Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes logic for each row in the Repeater as it is bound.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void RegistrationRepeater_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            // Execute the following logic for Items and Alternating Items.
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                // Hide all rows initially--they will be made visible if they meet certain criteria.
                e.Item.Visible = false;
                // Get the promotionId for the current row.
                int intPromoId;
                // If the promotionId is a valid number, then continue.
                bool result = Int32.TryParse(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem)["promotion_request_id"].ToString(), out intPromoId);
                if (result)
                    SqlDataReader PromoSqlDataReader = new PromotionRequestData().GetPromotionRequestByID(intPromoId, ArenaContext.Current.Organization.OrganizationID);
                    // Get the ordinal number of the "event_id" column.
                    int intEventIdColumn = PromoSqlDataReader.GetOrdinal("event_id");
                    // Confirm that the SqlDataReader has returned rows of data before continuing.
                    if (PromoSqlDataReader.HasRows)
                        // Begin reading rows of data and perform actions upon each one.
                        while (PromoSqlDataReader.Read())
                            if (!PromoSqlDataReader.IsDBNull(intEventIdColumn))
                                // Create an EventProfile object based on the event id in the current row.
                                // An EventProfile object contains methods which return properties for an event.
                                EventProfile eventProfile1 = new EventProfile(PromoSqlDataReader.GetInt32(intEventIdColumn));
                                // Determine if the event's type is to be displayed.
                                if (ItemIsEventType(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID))
                                    if (itemCounter < maxItems)
                                        // The item meets all criteria--make the row visible.
                                        e.Item.Visible = true;
                                        itemCounter    = itemCounter + 1;
                                        // Use the EventProfile object to display data about the event in the current row.
                                        ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("StartDateLabel")).Text = ShowStartDateLabel(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID) ? HiddenDateSetting : DateTimeExtensions.ToShortDateString(eventProfile1.Start, true);
                                        ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("TopicAreaLabel")).Text = eventProfile1.TopicArea.Value;

                                        // Uncomment the following line for debugging in development only.
                                        //((Label)e.Item.FindControl("TopicAreaLabel")).Text += " | " + eventProfile1.Type.Value + " | " + ItemIsEventType(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID).ToString() + " | " + ShowStartDateLabel(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID).ToString() + " | " + DatelessEventTypeIDSetting.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes logic for each row in the Repeater as it is bound.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void RegistrationRepeater_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            // Execute the following logic for Items and Alternating Items.
              if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
            // Hide all rows initially--they will be made visible if they meet certain criteria.
            e.Item.Visible = false;
            // Get the promotionId for the current row.
            int intPromoId;
            // If the promotionId is a valid number, then continue.
            bool result = Int32.TryParse(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem)["promotion_request_id"].ToString(), out intPromoId);
            if (result)
              SqlDataReader PromoSqlDataReader = new PromotionRequestData().GetPromotionRequestByID(intPromoId, ArenaContext.Current.Organization.OrganizationID);
              // Get the ordinal number of the "event_id" column.
              int intEventIdColumn = PromoSqlDataReader.GetOrdinal("event_id");
              // Confirm that the SqlDataReader has returned rows of data before continuing.
              if (PromoSqlDataReader.HasRows)
            // Begin reading rows of data and perform actions upon each one.
            while (PromoSqlDataReader.Read())
              if (!PromoSqlDataReader.IsDBNull(intEventIdColumn))
                // Create an EventProfile object based on the event id in the current row.
                // An EventProfile object contains methods which return properties for an event.
                EventProfile eventProfile1 = new EventProfile(PromoSqlDataReader.GetInt32(intEventIdColumn));
                // Determine if the event's type is to be displayed.
                if (ItemIsEventType(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID))
                  if (itemCounter < maxItems)
                    // The item meets all criteria--make the row visible.
                    e.Item.Visible = true;
                    itemCounter = itemCounter + 1;
                    // Use the EventProfile object to display data about the event in the current row.
                    ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("StartDateLabel")).Text = ShowStartDateLabel(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID) ? HiddenDateSetting : DateTimeExtensions.ToShortDateString(eventProfile1.Start, true);
                    ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("TopicAreaLabel")).Text = eventProfile1.TopicArea.Value;

                    // Uncomment the following line for debugging in development only.
                    //((Label)e.Item.FindControl("TopicAreaLabel")).Text += " | " + eventProfile1.Type.Value + " | " + ItemIsEventType(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID).ToString() + " | " + ShowStartDateLabel(eventProfile1.Type.LookupID).ToString() + " | " + DatelessEventTypeIDSetting.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the information displayed in the datagrid.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowList()
            DataTable table = new PromotionRequestData().GetPromotionWebList_DT(true, -1);

            String[] topicAreas;

            // Filter out rows we don't want. We only want rows that are promoted in the correct areas.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TopicAreaSetting))
                topicAreas = TopicAreaSetting.Split(',');

                // Walk each row in the table and process all rows that are not marked as deleted.
                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    if (row.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                        bool     flag     = false;
                        string[] strArray = row["cross_promote_values"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });

                        // We start with flag = false and look for a match on each of the possible
                        // topic areas.
                        foreach (String area in topicAreas)
                            // If the primary topic area matches, set flag = true so it will be kept.
                            if (area.Trim() == row["topic_area_luid"].ToString())
                                flag = true;

                            // Check if topic area against the secondary topic areas. If we find a match
                            // set flag = true so the row will be kept.
                            foreach (string str in strArray)
                                if (str == area.Trim())
                                    flag = true;

                        // If no topic area match was found, delete the row.
                        if (!flag)


            // Setup all the parameters for the datagrid.
            dgPromotions.AllowPaging        = false;
            dgPromotions.PagerStyle.Visible = false;
            dgPromotions.ItemType           = "Display Request";
            dgPromotions.ItemBgColor        = base.CurrentPortalPage.Setting("ItemBgColor", string.Empty, false);
            dgPromotions.ItemAltBgColor     = base.CurrentPortalPage.Setting("ItemAltBgColor", string.Empty, false);
            dgPromotions.ItemMouseOverColor = base.CurrentPortalPage.Setting("ItemMouseOverColor", string.Empty, false);
            dgPromotions.AddEnabled         = false;
            dgPromotions.DeleteEnabled      = true;
            dgPromotions.DeleteIsAsync      = false;
            dgPromotions.EditEnabled        = false;
            dgPromotions.MergeEnabled       = false;
            dgPromotions.MailEnabled        = false;
            dgPromotions.ExportEnabled      = true;
            dgPromotions.DataSource         = table;