Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given (symbolic) log-domain potentials, construct the graph for forward inference in a chain CRF.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obs_potentials">(n_steps, n_classes) Axes correspond to time and the value of the discrete label variable
        /// This is the energy assigned to a configuration (so higher energy = lower probability).</param>
        /// <param name="chain_potentials">(n_classes, n_classes, n_classes) Axes correspond to left label state, right label state, and the global label.
        /// Corresponds to the energy of a given pair of labels adjacent to one another (higher energy = lower probability).</param>
        /// <param name="viterbi">Perform MAP inference with the Viterbi algorithm rather than marginalizing the step-specific
        /// label variables, Instead, use the single most likely configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>(1-dimensional) The energy assigned for a given global label.
        /// This can be turned into a log probability by subtracting logsumexp(energy).</returns>
        public static Tensor <float> Forward(Tensor <float> obs_potentials, Tensor <float> chain_potentials, bool viterbi = false)
            Func <Tensor <float>, Tensor <float>, Tensor <float> > inner_function = (obs, prior_result /*, chain_potentials*/) =>
                prior_result = prior_result.DimShuffle(0, 'x', 1);
                obs          = obs.DimShuffle('x', 0, 'x');
                if (viterbi)
                    return(T.Max((-prior_result - obs - chain_potentials), axis: 0));
                    return(LogSumExp(-prior_result - obs - chain_potentials, axis: 0));

            Debug.Assert(obs_potentials.NDim == 2);
            Debug.Assert(chain_potentials.NDim == 3);
            var initial = (obs_potentials[0].DimShuffle(0, 'x') * T.OnesLike(chain_potentials[0]));
            var scanned = T.Scan(
                fn: inner_function,
                outputsInfo: initial,
                sequences: new[] { obs_potentials[XSlicer.From(1)] }
                //non_sequences: chain_potentials

            if (viterbi)
                return(-(T.Max(scanned[-1], axis: 0)));
                return(-LogSumExp(scanned[-1], axis: 0));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the gradient of an expression without inputs.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PassesGradientCheck(Scalar <float> expr, Scalar <float> W,
                                               float epsilon = 0.001f, float relativeErr = 1e-3f, float absErr = 1e-4f, int repeat = 6)
            var checkGrad = T.RandomGradientCheck(EmptyArray <IVar> .Value, expr, W);
            var fault     = 0;
            var errors    = "";

            for (int _ = 0; _ < repeat; ++_)
                var eps            = (_ % 2 == 0) ? epsilon : -epsilon;
                var checkRes       = checkGrad(eps);
                var finite         = checkRes.Item1;
                var backpropagated = checkRes.Item2;

                if (!AssertArray.CheckAreAlmostEqual(finite, backpropagated, relativeErr, absErr))
                    var abs      = Math.Abs(finite - backpropagated);
                    var relative = 2 * abs / (Math.Abs(finite) + Math.Abs(backpropagated));
                    errors += $"For epsilon {eps} expected: {finite}, actual {backpropagated}, diff {abs}, relative {relative}.\n";

                if (_ % 2 == 1)
                    epsilon *= 10;

            if (fault > 0)
                throw new Exception($"The computed gradient of {W.ToString()} doesn't match finite difference (failed {fault} times over {repeat}).\n{errors}");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestExp()
            var x  = T.Scalar <float>("x");
            var e  = T.Exp(x / 5);
            var de = T.Grad(e, x);

            var f = T.Function(x, e);

            Assert.AreEqual((float)Math.Exp(4f / 5f), f(4));
            Assert.AreEqual((float)Math.Exp(5f / 5f), f(5));

            var df = T.Function(x, de);

            Assert.AreEqual((float)Math.Exp(4f / 5f) / 5f, df(4));
            Assert.AreEqual((float)Math.Exp(5f / 5f) / 5f, df(5));

            var fdf = T.Function(x, new[] { e, de });
            var res = fdf(4);

