Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <PlayerLMSSummaryReturn> GetPlayerLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code, int playerstatusfilter)
             * the gameid and code passed must correlate or they may be something malicious going on. so we stop
             * the response ASAP and throw an exception AND WE DO NOT CATCH IT, which should be picked up by Elmah. Exception handling here
             * have to be improved big-time
            ProbeValidate.ValidateGameCodeVersusId(gameid, code);

                //update player statuses for a game.

                DateTime dateTimeNowUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var       db        = new ProbeDataContext();
                Game      game      = db.Game.Find(gameid);
                ProbeGame probeGame = new ProbeGame(game);

                //Get information about question that most recently passed the deadline and the next question after that
                long questionIdForMostRecentQuestion = probeGame.GetMostRecentQuestionPassedDeadline(dateTimeNowUTC);

                int mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed = ProbeConstants.ValueIntNone;

                DateTime mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (questionIdForMostRecentQuestion != ProbeConstants.NoPrimaryKeyId)
                    mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed      = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionNumber;
                    mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionDeadlineDT;

                //NOTE: playerstatusfilter = 0 is ALL players; = 1 ACTIVE players; = 2 INACTIVE players
                var result = db.Database.SqlQuery <PlayerLMSSummaryData>
                                 ("exec GetPlayerLMSSummary " + gameid + ',' + playerstatusfilter).ToList();

                List <PlayerLMSSummaryReturn> reportData = new List <PlayerLMSSummaryReturn>();
                foreach (PlayerLMSSummaryData row in result)
                    PlayerLMSSummaryReturn plsr = new PlayerLMSSummaryReturn
                        PlayerName                          = row.PlayerName,
                        PlayerId                            = row.PlayerId,
                        PlayerStatus                        = row.PlayerStatus,
                        PlayerGameReason                    = row.PlayerGameReason,
                        QuestionNbrLastSubmitted            = row.QuestionNbrLastSubmitted - 1, //convert to base 0 element
                        MostRecentQuestionNbrDeadlinePassed = mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed    = mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        }//public PlayerLMSSummaryReturn GetPlayerLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code)
Exemplo n.º 2

         * Will delete the question and all artifacts associated with that question. question/choicequestion,
         * choice records.
        public static void DeleteQuestion(Controller controller, ProbeDataContext db, long questionId)
            ChoiceQuestion cq = db.ChoiceQuestion.Find(questionId);


            db.SaveChanges(controller.Request != null ? controller.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name : null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool IsGameNameExistForUser(string gameName, string AspNetUsersId)
            bool status = false;

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Game.Where(g => g.Name == gameName && g.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static bool IsCodeExistInProbe(long gameId, string code)
            bool status = false;

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Game.Where(g => g.Code == code && g.Id != gameId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static bool IsGameQuestionExist(long gameId, long questionId)
            bool status = false;

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.GameQuestion.Where(gq => gq.GameId == gameId && gq.QuestionId == questionId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 6
        }//public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllGamesDoesHaveQuestions()

        //public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllGamesHaveGamePlays()

        //    string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

        //    //All Games
        //    ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

        //    //All Games - Active or Inactive (GameId, true or false)
        //    return db.Game
        //              .Where(g => g.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId)
        //              .Select(g => new
        //              {
        //                  Id = g.Id,
        //                  DoesHaveGamePlays = g.GamePlays.Count() > 0
        //              }).ToDictionary(gp => gp.Id, gp => gp.DoesHaveGamePlays);

        //}//public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllGamesHaveGamePlays()


