Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public CollisionDataWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Toolstrip
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs32, () => Platform.StartProcess(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/physics/colliders/collision-data.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");

            // Split Panel
            _split = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Model preview
            _preview = new ModelPreview(true)
                ViewportCamera = new FPSCamera(),
                Parent         = _split.Panel1

            // Asset properties
            _propertiesPresenter = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesPresenter.Panel.Parent = _split.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public AudioClipWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel
            _split = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // AudioClip preview
            _preview = new AudioClipPreview()
                Parent = _split.Panel1

            // AudioClip properties editor
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();

            // Toolstrip
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.UI.GetIcon("Import32"), () => Editor.ContentImporting.Reimport((BinaryAssetItem)Item)).LinkTooltip("Reimport");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public GameplayGlobalsWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            _undo             = new Undo();
            _undo.ActionDone += OnUndo;
            _undo.UndoDone   += OnUndo;
            _undo.RedoDone   += OnUndo;
            var panel = new Panel(ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets      = new Margin(0, 0, _toolstrip.Bottom, 0),
                Parent       = this,

            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(_undo);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = panel;
            _propertiesEditor.Modified    += OnPropertiesEditorModified;
            _proxy = new PropertiesProxy();

            _saveButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Save32, Save).LinkTooltip("Save asset");
            _undoButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Undo32, _undo.PerformUndo).LinkTooltip("Undo (Ctrl+Z)");
            _redoButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Redo32, _undo.PerformRedo).LinkTooltip("Redo (Ctrl+Y)");
            _resetButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Rotate32, Reset).LinkTooltip("Resets the variables values to the default values");

            InputActions.Add(options => options.Save, Save);
            InputActions.Add(options => options.Undo, _undo.PerformUndo);
            InputActions.Add(options => options.Redo, _undo.PerformRedo);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public TextureWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Toolstrip
            _toolstrip.AddButton(1, Editor.UI.GetIcon("Save32")).LinkTooltip("Save");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(2, Editor.UI.GetIcon("Import32")).LinkTooltip("Reimport");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(5, Editor.UI.GetIcon("PageScale32")).LinkTooltip("Center view");

            // Split Panel
            var splitPanel = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Texture preview
            _preview = new TexturePreview(true)
                Parent = splitPanel.Panel1

            // Texture properties editor
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = splitPanel.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public TextureWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel
            _split = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Texture preview
            _preview = new TexturePreview(true)
                Parent = _split.Panel1

            // Texture properties editor
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();

            // Toolstrip
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Import32, () => Editor.ContentImporting.Reimport((BinaryAssetItem)Item)).LinkTooltip("Reimport");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.PageScale32, _preview.CenterView).LinkTooltip("Center view");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs32, () => Platform.StartProcess(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/graphics/textures/index.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public AudioClipWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel
            _split = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset  = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets       = new Margin(0, 0, _toolstrip.Bottom, 0),
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Preview
            _preview = new AudioClipPreview
                DrawMode     = AudioClipPreview.DrawModes.Fill,
                AnchorPreset = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets      = Margin.Zero,
                Parent       = _split.Panel1

            // Properties editor
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();

            // Toolstrip
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Import64, () => Editor.ContentImporting.Reimport((BinaryAssetItem)Item)).LinkTooltip("Reimport");
            _playButton  = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Play64, OnPlay).LinkTooltip("Play/stop audio");
            _pauseButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Pause64, OnPause).LinkTooltip("Pause audio");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs64, () => Platform.OpenUrl(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/audio/audio-clip.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public TextureWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel
            _split = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset  = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets       = new Margin(0, 0, _toolstrip.Bottom, 0),
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Texture preview
            _preview = new TexturePreview(true)
                Parent = _split.Panel1

            // Texture properties editor
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();

            // Toolstrip
            _saveButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Save64, Save).LinkTooltip("Save");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Import64, () => Editor.ContentImporting.Reimport((BinaryAssetItem)Item)).LinkTooltip("Reimport");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.CenterView64, _preview.CenterView).LinkTooltip("Center view");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs64, () => Platform.OpenUrl(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/graphics/textures/index.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public AudioClipWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel
            _split = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // AudioClip preview
            _preview = new AudioClipPreview
                DrawMode  = AudioClipPreview.DrawModes.Fill,
                DockStyle = DockStyle.Fill,
                Parent    = _split.Panel1

            // AudioClip properties editor
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();