            Assert.AreEqual(f(4), res[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(df(4), res[1]);

            res = fdf(5);
            Assert.AreEqual(f(5), res[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(df(5), res[1]);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute log(sum(exp(x), axis=axis) in a numerically stable fashion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">A Theano tensor (any dimension will do).</param>
        /// <param name="axis">int or symbolic integer scalar, or None. Axis over which to perform the summation. `None`, the
        /// default, performs over all axes.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the log(sum(exp(...))) operation.</returns>
        public static Tensor <float> LogSumExp(Tensor <float> x, int axis)
            var xmax  = T.Max(x, axis: axis, keepDims: true);
            var xmax_ = T.Max(x, axis: axis);

            return(xmax_ + T.Log(T.Sum(T.Exp(x - xmax), axis: axis)));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestFloat()
            var state = T.Shared(0f, "state");
            var inc   = T.Scalar <float>("inc");

            var updates = new OrderedDictionary {
                { state, state + inc }
            var accumulator = T.Function(inc, state, updates);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, state.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, accumulator(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, state.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, accumulator(300));
            Assert.AreEqual(301, state.Value);

            state.Value = -1;
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, accumulator(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, state.Value);

            var updates2 = new OrderedDictionary {
                { state, state - inc }
            var decrementor = T.Function(inc, state, updates2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, decrementor(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, state.Value);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the gradient of an expression with one input.
        /// If a shape of the input is unknown, it will be replaced by 10.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PassesGradientCheck <X>(Tensor <X> .Var input, Scalar <float> expr, Tensor <float> W,
                                                   float epsilon = 0.001f, float relativeErr = 1e-3f, float absErr = 1e-4f, int repeat = 50, Func <Array <X> > init = null)
            var xShape    = input.Shape.Select(s => (s as Scalar <int> .Const)?.Value ?? 10).ToArray();
            var checkGrad = T.RandomGradientCheck(new[] { input }, expr, W);

            if (init == null)
                init = () => NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, xShape).As <X>();

            var fault = 0;
            var last  = "";

            for (int _ = 0; _ < repeat; ++_)
                var x              = init();
                var checkRes       = checkGrad(x, epsilon);
                var finite         = checkRes.Item1;
                var backpropagated = checkRes.Item2;

                if (!AssertArray.CheckAreAlmostEqual(finite, backpropagated, relativeErr, absErr))
                    var abs      = Math.Abs(finite - backpropagated);
                    var relative = 2 * abs / (Math.Abs(finite) + Math.Abs(backpropagated));
                    last += $"Expected: {finite}, actual {backpropagated}, diff {abs}, relative {relative}.\n";

            if (fault > 0)
                throw new Exception($"The computed gradient of {W.Name} doesn't match finite difference (failed {fault} times over {repeat}).\n{last}");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ScanPassesGradientCheckOnSeq2Seq()
            int embeddingSize = 10, vocabSize = 100;

            var L   = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-0.01f, 0.01f, vocabSize, embeddingSize), "L");
            var W   = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-0.01f, 0.01f, embeddingSize, embeddingSize), "W");
            var ids = T.Vector <int>(-1, "ids");
            var xs  = L[ids];

            var scan  = T.Scan((x, acc) => T.Tanh(T.Dot(acc + x, W)), sequence: xs, outputsInfo: T.Zeros <float>(embeddingSize));
            var norm2 = T.Norm2(scan);

            var grad    = T.Grad(norm2);
            var updates = new OrderedDictionary {
                [W] = W - 0.001f * grad[W], [L] = L - 0.001f * grad[L]

            var f = T.Function(input: ids, output: norm2, updates: updates);

            Func <Array <int> > init = () => NN.Random.Uniform(0, vocabSize - 1, 10).As <int>();


            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(ids, norm2, W, init: init);
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(ids, norm2, L, init: init);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestScanOnTanhSumDot()
            var W = T.Shared(0.2f * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, 4, 5).As <float>(), "W");

            Func <Tensor <float>, Tensor <float>, Tensor <float> > recurrence =
                (x, acc) => T.Tanh(acc + T.Dot(W, x));

            var X    = T.Matrix <float>(-1, 5, "X");
            var acc0 = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(4), "acc0");

            var result = T.Scan(fn: recurrence, sequences: new[] { X }, outputsInfo: acc0);
            var norm2  = T.Norm2(result[-1]);

            var f = T.Function(X, norm2);

            var grad = T.Grad(norm2, W);

            var df = T.Function(input: X, output: (norm2, grad));

            df(NN.Array(new[, ] {
                { 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f }

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(X, norm2, acc0);
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(X, norm2, W);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Convolve2DPassesGradientCheck()
            //int[] poolingShape = new int[] { 1, 1 };
            int[] kernelShape = new int[] { 7, 7 };
            int[] inputShape  = new int[] { 100, 100 };
            var   iS          = NN.Array(inputShape).As <float>();
            var   kS          = NN.Array(kernelShape).As <float>();
            // layers
            var W = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-0.01f, 0.01f, kernelShape).As <float>(), "W");
            //var flatShape = ((inputShape[0] + kernelShape[0] - 1) / poolingShape[0] )  * ((inputShape[1] + kernelShape[1] - 1) / poolingShape[1] );
            var flatShape = ((inputShape[0] + kernelShape[0] - 1)) * ((inputShape[1] + kernelShape[1] - 1));
            var scaling   = (((iS[0] + kS[0] - 1f)) + ((iS[1] + kS[1] - 1f)));
            var S         = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-10f, 10f, 2, flatShape).As <float>() / scaling, "S");
            var Sb        = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(2, 1), "Sb");

            var x = T.Matrix <float>(inputShape[0], inputShape[1], "x");  // [inputLength]
            var h = T.Sigmoid(T.Convolve2d(x, W, mode: ConvMode.Full));

