/// <summary>
        /// Creates formatted FlowDocument
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void GetFlowDocumentFromNavigatorAsync(XPathNavigator navigator, Story story, FlowDocumentStyleProvider styleProvider, object userState)
            PrintableStoryFlowDocument flowDocument = new PrintableStoryFlowDocument();

            MsdnStoryToFlowDocumentConverter.ApplyStyle(flowDocument, GetFlowDocumentStyle(styleProvider));

            // Headline does not require async fetches, so the base class method can be used
            CreateHeadline(flowDocument, navigator, story, styleProvider);

            CreateBodyAsync(flowDocument, navigator, story, styleProvider, userState);
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateBodyAsync calls CreateBody to produce the FlowDocument, then begins async download of image sources.
        /// If download is pending, or if there are no image sources in the document, it raises completed event
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void CreateBodyAsync(PrintableStoryFlowDocument flowDocument, XPathNavigator navigator, Story story, FlowDocumentStyleProvider styleProvider, object userState)
            if (!IsImageDownloadPending)
                CreateBody(flowDocument, navigator, story, styleProvider);

                // Check if image source fetches are needed
                if (_pendingImageRequestStates != null && _pendingImageRequestStates.Count > 0)
                    // Request image sources. Store the FlowDocument as our user state and exit. Completed event is raised when image fetches complete
                    _targetDocument = flowDocument;
                    _dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new DispatcherOperationCallback(GetImageSources), userState);

            // Fallback: either there are no image sources to fetch, or downloads are pending. Raise completed event
            ConversionCompletedEventArgs args = new ConversionCompletedEventArgs(userState, flowDocument);

            _dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new DispatcherOperationCallback(RaiseConversionCompleted), args);