Exemplo n.º 1
    public void initiate(PuzzlePieceInfo piece, Texture2D outLine, Texture2D theImage)
            //set object's texture to puzzle-piece shaped highlight
            Color mainImageColor;

            //Set Up
            myPuzzlePiece = new PuzzlePieceInfo();
            puzzleOutline = outLine;
            mainImageTexture = theImage;
            myPuzzlePiece = piece;

        //		Debug.Log(pictureTexture.width);
        //		Debug.Log(pictureTexture.height);
        //		Debug.Log("w "+outLine.width);
        //		Debug.Log("h "+outLine.height);

            //Where does the texture start..
            int initX = myPuzzlePiece.uvX;
            int initY = myPuzzlePiece.uvY;

            //How much of the texture will be shown (uv rect)
            float textureWidth = myPuzzlePiece.uvWidth;
            float textureHeight = myPuzzlePiece.uvHeight;

            myColor = myPuzzlePiece.myColor;

            //New "Canvas" to paint on
            myTexture = new Texture2D((int)textureWidth, (int)textureHeight);

            //Clears any other color that it is not its own
            for(int y = initY; y < initY + textureHeight; y++){
                for(int x = initX; x < initX + textureWidth; x++){

                    //if pixel is not the piece's color, clear it
                    if(puzzleOutline.GetPixel(x,y) != myColor) {
                        mainImageColor = mainImageTexture.GetPixel(x,y);
                        myTexture.SetPixel(x-initX, y-initY, mainImageColor);

            //Commit changes to texture and apply it
            myTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            myUITexture.mainTexture = myTexture;

            myUITexture.enabled = false;
            initiated =true;
        myUITexture.mainTexture = myTexture;
        myUITexture.enabled = false;
    //Main Calculation to get each individual piece's UVs
    void CalculateMinMax(PuzzlePieceInfo piece, int startX, int startY, bool findMinX, Color[] colors)
        //Set up
        int minX = int.MaxValue;
        int maxX = int.MinValue;
        int minY = 0;
        int maxY = 0;

        int counterX = 0;
        int index = 0;
        bool notFound = false;
        bool findMinY = true;

        //if the piece is the last on column, then maxX will be texture's width
        if(piece.myColumn == numCol-1)
            maxX = puzzleOutline.width;

        //if the piece is the last on row, then maxY will be texture's height
        if(piece.myRow == numRows-1)
            maxY = puzzleOutline.height;

        //Don't need to find the minY for pieces on row 0 since it is 0
        if(piece.myRow == 0)
            findMinY = false;

        //Main For loop
        for(int y = startY; y < puzzleOutline.height; y++){

            //New row, then try to find a new MinX
            findMinX = true;

            //if it didn't find the piece's color after one traversal, assume end of piece
                if(piece.myRow != numRows - 1){
                    maxY = y+2; //Just some padding

            for(int x = startX; x < puzzleOutline.width; x++)
                index = y * puzzleOutline.width + x;
                //Find the uvX of currentPiece using the piece on the left as reference

                   //if the pixel has the same color as the piece...
                    if( piece.myColor ==  colors[index]){

                        //check if pixel positiion is lower than the current min and swap accordingly
                        if(x < minX)
                            minX = x;

                        //find the very first occurence of the piece's color to find minY
                            minY = y;
                            findMinY = false;

                        //found first piece's color occurrence find the row's maxX (if not the last column piece)
                        if(piece.myColumn != numCol - 1){
                            findMinX = false;


                     //if the current pixel is not the piece's color, is greater than current max
                     //Or reached end of texture assume end of piece
                    else if((maxX != int.MinValue && x > maxX)  ||
                           (maxX != int.MinValue && !findMinY && x == puzzleOutline.width -1))
                        notFound = true;
                //find the MaxX that the piece covers

                    //at the first occurrence that the color is no longer the same as the piece's
                    if(piece.myColor != colors[index]){