            //h = T.MaxPooling2d(h, poolingShape[0], poolingShape[1], true);
            h = h.Reshape(flatShape, 1);
            var debug = (T.Dot(S, h) + Sb).Reshape(2);
            var pred  = T.Softmax(debug);
            var nll   = -T.Mean(T.Log(pred)[1]);

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(x, nll, W, relativeErr: 1e-3f, absErr: 1e-3f);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestOnehotDotM()
            var M      = T.Matrix <float>("M");
            var X      = T.Matrix <float>("X");
            var a      = T.Vector <float>("a");
            var oneHot = T.OneHot(X.Shape, 1, a);
            var B      = T.Dot(oneHot, M);

            var M_ = NN.Array(new float[, ] {
                { 0, 3, 7 },
                { 5, 2, 0 }
            var X_ = NN.Zeros(4, 2);
            var a_ = NN.Array <float>(1, -1);

            var B_     = Op.Function(input: (M, X, a), output: B);
            var B_pred = B_(M_, X_, a_);

            var Y_ = X_.Copy();

            Y_[1] = a_;
            var B_exp = Y_.Dot(M_);

            AssertArray.AreEqual(B_exp, B_pred);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nh">dimension of the hidden layer</param>
        /// <param name="nc">number of classes</param>
        /// <param name="ne">number of word embeddings in the vocabulary</param>
        /// <param name="de">dimension of the word embeddings</param>
        /// <param name="cs">word window context size</param>
        public Elman(int nh, int nc, int ne, int de, int cs)
            // parameters of the model
            this.emb = T.Shared(0.2f * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, ne + 1, de), "emb"); // add one for PADDING at the end
            this.Wx  = T.Shared(0.2f * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, de * cs, nh), "Wx");
            this.Wh  = T.Shared(0.2f * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, nh, nh), "Wh");
            this.W   = T.Shared(0.2f * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, nh, nc), "W");
            this.bh  = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(nh), "bh");
            this.b   = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(nc), "b");
            this.h0  = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(nh), "h0");

            // bundle
            this.@params = new[] { this.emb, this.Wx, this.Wh, this.W, this.bh, this.b, this.h0 };
            this.names   = new[] { "embeddings", "Wx", "Wh", "W", "bh", "b", "h0" };
            var idxs = T.Matrix <int>("idxs"); // as many columns as context window size/lines as words in the sentence
            var x    = this.emb[idxs].Reshape(idxs.Shape[0], de * cs);
            // joc: idxs.shape = [sentence, cs], emb.shape = [ne, de], emb[idx].shape = [sentence, cs, de], reshape = [sentence, de * cs]
            var y = T.Scalar <int>("y"); // label

            Func <Tensor <float>, Tensor <float>, Tensor <float>[]> recurrence = (x_t, h_tm1) =>
                var h_t = T.Sigmoid(T.Dot(x_t, this.Wx) + T.Dot(h_tm1, this.Wh) + this.bh);
                var s_t = T.Softmax(T.Dot(h_t, this.W) + this.b);
                return(new[] { h_t, s_t });

            var result = T.Scan(fn: recurrence,
                                sequences: x, outputsInfo: new[] { this.h0, null }
                                /*, n_steps: x.Shape[0]*/);
            var h = result[0];
            var s = result[1];

            var p_y_given_x_lastword = s[-1, /*0,*/ XSlicer._];              // 0 because of Theano's Softmax ?
            var p_y_given_x_sentence = s[XSlicer._, /*0,*/ XSlicer._];
            var y_pred = T.Argmax(p_y_given_x_sentence, axis: 1);

            // cost and gradients and learning rate
            var lr = T.Scalar <float>("lr");

            Loss = -T.Mean(T.Log(p_y_given_x_lastword)[y]);
            var gradients = T.Grad(Loss);
            var updates   = new OrderedDictionary();

            foreach (var W in @params)
                updates[W] = W - lr * gradients[W];