        #region Player Validations

        public static void ValidateGameCodeVersusPlayerId(long playerId, string code)
            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            bool doesGameCodeRelateWithPlayerId = db.Player.Where(p => p.Id == playerId && p.Game.Code == code).Count() > 0;

            if (!doesGameCodeRelateWithPlayerId)
                throw new ApiArgException("The PlayerId and GameCode do not correlate. PlayerId: " + playerId + " GameCode: " + code);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void ValidateGameCodeVersusId(long gameId, string code)
            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            var game = db.Game.Where(g => g.Id == gameId && g.Code == code);

            if (game.Count() != 1)
                throw new ApiArgException("The GameId and GameCode do not correlate. GameId: " + gameId + " GameCode: " + code);
Exemplo n.º 8
         * Return a dictionary (id, boolean) that specifies the player id and true/false on whether they have
         * answered the most recent question that the deadline has passed
        public Dictionary <long, bool> GetAllActivePlayersHasAnsweredQuestion(long questionId)
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

            return(db.Player.Where(p => p.Active && p.GameId == this.Game.Id)
                   .Select(p => new
                Id = p.Id,
                Answered = p.GameAnswers.Any(ga => ga.Choice.ChoiceQuestionId == questionId)
            }).ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p.Answered));
        }//public Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllActivePlayersHasAnsweredQuestion(long questionId)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static bool IsQuestionForLoggedInUser(long questionId)
            bool status = false;

            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Question.Where(q => q.Id == questionId && q.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 10
        public static bool IsCodeExistInProbe(string code)
            bool status = false;

            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Game.Where(g => g.Code == code).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 11
        }//public static Dictionary<long,bool> GetAllQuestionPossessCorrectChoice()


        #region Choice Validations

        public static bool IsChoiceForLoggedInUser(long choiceId)
            bool status = false;

            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Choice.Where(c => c.Id == choiceId && c.ChoiceQuestion.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static bool IsGameForLoggedInUser(long gameId)
            bool status = false;

            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Game.Where(g => g.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId && g.Id == gameId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 13
        }//public static Dictionary<long,bool> GetGamesStatus()

         * Will return a List of Games that are LMS games AND
         * (Current datetime is in the window of game start date and end date AND at least one
         * Player is (Active) AND game is NOT suspended
         * returns
        public static IList <Game> GetAllActiveLMSGamesWithActivePlayers()
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

                   .Where(g => g.GameType.Name == ProbeConstants.LMSGameType &&
                          (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, g.StartDate) > 0 &&
                           DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, g.EndDate) <= 0) &&
                          //(g.Players.Where(p => p.Active && p.GameAnswers.Count() != db.GameQuestion.Where(gq => gq.GameId == g.Id).Count()).Count() > 0) &&
                          (g.Players.Where(p => p.Active).Count() > 0) &&
                          !g.SuspendMode &&
        }//public static Dictionary<long,bool> GetAllGamesStatusForLMS()
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static bool IsQuestionNameExistForLoggedInUser(long questionId, string questionName)
            bool status = false;

            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            //check if a question name already exists that is not the selected and is not used. We don't look at used in game questions
            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            status = db.Question.Where(q => q.Name == questionName && !q.UsedInGame && q.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId && q.Id != questionId).Count() > 0;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static bool IsPlayerHaveAnyAnswers(long playerId)
            var db = new ProbeDataContext();

            bool returnStatus = false;

            if (db.GameAnswer.Where(ga => ga.PlayerId == playerId).Count() > 0)
                returnStatus = true;

Exemplo n.º 16

        //Delete player - if the player Id passed is valid. Will delete game answers if they exist.
        public static void DeletePlayer(ProbeDataContext db, Player player)
            //Only delete if the player Id is valid. Otherwise, we ignore this.
            if (player.Id > 0)
                var gpas = db.GameAnswer.Where(ga => ga.PlayerId == player.Id);
                foreach (GameAnswer ga in gpas)

        }//public void DeletePlayer()
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static Dictionary <long, bool> GetAllQuestionPossessCorrectChoice()
            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            //All Questions - Do they possess a correct choice
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

