        if (initialMode != null)
            inst.InitialMode = initialMode;
        if (initialTemplate != null)
                inst.InitialTemplate = initialTemplate;
            catch (DynamicError e)
        if (paramTable != null)
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in paramTable)
                inst.SetParameter((QName)de.Key, new XdmAtomicValue(de.Value.ToString()));

        inst.BaseOutputUri  = new Uri(outfile);
        inst.RecoveryPolicy = recoverRecoverable ? RecoveryPolicy.RecoverSilently : RecoveryPolicy.DoNotRecover;

        if ("strict" == validationMode)
            inst.SchemaValidationMode = SchemaValidationMode.Strict;
            inst.SchemaValidationMode = SchemaValidationMode.None;

        //((Controller)inst).setRecoveryPolicy(recoverRecoverable ? Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY : Configuration.DO_NOT_RECOVER);
        // To avoid test results being dependent on the date and time (and timezone), set a fixed
        // date and time for the run
        //((Controller)inst).setCurrentDateTime(new DateTimeValue("2005-01-01T12:49:30.5+01:00"));

        catch (DynamicError e)
        catch (Exception e2)
            log.WriteLine("Unexpected CRASH: " + e2.Message);
        return(null);    // indicating success
Exemplo n.º 58
 public NativeType(IType type, QName name)
     _name = name;
     Type  = type;
Exemplo n.º 59
         * Run the tests
         * @param args command line arguments
         * @throws SAXException
         * @throws ParserConfigurationException
         * @throws XPathException
         * @throws IOException
         * @throws URISyntaxException

        public void go(String[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "-?")
                Console.WriteLine("SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-onwards] -c:contributor? -s:setName? -g:groupName?");
            Processor processor = new Processor(true);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing Saxon " + processor.ProductVersion);

            testSuiteDir = args[0];
            if (testSuiteDir.EndsWith("/"))
                testSuiteDir = testSuiteDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1);
            String    testSetPattern   = null;  // TODO use a regex
            String    testGroupPattern = null;
            String    contributor      = null;
            Hashtable exceptions       = new Hashtable();

            for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i] == ("-w"))
                    //showWarnings = true;
                else if (args[i] == ("-onwards"))
                    onwards = true;
                else if (args[i].StartsWith("-c:"))
                    contributor = args[i].Substring(3);
                else if (args[i].StartsWith("-s:"))
                    testSetPattern = args[i].Substring(3);
                else if (args[i].StartsWith("-g:"))
                    testGroupPattern = args[i].Substring(3);
                else if (args[i] == "-?")
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-s:testSetPattern] [-g:testGroupPattern]");

            int total  = 39700;
            int passed = 0;
            int failed = 0;

            try {
                xlinkHref = new QName("xlink", "", "href");

                QName testCaseNT = new QName("", "", "testcase");
                QName commentNT  = new QName("", "", "comment");

                QName testSetRefNT       = new QName(testNS, "testSetRef");
                QName testGroupNT        = new QName(testNS, "testGroup");
                QName testSetNT          = new QName(testNS, "testSet");
                QName schemaTestNT       = new QName(testNS, "schemaTest");
                QName instanceTestNT     = new QName(testNS, "instanceTest");
                QName schemaDocumentNT   = new QName(testNS, "schemaDocument");
                QName instanceDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceDocument");
                QName expectedNT         = new QName(testNS, "expected");
                QName currentNT          = new QName(testNS, "current");

                QName validityAtt        = new QName("", "", "validity");
                QName nameAtt            = new QName("", "", "name");
                QName contributorAtt     = new QName("", "", "contributor");
                QName setAtt             = new QName("", "", "set");
                QName groupAtt           = new QName("", "", "group");
                QName statusAtt          = new QName("", "", "status");
                QName bugzillaAtt        = new QName("", "", "bugzilla");
                QName targetNamespaceAtt = new QName("", "", "targetNamespace");
                QName schemaVersion      = new QName("saxon", "", "schemaVersion");

                DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
                builder.BaseUri = new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/");
                XdmNode catalog = builder.Build(
                    new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/suite.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));

                results = new StreamWriter(testSuiteDir + "/SaxonResults"
                                           + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml");

                results.Write("<testSuiteResults xmlns='" + testNS + "' xmlns:saxon='' " +
                              "suite='TS_2006' " +
                              "processor='Saxon-SA (Java) 8.8++' submitDate='2007-01-05' publicationPermission='public'>\n");

                XdmNode exceptionsDoc = builder.Build(
                    new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/exceptions.xml",
                                   FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));

                IEnumerator exceptionTestCases = exceptionsDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, new QName("", "testcase"));
                while (exceptionTestCases.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode testCase = (XdmNode)exceptionTestCases.Current;
                    String  set      = testCase.GetAttributeValue(setAtt);
                    String  group    = testCase.GetAttributeValue(groupAtt);
                    String  comment  = getChildElement(testCase, commentNT).StringValue;
                    exceptions[set + "#" + group] = comment;

                IEnumerator testSets = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testSetRefNT);
                while (testSets.MoveNext())
                    XdmNode testSetRef     = (XdmNode)testSets.Current;
                    XdmNode testSetDoc     = getLinkedDocument(testSetRef, processor, false);
                    XdmNode testSetElement = getChildElement(testSetDoc, testSetNT);

                    if (testSetElement == null)
                        feedback.Message("test set doc has no TestSet child: " + testSetDoc.BaseUri, true);

