Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the CredUICmdLinePromptForCredentials function that will either prompt for
        /// credentials or get the stored credentials for the specified target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The DialogResult that indicates the results of using CredUI.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Sets the user name, password and persistence state of the dialog.
        /// </remarks>
        internal DialogResult ShowPrompt()
            /*StringBuilder locName = new StringBuilder(Credmgmtui.MaxUsernameLength);
             * StringBuilder pwd = new StringBuilder(Credmgmtui.MaxPasswordLength);
             * StringBuilder domain = new StringBuilder(100);
             * bool saveChecked = this.SaveChecked;
             * Credmgmtui.Flags flags = GetFlags();*/

            lock (this)
                // Call CredUi.dll to prompt for credentials. If the credentials for the target have already
                // been saved in the credential manager, then this method will return the credentials
                // and the UI will not be displayed.

                /*Credmgmtui.ReturnCodes code = Credmgmtui.CredUICmdLinePromptForCredentials(
                 *  this.Target,
                 *  IntPtr.Zero, 0,
                 *  locName, Credmgmtui.MaxUsernameLength,
                 *  pwd, Credmgmtui.MaxPasswordLength,
                 *  ref saveChecked,
                 *  flags
                 *  );*/

                /*Credmgmtui.CREDUI_INFO credUi = new Credmgmtui.CREDUI_INFO
                 * {
                 *  pszCaptionText = "Enter your credentials, please",
                 *  pszMessageText = "Enter your Exchange Online user principal name for the Exchange Web Services stored credential ([email protected])..."
                 * };
                 * credUi.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(credUi);*/

                /*uint authPackage = 0;
                 * IntPtr outCredBuffer = new IntPtr();
                 * uint outCredSize;*/

                /*Credmgmtui.ReturnCodes code = Credmgmtui.CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(
                 *  ref credUi, 1, ref  authPackage, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out outCredBuffer, out outCredSize, ref saveChecked, flags);*/

                PromptCredentialsResult res =
                    CredentialUi.Prompt(LocalizibleStrings.EwsLogin, LocalizibleStrings.InputYourCred);

                if (res == null)

                // Convert the password returned by the credential manager to a secure string.
                this.Password = ConvertToSecureString(new StringBuilder(res.Password));

                // Get the user name stored in the credential manager.
                this.Name = res.UserName;

                // Get the value that indicates whether the credentials are persisted
                // in the credential manager.
                this.SaveChecked = res.IsSaveChecked;

                //return GetCredPromptResult(res.);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user for credentials with a specified prompt window
        /// caption, prompt message, user name, and target name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caption">The caption of the message window.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">The user name whose credential is to be prompted for.</param>
        /// <param name="targetName">The name of the target for which the credential is collected.</param>
        /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementException exception.</returns>
        public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(
            string caption,
            string message,
            string userName,
            string targetName)
            PromptCredentialsResult result = CredentialUI.PromptForCredentials(targetName, caption, message, userName, null);

            return(result == null ? null : new PSCredential(result.UserName, result.Password.ToSecureString()));