                   .Where(cq => cq.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId && !cq.UsedInGame)
                   .Select(cq => new
                Id = cq.Id,
                CanUseForTest = cq.Choices.Count(c => c.Correct) > 0
            }).ToDictionary(gp => gp.Id, gp => gp.CanUseForTest));
        }//public static Dictionary<long,bool> GetAllQuestionPossessCorrectChoice()
Exemplo n.º 18
        }//public static Dictionary<long,bool> GetAllGamesStatusForLMS()

        //DEPRECATED MNS - 3/25/15
        //public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllGamesActiveStatus()

        //    string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

        //    //All Games (Active or InActive)
        //    ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

        //    //All Games - Active or Inactive (GameId, true or false)
        //    return    db.Game
        //              .Where(g => g.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId)
        //              .Select(g => new
        //              {
        //                  Id = g.Id,
        //                  Active = g
        //                .Where(g =>
        //                        ((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, g.StartDate) > 0 &&
        //                        DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, g.EndDate) <= 0)
        //                        || (g.Players.Count() > 0))
        //                        && !g.SuspendMode
        //                        && g.Published)
        //                        .Count() > 0
        //              }).ToDictionary(gpa => gpa.Id, gpa => gpa.Active);

        //}//public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetGamesStatus()

        //public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllQuestionsActiveStatus()
        //    string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

        //    //All Questions (Active or InActive). Gets statuses only for the user specified
        //    ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

        //    /*
        //    * Business Rules - Question will be Inactive if
        //    *  1. If there are no Game's using the Question
        //    *                  -OR-
        //    *  2. If there are no GamePlay's using the Question
        //    *                  -OR-
        //    *  3. If there are no GamePlay's using the Question with Player submissions
        //    *     -OR- the GamePlay is in suspend mode
        //    *     -OR- the date/time is not within the GamePlay Start and End DateTime Window
        //    *     -OR- a players has NOT submitted a game for the GamePlay
        //    */

        //    /*left joined GameQuestion to Question
        //     * Then got all the games - game plays for each question and determined if the game plays were active or inactive
        //     * Then (since there may be multiple games with a question, we had to group all the results (quesionId, Active), and
        //     *      determine if any of the game-gameplays were Active for any question. If so, then the question was Active
        //     */
        //    return db.Question.OfType<ChoiceQuestion>()
        //            .Where(q => q.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId)
        //            .SelectMany(cq => cq.GameQuestions.DefaultIfEmpty(),
        //            (cq, gq) =>
        //                new
        //                {
        //                    QuestionId = cq.Id,
        //                    Active = gq.Game
        //                    .Where(g =>
        //                                (((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, g.StartDate) > 0 &&
        //                                DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, g.EndDate) <= 0)
        //                                || (g.Players.Count() > 0))
        //                                && !g.SuspendMode
        //                                && g.Published)
        //                        ).Count() > 0
        //                }
        //            )
        //            .GroupBy(qDict => qDict.QuestionId)
        //            .Select(qDict => new { QuestionId = qDict.Key, Active = qDict.Any(qAny => qAny.Active) })
        //            .ToDictionary(qgp => qgp.QuestionId, qgp => qgp.Active);

        //}// public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetQuestionsStatus()

        public static Dictionary <long, bool> GetAllGamesDoesHaveQuestions()
            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            //All Games
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

            //All Games - Active or Inactive (GameId, true or false)
                   .Where(g => g.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId)
                   .Select(g => new
                Id = g.Id,
                DoesHaveQuestions = g.GameQuestions.Count() > 0
            }).ToDictionary(gq => gq.Id, gq => gq.DoesHaveQuestions));
        }//public static Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllGamesDoesHaveQuestions()
Exemplo n.º 19
        }//public Dictionary<long, bool> GetAllActivePlayersHasAnsweredQuestion(long questionId)

        public static Game CloneGameFromAnotherUser(Controller controller, ProbeDataContext db, long sourceGameId, string destAspNetUsersId)
                //Clone the game to be owned to the destination user. This function will clone
                //game, gameconfiguration, gamequestion, question, choicequestion, and choice
                bool gamePlayInd     = true;
                bool cloneCrossUsers = true;
                Game game            = CloneGame(controller, db, sourceGameId, destAspNetUsersId, cloneCrossUsers, gamePlayInd);

            } catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 20
         * Will clone the question and all artifacts associated with that question. question/choicequestion,
         * choice records. Returns the cloned question (that hasn't been saved in database yet). Calling function needs
         * to call db.SaveChanges
        public static ChoiceQuestion CloneQuestion(Controller controller, ref ProbeDataContext db, bool forQuestionInUse, long sourceQuestionId)
            //clone question
            ChoiceQuestion cqSource = db.ChoiceQuestion.Find(sourceQuestionId);

            string newName = cqSource.Name;

            if (!forQuestionInUse)
                newName = GetClonedQuestionName(cqSource.Name);

            ChoiceQuestion cqNew = new ChoiceQuestion
                AspNetUsersId  = cqSource.AspNetUsersId,
                QuestionTypeId = cqSource.QuestionTypeId,
                Name           = newName,
                Text           = cqSource.Text,
                Tags           = cqSource.Tags,
                OneChoice      = cqSource.OneChoice,
                ACLId          = cqSource.ACLId,
                UsedInGame     = forQuestionInUse,


            ChoiceQuestion cqOrg = db.ChoiceQuestion.Find(sourceQuestionId);

            //clone choices
            foreach (Choice c in cqOrg.Choices)
                Choice newC = new Choice
                    ChoiceQuestion = cqNew,
                    Name           = c.Name,
                    Text           = c.Text,
                    OrderNbr       = c.OrderNbr,
                    Correct        = c.Correct


Exemplo n.º 21
        }//public static void UpdateAllGameStatuses()

        public static void UpdateAllGamePlayerStatuses(Game game, DateTime dateTimeNowUTC)
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

            ProbeGame probeGame = new ProbeGame(game);

            //Determine the most recent question's deadline for each game
            long questionIdForMostRecentDeadlinePassed = probeGame.GetMostRecentQuestionPassedDeadline(dateTimeNowUTC);

            //If there are no questions that have recently passed the deadline, then there is no status updates to make.
            if (questionIdForMostRecentDeadlinePassed == ProbeConstants.NoPrimaryKeyId)

                //Go to the Database and get the Game - Questions - Choices All at Once Time
                db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec SetPlayersOfGameNotSubmittedToInActive " + probeGame.Game.Id + "," + questionIdForMostRecentDeadlinePassed);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex; //throw it up to the calling program

            ////Determine if each player of the game has submitted answer to the most recent question
            //Dictionary<long, bool> dctActivePlayerHasAnsweredQuestion
            //    = probeGame.GetAllActivePlayersHasAnsweredQuestion(questionIdForMostRecentDeadlinePassed);

            ////If the player doesn't have a submitted answer to the most recent question THEN set that player to INACTIVE
            //foreach (var playerInfo in dctActivePlayerHasAnsweredQuestion)

            //    //Check if this player has answered the question (questionId = questionIdForMostRecentDeadlinePassed)
            //    if (!playerInfo.Value)
            //    {
            //        //If player hasn't answered then we are going to set the player status to inactive.
            //        Player player = db.Player.Find(playerInfo.Key);
            //        probeGame.SetPlayerStatus(player, false);

            //    }

            //}//foreach (var playerInfo in dctActivePlayerHasAnsweredQuestion) {
        }//public static void UpdateAllGameStatuses(Game game, DateTime dateTimeNowUTC)
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static bool DoesGameHaveSubmissions(long gameId)
            bool status      = false;
            var  db          = new ProbeDataContext();
            int  recordCount = db.Player.Where(p => p.GameId == gameId).Count();

            if (recordCount > 0)
                status = true;
                status = false;