                        //Check if currentX is greater than current Max and break regardless
                        if(x > maxX) {
                            maxX = x;
            }//end X for loop
        }//end y for loop

        piece.uvX = minX;
        piece.uvY = minY;
        piece.uvHeight = maxY - minY;
        piece.uvWidth = maxX - minX;
    //Create Prefab, position in world and make it pixel perfect
    void InstantiatePrefab(PuzzlePieceInfo thePiece)
        //Create Prefab and change name
        GameObject piece = GameObject.Instantiate(puzzlePiecePrefab) as GameObject;
        piece.name = "IndividualPiece "+ thePiece.myRow.ToString() + thePiece.myColumn.ToString();

        //Calls the function to further clean up the individual piece
        piece.GetComponent<PuzzlePiece>().CreateTexture(thePiece, puzzleOutline, mainPuzzleImage);

        //Sets up the position of the piece
        piece.transform.parent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PuzzlePanel").transform;

        Vector3 loc = piece.transform.localPosition;

        loc.x = locations[locationCounter].transform.position.x;
        loc.y = locations[locationCounter].transform.position.y;
        //loc.x += 160 * thePiece.myColumn;
        //loc.y += 160 * thePiece.myRow;

        piece.transform.position = loc;

        Vector3 scale = piece.transform.localScale;
        scale.x = thePiece.uvWidth;
        scale.y = thePiece.uvHeight;
        piece.transform.localScale = scale;

        #if !USE_SHADER
        //Scale it to make it pixel perfect
        //Some further scaling since the pieces are too big
        scale = piece.transform.localScale;

        scale.Scale(new Vector3(scalar, scalar, scalar));

        piece.transform.localScale = scale;

        //add on extra scripts so it behaves like a puzzle piece
        piece.GetComponent<DraggablePuzzlePiece>().isSolution = true;
        piece.GetComponent<DraggablePuzzlePiece>().mySlot = GameObject.Find ("Slot"+thePiece.myColumn.ToString()+thePiece.myRow.ToString()+diff);
        piece.GetComponent<DraggablePuzzlePiece>().mySlot.GetComponent<DropContainerPuzzle>().initiate(thePiece, puzzleOutline, hintImage);

        piece.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size = new Vector3(.8f,.8f,1f);

        piece.GetComponent<UIDragObject>().target= piece.transform;
        piece.GetComponent<UIDragObject>().restrictWithinPanel = true;
        piece.GetComponent<UIDragObject>().dragEffect = UIDragObject.DragEffect.None;
    //Creates individual piece (without UV's set up)
    void CreateIndividualPiece(int row, int col, Color pieceColor)
        PuzzlePieceInfo puzzlePiece = new PuzzlePieceInfo();
        puzzlePiece.myColor = pieceColor;
        puzzlePiece.myRow = row;
        puzzlePiece.myColumn = col;

        indivPiecesArray[row,col] = puzzlePiece;
    //Calculate the UV's depending on piece's grid location
    void CalculateUVRect(PuzzlePieceInfo piece, Color[] colors)
        int prevUVX;
        int prevUVY;

        //if it is the very first piece, set UV's location to (0,0)
        if(piece.myRow == 0 && piece.myColumn == 0){
            piece.uvX = 0;
            piece.uvY = 0;

            CalculateMinMax(piece, 0, 0, false, colors);

        //if it is a piece on the first row, set UV's location to (UVX,0)
        else if(piece.myRow == 0){
            piece.uvY = 0;

            prevUVX = indivPiecesArray[piece.myRow, piece.myColumn-1].uvX;
            prevUVY = 0;

            CalculateMinMax(piece, prevUVX, prevUVY, true, colors);

        //if it is a piece on the first column, set UV's location to (0, UVY)
        else if(piece.myColumn == 0){
            piece.uvX = 0;

            prevUVY = indivPiecesArray[piece.myRow-1, piece.myColumn].uvY;
            prevUVX = 0;

            CalculateMinMax(piece, prevUVX,  prevUVY, true, colors);