            // Toolstrip
            _toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Import32, () => Editor.ContentImporting.Reimport((BinaryAssetItem)Item)).LinkTooltip("Reimport");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs32, () => Platform.StartProcess(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/audio/audio-clip.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");
Exemplo n.º 9
            public override void Initialize(LayoutElementsContainer layout)
                _proxy = (PropertiesProxy)Values[0];
                if (_proxy?.DefaultValues == null)
                    layout.Label("Loading...", TextAlignment.Center);

                var isPlayModeActive = _proxy.Window.Editor.StateMachine.IsPlayMode;

                if (isPlayModeActive)
                    layout.Label("Play mode is active. Editing runtime values.", TextAlignment.Center);

                    foreach (var e in _proxy.DefaultValues)
                        var name           = e.Key;
                        var value          = _proxy.Asset.GetValue(name);
                        var valueContainer = new VariableValueContainer(_proxy, name, value, false);
                        var propertyLabel  = new PropertyNameLabel(name)
                            Tag = name,
                        string tooltip = null;
                        if (_proxy.DefaultValues.TryGetValue(name, out var defaultValue))
                            tooltip = "Default value: " + defaultValue;
                        layout.Object(propertyLabel, valueContainer, null, tooltip);
                    foreach (var e in _proxy.DefaultValues)
                        var name           = e.Key;
                        var value          = e.Value;
                        var valueContainer = new VariableValueContainer(_proxy, name, value, true);
                        var propertyLabel  = new ClickablePropertyNameLabel(name)
                            Tag = name,
                        propertyLabel.MouseLeftDoubleClick += (label, location) => StartParameterRenaming(name, label);
                        propertyLabel.SetupContextMenu     += OnPropertyLabelSetupContextMenu;
                        layout.Object(propertyLabel, valueContainer, null, "Type: " + CustomEditorsUtil.GetTypeNameUI(value.GetType()));

                    // TODO: improve the UI
                    var addParamType = layout.ComboBox().ComboBox;
                    addParamType.Items         = AllowedTypes.Select(CustomEditorsUtil.GetTypeNameUI).ToList();
                    addParamType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    _addParamType = addParamType;
                    var addParamButton = layout.Button("Add").Button;
                    addParamButton.Clicked += OnAddParamButtonClicked;
Exemplo n.º 10
            public VariableValueContainer(PropertiesProxy proxy, string name, object value, bool isDefault)
                : base(ScriptMemberInfo.Null, new ScriptType(value.GetType()))
                _proxy     = proxy;
                _name      = name;
                _isDefault = isDefault;

Exemplo n.º 11
            public VariableValueContainer(PropertiesProxy proxy, string name, object value, bool isDefault)
                : base(null, value.GetType())
                _proxy     = proxy;
                _name      = name;
                _isDefault = isDefault;

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void OnDestroy()

            _inputText        = null;
            _textPreview      = null;
            _propertiesEditor = null;
            _proxy            = null;
            _saveButton       = null;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public CookData(PropertiesProxy proxy, string resultUrl, CollisionDataType type, Model model, int modelLodIndex, ConvexMeshGenerationFlags convexFlags, int convexVertexLimit)
     : base("Collision Data", resultUrl)
     Proxy             = proxy;
     Type              = type;
     Model             = model;
     ModelLodIndex     = modelLodIndex;
     ConvexFlags       = convexFlags;
     ConvexVertexLimit = convexVertexLimit;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void OnDestroy()

            _undo             = null;
            _propertiesEditor = null;
            _proxy            = null;
            _saveButton       = null;
            _undoButton       = null;
            _redoButton       = null;
            _resetButton      = null;
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public MaterialWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel 1
            _split1 = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.None)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Split Panel 2
            _split2 = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Vertical, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.4f,
                Parent        = _split1.Panel2

            // Material preview
            _preview = new MaterialPreview(true)
                Parent = _split2.Panel1

            // Material properties editor
            var propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);

            propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split2.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
            propertiesEditor.Modified += OnMaterialPropertyEdited;

            // Surface
            _surface = new MaterialSurface(this, Save)
                Parent  = _split1.Panel1,
                Enabled = false

            // Toolstrip
            _saveButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Save32, Save).LinkTooltip("Save");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.PageScale32, _surface.ShowWholeGraph).LinkTooltip("Show whole graph");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.BracketsSlash32, () => ShowSourceCode(_asset)).LinkTooltip("Show generated shader source code");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs32, () => Application.StartProcess(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/graphics/materials/index.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public AnimationWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            _panel = new Panel(ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle = DockStyle.Fill,
                Parent    = this

            // Asset properties
            _propertiesPresenter = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesPresenter.Panel.Parent = _panel;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
            _propertiesPresenter.Modified += MarkAsEdited;
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public AnimationWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Undo
            _undo             = new Undo();
            _undo.UndoDone   += OnUndoRedo;
            _undo.RedoDone   += OnUndoRedo;
            _undo.ActionDone += OnUndoRedo;

