Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Print(ReportViewer pRptViewer, string pP_id, List <PrintCopies> printdata)
            vPId = pP_id;
            Print_QuotationList data = GetData(pP_id, printdata);

            LocalReport localReport = pRptViewer.LocalReport;

            localReport.ReportPath  = Application.StartupPath + @"\PRINTS\P_Invoice.rdlc"; //(1)//
            localReport.DisplayName = "invoice";

            localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("MyDataSource", data)); //(2)//

            localReport.SubreportProcessing += localReport_SubreportProcessing;

            PrinterSettings v_PrinterSettings = GetPrinterSettings();

            pRptViewer.PrinterSettings = v_PrinterSettings;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static Print_QuotationList GetData(string p_id, List <PrintCopies> printcopies)
            Upvc_Quotation quote_obj = CUpvc_Quotation_exten.PKId(p_id, new DAL());

            Print_QuotationList list = new Print_QuotationList();

            for (int i = 0; i < printcopies.Count; i++)
                Print_QuotationRow row = new Print_QuotationRow();

                row.COPIES = printcopies[i].Copies;

                row.QUOTATION_ID = p_id;

                //Company obj = Company.SetCompany(Current.Company_id);
                Company obj = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id);

                row.COMPANY_NAME = obj.Display_name.ToUpper();

                row.ADDRESS1 = obj.Street1 + ", " + obj.Street2 + ", " + obj.City_id + " - " + obj.Pincode_id + " , " + obj.State_id + ". State code - 33";

                row.ADDRESS2 = "Email : " + obj.Email + "  www.smsupvc.com ";

                row.COMPANY_GST    = "GSTIN                             :  " + obj.Gstin;
                row.SALES_TYPE     = "Create Quotation     :  " + quote_obj.Salestype_id;
                row.QUOTATION_NO   = "Serial no.of Quotation      :  " + quote_obj.Quotation_no + " / " + CAcy_exten.GetName_Id(quote_obj.Acy_id);
                row.QUOTATION_DATE = "Invoice Date                  :  " + ConvertTO.Date2S(quote_obj.Quotation_date);

                row.TRANSPORT  = "Mode of Transport      :  " + quote_obj.Transport_id;
                row.VEHICLE_NO = "";
                row.PLACE      = "Place of Supply            :  " + Ccoreplus.GetCity_id(quote_obj.Delivered_id);

                row.PARTY_NAME = quote_obj.Party_id;

                Party party_obj = CParty_exten.SearchName(quote_obj.Party_id, new DAL());

                if (party_obj.Party_name != null)
                    row.STREET1 = party_obj.Street_1 + ", " + party_obj.Street_2;
                    row.STREET2 = "";
                    row.CITY    = party_obj.City_id + " - " + party_obj.Pincode_id + " , " + party_obj.State_id + ", State Code -" + Ccoreplus.GetStateCode(party_obj.State_id);
                    row.STATE   = "";
                    row.COUNTRY = party_obj.Country_id;
                    row.PINCODE = "";
                    if (party_obj.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0)
                        row.GSTIN = "TIN No : " + party_obj.Gstin;
                    if (party_obj.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0)
                        row.GSTIN += ",   GSTIN No : " + party_obj.Gstin;

                row.SHIPPING_NAME = CParty_exten.GetName_Id(quote_obj.Delivered_id);

                Party shipping_obj = CParty_exten.PKId(quote_obj.Delivered_id, new DAL());

                if (shipping_obj.Party_name != null)
                    row.SHIPPING_STREET1 = shipping_obj.Street_1 + ", " + shipping_obj.Street_2;
                    row.SHIPPING_STREET2 = "";
                    row.SHIPPING_CITY    = shipping_obj.City_id + " - " + shipping_obj.Pincode_id + " , " + shipping_obj.State_id + ", State Code -" + Ccoreplus.GetStateCode(shipping_obj.State_id);
                    row.SHIPPING_STATE   = "";
                    row.SHIPPING_COUNTRY = shipping_obj.Country_id;
                    row.SHIPPING_PINCODE = "";
                    if (shipping_obj.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0)
                        row.SHIPPING_GSTIN += ",   GSTIN No : " + shipping_obj.Gstin;

                row.TOTAL_QTY = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(quote_obj.Total_qty + "");

                row.TOTAL_AREASQ = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(quote_obj.Total_areasq + "");

                row.TAXABLE_VALUE = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quote_obj.Total_taxable_amount + "");