Exemplo n.º 23
        public static bool DoesGameHaveQuestions(long gameId)
            bool status      = false;
            var  db          = new ProbeDataContext();
            int  recordCount = db.Game.Find(gameId).GameQuestions.Count();

            if (recordCount > 0)
                status = true;
                status = false;

Exemplo n.º 24

         * Will delete the game and all artifacts associated with that game. gameconfiguration, gamequestion, question/choicequestion,
         * choice and game records.
        public static void DeleteGame(Controller controller, ProbeDataContext db, long gameId)
            Game g = db.Game.Find(gameId);

            //remove all questions attached to the game/gamequestions
            IList <GameQuestion> gameQuestions = db.GameQuestion.Where(gq => gq.GameId == gameId).ToList();

            foreach (GameQuestion gameQuestion in gameQuestions)
                ProbeQuestion.DeleteQuestion(controller, db, gameQuestion.QuestionId);

            db.Player.RemoveRange(g.Players);             //Remove all players that have submitted games
            db.GameQuestion.RemoveRange(g.GameQuestions); //Remove all gamequestions for game
            db.Game.Remove(g);                            //Remove the game itself
            db.SaveChanges(controller.Request != null ? controller.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name : null);
Exemplo n.º 25
        ////DEPRECATED MNS 3/25/15
        //public static bool DoesGameHaveAGamePlay(long gameId)
        //    bool status = false;
        //    var db = new ProbeDataContext();
        //    int recordCount = db.Game.Find(gameId).GamePlays.Count();
        //    if (recordCount > 0)
        //    {
        //        status = true;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        status = false;
        //    }

        //    return status;

        ////DEPRECATED MNS 3/25/15
        //public static bool IsGameUsedByActivatedGamePlay(Game game)

        //    bool status = false;

        //    ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();
        //    var nbrGamePlaysActiveForGame = db.GamePlay
        //        .Where(gp =>
        //        ((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, gp.StartDate) > 0 &&
        //        DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, gp.EndDate) <= 0)
        //        || (gp.Players.Count() > 0))
        //        && !gp.SuspendMode
        //        && g.Published)
        //        .Where(gp => gp.Game.Id == game.Id)
        //        .Count(); //STILL A COUNT OF GAMEPLAYS

        //    if (nbrGamePlaysActiveForGame > 0) status = true;
        //    return status;

         * Any game returns active if
         * (Current datetime is in the window of game start date and end date OR
         * Player count is greater than zero) AND game is NOT suspended
        public static Dictionary <long, bool> GetAllGamesStatus()
            string AspNetUsersId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            //All GamePlays Active or Inactive (GamePlayId, true or false)
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

                   .Where(g => g.AspNetUsersId == AspNetUsersId)
                   .Select(g => new
                Id = g.Id,
                Active =
                    (((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, g.StartDate) > 0 &&
                       DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, g.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                      (g.Players.Count() > 0)) &&
                     !g.SuspendMode &&
            }).ToDictionary(g => g.Id, g => g.Active));
        }//public static Dictionary<long,bool> GetGamesStatus()
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static bool IsQuestionUsedByActivatedGame(Question question)
            bool status = false;

            ProbeDataContext db           = new ProbeDataContext();
            var nbrGamesActiveForQuestion = db.Game
                                            .Where(g =>
                                                   ((DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, g.StartDate) > 0 &&
                                                     DateTime.Compare(DateTime.UtcNow, g.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                                    (g.Players.Count() > 0)) &&
                                                   !g.SuspendMode &&
                                            .Where(g => g.GameQuestions
                                                   .Any(gq => gq.QuestionId == question.Id))
                                            .Count(); //STILL A COUNT OF GAMEPLAYS

            if (nbrGamesActiveForQuestion > 0)
                status = true;
Exemplo n.º 27
        //player name. is it unique. does it meet requirements (returns exceptions if player name invalid
        //Validation is a function of first name, nick name, last name, email address
        public static void IsGamePlayerValid(long gameId, Player player)
            //determine if there is another player with the same name that has already submitted for a game play
            var db          = new ProbeDataContext();
            int recordCount = db.Player.Where(p => p.GameId == gameId &&
                                              p.FirstName == player.FirstName &&
                                              p.NickName == player.NickName).Count();

