Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <ECart> FromPseudo(PseudoCart pseudoCart)
            var cart = new ECart();

            foreach (var item in pseudoCart.Cart)
                var product = await _iProductRepository.FindProductByIdForCart(item.Id);

                if (product != null && product.Status == (int)Consts.Status.Public)
                    var cartItem = new ECartItem
                        Product  = product,
                        Quantity = item.Quantity,
                        Guid     = item.Guid

                    item.Choices.ForEach(choice =>
                        var extra  = cartItem.Product.Extras.FirstOrDefault(ext => ext.Id == choice.Extra);
                        var option = extra?.Options.FirstOrDefault(opt => opt.Id == choice.Option.GetValueOrDefault(-1));
                        if (extra != null && option != null)
                            cartItem.Choices.Add(extra, option);


            cart.Coupons = cart.Contents.SelectMany(item => item.Product.Coupons)
                           .Where(c => pseudoCart.Coupons.Contains(c.Id)).Distinct().ToList();

Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <CheckOutResult> ValidateCart(PseudoCart cart)
            ICollection <string> messages = new List <string>();
            ECart realCart = new ECart();

            foreach (var item in cart.Cart.ToList())
                bool valid        = true;
                var  upToDateItem = await _productRepository.FindProductByIdForCartNoFreshen(item.Id);

                ExtraDictionary choices = new ExtraDictionary();
                if (upToDateItem.Status != (int)Consts.Status.Public)
                    messages.Add($"{upToDateItem.Name} is no longer on sale.");
                    valid = false;
                else if (upToDateItem.Quantity < item.Quantity)
                    messages.Add($"{upToDateItem.Name} does not have enough item on sale.");
                    valid = false;
                    foreach (var choice in item.Choices)
                        bool validChoice   = true;
                        var  upToDateExtra =
                            upToDateItem.Extras.FirstOrDefault(ext => ext.Id == choice.Extra && !ext.Deleted);
                        Option upToDateOption = null;
                        if (upToDateExtra == null)
                            messages.Add($"An extra feature of product {upToDateItem.Name} does not exist.");
                            validChoice = false;
                            if (!upToDateExtra.Optional && choice.Option == null)
                                messages.Add($"All mandatory options were not fulfilled with product {upToDateItem.Name}.");
                                validChoice = false;
                                upToDateOption =
                                    upToDateExtra.Options.FirstOrDefault(opt => opt.Id == choice.Option && !opt.Deleted);
                                if (upToDateOption == null)
                                    messages.Add($"An option of product {upToDateItem.Name} does not exist.");
                                    validChoice = false;

                        if (validChoice)
                            choices.Add(upToDateExtra, upToDateOption);

                if (valid)
                    realCart.Contents.Add(new ECartItem
                        Product  = upToDateItem,
                        Quantity = item.Quantity,
                        Choices  = choices

            foreach (var coupon in cart.Coupons)
                var realCoupon = realCart.AvailableCoupons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == coupon && !c.Deleted && c.IsValid);
                if (realCoupon != null)
                    messages.Add($"Coupon id ${coupon} is no longer valid and has been removed.");

            return(new CheckOutResult
                Messages = messages,
                ECart = realCart,
                Succeeded = realCart.Contents.Any()
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <CheckOutResult> CheckOut(PseudoCart cart, string name, string address, string phone,
                                                    bool sendToDifferentAddress,
                                                    string alternateName, string alternateAddress, string alternatePhone, int paymentMethod, string note)
            var checkOutResult = await ValidateCart(cart);

            var currentUser = await _identityRepository.GetCurrentUserAsync();

            if (checkOutResult.Succeeded)
                var realCart = checkOutResult.ECart;
                var newOrder = new Order
                    User                   = currentUser,
                    BillingName            = name,
                    Address                = address,
                    PhoneNumber            = phone,
                    ShipToDifferentAddress = sendToDifferentAddress,
                    PaymentMethod          = paymentMethod,
                    Note                   = note,
                    DateCreated            = DateTime.Now,
                    Status                 = (int)Consts.OrderStatus.Processing,
                    OrderCoupons           = realCart.Coupons?.Select(c => new OrderCoupon
                        Coupon = c

                newOrder.Coupons.ForEach(c =>
                    if (c.Type == (int)Consts.CouponType.Quantity)
                        c.Quantity--; //use up one coupon

                newOrder.OrderItems = realCart.Contents.Select(item => new OrderItem
                    Product          = item.Product,
                    Price            = item.Product.DiscountedPrice,
                    Quantity         = item.Quantity,
                    OrderItemOptions = item.Choices.Values.Select(o => new OrderItemOption
                        Option = o
                if (sendToDifferentAddress)
                    newOrder.AlternateName    = alternateName;
                    newOrder.AlternateAddress = alternateAddress;
                    newOrder.AlternatePhone   = alternatePhone;

                await _context.Orders.AddAsync(newOrder);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                checkOutResult.OrderId = newOrder.Id;

            if (checkOutResult.Succeeded)
                var orderToEmail = await _context.Orders
                                   .Include(o => o.OrderCoupons)
                                   .ThenInclude(oc => oc.Coupon)
                                   .ThenInclude(c => c.Product)
                                   .ThenInclude(p => p.Images)
                                   .Include(o => o.OrderItems)
                                   .ThenInclude(oi => oi.Product)
                                   .Include(o => o.OrderItems)
                                   .ThenInclude(oi => oi.OrderItemOptions)
                                   .ThenInclude(oio => oio.Option)
                                   .ThenInclude(opt => opt.Extra)
                                   .Include(o => o.User)
                                   .Include(o => o.Refund).FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == checkOutResult.OrderId);

                var response = await _emailSender.SendOrderEmail($"[Kalium] Order #{checkOutResult.OrderId}", orderToEmail,