                    String testSetName = testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                    if (testSetPattern != null && !testSetName.StartsWith(testSetPattern))
                    if (contributor != null && contributor != testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(contributorAtt))

                    bool needs11 = (testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(schemaVersion) == "1.1");

                    IEnumerator testGroups = testSetElement.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, testGroupNT);
                    while (testGroups.MoveNext())
                        XdmNode testGroup = (XdmNode)testGroups.Current;

                        String testGroupName = testGroup.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                        String exception     = (String)exceptions[testSetName + "#" + testGroupName];

                        if (testGroupPattern != null && !testGroupName.StartsWith(testGroupPattern))
                        Console.WriteLine("TEST SET " + testSetName + " GROUP " + testGroupName, false);
                        if (onwards)
                            testGroupPattern = null;
                            testSetPattern   = null;
                        Processor testConfig = new Processor(true);
                        if (needs11)
                            testConfig.SetProperty("", "1.1");
                        SchemaManager schemaManager = testConfig.SchemaManager;

                        testConfig.SetProperty("", "true");
                        IEnumerator schemaTests   = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaTestNT);
                        bool        schemaQueried = false;
                        String      bugzillaRef   = null;

                        while (schemaTests.MoveNext())
                            XdmNode schemaTest = (XdmNode)schemaTests.Current;
                            if (schemaTest == null)
                            bugzillaRef = null;
                            String testName = schemaTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                            if (exception != null)
                                results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                              "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                              "' test='" + testName +
                                              "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception +
                            bool    queried       = false;
                            XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(schemaTest, currentNT);
                            if (statusElement != null)
                                String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt);
                                queried     = ("queried" == status);
                                bugzillaRef = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt);
                            if (queried)
                                schemaQueried = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("TEST SCHEMA " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : ""));
                            bool        success  = true;
                            IEnumerator schemata = schemaTest.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaDocumentNT);
                            while (schemata.MoveNext())
                                XdmNode schemaDocumentRef = (XdmNode)schemata.Current;
                                if (schemaDocumentRef == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Loading schema at " + schemaDocumentRef.GetAttributeValue(xlinkHref));
                                XdmNode     schemaDoc     = getLinkedDocument(schemaDocumentRef, testConfig, false);
                                IEnumerator schemaDocKids = schemaDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child);
                                XdmNode     schemaElement = null;
                                while (schemaDocKids.MoveNext())
                                    schemaElement = (XdmNode)schemaDocKids.Current;
                                    if (schemaElement.NodeKind == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                String targetNamespace = schemaElement.GetAttributeValue(targetNamespaceAtt);
                                //if (targetNamespace != null && schemaManager. isSchemaAvailable(targetNamespace)) {
                                // do nothing
                                // TODO: this is the only way I can get MS additional test addB132 to work.
                                // It's not ideal: addSchemaSource() ought to be a no-op if the schema components
                                // are already loaded, but in fact recompiling the imported schema document on its
                                // own is losing the substitution group membership that was defined in the
                                // importing document.
                                //} else {
                                IList errorList = new ArrayList();
                                schemaManager.ErrorList = errorList;
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    if (errorList.Count == 0)
                                        feedback.Message("In " + testName + ", exception thrown but no errors in ErrorList\n", true);
                                        success = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < errorList.Count; i++)
                                    if (errorList[i] is StaticError)
                                        StaticError err = (StaticError)errorList[i];
                                        if (!err.IsWarning)
                                            success = false;
                                        feedback.Message("In " + testName + " wrong kind of error!" + errorList[i].GetType() + "\n", true);
                            XdmNode expected        = getChildElement(schemaTest, expectedNT);
                            bool    expectedSuccess = expected == null ||
                                                      expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid";
                            if (success == expectedSuccess)
                            feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total);
                            results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                          "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                          "' test='" + testName +
                                          "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid") +
                                          (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") +
                                          "' saxon:outcome='" + (success == expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") +
                        IEnumerator instanceTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, instanceTestNT);
                        while (instanceTests.MoveNext())
                            XdmNode instanceTest = (XdmNode)instanceTests.Current;
                            String  testName     = instanceTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);

                            if (exception != null)
                                results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                              "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                              "' test='" + testName +
                                              "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception +

                            bool    queried       = false;
                            XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(instanceTest, currentNT);
                            if (statusElement != null)
                                String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt);
                                queried = ("queried" == status);
                                String instanceBug = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt);
                                if (instanceBug != null)
                                    bugzillaRef = instanceBug;
                            queried |= schemaQueried;

                            Console.WriteLine("TEST INSTANCE " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : ""));

                            XdmNode instanceDocument = getChildElement(instanceTest, instanceDocumentNT);

                            bool success = true;
                                XdmNode instanceDoc = getLinkedDocument(instanceDocument, testConfig, true);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                success = false;

                            XdmNode expected        = getChildElement(instanceTest, expectedNT);
                            bool    expectedSuccess = expected == null ||
                                                      expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid";
                            if (success == expectedSuccess)
                            feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total);
                            results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                          "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                          "' test='" + testName +
                                          "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid") +
                                          (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") +
                                          "' saxon:outcome='" + (success == expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") +

            } catch (Exception e) {
                feedback.Message("Test failed: " + e.Message, true);
Exemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains schema definition of the type of an element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="elem">
 ///            name of element who's type is desired. </param>
 /// <returns> schema definition of type </returns>
 public virtual TypeDefinition element_type_definition(QName elem)
     return(_model.lookupElementDeclaration(elem.local(), elem.@namespace()));