            if (recordCount > 0)
                throw new GameDuplicatePlayerNameException();

            if (player.FirstName.Length == 0 || player.FirstName.Length > 10)
                throw new GameInvalidFirstNameException();

            if (player.FirstName.Length == 0 || player.NickName.Length > 10)
                throw new GameInvalidNickNameException();
Exemplo n.º 28
        public GameLMSSummaryReturn GetGameLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code)
             * the gameid and code passed must correlate or they may be something malicious going on. so we stop
             * the response ASAP and throw an exception AND WE DO NOT CATCH IT, which should be picked up by Elmah. Exception handling here
             * have to be improved big-time
            ProbeValidate.ValidateGameCodeVersusId(gameid, code);

                DateTime dateTimeNowUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var       db        = new ProbeDataContext();
                Game      game      = db.Game.Find(gameid);
                ProbeGame probeGame = new ProbeGame(game);

                //update player statuses for a game.
                ProbeGame.UpdateAllGamePlayerStatuses(game, dateTimeNowUTC);

                //Get information about question that most recently passed the deadline and the next question after that
                long questionIdForMostRecentQuestion = probeGame.GetMostRecentQuestionPassedDeadline(dateTimeNowUTC);
                if (questionIdForMostRecentQuestion != ProbeConstants.NoPrimaryKeyId)
                    int      mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed          = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionNumber;
                    DateTime mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionDeadlineDT;
                    string   mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = db.Question.Find(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).Name;

                    int nextQuestionNbr = (mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed + 1 <= probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines.Count) ? mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed + 1 : mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed;
                    ProbeGameQuestionDeadline nextpgqd =
                        probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines.Where(pgqd => pgqd.QuestionNumber == nextQuestionNbr).FirstOrDefault();
                    DateTime nextQuestionDeadline = nextpgqd.QuestionDeadlineDT;
                    string   nextQuestionName     = db.Question.Find(nextpgqd.QuestionId).Name;

                    int gameNbrQuestions = probeGame.Game.GameQuestions.Count();
                    mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed--; //calibrate to element 0 base. it was at element 1 base
                    nextQuestionNbr--;             //calibrate to element 0 base. it was at element 1 base

                    //Will return -1 if there are no questions submitted yet
                    int maxQuestionNbrSubmitted = probeGame.GetMaxQuestionNbrSubmitted();

                    GameStatusType gameStatusType = GameStatusType.UNKNOWN;
                    if (ProbeValidate.IsGameStartPassed(game) && (mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed < probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines.Count - 1))
                        gameStatusType = GameStatusType.ACTIVE;
                        gameStatusType = GameStatusType.COMPLETED;

                    GameLMSSummaryReturn gsdr = new GameLMSSummaryReturn
                        GameStatus         = gameStatusType,
                        GameNbrQuestions   = gameNbrQuestions,
                        NbrPlayers         = probeGame.NbrPlayers,
                        NbrPlayersActive   = probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        NbrPlayersInactive = probeGame.NbrPlayers - probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        MostRecentQuestionNbrDeadlinePassed  = mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed,
                        NextQuestionNbr         = nextQuestionNbr,
                        NextQuestionName        = nextQuestionName,
                        NextQuestionDeadline    = nextQuestionDeadline,
                        MaxQuestionNbrSubmitted = maxQuestionNbrSubmitted


