Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <(OpenFoodFactsData, ProductData)> InsertFromBarcode(string code)
            HttpClient  httpClient  = new HttpClient();
            ProductApi  productApi  = new ProductApi(Utils.BuildBaseUri(), ref httpClient);
            ProductData productData = await productApi.GetAsync(code);

            OpenFoodFactsData openFoodFactsData = new OpenFoodFactsData(productData);

            return(base.Insert(openFoodFactsData).GetAwaiter().GetResult(), productData);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetAsyncTest()
            // Setup the handler
            var json        = File.ReadAllText("Product/TestProduct.json");
            var jsonData    = JObject.Parse(json);
            var mockHandler = GetHttpMessageHandlerMock(json);

            // Use HttpClient with mocked HttpMessageHandler
            var httpClient = new HttpClient(mockHandler.Object);

            var objectToTest = new ProductApi(new Uri("https://test.com/"), ref httpClient);

            // Perform test
            var res = objectToTest.GetAsync("3222475893421").Result;


            // Check the http call was as expected
            var expectedUri = new Uri("https://test.com/api/v0/product/3222475893421.json");

            VerifyMockCalls(mockHandler, HttpMethod.Get, expectedUri);