private void OnValidate()
        // Check if a weapon category was specified.
        if (Category == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < _projectileSlots.Count; i++)
                _projectileSlots[i] = new ProjectileSlot(null, _projectileSlots[i].SpawnPoint);
            // Category specified, now make sure all projectiles are supported by the weapon.
            for (int i = 0; i < _projectileSlots.Count; i++)
                if (_projectileSlots[i].Projectile != null)
                    if (!Category.CanShootProjectile(_projectileSlots[i].Projectile.Category))
                        Debug.LogWarning(_projectileSlots[i] + " projectiles are not supported by this weapon's category.", this);

                        // Set projectile to null after logging warning message.
                        _projectileSlots[i] = new ProjectileSlot(null, _projectileSlots[i].SpawnPoint);
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a certain projectile based on the ProjectileSlot passed in and launches it.
    /// Override in subclass to add weapon specific FX, like barrel smoke.
    /// Don't forget to spawn the projectile or call this base method when overriding in subclass.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="projectileLayer">The collision layer to set the projectile to.</param>
    /// <param name="shotBy">The ship or structure that shot the projectile.</param>
    /// <param name="baseBody">The optional rigidbody of the base the weapon is attached to.</param>
    protected virtual void LaunchProjectile(ProjectileSlot projectileSlot, Layers.Names projectileLayer, GameObject shotBy, Rigidbody baseBody = null)
        // Spawn an instance of the projectile.
        GameObject newProjectile = projectileSlot.Projectile.Spawn(projectileSlot.SpawnPoint, projectileLayer, shotBy);

        // Spawn velocity is projectile velocity in forward direction.
        Vector3 spawnVelocity = projectileSlot.SpawnPoint.transform.forward * ProjectileVelocity;

        // If a moving base rigidbody was passed in, take a part of its velocity and add it to the spawnVelocity.
        if (baseBody != null)
            spawnVelocity += baseBody.velocity * projectileSlot.Projectile.BaseVelocityMultiplier;

        // Add the projectile's starting velocity and its base object's velocity together to launch it.
        Rigidbody projectileBody = newProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        projectileBody.AddForce(spawnVelocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