            // theano functions
            this.classify = T.Function(input: idxs, output: y_pred);

            this.train = T.Function(input: (idxs, y, lr),
                                    output: Loss,
                                    updates: updates);

            this.normalize = T.Function(updates: new OrderedDictionary {
                { emb, emb / T.Sqrt(T.Sum(T.Pow(emb, 2), axis: 1)).DimShuffle(0, 'x') }
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void CustomOpSupportsStatic()
            var            x = T.Scalar <float>("x");
            Scalar <float> y = CustomOp.Create("myCustomCosinus", Cos, x);
            var            f = T.Function(x, y);

            AssertAreCoherents(Cos, f);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void CustomOpSupportsLambda()
            var            x = T.Scalar <float>("x");
            Scalar <float> y = CustomOp.Create("myCustomSinus", a => (float)Math.Sin(a), x);
            var            f = T.Function(x, y);

            AssertAreCoherents(a => (float)Math.Sin(a), f);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void Test2()
            var a    = T.Matrix <float>("a");                // declare variable
            var @out = a + T.Pow(a, 10);                     // build symbolic expression
            var f    = T.Function(a, @out);                  // compile function

            Console.WriteLine(f(NN.Array <float>(0, 1, 2))); // prints `array([0, 2, 1026])`
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void ItemPassesGradientCheck()
            var y = T.Vector <float>(10, "y");
            var b = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, 10).As <float>(), "b");

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(y, (y + b).Item[5], b);
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(y, (y + b).Item[-3], b);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nh">dimension of the hidden layer</param>
        /// <param name="nc">number of classes</param>
        /// <param name="de">dimension of the word embeddings</param>
        /// <param name="cs">word window context size</param>
        public Elman3(int nh, int nc, int de, int cs)
            // parameters of the model
            var scale = 0.2f;

            this.Wx = T.Shared(scale * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, de * cs, nh), "Wx");
            //this.Wh = T.Shared(scale * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, nh, nh), "Wh");
            this.Wh = T.Shared(NN.Eye <float>(nh), "Wh");
            this.W  = T.Shared(scale * NN.Random.Uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f, nh, nc), "W");
            this.bh = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(nh), "bh");
            this.b  = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(nc), "b");
            this.h0 = T.Shared(NN.Zeros <float>(nh), "h0");

            // bundle
            this.@params = new[] { this.Wx, this.Wh, this.W, this.bh, this.b, this.h0 };

            var x = T.Matrix <float>("x"); // [sentence, de * cs]
            var y = T.Scalar <int>("y");   // label

            Func <Tensor <float>, Tensor <float>, Tensor <float>[]> recurrence = (x_t, h_tm1) =>
                var h_t = T.Sigmoid(T.Dot(x_t, this.Wx) + T.Dot(h_tm1, this.Wh) + this.bh);
                var s_t = T.Softmax(T.Dot(h_t, this.W) + this.b);
                return(new[] { h_t, s_t });

            var result = T.Scan(
                fn: recurrence,
                sequences: x,
                outputsInfo: new[] { this.h0, null }
                /*, n_steps: x.Shape[0]*/);
            var h = result[0];
            var s = result[1];

            var p_y_given_x_lastword = s[-1, /*0,*/ XSlicer._];              // 0 because of Theano's Softmax ?
            var p_y_given_x_sentence = s[XSlicer._, /*0,*/ XSlicer._];
            var y_pred = T.Argmax(p_y_given_x_sentence, axis: 1);

            // cost and gradients and learning rate
            var lr = T.Scalar <float>("lr");

            nll = -T.Mean(T.Log(p_y_given_x_lastword)[y]);
            var gradients = T.Grad(nll);
            var updates   = new OrderedDictionary();

            foreach (var W in @params)
                updates[W] = W - lr * gradients[W];

            // theano functions

            this.classify = T.Function(input: x, output: y_pred);

            this.train = T.Function(input: (x, y, lr),
                                    output: nll,
                                    updates: updates);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void SlicingCompiles()
            var x    = T.Matrix <float>(10, 5, "x");
            var loss = T.Norm2(x[From(2)]);

            var f = T.Function(input: x, output: loss);

            f(NN.Range <float>(50).Reshape(10, 5));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void FailMissingVariable()
            var x = T.Matrix <float>("x");
            var y = T.Matrix <float>("y");
            var z = x + y;
            var f = T.Function(x, z); // "y" is missing

            f(NN.Array(1f, 2f, 3f));  // should throw exception
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void TanhPerceptronPassesGradientCheck()
            var x = T.Vector <float>("x");
            int n = 20, m = 5;
            var W    = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, m, n).As <float>(), "W");
            var W_op = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, m, n).As <float>(), "W_op");
            var loss = T.Norm2(T.Tanh(T.Dot(W, x)) - T.Dot(W_op, x));

