Exemplo n.º 1
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------------

    private PuzzleSolverTile[] reverseList(PuzzleSolverTile[] original)
        //reverses a list of PuzzleSolverTile objects
        PuzzleSolverTile[] newList = new PuzzleSolverTile[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            int oppositeIndex = size - i;
            newList[i] = original[oppositeIndex - 1];
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void addHintsToTiles()
     //each Tile has 4 hints that it contributes to. This adds those hints as properties of the tiles
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
             PuzzleSolverTile tile = tilesArray[i, j];
             tile.topHintTile    = topHints[j];
             tile.bottomHintTile = bottomHints[j];
             tile.leftHintTile   = leftHints[i];
             tile.rightHintTile  = rightHints[i];
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void createEmptyPuzzle()
     //creates an empty puzzle of PuzzleSolverTile objects
     tilesArray = new PuzzleSolverTile[size, size];
     tilesList  = new PuzzleSolverTile[size * size];
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
             PuzzleSolverTile x = new PuzzleSolverTile();
             tilesArray[i, j]          = x;
             tilesList[(i * size) + j] = x;
             x.xValue = j;
             x.yValue = i;
Exemplo n.º 4
    private void immediateProhibition()
        //the part of the puzzle-solving algorithm that happens second. Called by SolvePuzzle
        //any tile with numbers that can immediately be removed as possible solutions are crossed-out here

        foreach (PuzzleSolverSideTile h in hintsList)
            //if hint is between 1 and the max number (exclusive), the tiles next to it cannot be high numbers
            if ((h.hint > 1) && (h.hint < size))
                int numTiles = h.hint - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < numTiles; i++)
                    PuzzleSolverTile tile = h.row[i];
                    int prohibitTopX      = numTiles - i;
                    for (int j = 0; j < prohibitTopX; j++)
                        tile.prohibitValue(size - j);
Exemplo n.º 5
    private void iterativeProhibition()
        //every iteration, checks all hints and tiles to see which numbers can be crossed-out. Called by SolvePuzzle

        foreach (PuzzleSolverSideTile h in hintsList)
            //go through every row, and add all used values as prohibited to other tiles
            List <int> containedValues = new List <int>();
            foreach (PuzzleSolverTile t in h.row)
                if (t.value != 0)
            foreach (PuzzleSolverTile t in h.row)

            //if hint is between 1 and size (exclusive) and the row is already populated, you can prohibit high values on tiles near the hint
            if ((h.hint > 1) && (h.hint < size) && h.hasATileInRowBeenPopulated() && (!h.row[0].populated))
                List <int> unusedNumbers          = h.getUnusedNumbers();//assumes unusedNumbers is sorted
                List <int> unusedNumbersHighToLow = reverseList(unusedNumbers);
                int        numVisible             = h.numBuildingsCurrentlyVisible();
                int        numYetToBeVisible      = h.hint - numVisible;
                int        tilesToProhibit        = numYetToBeVisible - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < tilesToProhibit; i++)
                    PuzzleSolverTile t   = h.row[i];
                    int prohibitHighestX = tilesToProhibit - i;

                    List <int> valuesToProhibit = new List <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < prohibitHighestX; j++)
            //if hint is 2, the highest remaining number in the row can't be between the adjacent tile and the highest value
            if ((h.hint == 2) && (!h.row[0].populated) && (h.isHighestValueInRow()))
                List <int> u = h.getUnusedNumbers();
                int        highestUnusedVal = u[u.Count - 1];
                bool       foundMax         = false;
                foreach (PuzzleSolverTile t in h.row)
                    if (t.value == size)
                        foundMax = true;
                    if ((!foundMax) && (t != h.row[0]))

        foreach (PuzzleSolverTile t in tilesList)
            //if a tile is populated, add all other numbers to its prohibited list
            if (t.populated)
                for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)