private void RunShell()
            ProfileSelector selector = new ProfileSelector();

            if (selector.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                var profileHolder = new ProfileHolder();
                profileHolder.Current = selector.CurrentProfile;
                container.RegisterInstance(typeof(IProfileHolder), profileHolder);

                Application.Run(container.Resolve <MainForm>());
        public void BindForm(LogExplorerForm form)
            _form    = form;
            mainView = new MainView(this);
            scr = new MainScrollView(this);
            profileSelector = new ProfileSelector(this);

            //todo: init views
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void PostInit()
            MainWindow      = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <MainWindowViewModel>(typeof(MainWindowViewModel).ToString());
            Sidebar         = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <SidebarViewModel>(typeof(SidebarViewModel).ToString());
            Logger          = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <Logger>(typeof(Logger).ToString());
            Operations      = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <OperationsViewModel>(typeof(OperationsViewModel).ToString());
            Loader          = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <FullLoaderViewModel>(typeof(FullLoaderViewModel).ToString());
            ProfileSelector = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <ProfileSelectorViewModel>(typeof(ProfileSelectorViewModel).ToString());
            Jira            = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <JiraWrapper>(typeof(JiraWrapper).ToString());
            var storage = ServiceContainer.GetServiceTyped <Storage>(typeof(Storage).ToString());

            var settingsName = typeof(Settings).ToString();

            if (storage.Has(settingsName))
                Settings = storage.Get <Settings>(settingsName);
                Settings = new Settings();


            var profilesName = typeof(Profiles).ToString();

            if (storage.Has(profilesName))
                Profiles = storage.Get <Profiles>(profilesName);

                if (Profiles == default(Profiles) || Profiles == null)
                    Util.Ui.MsgBox.Show("Error", "Corrupted profiles file. This is a known bug and will be solved in 0.3; until that the only solution is to remove your profiles files and start again. If you continue then application will overwrite the profiles file for you.", MessageBox.Avalonia.Enums.Icon.Error, MessageBox.Avalonia.Enums.ButtonEnum.Ok);
                    Profiles = new Profiles();
                Profiles = new Profiles();


Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void OnLoad()
            var RootMenu = Variables.Menu;

            var OWMenu = new Menu("[VHR] Orbwalker", "dz191.vhr.orbwalker");
                Variables.Orbwalker = new Orbwalking.Orbwalker(OWMenu);

            var TSMenu = new Menu("[VHR] TS", "dz191.vhr.ts");

            var comboMenu = new Menu("[VHR] Combo", "dz191.vhr.combo");
                var manaMenu = new Menu("Mana Manager", "");
                    manaMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo);
                    manaMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.E, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo);
                    manaMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.R, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo);


                comboMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo);
                comboMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.E, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo);
                comboMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.R, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo, false);

                comboMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.combo.r.minenemies", "Min. R Enemies", new Tuple <int, int, int>(2, 1, 5)).SetTooltip("Minimum enemies in range for R");
                comboMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.combo.q.2wstacks", "Only Q if 2W Stacks on Target").SetTooltip("Will Q for 3rd proc only. Enable if you want AA AA Q AA");


            var harassMenu = new Menu("[VHR] Harass", "dz191.vhr.mixed");
                var manaMenu = new Menu("Mana Manager", "");
                    manaMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed);
                    manaMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.E, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed);


                harassMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed);
                harassMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.E, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed);

                harassMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.mixed.q.2wstacks", "Only Q if 2W Stacks on Target").SetTooltip("Will Q for 3rd proc only. Enable if you want AA AA Q AA");
                harassMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.mixed.ethird", "Use E for Third Proc").SetTooltip("Uses E for 3rd W proc. Enable if you want AA Q AA E");


            var farmMenu = new Menu("[VHR] Farm", "");
                farmMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear).SetTooltip("Q Laneclear");
                farmMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear, 45, true);
                farmMenu.AddSkill(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LastHit).SetTooltip("Q Lasthit");
                farmMenu.AddManaLimiter(Enumerations.Skills.Q, Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LastHit, 45, true);
                farmMenu.AddBool("", "Use E to condemn jungle mobs", true).SetTooltip("Use Condemn against jungle creeps");
                farmMenu.AddBool("", "Use Q against jungle mobs", true).SetTooltip("Use Tumble in the Jungle");


            var miscMenu = new Menu("[VHR] Misc", "dz191.vhr.misc");
                var miscQMenu = new Menu("Misc - Q (Tumble)", "dz191.vhr.misc.tumble");
                    miscQMenu.AddStringList("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.qlogic", "Q Logic", new[] { "Reborn", "Normal", "Kite melees", "Kurisu" }).SetTooltip("The Tumble Method. Reborn = Safest & Besto");
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.mixed.mirinQ", "Q to Wall when Possible (Mirin Mode)", true).SetTooltip("Will Q to walls when possible for really fast bursts!");
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.smartq", "Try to QE when possible").SetTooltip("Will try to do the Tumble + Condemn combo when possible");                                               //Done
                    miscQMenu.AddKeybind("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.noaastealthex", "Don't AA while stealthed", new Tuple <uint, KeyBindType>('K', KeyBindType.Toggle)).SetTooltip("Will not AA while you are in Ult+Q"); //Done
                    miscQMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.noaastealthex.hp", "^ Only if HP % < x", new Tuple <int, int, int>(35, 0, 100)).SetTooltip("If true it will not Q into 2 or more enemies");            //done
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.ijava", "iJava Stealth").SetTooltip("If you are not iJava, Don't press me :^)");                                                                         //Done
                    miscQMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.noaastealth.duration", "Duration to wait (iJava Only)", new Tuple <int, int, int>(700, 0, 1000));
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.noqenemies", "Don't Q into enemies").SetTooltip("If true it will not Q into 2 or more enemies");                                                         //done
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.noqenemies.old", "Use Old Don't Q into enemies").SetTooltip("Uses the old algorithm.");                                                                  //done
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.dynamicqsafety", "Use dynamic Q Safety Distance").SetTooltip("Use the enemy AA range as the 'Don't Q into enemies' safety distance?");                   //done
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.qspam", "Ignore Q checks").SetTooltip("Ignores 'Safe Q' and 'Don't Q into enemies' checks");                                                             //Done
                    miscQMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.qinrange", "Q For KS", true).SetTooltip("Uses Q to KS by Qing in range if you can kill with Q + AA");                                                    //Done
                        "dz191.vhr.misc.tumble.noaa.enemies", "Min Enemies for No AA Stealth",
                        new Tuple <int, int, int>(3, 2, 5));


