public void SimpleErrors()
            var  valueStack = new Stack <Exception>();
            var  errorStack = new Stack <Exception>();
            bool isComplete = false;
            var  obs1       = new PushSubject <int>();

            var output = obs1.ExceptionsToObservable();

            output.Subscribe(valueStack.Push, () => isComplete = true, errorStack.Push);

            var ex = new Exception();

            Assert.IsTrue(Object.ReferenceEquals(ex, valueStack.Peek()), "exception message should be in the output stream");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, errorStack.Count, "no exception should be in the error output stream");

            ex = new Exception();
            Assert.IsTrue(Object.ReferenceEquals(ex, valueStack.Peek()), "exception message should be in the output stream");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, errorStack.Count, "no exception should be in the error output stream");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, valueStack.Count, "no more exception should be in the error output stream");
            Assert.IsTrue(isComplete, "the output stream should be complete");