public static List <ServiceInfo> GetServicesByPID(int pid) { bool doUpdate = false; if (pid == -1) // -1 means get all and we always want a fresh list { doUpdate = true; } else { ServiceCacheLock.EnterReadLock(); doUpdate = ServiceCacheTime <= DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(ProcFunc.GetProcessCreationTime(pid)).ToLocalTime(); ServiceCacheLock.ExitReadLock(); } if (doUpdate) { RefreshServices(); } ServiceCacheLock.EnterReadLock(); CloneableList <ServiceInfo> values; if (pid == -1) { values = ServiceCacheByPID.GetAllValues(); } else if (!ServiceCacheByPID.TryGetValue(pid, out values)) { values = null; } ServiceCacheLock.ExitReadLock(); return((values != null && values.Count == 0) ? null : values); }
public void CleanUpProcesses() { DateTime TimeOut = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1); // check all pids and remove all invalid entries foreach (var pid in Processes.Keys.ToList()) { var info = Processes[pid]; if (info.StopTime == null) { string filePath = ProcFunc.GetProcessFileNameByPID(pid); if (filePath == null) { info.StopTime = DateTime.Now; } else if (!filePath.Equals(info.filePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // to quick pid reuse { AppLog.Debug("Possible PID conflict (pid {0} reused): {1}", pid, filePath); Processes.Remove(pid); } } else if (info.StopTime < TimeOut) { Processes.Remove(pid); } } }
public string GetProcessFileNameByPID(int processID) { ProcInfo info; if (Processes.TryGetValue(processID, out info) && info.StopTime == null) { return(info.filePath); } string filePath = ProcFunc.GetProcessFileNameByPID(processID); if (filePath == null) { return(null); } var startTime = ProcFunc.GetProcessCreationTime(processID); if (startTime != 0) { if (info != null) { Processes.Remove(processID); } Processes.Add(processID, new ProcInfo() { filePath = filePath, StartTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(startTime) }); } return(filePath); }
public ServiceInfo(ServiceController sc) { ServiceName = sc.ServiceName; var ImagePath = GetServiceImagePath(sc.ServiceName); ServicePath = ImagePath != null?ProcFunc.GetPathFromCmdLine(ImagePath) : ""; DisplayName = sc.DisplayName; if (sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { LastKnownPID = -1; } else { var ssp = GetServiceStatus(sc.ServiceName); LastKnownPID = ssp != null ? (int)ssp.dwProcessId : -1; } }
public void Reload() { Services.Clear(); Services.Add(new Service() { Content = Translate.fmt("svc_all"), Value = "*", Group = Translate.fmt("lbl_selec") }); foreach (ServiceController svc in ServiceController.GetServices()) { var ImagePath = ServiceHelper.GetServiceImagePath(svc.ServiceName); var ServicePath = ImagePath != null?ProcFunc.GetPathFromCmdLine(ImagePath) : ""; Services.Add(new Service() { Value = svc.ServiceName, Path = ServicePath, Content = svc.DisplayName + " (" + svc.ServiceName + ")", Group = Translate.fmt("lbl_known") }); } }
public string GetAppPackageByPID_(int PID) { // WARNING: this is not consistent with the windows firewall, we need to go by the proces token //var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(PID); // throws error if pid is not found var processHandle = ProcFunc.OpenProcess(0x1000 /*PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION*/, false, PID); if (processHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } uint cchLen = 256; StringBuilder sbName = new StringBuilder((int)cchLen); Int32 lResult = GetApplicationUserModelId(processHandle, ref cchLen, sbName); if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == lResult) { sbName = new StringBuilder((int)cchLen); lResult = GetApplicationUserModelId(processHandle, ref cchLen, sbName); } ProcFunc.CloseHandle(processHandle); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(null); } string sResult = sbName.ToString(); int pos = sResult.LastIndexOf("!"); // bla!App if (pos != -1) { sResult = sResult.Substring(0, pos); } return(sResult); }
public string GetAppPackageSidByPID(int PID) { //var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(PID); // throws error if pid is not found var processHandle = ProcFunc.OpenProcess(0x1000 /*PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION*/, false, PID); if (processHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } string strSID = null; IntPtr tokenHandle = IntPtr.Zero; if (ProcFunc.OpenProcessToken(processHandle, 8, out tokenHandle)) { int retLen; NtQueryInformationToken(tokenHandle, 31 /*TokenAppContainerSid*/, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out retLen); IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)retLen); ulong status = NtQueryInformationToken(tokenHandle, 31 /*TokenAppContainerSid*/, buffer, retLen, out retLen); if (status >= 0) { var appContainerInfo = (TOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(TOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION)); ConvertSidToStringSid(appContainerInfo.Sid, ref strSID); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(buffer); ProcFunc.CloseHandle(tokenHandle); } ProcFunc.CloseHandle(processHandle); return(strSID); }
string GetPathFromCmd(string commandLine, int processID, string imageName /*, DateTime timeStamp*/, int parentID = 0) { if (commandLine.Length == 0) { return(null); } string filePath = ProcFunc.GetPathFromCmdLine(commandLine); // apparently some processes can be started without a exe name in the command line WTF, anyhow: if (!Path.GetFileName(filePath).Equals(imageName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !(Path.GetFileName(filePath) + ".exe").Equals(imageName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { filePath = imageName; } // // \?? is a "fake" prefix which refers to per-user Dos devices if (filePath.IndexOf(@"\??\") == 0) { filePath = filePath.Substring(4); } filePath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(filePath); if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { return(filePath); } // The file path is not fully qualifyed // try to get the running processes path if (processID != 0) { //Process proc = null; //try { proc = Process.GetProcessById(processID); } catch { } //if (proc != null) //{ //var fileName = proc.GetMainModuleFileName(); var fileName = ProcFunc.GetProcessFileNameByPID(processID); if (fileName != null) { // ensure its the right process //var startTime = proc.StartTime.ToUniversalTime(); //if ((startTime - timeStamp).TotalSeconds < 1) if (Path.GetFileName(fileName).Equals(imageName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(fileName); } } //} } // check relative paths based on the parrent process working directory string workingDir = ProcessUtilities.GetCurrentDirectory(parentID); if (workingDir != null) { var curPath = Path.Combine(workingDir, filePath); if (filePath[0] == '.') { curPath = Path.GetFullPath(curPath); } if (File.Exists(curPath)) { return(curPath); } if (File.Exists(curPath + ".exe")) { return(curPath + ".exe"); } } // if everythign else fails, try to find the process binary using the environment path variable if (FindExeInPath(filePath, ref filePath)) { return(filePath); } return(null); }