Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Setup()
            _sqlPublisherRepository   = A.Fake <IAsyncRepository <Publisher> >();
            _mongoPublisherRepository = A.Fake <IAsyncReadonlyRepository <MongoPublisher> >();
            _gameRootRepository       = A.Fake <IAsyncRepository <GameRoot> >();
            _localizationRepository   = A.Fake <IAsyncRepository <PublisherLocalization> >();
            _mapper = A.Fake <IMapper>();

            _publisherDecorator = new PublisherDecorator(
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void FormattedBookByAllFields_ReturnsCorrectResult()
            Book   b = new Book("1", "name1", "author1", "publisher1", 2019, 100, 10);
            string expectedString = "Book: Isbn - 1 Name - name1 Author - author1 Publisher - publisher1 " +
                                    "Year of publication - 2019 Count of page - 100 Price - 10";

            b = new IsbnDecorator(b);
            b = new NameDecorator(b);
            b = new AuthorDecorator(b);
            b = new PublisherDecorator(b);
            b = new PublicationYearDecorator(b);
            b = new PageCountDecorator(b);
            b = new PriceDecorator(b);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, b.ToString());