Exemplo n.º 1
 private void DestroyLink(ProductionLink link)
     if (link.owner.links.Contains(link))
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void BuildGoodsIcon(ImGui gui, Goods goods, ProductionLink link, float amount, ProductDropdownType dropdownType, RecipeRow recipe, ProductionTable context, Goods[] variants = null)
            var linkIsError   = link != null && ((link.flags & (ProductionLink.Flags.HasProductionAndConsumption | ProductionLink.Flags.LinkRecursiveNotMatched | ProductionLink.Flags.ChildNotMatched)) != ProductionLink.Flags.HasProductionAndConsumption);
            var linkIsForeign = link != null && link.owner != context;

            if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectWithAmount(goods, amount, goods?.flowUnitOfMeasure ?? UnitOfMeasure.None, link != null ? linkIsError ? SchemeColor.Error : linkIsForeign?SchemeColor.Secondary : SchemeColor.Primary: goods.IsSourceResource() ? SchemeColor.Green : SchemeColor.None) && goods != Database.voidEnergy)
                OpenProductDropdown(gui, gui.lastRect, goods, amount, link, dropdownType, recipe, context, variants);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void CreateLink(ProductionTable table, Goods goods)
            if (table.linkMap.ContainsKey(goods))
            var link = new ProductionLink(table, goods);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawDesiredProduct(ImGui gui, ProductionLink element)
            gui.allocator = RectAllocator.Stretch;
            gui.spacing   = 0f;
            var error = element.flags.HasFlags(ProductionLink.Flags.LinkNotMatched);
            var evt   = gui.BuildFactorioGoodsWithEditableAmount(element.goods, element.amount, element.goods.flowUnitOfMeasure, out var newAmount, error ? SchemeColor.Error : SchemeColor.Primary);

            if (evt == GoodsWithAmountEvent.ButtonClick)
                OpenProductDropdown(gui, gui.lastRect, element.goods, ProductDropdownType.DesiredProduct, null, model);
            else if (evt == GoodsWithAmountEvent.TextEditing && newAmount != 0)
                element.RecordUndo().amount = newAmount;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public bool FindLink(Goods goods, out ProductionLink link) => linkRoot.FindLink(goods, out link);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void DrawLinkedProduct(ImGui gui, ProductionLink element)
     BuildGoodsIcon(gui, element.goods, element.amount, ProductDropdownType.LinkedProduct, null, model);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void OpenProductDropdown(ImGui targetGui, Rect rect, Goods goods, float amount, ProductionLink link, ProductDropdownType type, RecipeRow recipe, ProductionTable context, Goods[] variants = null)
            if (InputSystem.Instance.control)
                Project.current.preferences.SetSourceResource(goods, !goods.IsSourceResource());

            var comparer   = DataUtils.GetRecipeComparerFor(goods);
            var allRecipes = new HashSet <Recipe>(context.recipes.Select(x => x.recipe));
            Predicate <Recipe> recipeExists = rec => allRecipes.Contains(rec);
            Action <Recipe>    addRecipe    = async rec =>
                if (variants == null)
                    CreateLink(context, goods);
                    foreach (var variant in variants)
                        if (rec.GetProduction(variant) > 0f)
                            CreateLink(context, variant);
                            if (variant != goods)
                                recipe.RecordUndo().ChangeVariant(goods, variant);
                if (!allRecipes.Contains(rec) || (await MessageBox.Show("Recipe already exists", "Add a second copy?", "Add a copy", "Cancel")).choice)
                    AddRecipe(context, rec);
            var selectFuel = type != ProductDropdownType.Fuel ? null : (Action <Goods>)(fuel =>
                recipe.RecordUndo().fuel = fuel;
            var allProduction = goods == null?Array.Empty <Recipe>() : variants == null ? goods.production : variants.SelectMany(x => x.production).Distinct().ToArray();

            var fuelDisplayFunc = recipe?.entity?.energy.type == EntityEnergyType.FluidHeat
                ? (Func <Goods, string>)(g => DataUtils.FormatAmount(g.fluid?.heatValue ?? 0, UnitOfMeasure.Megajoule))
                : g => DataUtils.FormatAmount(g.fuelValue, UnitOfMeasure.Megajoule);

            targetGui.ShowDropDown(rect, DropDownContent, new Padding(1f), 25f);

            void DropDownContent(ImGui gui, ref bool close)
                if (type == ProductDropdownType.Fuel && recipe?.entity != null && recipe.entity.energy.fuels.Count > 1)
                    close |= gui.BuildInlineObejctListAndButton(recipe.entity.energy.fuels, DataUtils.FavouriteFuel, selectFuel, "Select fuel", extra: fuelDisplayFunc);

