public void given_the_requestObject_when_executePost_usecase_method_is_called_then_the_gateway_is_called_with_factory_output() // this should be 2 tests really, one to see if factory gets called, and the other to see if gateway is called, but due to using static factory method this becomes impossible to separate.
            PostInitialProcessDocumentRequest requestObject = MatProcessDataHelper.CreatePostInitialProcessDocumentRequestObject();
            MatProcessData domainObject = ProcessDataFactory.CreateProcessDataObject(requestObject);

            mockMatGateway.Setup(g => g.PostInitialProcessDocument(It.IsAny <MatProcessData>())).Returns((MatProcessData dobj) => dobj.Id);

            mockMatGateway.Verify(g => g.PostInitialProcessDocument(It.Is <MatProcessData>(d =>
                                                                                  == && //checking whether properties that have to be transfered from request object to domain object are present
                                                                                           d.Id == requestObject.processRef &&
                                                                                           d.ProcessType.value == requestObject.processType.value &&
                                                                                           d.ProcessDataSchemaVersion == requestObject.processDataSchemaVersion &&
                                                                                           d.DateCompleted == DateTime.MinValue && //checking whether some of the properties that factory has to generate itself are present.
                                                                                           d.ProcessStage == "Not completed"
                                                                                           )), Times.Once);
            // This checks whether the usecase calls the gateway with the output of the factory method.