Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Checkout()
            string  username  = Session["username"].ToString();
            Account a         = new AccountServ.AccountServiceClient().getAccountByUsername(username);
            int     accountID = a.ID;

            Order o       = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getUserProductOrder(accountID, "Ordered");
            int   orderID = o.ID;

            Order order = new Order();

            order.ID                 = o.ID;
            order.DateOfPurchase     = o.DateOfPurchase;
            order.WarrantyExpiryDate = o.WarrantyExpiryDate;
            order.Status             = "Shipped";
            order.AccountID          = o.AccountID;

            foreach (ProductOrder p in o.ProductOrder)
                ProductServ.ProductServiceClient productClient = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient();
                Product product = productClient.GetProductByID(p.ProductID);
                product.StockAmount = product.StockAmount - p.Quantity;
                productClient.UpdateProductStock(product.StockAmount.Value, product.ID);
            //Product p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(o.ProductOrder.
            new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().UpdateOrder(order);
            return(RedirectToAction("ProductList", "Product"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult PostComment(int proID)
            Product      p     = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(proID);
            CommentModel model = new CommentModel();

            model.myProduct = p;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
        // [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, User")]
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            Product p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(id);
            IEnumerable <Comment> c = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetCommentByProductID(id);
            double       avgRating  = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getAverageRating(id);
            ProductModel model      = new ProductModel();

            model.myProduct     = p;
            model.myComment     = c.ToList();
            model.averageRating = avgRating;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult Report3(int pid)
            List <FaultReport> frList = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getMostFaults().ToList();
            FaultReport        fr     = new FaultReport();
            Product            p      = new Product();

            foreach (FaultReport frr in frList)
                fr = frr;
            int pID = Convert.ToInt32(fr.ProductID);

            p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pID);
            return(new RazorPDF.PdfResult(p, "Report3"));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public PartialViewResult MostPurchasedItem()
            List <ProductOrder> poList = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getMostPurchasedItem().ToList();
            ProductOrder        po     = new ProductOrder();
            Product             p      = new Product();

            foreach (ProductOrder poo in poList)
                po = poo;
            int pID = Convert.ToInt32(po.ProductID);

            p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pID);
            return(PartialView("_mostPurchasedItem", p));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public PartialViewResult LeastFaults()
            List <FaultReport> frList = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getLeastFaults().ToList();
            FaultReport        fr     = new FaultReport();
            Product            p      = new Product();

            foreach (FaultReport frr in frList)
                fr = frr;
            int pID = Convert.ToInt32(fr.ProductID);

            p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pID);
            return(PartialView("_leastFaults", p));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult Report2(int pid)
            //most purchase item
            List <ProductOrder> poList = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getMostPurchasedItem().ToList();
            ProductOrder        po     = new ProductOrder();
            Product             p      = new Product();

            foreach (ProductOrder poo in poList)
                po = poo;
            int pID = Convert.ToInt32(po.ProductID);

            p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pID);
            //return PartialView("_mostPurchasedItem", p);
            return(new RazorPDF.PdfResult(p, "Report2"));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult ShowReport(int productID, int orderID, string dateF, string dateT)
            ReportModel model = new ReportModel();

            ViewBag.Title = "Electros";
            string  username  = Session["username"].ToString();
            Account a         = new AccountServ.AccountServiceClient().getAccountByUsername(username);
            int     accountID = a.ID;

            Order o = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getOrderByIDs(accountID, orderID);

