Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ThrowExceptionIfMethodNotFound()
            //  #   Arrange.
            var     pr  = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ThrowExceptionIfMethodNotFound));
            var     obj = new MyBaseClass();
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(obj);

            //  #   Act and Assert.
            //  The method does not exist.
            Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => { sut.ThisMethodIsNotFound(pr.Int()); });

            //  There is a property by the same name.
            Assert.Throws <RuntimeBinderException>(
                () => { sut.MyPrivateProperty(pr.Int()); });
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ThrowExceptionIfStaticMethodNotFound()
            //  #   Arrange.
            var     pr  = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ThrowExceptionIfStaticMethodNotFound));
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(typeof(MyBaseClass));

            //  #   Act and Assert.
            //  The method does not exist.
            Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => { sut.ThisMethodIsNotFound(pr.Int()); });

            //  There is a property by the same name.
            //  Trying to call it fails.
            Assert.Throws <RuntimeBinderException>(
                () => { sut.MyStaticPrivateProperty(pr.Int()); });
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ReachAllInnerClasses()
            //  #   Arrange.
            var     pr  = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ReachAllInnerClasses));
            var     obj = new MyPublicClass();
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(obj);
            int     res;
            int     val;

            //  #   Act and Assert.
            val = pr.Int();

            //  We don't support finding privates in inherited classes
            //  so here we look for a field overloaded in the child class
            //  just as a sanity check.
            sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myPrivateField = val;
            res = sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myPrivateField;

            //  Keep looking for a visible (e.g. internal) field that comes
            //  from the base class.
            sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myInternalField = val;
            res = sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myInternalField;
            sut._myInnerInternalClass._myInternalField = val;
            res = sut._myInnerInternalClass._myInternalField;
            sut._myInnerProtectedClass._myInternalField = val;
            res = sut._myInnerProtectedClass._myInternalField;
            sut._myInnerPublicClass._myInternalField = val;
            res = sut._myInnerPublicClass._myInternalField;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ReachAllFieldsOfAllTypes()
            //  # Arrange.
            var     pr  = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ReachAllFieldsOfAllTypes));
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(typeof(MyStaticBaseClassWithTypes));

            //  #   Act and Assert.
            var anyIntValue = pr.Int();

            sut._myPrivateStaticIntField = anyIntValue;
            // We have a problem here with FluentAssertions where it, runtime, throws an exception even though the parameters are equal.
            Assert.Equal(anyIntValue, sut._myPrivateStaticIntField);

            var anyStringValue = pr.String();

            sut._myPrivateStaticStringField = anyStringValue;
            // We have a problem here with FluentAssertions where it, runtime, throws an exception even though the parameters are equal.
            Assert.Equal(anyStringValue, sut._myPrivateStaticStringField);

            var anyLongValue = pr.PositiveLong();

            sut._myPrivateStaticLongField = anyLongValue;
            // We have a problem here with FluentAssertions where it, runtime, throws an exception even though the parameters are equal.
            Assert.Equal(anyLongValue, sut._myPrivateStaticLongField);

            var anyObject =
                FieldOne = pr.Int(),

            sut._myPrivateStaticObjectField = anyObject;
            // We have a problem here with FluentAssertions where it, runtime, throws an exception even though the parameters are equal.
            Assert.Equal(anyObject.FieldOne, sut._myPrivateStaticObjectField.FieldOne);

            // If there is any other type to test, this is the place to add.
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ThrowExceptionIfStaticFieldOrPropetyNotFound()
            //  #   Arrange.
            var     pr  = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ThrowExceptionIfStaticFieldOrPropetyNotFound));
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(typeof(MyBaseClass));

            //  #   Act and Assert.
            //  A setter does not exist.
            Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => { sut.ThisPropertyOrFieldIsNotFound = pr.Int(); });

            //  A getter does not exist.
            Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => { var res = sut.ThisPropertyOrFieldIsNotFound; });
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ReachAllStaticFieldsAndProperties()
            //  #   Arrange.
            var     pr = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ReachAllStaticFieldsAndProperties));
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(typeof(MyBaseClass));
            int     value, res;

            //  #   Act and Assert.

            //  ##  Fields.
            value = pr.Int();
            sut._myStaticPrivateField = value;
            res = sut._myStaticPrivateField;
            value = pr.Int();
            sut._myStaticInternalField = value;
            res = sut._myStaticInternalField;
            value = pr.Int();
            sut._myStaticProtectedField = value;
            res = sut._myStaticProtectedField;
            value = pr.Int();
            sut._myStaticPublicField = value;
            res = sut._myStaticPublicField;

            //  ##   Properties.
            value = pr.Int();
            sut.MyStaticPrivateProperty = value;
            res = sut.MyStaticPrivateProperty;
            value = pr.Int();
            sut.MyStaticInternalProperty = value;
            res = sut.MyStaticInternalProperty;
            value = pr.Int();
            sut.MyStaticProtectedProperty = value;
            res = sut.MyStaticProtectedProperty;
            value = pr.Int();
            sut.MyStaticPublicProperty = value;
            res = sut.MyStaticPublicProperty;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ReachAllStaticMethods()
            //  # Arrange.
            var     pr  = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ReachAllStaticMethods));
            dynamic sut = new ReachIn(typeof(MyBaseClass));
            var     val = pr.Int();

            //  #   Act and Assert.
            // We have a problem here with FluentAssertions where it, runtime, throws an exception even though the parameters are equal.
            //sut.MyStaticPrivateMethod(val).Should().Be(val + 1);
            Assert.Equal(val + 1, sut.MyStaticPrivateMethod(val));
            Assert.Equal(val + 1, sut.MyStaticInternalMethod(val));
            Assert.Equal(val + 1, sut.MyStaticProtectedMethod(val));
            Assert.Equal(val + 1, sut.MyStaticPublicMethod(val));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void RandomizerTest2()
            // Test needs to run in parallel to RandomizerTest
            // Checks that Parallel test runs don't share randomizer seeds

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var randomizedObject = new
                    String   = PseudoRandom.String(),
                    Int      = PseudoRandom.Int(),
                    DateTime = PseudoRandom.DateTime()

                DiskAssert.Matches(randomizedObject, $"RandomizedObj_{i}");

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ObjAndSutUseTheSameInstance()
            //  # Arrange.
            var     pr    = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ObjAndSutUseTheSameInstance));
            var     obj   = new MyBaseClass();
            dynamic sut   = new ReachIn(obj);
            dynamic sut2  = new ReachIn(obj);
            var     value = pr.Int();

            value.Should().NotBe(default(int), "Sanity check we haven't randomised the default 0 value since all tests then would be moot.");

            //  #   Act.
            sut.MyPublicProperty  = value;
            sut2.MyPublicProperty = value;

            //  #   Assert.
            // We have a problem here with FluentAssertions where it, runtime, throws an exception even though the parameters are equal.
            Assert.Equal(sut.MyPublicProperty, sut2.MyPublicProperty);
Exemplo n.º 10
 internal static Dto CreateRandomised(PseudoRandom pr)
     return(CreateSetAllProperties(pr.String(), pr.String(), pr.String(), pr.String(), pr.Int()));
Exemplo n.º 11
 internal static Dto Randomise(PseudoRandom pr)
     return(new Dto(pr.Int(), null));