                if (variants != null)
                    gui.BuildText("Accepted fluid variants:");
                    using (var grid = gui.EnterInlineGrid(3f))
                        foreach (var variant in variants)
                            if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectButton(variant, 3f, MilestoneDisplay.Contained, variant == goods ? SchemeColor.Primary : SchemeColor.None) &&
                                variant != goods)
                                recipe.RecordUndo().ChangeVariant(goods, variant);
                                close = true;

                    gui.allocator = RectAllocator.Stretch;

                if (link != null)
                    if (!link.flags.HasFlags(ProductionLink.Flags.HasProduction))
                        gui.BuildText("This link has no production (Link ignored)", wrap: true, color: SchemeColor.Error);
                    if (!link.flags.HasFlags(ProductionLink.Flags.HasConsumption))
                        gui.BuildText("This link has no consumption (Link ignored)", wrap: true, color: SchemeColor.Error);
                    if (link.flags.HasFlags(ProductionLink.Flags.ChildNotMatched))
                        gui.BuildText("Nested table link have unmatched production/consumption. These unmatched products are not captured by this link.", wrap: true, color: SchemeColor.Error);
                    if (!link.flags.HasFlags(ProductionLink.Flags.HasProductionAndConsumption) && link.owner.owner is RecipeRow recipeRow && recipeRow.FindLink(link.goods, out _))
                        gui.BuildText("Nested tables have their own set of links that DON'T connect to parent links. To connect this product to the outside, remove this link", wrap: true, color: SchemeColor.Error);
                    if (link.flags.HasFlags(ProductionLink.Flags.LinkRecursiveNotMatched))
                        if (link.notMatchedFlow <= 0f)
                            gui.BuildText("YAFC was unable to satisfy this link (Negative feedback loop). This doesn't mean that this link is the problem, but it is part of the loop.", wrap: true, color: SchemeColor.Error);
                            gui.BuildText("YAFC was unable to satisfy this link (Overproduction). You can allow overproduction for this link to solve the error.", wrap: true, color: SchemeColor.Error);

                if (type != ProductDropdownType.Product && goods != null && allProduction.Length > 0)
                    close |= gui.BuildInlineObejctListAndButton(allProduction, comparer, addRecipe, "Add production recipe", 6, true, recipeExists);

                if (type != ProductDropdownType.Fuel && goods != null && type != ProductDropdownType.Ingredient && goods.usages.Length > 0)
                    close |= gui.BuildInlineObejctListAndButton(goods.usages, DataUtils.DefaultRecipeOrdering, addRecipe, "Add consumption recipe", type == ProductDropdownType.Product ? 6 : 3, true, recipeExists);

                if (type == ProductDropdownType.Product && goods != null && allProduction.Length > 0)
                    close |= gui.BuildInlineObejctListAndButton(allProduction, comparer, addRecipe, "Add production recipe", 1, true, recipeExists);

                if (link != null && gui.BuildCheckBox("Allow overproduction", link.algorithm == LinkAlgorithm.AllowOverProduction, out var newValue))
                    link.RecordUndo().algorithm = newValue ? LinkAlgorithm.AllowOverProduction : LinkAlgorithm.Match;

                if (link != null && gui.BuildButton("View link summary") && (close = true))

                if (link != null && link.owner == context)
                    if (link.amount != 0)
                        gui.BuildText(goods.locName + " is a desired product and cannot be unlinked.", wrap: true);
                        gui.BuildText(goods.locName + " production is currently linked. This means that YAFC will try to match production with consumption.", wrap: true);
                    if (type == ProductDropdownType.DesiredProduct)
                        if (gui.BuildButton("Remove desired product"))
                            link.RecordUndo().amount = 0;
                            close = true;

                        if (gui.BuildButton("Remove and unlink"))
                            close = true;
                    else if (link.amount == 0 && gui.BuildButton("Unlink"))
                        close = true;
                else if (goods != null)
                    if (link != null)
                        gui.BuildText(goods.locName + " production is currently linked, but the link is outside this nested table. Nested tables can have its own separate set of links", wrap: true);
                        gui.BuildText(goods.locName + " production is currently NOT linked. This means that YAFC will make no attempt to match production with consumption.", wrap: true);
                    if (gui.BuildButton("Create link"))
                        CreateLink(context, goods);
                        close = true;

                if (goods is Item)
                    BuildBeltInserterInfo(gui, amount, recipe?.buildingCount ?? 0, ref close);