                var miscEMenu = new Menu("Misc - E (Condemn)", "dz191.vhr.misc.condemn");
                    miscEMenu.AddStringList("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.condemnmethod", "Condemn Method",
                                            new[] { "VH Revolution", "VH Reborn", "Marksman/Gosu", "Shine#" }).SetTooltip("The condemn method. Recommended: Revolution > Shine/Reborn > Marksman");

                    miscEMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.pushdistance", "E Push Distance",
                                        new Tuple <int, int, int>(420, 350, 470)).SetTooltip("The E Knockback distance the script uses. Recommended: 400-430");

                    miscEMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.accuracy", "Accuracy (Revolution Only)",
                                        new Tuple <int, int, int>(45, 1, 65)).SetTooltip("The Condemn Accuracy. Recommended value: 40-45");

                        new MenuItem("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.enextauto", "E Next Auto").SetValue(
                            new KeyBind('T', KeyBindType.Toggle))).SetTooltip("If On it will fire E after the next Auto Attack is landed");

                        new MenuItem("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.flashcondemn", "Condemn -> Flash").SetValue(
                            new KeyBind('W', KeyBindType.Press)))
                    .SetTooltip("Uses the Condemn -> Flash pro play on an enemy on which it is possible to do so.");

                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.onlystuncurrent", "Only stun current target").SetTooltip("Only uses E on the current orbwalker target");  //done
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.autoe", "Auto E").SetTooltip("Uses E whenever possible");                                                 //Done
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.eks", "Smart E KS").SetTooltip("Uses E to KS when they have 2 W Stacks and they can be killed by W + E"); //Done
                    miscEMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.noeaa", "Don't E if Target can be killed in X AA",
                                        new Tuple <int, int, int>(1, 0, 4)).SetTooltip("Does not condemn if you can kill the target in X Auto Attacks");                //Done

                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.trinketbush", "Trinket Bush on Condemn", true).SetTooltip("Uses Blue / Yellow trinket on bush if you condemn in there.");
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.lowlifepeel", "Peel with E when low health").SetTooltip("Uses E on melee enemies if your health < 15%");
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.condemnflag", "Condemn to J4 flag", true).SetTooltip("Tries to make the assembly condemn on J4 Flags");
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.noeturret", "No E Under enemy turret").SetTooltip("Does not condemn if you are under their turret");
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.repelflash", "Use E on Enemy Flashes").SetTooltip("Uses E on enemy flashes that get too close.");
                    miscEMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn.repelkindred", "Use E to push enemies out of kindred ult").SetTooltip("Uses E on enemies inside Kindred's ult.");


                var miscGeneralSubMenu = new Menu("Misc - General", "dz191.vhr.misc.general"); //Done
                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.general.antigp", "Anti Gapcloser").SetTooltip("Uses E to stop gapclosers");
                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.general.interrupt", "Interrupter", true).SetTooltip("Uses E to interrupt skills");
                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddSlider("dz191.vhr.misc.general.antigpdelay", "Anti Gapcloser Delay (ms)",
                                                 new Tuple <int, int, int>(0, 0, 1000)).SetTooltip("Sets a delay before the Condemn for Antigapcloser is casted.");

                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.general.specialfocus", "Focus targets with 2 W marks").SetTooltip("Tries to focus targets that have 2W Rings on them");
                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.general.reveal", "Stealth Reveal (Pink Ward / Lens)").SetTooltip("Reveals stealthed champions using Pink Wards / Lenses");

                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.general.disablemovement", "Disable Orbwalker Movement").SetTooltip("Disables the Orbwalker movements as long as it's active");
                    miscGeneralSubMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.misc.general.disableattk", "Disable Orbwalker Attack").SetTooltip("Disables the Orbwalker attacks as long as it's active");



            var drawMenu = new Menu("[VHR] Drawings", "dz191.vhr.draw");

                drawMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.draw.spots", "Draw Spots", true);
                drawMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.draw.range", "Draw Enemy Ranges", true);
                drawMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.draw.condemn", "Draw Condemn Rectangles", true);
                drawMenu.AddBool("dz191.vhr.draw.qpos", "Reborn Q Position (Debug)");


            DZAntigapcloserVHR.BuildMenu(RootMenu, "[VHR] AntiGapclosers List", "dz191.vhr.agplist");

Exemplo n.º 5
 public bool Show(ProfileSelector f)