            // Main panel
            _panel = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset  = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                SplitterValue = 0.8f,
                Offsets       = new Margin(0, 0, _toolstrip.Bottom, 0),
                Parent        = this

            // Timeline
            _timeline = new AnimationTimeline(_undo)
                AnchorPreset = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets      = Margin.Zero,
                Parent       = _panel.Panel1,
                Enabled      = false
            _timeline.Modified += MarkAsEdited;

            // Asset properties
            _propertiesPresenter = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesPresenter.Panel.Parent = _panel.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
            _propertiesPresenter.Modified += MarkAsEdited;

            // Toolstrip
            _saveButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Save32, Save).LinkTooltip("Save");
            _undoButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Undo32, _undo.PerformUndo).LinkTooltip("Undo (Ctrl+Z)");
            _redoButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.Icons.Redo32, _undo.PerformRedo).LinkTooltip("Redo (Ctrl+Y)");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Docs32, () => Platform.OpenUrl(Utilities.Constants.DocsUrl + "manual/animation/animation/index.html")).LinkTooltip("See documentation to learn more");

            // Setup input actions
            InputActions.Add(options => options.Undo, _undo.PerformUndo);
            InputActions.Add(options => options.Redo, _undo.PerformRedo);
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public AnimationWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            _panel = new Panel(ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets      = new Margin(0, 0, _toolstrip.Bottom, 0),
                Parent       = this

            // Asset properties
            _propertiesPresenter = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesPresenter.Panel.Parent = _panel;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
            _propertiesPresenter.Modified += MarkAsEdited;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public FontAssetWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            var panel1 = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset  = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets       = new Margin(0, 0, _toolstrip.Bottom, 0),
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this
            var panel2 = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Vertical, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                AnchorPreset  = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets       = Margin.Zero,
                SplitterValue = 0.2f,
                Parent        = panel1.Panel1

            // Text preview
            _inputText = new TextBox(true, 0, 0)
                AnchorPreset = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Parent       = panel2.Panel1
            _inputText.TextChanged += OnTextChanged;
            _textPreview            = new Label
                AnchorPreset        = AnchorPresets.StretchAll,
                Offsets             = Margin.Zero,
                Margin              = new Margin(4),
                Wrapping            = TextWrapping.WrapWords,
                HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Near,
                VerticalAlignment   = TextAlignment.Near,
                Parent              = panel2.Panel2

            // Font asset properties
            _propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = panel1.Panel2;
            _propertiesEditor.Modified    += OnPropertyEdited;
            _proxy = new PropertiesProxy();

            // Toolstrip
            _saveButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(editor.Icons.Save32, Save).LinkTooltip("Save");
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public MaterialWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel 1
            _split1 = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.None)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Split Panel 2
            _split2 = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Vertical, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.4f,
                Parent        = _split1.Panel2

            // Material preview
            _preview = new MaterialPreview(true)
                Parent = _split2.Panel1

            // Material properties editor
            var propertiesEditor = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);

            propertiesEditor.Panel.Parent = _split2.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
            propertiesEditor.Modified += OnMaterialPropertyEdited;

            // Surface
            _surface = new VisjectSurface(this, SurfaceType.Material)
                Parent  = _split1.Panel1,
                Enabled = false

            // Toolstrip
            _saveButton = (ToolStripButton)_toolstrip.AddButton(Editor.UI.GetIcon("Save32"), Save).LinkTooltip("Save");
            _toolstrip.AddButton(editor.UI.GetIcon("PageScale32"), _surface.ShowWholeGraph).LinkTooltip("Show whole graph");
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void OnDestroy()
            if (_undo != null)
                _undo.Enabled = false;
                _undo = null;

            _timeline            = null;
            _propertiesPresenter = null;
            _properties          = null;
            _panel      = null;
            _saveButton = null;
            _undoButton = null;
            _redoButton = null;

Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public CollisionDataWindow(Editor editor, AssetItem item)
            : base(editor, item)
            // Split Panel
            var splitPanel = new SplitPanel(Orientation.Horizontal, ScrollBars.None, ScrollBars.Vertical)
                DockStyle     = DockStyle.Fill,
                SplitterValue = 0.7f,
                Parent        = this

            // Model preview
            _preview = new ModelPreview(true)
                Parent = splitPanel.Panel1

            // Asset properties
            _propertiesPresenter = new CustomEditorPresenter(null);
            _propertiesPresenter.Panel.Parent = splitPanel.Panel2;
            _properties = new PropertiesProxy();
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void Dispose()
     DefaultValue = null;
     Proxy        = null;