            Product            p  = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(productID);
            List <FaultReport> fr = new FaultsServ.FaultReportLogServiceClient().getFaultByAccountIDPRoductID(accountID, productID).ToList();

            model.myFaultReport = fr;
            List <FaultLog> faultLogList = new List <FaultLog>();

            foreach (FaultReport f in fr)
                List <FaultLog> flTemp = new FaultsServ.FaultReportLogServiceClient().getFaultLogByReportID(f.ID).ToList();
                foreach (FaultLog fl in flTemp)
                    model.myFaultLog = flTemp;

            if (model.myFaultLog == null)
                TempData["NoFault"] = "The item selected has no faults";
            model.myProduct = p;
            //model.myFaultReport = fr;
            //model.myFaultLog = faultLogList;
            model.myOrder = o;
            //model.from = Convert.ToDateTime(TempData["StoreDataFrom"]) ;
            //model.to = Convert.ToDateTime(TempData["StoreDataTo"]);
            model.from = Convert.ToDateTime(dateF);
            model.to   = Convert.ToDateTime(dateT);

            sendEmailToClient(accountID, model);

            return(new RazorPDF.PdfResult(model, "ShowReport"));
            //return View(model);
Exemplo n.º 9
        //public ActionResult PDF()
        //    products = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetAllProducts().ToList();
        //    return new RazorPDF.PdfResult(products, "PDF");


        public ActionResult Filter(string category, string name, string lowPrice, string highPrice)
            decimal parsed;

                //to check type of price
                //if ((category == null || category == "") && (name == null || name == "") && Decimal.TryParse(lowPrice, out parsed) && Decimal.TryParse(highPrice, out parsed)  )

                if (!Decimal.TryParse(lowPrice, out parsed) && !Decimal.TryParse(highPrice, out parsed))
                    List <Product> pro = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetAllProducts().ToList();
                    TempData["Error"] = "Price needs to be of type decimal (2.00)";
                    return(View("ProductList", pro));
                //to check for nulls
                if ((category == null || category == "") && (name == null || name == "") && (lowPrice == null || lowPrice == "") && (highPrice == null || highPrice == ""))
                    TempData["Null"] = "One of the values is required";
                    // return View("ProductList", products);

                if ((category != null || category != "") && (name == null || name == "") && (lowPrice == null || lowPrice == "") && (highPrice == null || highPrice == ""))
                    products = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().searchByCategory(category).ToList();
                else if ((category == null || category == "") && (name != null || name != "") && (lowPrice == null || lowPrice == "") && (highPrice == null || highPrice == ""))
                    products = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().searchByName(name).ToList();
                else if ((category == null || category == "") && (name == null || name == "") && (lowPrice != null || lowPrice != "") && (highPrice != null || highPrice != ""))
                    decimal lPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(lowPrice);
                    decimal hPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(highPrice);
                    products = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().searchByPriceRange(lPrice, hPrice).ToList();
                return(View("ProductList", products));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["CatchError"] = "An error was encountered. Please try again later";
                return(View("ProductList", products));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public PartialViewResult HighlyRatedItem()
            List <Rating> p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getHighlyRatedItem().ToList();

            Rating  r  = new Rating();
            Product pr = new Product();

            foreach (Rating rr in p)
                r = rr;
                ViewBag.Rating = r.Rating1;
            int pID = Convert.ToInt32(r.ProductID);

            pr = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pID);

            return(PartialView("_highlyRatedItem", pr));
            //return new RazorPDF.PdfResult("ShowReport",pr.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void SendEmailToClient(int accountID, Image img, int pid, MemoryStream stream, int ticketNum)
            Product p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pid);

            string username = Session["username"].ToString();

            Common.User details = new UserServ.UserServiceClient().getUSerByAccountID(accountID);

            string body = "Dear " + "\n" + details.Name + " " + details.Surname;

            body += "<br />";
            body += "The fault of the product" + p.Name + " has been reported and your ticket number is : " + ticketNum;
            body += "Also attached is your barcode.";

            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(stream);

            bm.Save(HttpContext.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            //Attachment attachment = new Attachment(stream, "BarcodeImage.jpg");
            //img.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            stream.Position = 0;

