Exemplo n.º 1
        private void FillScreen()
            List <ContrDashProvList_Row> ListProv = new List <ContrDashProvList_Row>();
            ContrDashProvList_Row        row;

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                row          = new ContrDashProvList_Row();
                row.ProvName = Providers.GetAbbr(PIn.Long(table.Rows[i]["ProvNum"].ToString()));
                System.Drawing.Color c1 = Providers.GetColor(PIn.Long(table.Rows[i]["ProvNum"].ToString()));
                row.ProvColor = Color.FromArgb(c1.A, c1.R, c1.G, c1.B);
                decimal production = PIn.Decimal(table.Rows[i]["production"].ToString());
                if (production == 0)
                    row.Production = "";
                    row.Production = production.ToString("c0");
                decimal income = PIn.Decimal(table.Rows[i]["income"].ToString());
                if (income == 0)
                    row.Income = "";
                    row.Income = income.ToString("c0");
            //Style style=new Style(typeof(TextBlock));
            //style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.HorizontalAlignmentProperty,HorizontalAlignment.Right));
            //((DataGridTextColumn)gridMain.Columns[2]).Binding=new Binding("Production");
            gridMain.ItemsSource = ListProv;
Exemplo n.º 2
        ///<summary>Including the practice schedule.</summary>
        public static void DrawMainBackground(Graphics g, DateTime startTime, DateTime stopTime, int colsPerPage, int pageColumn)
            Brush openBrush;
            Brush closedBrush;
            Brush holidayBrush;

            try {
                openBrush    = new SolidBrush(DefC.Long[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][0].ItemColor);
                closedBrush  = new SolidBrush(DefC.Long[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][1].ItemColor);
                holidayBrush = new SolidBrush(DefC.Long[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][4].ItemColor);
            catch {            //this is just for design-time
                openBrush    = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
                closedBrush  = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray);
                holidayBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128));
            List <Schedule> schedsForOp;

            //one giant rectangle for everything closed
            g.FillRectangle(closedBrush, TimeWidth, 0, ColWidth * ColCount + ProvWidth * ProvCount, ApptSheetHeight);
            //then, loop through each day and operatory
            bool isHoliday;
            int  startHour = startTime.Hour;
            int  stopHour  = stopTime.Hour;

