public int UploadPulse(Pulse myTest)
        int temp = myTest.UniqueID;

        myTest.UniqueID = -1;
        int id = myTest.InsertAtDB(false, Constants.PulseTable);

        myTest.UniqueID = temp;
        return(id);        //uniqueID of person at server
Exemplo n.º 2
    void on_button_accept_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
        //foreach all lines... extrac intervalTimesString
        TreeIter myIter;
        string   timeString = "";

        bool iterOk = store.GetIterFirst(out myIter);

        if (iterOk)
            string equal = "";            //first iteration should not appear '='
                timeString = timeString + equal + (string)treeview_subevents.Model.GetValue(myIter, 1);
                equal      = "=";
            } while (store.IterNext(ref myIter));

        //calculate other variables needed for pulse creation

        myPulse.TotalPulsesNum = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(timeString, false);         //don't need a GetNumberOfRuns, this works
        myPulse.TimesString    = timeString;

        //save it deleting the old first for having the same uniqueID
        Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.PulseTable, myPulse.UniqueID);

        myPulse.InsertAtDB(false, Constants.PulseTable);

         * SqlitePulse.Insert(myPulse.UniqueID.ToString(),
         *              myPulse.PersonID, myPulse.SessionID,
         *              myPulse.Type, myPulse.FixedPulse, totalPulsesNum,
         *              timeString, myPulse.Description
         *              );

        //close the window
        RepairPulseWindowBox = null;
 public int UploadPulse(Pulse myTest)
     int temp = myTest.UniqueID;
     myTest.UniqueID = -1;
     int id = myTest.InsertAtDB(false, Constants.PulseTable);
     myTest.UniqueID = temp;
     return id; //uniqueID of person at server
Exemplo n.º 4
     * useful to do a conversion from an int to a double
     * used on jump.angle
     * we done on sqlite/jump.cs:
     * on createTable change "angle INT" to "angle FLOAT"
     * then call this alterTableColumn
     * but CAUTION: doing this, all the float data is converted to .0
     * eg: 27.35 will be 27.0
     *     -1 will be -1.0
     * if we don't use this, and we have created a column as int, and introduce floats or doubles,
     * we can insert ok the float or doubles, but on select we will have ints
    protected internal static void alterTableColumn(Sqlite sqliteObject, string tableName, int columns)
        conversionSubRate = 1;
        conversionSubRateTotal = -1; //unknown yet

        //2st create convert temp table

        //2nd copy all data from desired table to temp table adding the simulated column
        ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(2);
        dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * " +
            "FROM " + tableName + " ORDER BY uniqueID";
        SqliteDataReader reader;
        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        while(reader.Read()) {
            string [] myReaderStr = new String[columns];
            for (int i=0; i < columns; i ++)
                myReaderStr[i] = reader[i].ToString();

            Event myEvent =  new Event();
            switch (tableName) {
                case Constants.JumpTable:
                    myEvent = new Jump(myReaderStr);
                case Constants.JumpRjTable:
                    myEvent = new JumpRj(myReaderStr);
                case Constants.RunTable:
                    myEvent = new Run(myReaderStr);
                case Constants.RunIntervalTable:
                    myEvent = new RunInterval(myReaderStr);
                case Constants.ReactionTimeTable:
                    myEvent = new ReactionTime(myReaderStr);
                case Constants.PulseTable:
                    myEvent = new Pulse(myReaderStr);

        conversionSubRateTotal = myArray.Count * 2;

        foreach (Event myEvent in myArray) {
            myEvent.InsertAtDB(true, Constants.ConvertTempTable);
            conversionSubRate ++;

        //3rd drop desired table

        //4d create desired table (now with new columns)

        //5th insert data in desired table
        foreach (Event myEvent in myArray) {
            myEvent.InsertAtDB(true, tableName);
            conversionSubRate ++;

        //6th drop temp table