            //mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(stream, "image/jpg"));
            using (MailMessage mail = new MailMessage())
                mail.From = new MailAddress(emailFrom);
                // mail.Attachments.Add(attachment);
                mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(stream, "Barcodeimg.jpg", "image/jpg"));
                mail.Subject    = subject;
                mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                mail.Body       = body;

                using (SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(smtpAddress, portNumber))
                    smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(emailFrom, password);
                    smtp.EnableSsl   = enableSSL;
Exemplo n.º 12
        // GET: /Basket/

        public ActionResult Index()
            string  username = Session["username"].ToString();
            Account a        = new AccountServ.AccountServiceClient().getAccountByUsername(username);

            if (a != null)
                int accountID = a.ID;

                Order o = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getUserProductOrder(accountID, "Ordered");
                if (o != null)
                    int orderID = o.ID;

                    List <ProductOrder> productOrders = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getProductOrderByOrderID(orderID).ToList();

                    //to show totalPrice
                    decimal price;
                    int     qty;
                    decimal totalPrice = 0;
                    foreach (ProductOrder i in productOrders)
                        Product product = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(i.ProductID);

                        price       = Convert.ToDecimal(i.Product.Price);
                        qty         = Convert.ToInt32(i.Quantity);
                        totalPrice += price * qty;
                    ViewData["totalPrice"] = totalPrice;
                    return(View("Index", productOrders));
                    return(View("Index", new List <ProductOrder>()));
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "UserAuthentication"));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult Report(int pid)
            //highest rated item
            List <Rating> p = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getHighlyRatedItem().ToList();

            Rating  r  = new Rating();
            Product pr = new Product();

            foreach (Rating rr in p)
                r = rr;
                ViewBag.Rating = r.Rating1;
            //int pID = Convert.ToInt32(r.ProductID);
            int pID = Convert.ToInt32(pid);

            pr = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(pID);
            return(new RazorPDF.PdfResult(pr, "Report"));
            //return View();
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult AddToCart(ProductModel p)
                if (p.Qty <= 0 || p.Qty.Equals(""))
                    TempData["ErrorMsg"] = "Quantity cannot be less than zero or empty";
                    Product      pro       = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(p.myProduct.ID);
                    double       avgRating = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getAverageRating(p.myProduct.ID);
                    ProductModel pm        = new ProductModel();
                    pm.myProduct     = pro;
                    pm.averageRating = avgRating;
                    return(View("Details", pm));
                Product product   = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(p.myProduct.ID);
                int     stock     = Convert.ToInt32(product.StockAmount);
                string  username  = Session["username"].ToString();
                Account a         = new AccountServ.AccountServiceClient().getAccountByUsername(username);
                int     accountID = a.ID;

                Order check = new ProductOrderClient().getOrderIDByAccountIDStatus(accountID, "Ordered");
                if (p.Qty <= stock)
                    if (check == null)
                        Order newOrder = new Order();
                        //newOrder.ID = new int();
                        newOrder.DateOfPurchase     = System.DateTime.Today;
                        newOrder.WarrantyExpiryDate = System.DateTime.Today.AddYears(2);
                        newOrder.Status             = "Ordered";
                        newOrder.AccountID          = accountID;
                        new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().addOrder(newOrder);

                        Order details = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getOrderIDByAccountIDStatus(accountID, newOrder.Status);

                        ProductOrder newProductOrder = new ProductOrder();
                        newProductOrder.OrderID   = details.ID;
                        newProductOrder.ProductID = p.myProduct.ID;
                        newProductOrder.Quantity  = p.Qty;

                        new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().addProductOrder(newProductOrder);
                        //return RedirectToAction("Details");
                    else if (check != null)
                        ProductOrder checkpo = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getProductOrderID(p.myProduct.ID, check.ID);

                        if (checkpo == null)
                            Order details = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getOrderIDByAccountIDStatus(accountID, "Ordered");

                            ProductOrder newProductOrder = new ProductOrder();
                            newProductOrder.OrderID   = details.ID;
                            newProductOrder.ProductID = p.myProduct.ID;
                            newProductOrder.Quantity  = p.Qty;