            if (stopHour == 0)
                stopHour = 24;
            if (IsWeeklyView)
                for (int d = 0; d < NumOfWeekDaysToDisplay; d++)
                    isHoliday = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < SchedListPeriod.Count; i++)
                        if (SchedListPeriod[i].SchedType != ScheduleType.Practice)
                        if (SchedListPeriod[i].Status != SchedStatus.Holiday)
                        if ((int)SchedListPeriod[i].SchedDate.DayOfWeek != d + 1)
                        isHoliday = true;
                    if (isHoliday)
                        g.FillRectangle(holidayBrush, TimeWidth + 1 + d * ColDayWidth, 0, ColDayWidth, ApptSheetHeight);
                    //this is a workaround because we start on Monday:
                    DayOfWeek dayofweek;
                    if (d == 6)
                        dayofweek = (DayOfWeek)(0);
                        dayofweek = (DayOfWeek)(d + 1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ColCount; i++)
                        schedsForOp = Schedules.GetSchedsForOp(SchedListPeriod, dayofweek, VisOps[i]);                    //OperatoryC.ListShort[ApptViewItemL.VisOps[j]]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < schedsForOp.Count; j++)
                            stopHour = stopTime.Hour;                          //Reset stopHour every time.
                            if (stopHour == 0)
                                stopHour = 24;
                                            , TimeWidth + 1 + d * ColDayWidth + (float)i * ColAptWidth
                                            , (schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Hours - startHour) * LineH * RowsPerHr + (int)schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                            , ColAptWidth
                                            , (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Hours * LineH * RowsPerHr                                               //6
                                            + (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow);                                           //10
            else              //only one day showing
                isHoliday = false;
                //Schedule[] schedForType;
                for (int i = 0; i < SchedListPeriod.Count; i++)
                    if (SchedListPeriod[i].SchedType != ScheduleType.Practice)
                    if (SchedListPeriod[i].Status != SchedStatus.Holiday)
                    isHoliday = true;
                if (isHoliday)
                    g.FillRectangle(holidayBrush, TimeWidth + 1, 0, ColWidth * ColCount + ProvWidth * ProvCount, ApptSheetHeight);
                for (int i = 0; i < colsPerPage; i++)
                    if (i == ApptDrawing.VisOps.Count)
                    int k = colsPerPage * pageColumn + i;
                    if (k >= ApptDrawing.VisOps.Count)
                    schedsForOp = Schedules.GetSchedsForOp(SchedListPeriod, VisOps[k]);                 //OperatoryC.ListShort[ApptViewItemL.VisOps[j]]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < schedsForOp.Count; j++)
                        stopHour = stopTime.Hour;                      //Reset stopHour every time.
                        if (stopHour == 0)
                            stopHour = 24;
                        if (schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Hours >= stopHour)
                        if (schedsForOp[j].StopTime.Hours <= stopHour)
                            stopHour = schedsForOp[j].StopTime.Hours;
                                        , TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + i * ColWidth
                                        , (schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Hours - startHour) * LineH * RowsPerHr + (int)schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                        , ColWidth
                                        , (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Hours * LineH * RowsPerHr                                               //6
                                        + (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow);                                           //10
                    //now, fill up to 2 timebars along the left side of each rectangle.
                    for (int j = 0; j < schedsForOp.Count; j++)
                        if (schedsForOp[j].Ops.Count == 0)                       //if this schedule is not assigned to specific ops, skip
                        stopHour = stopTime.Hour;                      //Reset stopHour every time.
                        if (stopHour == 0)
                            stopHour = 24;
                        if (!Providers.GetIsSec(schedsForOp[j].ProvNum))                         //if the provider is a dentist
                            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Providers.GetColor(schedsForOp[j].ProvNum))
                                            , TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + i * ColWidth
                                            , (schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Hours - startHour) * LineH * RowsPerHr + (int)schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                            , ProvWidth
                                            , (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Hours * LineH * RowsPerHr                                               //6
                                            + (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow);                                           //10
                        else                                                                                                                                               //hygienist
                            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Providers.GetColor(schedsForOp[j].ProvNum))
                                            , TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + i * ColWidth + ProvWidth
                                            , (schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Hours - startHour) * LineH * RowsPerHr + (int)schedsForOp[j].StartTime.Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                            , ProvWidth
                                            , (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Hours * LineH * RowsPerHr                                               //6
                                            + (schedsForOp[j].StopTime - schedsForOp[j].StartTime).Minutes * LineH / MinPerRow);                                           //10
Exemplo n.º 3
        ///<summary>Set default fontSize to 8 unless printing.</summary>
        public static void DrawEntireAppt(Graphics g, DataRow dataRoww, string patternShowing, float totalWidth, float totalHeight, bool isSelected, bool thisIsPinBoard, long selectedAptNum, List <ApptViewItem> apptRows, ApptView apptViewCur, DataTable tableApptFields, DataTable tablePatFields, int fontSize, bool isPrinting)
            Pen   penB  = new Pen(Color.Black);
            Pen   penW  = new Pen(Color.White);
            Pen   penGr = new Pen(Color.SlateGray);
            Pen   penDG = new Pen(Color.DarkSlateGray);
            Pen   penO;          //provider outline color
            Color backColor;
            Color provColor;

            if (dataRoww["ProvNum"].ToString() != "0" && dataRoww["IsHygiene"].ToString() == "0")         //dentist
                provColor = Providers.GetColor(PIn.Long(dataRoww["ProvNum"].ToString()));
                penO      = new Pen(Providers.GetOutlineColor(PIn.Long(dataRoww["ProvNum"].ToString())));
            else if (dataRoww["ProvHyg"].ToString() != "0" && dataRoww["IsHygiene"].ToString() == "1")         //hygienist
                provColor = Providers.GetColor(PIn.Long(dataRoww["ProvHyg"].ToString()));
                penO      = new Pen(Providers.GetOutlineColor(PIn.Long(dataRoww["ProvHyg"].ToString())));
            else              //unknown
                provColor = Color.White;
                penO      = new Pen(Color.Black);
            if (PIn.Long(dataRoww["AptStatus"].ToString()) == (int)ApptStatus.Complete)
                backColor = DefC.Long[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][2].ItemColor;
            else if (PIn.Long(dataRoww["AptStatus"].ToString()) == (int)ApptStatus.PtNote)
                backColor = DefC.Long[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][5].ItemColor;
            else if (PIn.Long(dataRoww["AptStatus"].ToString()) == (int)ApptStatus.PtNoteCompleted)
                backColor = DefC.Long[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][6].ItemColor;
            else if (PIn.Int(dataRoww["ColorOverride"].ToString()) != 0)
                backColor = Color.FromArgb(PIn.Int(dataRoww["ColorOverride"].ToString()));
                backColor = provColor;
                //We might want to do something interesting here.
            SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(backColor);

