Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestProfilingSessionExtensions_Step_InvalidGetName()
            var mockProfiler = new Mock <IProfiler>();
            var target       = new ProfilingSession(mockProfiler.Object);

            Assert.IsNull(target.Step((Func <string>)null));
 public void TestProfilingSessionExtensions_Step()
     var mockStep = new Mock<IProfilingStep>();
     var mockProfiler = new Mock<IProfiler>();
     mockProfiler.Setup(profiler => profiler.Step(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string[]>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(mockStep.Object);
     var target = new ProfilingSession(mockProfiler.Object);
     Assert.AreEqual(mockStep.Object, target.Step(() => "test"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestProfilingSessionExtensions_Step()
            var mockStep     = new Mock <IProfilingStep>();
            var mockProfiler = new Mock <IProfiler>();

            mockProfiler.Setup(profiler => profiler.Step(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <TagCollection>())).Returns(mockStep.Object);
            var target = new ProfilingSession(mockProfiler.Object);

            Assert.AreEqual(mockStep.Object, target.Step(() => "test"));
 public void TestProfilingSessionExtensions_Step_InvalidName()
     var mockProfiler = new Mock<IProfiler>();
     var target = new ProfilingSession(mockProfiler.Object);
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // use CircularBuffer to keep latest results in-memory so that we could expose them at runtime
            // by default the profiling results are not kept in memory
            ProfilingSession.CircularBuffer = new CircularBuffer <ITimingSession>();

            // start the Owin host to expose in-memory profiling results via Web
            WebApp.Start <OwinProfilingResultHost>("http://*:2222");

            ProfilingSession.Start("my task starts: " + DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "tag1", "ta\"\r\ng2");

            // add addtional fields to session
            ProfilingSession.Current.Profiler.GetTimingSession().Data["sessionAdditionalField1"]     = "test1";
            ProfilingSession.Current.Profiler.GetTimingSession().Data["sessionAdditionalField2Size"] = "3";

            // keep an instance of profiling session somewhere to ensure it is not collected by GC
            _profilingSession = ProfilingSession.Current;

            using (ProfilingSession.Current.Step("do something 1"))

                // you could use a passed-through profiling session instance as well.
                // ProfilingSession.Current holds the profiling session internally by logic CallContext,
                // in complex multi-threading cases where logic CallContext might not work,
                // you might have to pass through the profiling session instead of ProfilingSession.Current
                using (var step = _profilingSession.Step("do something 2", "step tag 1"))
                    // add addtional tag to step
                    step.AddTag("step tag 2");

                    // add addtional step profiling fields
                    step.AddField("stepField1", "test1");
                    step.AddField("stepField2", "test2");


                    using (ProfilingSession.Current.Step(() => "do something 3"))

            // the profiling results is saved asynchronously when Stop() is called
            // in this demo, the log is saved to *.log files to the output folder via log4net

            // usually, we import the profiling logs to elasticsearch for visualization in kibana
            // but if you want to view the profiling results at runtime in a web view
            // for the console app or windows service app, you could expose the results in-memory
            // and display the results in another web app.
            // in this demo, we use Owin to expose the results to http://localhost:2222
            // and if you visit the URL below in the web SimpleDemo app,
            // you are able to see the profiling results of the console app.
            // http://localhost:64511/nanoprofiler/view?import=http://localhost:2222

            Console.WriteLine("You could view the profiling results of this ConsoleDemo in the SimpleDemo site:\nhttp://localhost:64511/nanoprofiler/view?import=http://localhost:2222");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");