                            new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().addProductOrder(newProductOrder);
                        else if (checkpo != null)
                            ProductOrder newProductOrder = checkpo;
                            //newProductOrder.Quantity = checkpo.Quantity + p.Qty;
                            int newQty = Convert.ToInt32(checkpo.Quantity) + p.Qty;

                            // new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().UpdateProductOrder(newProductOrder);
                            new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().UpdateQtyProduct(newQty, checkpo.ProductID, checkpo.OrderID);
                else if (p.Qty > stock)
                    @TempData["OutOfStock"] = "The selected Item is out of stock, try again later";
                    //return RedirectToAction("ProductList");
                    Product      pro       = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(p.myProduct.ID);
                    double       avgRating = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getAverageRating(p.myProduct.ID);
                    ProductModel m         = new ProductModel();
                    m.myProduct     = pro;
                    m.averageRating = avgRating;
                    return(View("Details", m));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["Error"] = "An error has occurred. Please try again later";
                Product      pro       = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().GetProductByID(p.myProduct.ID);
                double       avgRating = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getAverageRating(p.myProduct.ID);
                ProductModel m         = new ProductModel();
                m.myProduct     = pro;
                m.averageRating = avgRating;
                return(View("Details", m));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ActionResult Filter(string dateFrom, string dateTo)
            DateTime parsed;

                if (dateFrom.Equals("") && dateTo.Equals(""))
                    TempData["NullMsg"] = "Dates cannot be null";
                //if (!Decimal.TryParse(lowPrice, out parsed) && !Decimal.TryParse(highPrice, out parsed)  )
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateFrom, out parsed) && !DateTime.TryParse(dateTo, out parsed))
                    TempData["DatesError"] = "The Dates are incorrect format or null (2014/12/12)";
                    from = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom);
                    to   = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo);
                    //    from = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom);
                    //    to = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo);
                    //catch (Exception e)
                    //    string user = Session["username"].ToString();
                    //    Account aa = new AccountServ.AccountServiceClient().getAccountByUsername(user);
                    //    int accID = aa.ID;

                    //    List<Order> oList = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getShippedOrders(accID).ToList();
                    //    foreach (Order i in oList)
                    //    {
                    //        List<ProductOrder> po = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getProductOrderByOrderID(i.ID).ToList();

                    //        foreach (ProductOrder p in po)
                    //        {
                    //            productOrders.Add(p);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    //change
                    //    ProductModel pm1 = new ProductModel();
                    //    pm1.productOrderList = productOrders;
                    //    pm1.from = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom);
                    //    pm1.to = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo);
                    //    TempData["DatesError"] = "The Dates are incorrect format or null (2014/12/12)";
                    //   // return View("UserHistory", productOrders);
                    //    return View("UserHistory",pm1);
                    TempData["StoreDataFrom"] = from;
                    TempData["StoreDataTo"]   = to;
                    string  username  = Session["username"].ToString();
                    Account a         = new AccountServ.AccountServiceClient().getAccountByUsername(username);
                    int     accountID = a.ID;

                    List <Order> ordersList = new ProductServ.ProductServiceClient().getPurchasesByDates(accountID, from, to).ToList();
                    //new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getShippedOrders(accountID).ToList();
                    // List<Order>

                    foreach (Order i in ordersList)
                        List <ProductOrder> po = new ProductOrderServ.ProductOrderClient().getProductOrderByOrderID(i.ID).ToList();

                        foreach (ProductOrder p in po)

                    ProductModel pm = new ProductModel();
                    pm.productOrderList = productOrders;
                    pm.from             = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom);
                    pm.to = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo);

                    return(View("UserHistory", pm));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //ProductModel pm = new ProductModel();
                //pm.productOrderList = productOrders;
                //pm.from = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom);
                //pm.to = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo);
                TempData["CatchError"] = "An error was encountered. Please try again later";
                return(View("UserHistory", productOrders));
                // return View("UserHistory",pm);