            g.FillRectangle(backBrush, 7, 0, totalWidth - 7, (int)totalHeight);
            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, 7, (int)totalHeight);
            Pen penTimediv = Pens.Silver;

            for (int i = 0; i < patternShowing.Length; i++)       //Info.MyApt.Pattern.Length;i++){
                if (patternShowing.Substring(i, 1) == "X")
                    if (isPrinting)
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(provColor), 0, i * ApptDrawing.LineH, 7, ApptDrawing.LineH);
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(provColor), 1, i * ApptDrawing.LineH + 1, 6, ApptDrawing.LineH);
                    //leave empty
                if (Math.IEEERemainder((double)i, (double)ApptDrawing.RowsPerIncr) == 0)              //0/1
                    if (isPrinting)
                        g.DrawLine(penTimediv, 0, i * ApptDrawing.LineH, 7, i * ApptDrawing.LineH);
                        g.DrawLine(penTimediv, 1, i * ApptDrawing.LineH, 6, i * ApptDrawing.LineH);
            g.DrawLine(penB, 7, 0, 7, (int)totalHeight);
            #region Highlighting border
            if (isSelected || (!thisIsPinBoard && dataRoww["AptNum"].ToString() == selectedAptNum.ToString()))
                g.DrawLine(penO, 8, 1, 8, totalHeight - 2);
                g.DrawLine(penO, 9, 1, 9, totalHeight - 3);
                g.DrawLine(penO, totalWidth - 2, 1, totalWidth - 2, totalHeight - 2);
                g.DrawLine(penO, totalWidth - 3, 2, totalWidth - 3, totalHeight - 3);
                g.DrawLine(penO, 8, 1, totalWidth - 2, 1);
                g.DrawLine(penO, 8, 2, totalWidth - 3, 2);
                g.DrawLine(penO, 9, totalHeight - 2, totalWidth - 2, totalHeight - 2);
                g.DrawLine(penO, 10, totalHeight - 3, totalWidth - 3, totalHeight - 3);
            #region Main rows
            Point drawLoc  = new Point(9, 0);
            int   elementI = 0;
            while (drawLoc.Y < totalHeight && elementI < apptRows.Count)
                if (apptRows[elementI].ElementAlignment != ApptViewAlignment.Main)
                drawLoc = DrawElement(g, elementI, drawLoc, ApptViewStackBehavior.Vertical, ApptViewAlignment.Main, backBrush, dataRoww, apptRows, tableApptFields, tablePatFields, totalWidth, totalHeight, fontSize, isPrinting); //set the drawLoc to a new point, based on space used by element
            #region UR
            drawLoc  = new Point((int)totalWidth - 1, 0);      //in the UR area, we refer to the upper right corner of each element.
            elementI = 0;
            while (drawLoc.Y < totalHeight && elementI < apptRows.Count)
                if (apptRows[elementI].ElementAlignment != ApptViewAlignment.UR)
                drawLoc = DrawElement(g, elementI, drawLoc, apptViewCur.StackBehavUR, ApptViewAlignment.UR, backBrush, dataRoww, apptRows, tableApptFields, tablePatFields, totalWidth, totalHeight, fontSize, isPrinting);
            #region LR
            drawLoc  = new Point((int)totalWidth - 1, (int)totalHeight - 1); //in the LR area, we refer to the lower right corner of each element.
            elementI = apptRows.Count - 1;                                   //For lower right, draw the list backwards.
            while (drawLoc.Y > 0 && elementI >= 0)
                if (apptRows[elementI].ElementAlignment != ApptViewAlignment.LR)
                drawLoc = DrawElement(g, elementI, drawLoc, apptViewCur.StackBehavLR, ApptViewAlignment.LR, backBrush, dataRoww, apptRows, tableApptFields, tablePatFields, totalWidth, totalHeight, fontSize, isPrinting);
            //Main outline
            if (isPrinting)
                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 0, totalWidth, totalHeight);
                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 0, totalWidth - 1, totalHeight - 1);
            //broken X
            if (dataRoww["AptStatus"].ToString() == ((int)ApptStatus.Broken).ToString())
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), 8, 1, totalWidth - 1, totalHeight - 1);
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), 8, totalHeight - 1, totalWidth - 1, 1);
            //Dispose of the objects.
            DisposeObjects(penB, penW, penGr, penDG, penO, backBrush);