        //For the middle pieces
            prevUVX = indivPiecesArray[piece.myRow, piece.myColumn-1].uvX;
            prevUVY = indivPiecesArray[piece.myRow-1, piece.myColumn].uvY;

            CalculateMinMax(piece, prevUVX, prevUVY, true, colors);

Exemplo n.º 6
    //Texture2D pictureTexture;
    Individual piece only has main outline of the piece,
    still need to apply the color of the main picture (Texture2D pictureTexture)

    //Cleans up the individual piece's texture and applies it
    public void CreateTexture(PuzzlePieceInfo piece, Texture2D outLine, Texture2D theImage)
        Color mainImageColor;

        //Set Up
        myPuzzlePiece = new PuzzlePieceInfo();
        puzzleOutline = outLine;
        mainImageTexture = theImage;
        myPuzzlePiece = piece;

        //Where does the texture start..
        int initX = myPuzzlePiece.uvX;
        int initY = myPuzzlePiece.uvY;

        //How much of the texture will be shown (uv rect)
        int textureWidth = myPuzzlePiece.uvWidth;
        int textureHeight = myPuzzlePiece.uvHeight;

        myColor = myPuzzlePiece.myColor;

        Material mat = new Material(myShader);

        myUITexture.material = mat;

        float offsetX = (float) initX/(float)puzzleOutline.width;
        float offsetY = (float) initY/(float)puzzleOutline.height;

        //New "Canvas" to paint on
        //myTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

        #if USE_SHADER
        myUITexture.material.SetColor("_MainColor", myColor);
        myUITexture.material.SetTexture("_OutlineTex", puzzleOutline);
        myUITexture.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", mainImageTexture);

        Rect newUVRect = myUITexture.uvRect;
        newUVRect.x = offsetX;
        newUVRect.y = offsetY;
        newUVRect.width = (float) textureWidth / (float) puzzleOutline.width;
        newUVRect.height = (float) textureHeight / (float) puzzleOutline.height;

        myUITexture.uvRect = newUVRect;


        myTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

        int numColors = (int) (textureWidth * textureHeight);
        int index = 0;
        int counter = 0;
        var colors = new Color32[numColors];
        var outlineColors = puzzleOutline.GetPixels(initX, initY, textureWidth, textureHeight);
        var mainImageColors = mainImageTexture.GetPixels(initX, initY, textureWidth, textureHeight);

        //Using SetPixels32 and GetPixels()
        for(int i = 0; i < numColors; ++i){
            if(outlineColors[i] != myColor) {
                colors[i] = Color.clear;
                colors[i] = mainImageColors[i];

        //Using SetPixels32 with no GetPixels()

        //Clears any other color that it is not its own
        //		for(int y = initY; y < initY + textureHeight; y++){
        //			for(int x = initX; x < initX + textureWidth; x++){
        //				//if pixel is not the piece's color, clear it
        //				if(puzzleOutline.GetPixel(x,y) != myColor) {
        //					colors[counter] = Color.clear;
        //				}
        //				else{
        //					colors[counter] = mainImageTexture.GetPixel(x,y);
        //				}
        //				counter++;
        //			}
        //		}

        //Using individual set pixels (make sure to comment out setpixels32())
                //Clears any other color that it is not its own
        //		for(int y = initY; y < initY + textureHeight; y++){
        //			for(int x = initX; x < initX + textureWidth; x++){
        //				//if pixel is not the piece's color, clear it
        //				if(puzzleOutline.GetPixel(x,y) != myColor) {
        //					myTexture.SetPixel(x-initX,y-initY,Color.clear);
        //				}
        //				else{
        //					mainImageColor = mainImageTexture.GetPixel(x,y);
        //					myTexture.SetPixel(x-initX, y-initY, mainImageColor);
        //				}
        //			}
        //		}


        //Commit changes to texture and apply it
        myTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        myTexture.Apply(false, true);
        myUITexture.mainTexture = myTexture;