public async Task <IActionResult> Update(string id, PubModel model) { try { var user = await _hexadoUserService.GetSingleOrMaybeAsync(u => u.Email == UserEmail); if (!user.HasValue) { return(Unauthorized()); } var result = await _pubService.UpdateAsync( model.ToEntity( user.Value.Account.Id, id)); return(result.HasValue ? OkJson(result.Value.ToResponse()) : NotFound()); } catch (UserNotAllowedToUpdatePubException ex) { _logger.LogWarning(ex, $"User: {UserEmail} not allowed to update pubId: {id}!"); return(ForbiddenJson()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error while updating pub! " + $"Id: {id}"); return(InternalServerErrorJson(ex)); } }
public static Pub ToEntity(this PubModel model, string accountId, string?pubId) { return(new Pub { Id = pubId, AccountId = accountId, Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, ContactNumber = model.ContactNumber, ContactEmail = model.ContactEmail, Address = model.Address.ToEntity(pubId), ImagePath = model.ImagePath ?? string.Empty }); }
public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] PubModel pubModel) { try { Pub pub = pubModel.ToEntity(); pub.Id = id; logic.Update(pub); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception e) { return(NotFound(e.Message)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(PubModel model) { try { var user = await _hexadoUserService.GetSingleOrMaybeAsync(u => u.Email == UserEmail); if (!user.HasValue) { return(Unauthorized()); } var result = await _pubService.CreateAsync(model.ToEntity(user.Value.Account.Id)); return(result.HasValue ? CreatedJson(result.Value.ToResponse()) : BadRequest()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error while creating new pub!"); return(InternalServerErrorJson(ex)); } }
public static Pub ToEntity(this PubModel model, string accountId) { return(model.ToEntity(accountId, default)); }
/// <summary> /// 创建多语言视图,带有LanguageId=1的所有有视图1替换成languageValue 并且新创视图 名称为 原有视图名+_$_+suffix /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static void UpdateView(PubModel.Language lan, SqlSugarClient db) { if (lan == null) return; if (lan.Suffix.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Check.Exception(true, "LanguageHelper.lan.Suffix is Null Or Empty"); } if (PreSuffix.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Check.Exception(true, "LanguageHelper.PreSuffix is Null Or Empty"); } if (!lan.Suffix.StartsWith(PreSuffix)) { lan.Suffix = PreSuffix + lan.Suffix; } string sql = @" --验证参数传递规则 if LEFT(ltrim(@Suffix),3)<>'" + PreSuffix + @"' begin raiserror('参数传递格式不规范',16,1) return; end else if(ISNULL("+lan.LanguageValue+@",'')='') begin raiserror('参数传递格式不规范',16,1) return; end declare @name varchar(100), --视图名称 @definition varchar(max) --视图脚本 --删除数据库里面所有带传递参数几号的视图 declare my_cursor cursor for select,b.[definition] from sys.objects a JOIN sys.sql_modules b on a.[object_id]=b.[object_id] where [type]='v' and b.[definition] like '%" + lan.ReplaceViewStringKey + @"%' and not like '%"+PreSuffix+@"%' --打开处理器 open my_cursor fetch next from my_cursor into @name,@definition while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin --脚本查询语言ID更改,并且更改新脚本语言的对象名称 set @definition=REPLACE( REPLACE( @definition, '" + lan.ReplaceViewStringKey + @"', '" + string.Format(lan.ReplaceViewStringValue, lan.LanguageValue) + @"' ), @name, @name+@Suffix ) --判断新脚本语言的对象名称是否存在,存在删除 exec( ' if object_id('''+@name+@Suffix+''',''v'') is not null begin drop view '+@name+@Suffix+' end ' ) exec(@definition) fetch next from my_cursor into @name,@definition end close my_cursor deallocate my_cursor "; db.ExecuteCommand(sql, new { Suffix = lan.Suffix }); }
public IActionResult Post(PubModel pub) { Pub newPub = logic.Add(pub.ToEntity()); return(Ok(newPub)); }