                    //We send back a reduced set of information when the game is not active and it hasn't even started
                    int            gameNbrQuestions                     = probeGame.Game.GameQuestions.Count();
                    GameStatusType gameStatusType                       = GameStatusType.UNKNOWN;
                    int            mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed          = ProbeConstants.ValueIntNone;
                    string         mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = ProbeConstants.ValueStringNone;
                    DateTime       mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = DateTime.MinValue;
                    int            nextQuestionNbr                      = ProbeConstants.ValueIntNone;
                    string         nextQuestionName                     = ProbeConstants.ValueStringNone;
                    DateTime       nextQuestionDeadline                 = DateTime.MinValue;

                    if (ProbeValidate.IsGameStartPassed(game))
                        //no most recent question deadline passed. However there is a next question deadline (first question
                        //of the game
                        gameStatusType       = GameStatusType.STARTEDNOQUESTIONPASSED;
                        nextQuestionNbr      = 0;
                        nextQuestionDeadline = probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines[0].QuestionDeadlineDT;
                        nextQuestionName     = db.Question.Find(probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines[0].QuestionId).Name;
                        gameStatusType = GameStatusType.NOTSTARTED;

                    int maxQuestionNbrSubmitted = probeGame.GetMaxQuestionNbrSubmitted();

                    GameLMSSummaryReturn gsdr = new GameLMSSummaryReturn
                        //We will provide information about any players that have submitted already even if the first question's deadline hasn't been reached.
                        GameStatus         = gameStatusType,
                        GameNbrQuestions   = gameNbrQuestions,
                        NbrPlayers         = probeGame.NbrPlayers,
                        NbrPlayersActive   = probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        NbrPlayersInactive = probeGame.NbrPlayers - probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        MostRecentQuestionNbrDeadlinePassed  = mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed,
                        NextQuestionNbr         = nextQuestionNbr,
                        NextQuestionName        = nextQuestionName,
                        NextQuestionDeadline    = nextQuestionDeadline,
                        MaxQuestionNbrSubmitted = maxQuestionNbrSubmitted

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        }//public GameLMSSummaryReturn
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static bool IsQuestionPossessCorrectChoice(long questionId, long choiceId)
            ProbeDataContext db = new ProbeDataContext();

            return(db.ChoiceQuestion.Find(questionId).Choices.Count(c => c.Correct && c.Id != choiceId) > 0);
Exemplo n.º 30
         * Will clone the game and all artifacts associated with that game. gameconfiguration, gamequestion, question/choicequestion,
         * choice and game records. The game to clone is defined by the sourceGameId. Where the game is clone to (what user) is
         * determined by the destAspNetUsersId
        public static Game CloneGame(Controller controller, ProbeDataContext db, long sourceGameId
                                     , string destAspNetUsersId, bool cloneCrossUsers, bool gamePlayInd)
            //clone game - always in suspend mode so its not playable yet and it's editable
            Game   gSource = db.Game.Find(sourceGameId);
            string newName = GetClonedGameName(gSource.Name, destAspNetUsersId);
            string newCode = GetClonedCode(gSource.Code);

            Game gNew = new Game
                AspNetUsersId      = destAspNetUsersId,
                GameTypeId         = gSource.GameTypeId,
                Name               = newName,
                Description        = gSource.Description,
                Code               = newCode,
                TestMode           = gSource.TestMode,
                Published          = (cloneCrossUsers) ? gSource.Published : false,
                SuspendMode        = (cloneCrossUsers) ? gSource.SuspendMode : false,
                ClientReportAccess = gSource.ClientReportAccess,
                StartDate          = gSource.StartDate,
                EndDate            = gSource.EndDate,
                GameUrl            = gSource.GameUrl,
                ACLId              = gSource.ACLId


            //clone all gameconfigurations. should only pull the gameconfiguration records that exist. Any configuration that is still
            //using the default ConfigurationG record will not be pulled here. No need to clone this record.
            IList <GameConfigurationDTO> gameConfigurations = db.ConfigurationG
                                                              .Where(c => c.ConfigurationType != ConfigurationG.ProbeConfigurationType.GLOBAL)
                                                              .SelectMany(c => c.GameConfigurations.Where(gc => gc.Game.Id == sourceGameId),
                                                                          (c, gc) =>
                                                                          new GameConfigurationDTO
                ConfigurationGId = gc.ConfigurationGId,
                Value            = gc.Value

            foreach (GameConfigurationDTO gameConfiguration in gameConfigurations)
                GameConfiguration clonedGameConfiguration = new GameConfiguration
                    Game             = gNew,
                    ConfigurationGId = gameConfiguration.ConfigurationGId,
                    Value            = gameConfiguration.Value