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(x, loss, W);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the mean of the negative log-likelihood of the prediction of this model under a given target distribution.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">corresponds to a vector that gives for each example the correct label</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Scalar <float> NegativeLogLikelihood(Tensor <int> y)
     // y.shape[0] is (symbolically) the number of rows in y, i.e., number of examples (call it n) in the minibatch
     // T.arange(y.shape[0]) is a symbolic vector which will contain [0,1,2,... n-1]
     // T.log(self.p_y_given_x) is a matrix of Log-Probabilities (call it LP) with one row per example and one column per class
     // LP[T.arange(y.shape[0]),y] is a vector v containing [LP[0,y[0]], LP[1,y[1]], LP[2,y[2]], ..., LP[n-1,y[n-1]]]
     // and T.mean(LP[T.arange(y.shape[0]),y]) is the mean (across minibatch examples) of the elements in v,
     // i.e., the mean log-likelihood across the minibatch.
     return(-T.Mean(T.Log(this.p_y_given_x)[T.Range(y.Shape[0]), y]));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public Scalar <float> Errors(Tensor <int> y)
            // check if y has same dimension of y_pred
            if (y.NDim != this.y_pred.NDim)
                throw new RankException("y should have the same shape as self.y_pred");

            // the T.neq operator returns a vector of 0s and 1s, where 1 represents a mistake in prediction
            return(T.Mean(T.Neq(this.y_pred, y)));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void DimShufflePassesGradientCheck()
            var X = T.Matrix <float>(5, 3, "X");
            var b = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, 3), "b");

            var b2   = b.DimShuffle('x', 0);
            var Xb   = X * b2;
            var loss = T.Norm2(Xb);

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(X, loss, b);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void FailTwoVarExprNotShared()
            var x = T.Scalar <float>("x");
            var y = T.Scalar <float>("y");
            var e = T.Tanh(x / 5) * T.Exp(0.5f * y);

            // When not all arguments of a function are precised,
            // the 'Function' throws an exception
            var g = T.Function(x, e);
            var d = g(3f);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void MinPassesGradientCheck()
            var x   = T.Shared(0f, "x");
            var min = T.Min(x, 0f);

            x.Value = 1;
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(min, x);

            x.Value = -1;
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(min, x);
Exemplo n.º 25
        // usage: var train = T.Function(...vars..., output: loss, updates: UpdateRules.Sgd(loss, eta, @params));
        public static OrderedDictionary Sgd(Scalar <float> loss, Scalar <float> lr, params Tensor <float> .Shared[] @params)
            var dloss  = T.Grad(loss);
            var result = new OrderedDictionary();

            foreach (var param in @params)
                result[param] = param - lr * dloss[param];
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void FailGivenCast()
            var x      = T.Scalar <int>("x");
            var y      = T.Shared(3, "y");
            var output = x + y;
            var f      = T.Function(input: x, output: output, givens: new OrderedDictionary {
                { y, 4.5f }

            AssertArray.AreEqual(f(2), 6);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void ConcatPassesGradientCheck()
            var x = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, 4, 10), "x");
            var y = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, 6, 10), "y");

            var z    = T.Concat(0, x, y);
            var loss = T.Norm2(z[Range(2, 8)]);

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(loss, x);
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(loss, y);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void MaxPassesGradientCheck()
            var x   = T.Shared(0f, "x");
            var max = T.Max(x, 0f);

            x.Value = 1;
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(max, x);

            x.Value = -1;
            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(max, x);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void TensorDot3Dx1DPassesGradientCheck()
            var x = T.Vector <float>("x");
            int n = 6, m = 4, l = 2;
            var W    = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, l, m, n).As <float>(), "W");
            var W_op = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, l, m, n).As <float>(), "W_op");

            var loss = T.Norm2(T.Dot(W, x) - T.Dot(W_op, x));

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(x, loss, W, relativeErr: 1e-3f, absErr: 1e-4f);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void TensorDot3Dx2DAsEinsteinPassesGradientCheck()
            int n = 6, m = 4, l = 2;
            var x    = T.Matrix <float>("x");
            var W    = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, l, m, n).As <float>(), "W");
            var W_op = T.Shared(NN.Random.Uniform(-1f, 1f, l, m, n).As <float>(), "W_op");

            var loss = T.Norm2(T.EinsteinSum(W, x, "lmn,nx->lmx") - T.Dot(W_op, x));

            AssertTensor.PassesGradientCheck(x, loss, W);