            }//foreach (GameConfiguration gameConfiguration in gameConfigurations)

            //clone gamequestions and question/choices for each gamequestion
            IList <GameQuestion> gameQuestions = db.GameQuestion.Where(gq => gq.GameId == sourceGameId).ToList();

            Dictionary <long, Dictionary <long, Choice> > questionXreference = new Dictionary <long, Dictionary <long, Choice> >();

            foreach (GameQuestion gameQuestion in gameQuestions)
                //attach questions to game
                long           sourceQuestionId = gameQuestion.QuestionId;
                ChoiceQuestion clonedQuestion   = ProbeQuestion.CloneQuestion(controller, ref db, true, sourceQuestionId);

                GameQuestion clonedGameQuestion = new GameQuestion
                    Game     = gNew,
                    Question = clonedQuestion,
                    OrderNbr = gameQuestion.OrderNbr,
                    Weight   = gameQuestion.Weight


                //We are building a question - choice cross reference table for down the road. old question id -> (old choice id -> new choice)
                ChoiceQuestion            cqOrg            = db.ChoiceQuestion.Find(sourceQuestionId);
                Dictionary <long, Choice> choiceXreference = new Dictionary <long, Choice>();
                //Here we populate the choice X reference table. Associate the old choice with the new choice. Somebody might need this down the road.
                for (int i = 0; i < cqOrg.Choices.Count(); i++)
                    choiceXreference.Add(cqOrg.Choices.ElementAt(i).Id, clonedQuestion.Choices.ElementAt(i));

                //DATASTRUCTURE that does hold old question id -> (old choice id -> new choice). This is to record the choices for the
                //new questions of the game associated with the new gamequestions
                questionXreference.Add(gameQuestion.QuestionId, choiceXreference);
            }//foreach (GameQuestion gameQuestion in gameQuestions)

            //if directed, then the game that is played will be cloned. Players, GameAnswers
            if (gamePlayInd)
                //Get all the players for the game played
                IList <Player> players = db.Player.Where(p => p.GameId == sourceGameId).ToList();
                foreach (Player player in players)
                    Player clonedPlayer = new Player
                        LastName         = player.LastName,
                        FirstName        = player.FirstName,
                        MiddleName       = player.MiddleName,
                        NickName         = player.NickName,
                        EmailAddr        = player.EmailAddr,
                        MobileNbr        = player.MobileNbr,
                        Sex              = player.Sex,
                        SubmitDate       = player.SubmitDate,
                        SubmitTime       = player.SubmitTime,
                        GameId           = gNew.Id,
                        Active           = player.Active,
                        PlayerGameReason = player.PlayerGameReason

                    //Get all the OLD answers for the player in this iteration
                    IList <GameAnswer> gameanswers = db.GameAnswer.Where(ga => ga.PlayerId == player.Id).ToList();
                    foreach (GameAnswer gameAnswer in gameanswers)
                        GameAnswer clonedGameAnswer = new GameAnswer
                            Player = clonedPlayer,
                            Choice = questionXreference[gameAnswer.Choice.ChoiceQuestionId][gameAnswer.ChoiceId]

                    } //foreach (GameAnswer gameAnswer in gameanswers)
                }     //foreach (Player player in players)
            }         //if (gamePlayInd)

            //THIS WILL RECORD NEW Game, GameConfiguration, GameQuestions, ChoiceQuestion/Question, Choice
            db.SaveChanges(controller.Request != null ? controller.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name : null); //record all gameanswers for the new player