                List <Upvc_Quotationitems> klist = CUpvc_Quotationitems_exten.FKId(p_id, new DAL());

                row.LBL_SGST   = "  Add SGST tax @ " + ConvertTO.DecimalToS(klist[0].Sgst_percent.ToString()) + " %";
                row.TOTAL_SGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quote_obj.Total_sgst + "");

                row.LBL_CGST   = "  Add CGST tax @ " + ConvertTO.DecimalToS(klist[0].Cgst_percent.ToString()) + " %";
                row.TOTAL_CGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quote_obj.Total_cgst + "");

                row.TOTAL_SUB = (ConvertTO.Decimal(row.TAXABLE_VALUE) + ConvertTO.Decimal(row.TOTAL_CGST) + ConvertTO.Decimal(row.TOTAL_SGST)).ToString();

                if (quote_obj.Ledger_id != null)
                    if (quote_obj.Ledger_id.Trim() != "")
                        row.LEDGER     = "  " + quote_obj.Ledger_id;
                        row.ADDITIONAL = quote_obj.Additional + "";
                        row.LEDGER     = "";
                        row.ADDITIONAL = "";
                row.ROUNDS     = quote_obj.Rounds + "";
                row.GSTTOTAL   = quote_obj.Gsttotal + "";
                row.GRANDTOTAL = quote_obj.Grandtotal + "";

                if (quote_obj.Notes != null)
                    if (quote_obj.Notes.Trim().Length != 0)
                        row.NOTES = "Notes :  " + quote_obj.Notes;
                row.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS = "Rupees   : " + Global.AmountInWords(Convert.ToDecimal(quote_obj.Grandtotal));
                row.ENTRY_BY        = quote_obj.User_id;


Exemplo n.º 3
        private static Print_QuotationList GetData(string p_id)
            Quotation quotation = CQuotation_exten.PKId(p_id, new DAL());

            Print_QuotationList list = new Print_QuotationList();

            Print_QuotationRow row = new Print_QuotationRow();

            Company obj = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id);

            row.COMPANY_NAME = obj.Display_name.ToUpper();
            row.ADDRESS1     = obj.Street1 + " , " + obj.Street2;
            row.ADDRESS2     = obj.City_id + " - " + obj.Pincode_id + " , " + obj.State_id + ". Code -33,    Email : " + obj.Email;
            row.COMPANY_TIN  = " GSTIN : " + obj.Gstin + "";// ,    Cell :    " + obj.Cell1 + " ";

            row.QUOTATION_ID   = p_id;
            row.QUOTATION_NO   = "NO    : " + quotation.Quotation_no.ToString();
            row.QUOTATION_DATE = "DATE  : " + ConvertTO.Date2S(quotation.Quotation_date);

            row.PARTY_NAME = quotation.Party_id;

            Party _party_list = CParty_exten.SearchName(quotation.Party_id, new DAL());

            if (_party_list.Party_name != null)
                row.STREET1 = _party_list.Street_1 + ", " + _party_list.Street_2;
                row.STREET2 = "";
                row.CITY    = _party_list.City_id + " - " + _party_list.Pincode_id + " ,";
                //row.STATE = _party_list.State_id + " - " + CState_exten.GetStateCode(_party_list.State_id);
                row.COUNTRY = _party_list.Country_id;
                row.PINCODE = "";

                if (_party_list.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0)
                    row.GSTIN += "GSTIN No : " + _party_list.Gstin;

            row.TOTAL_QTY = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(quotation.Total_qty.ToString());

            row.TAXABLE_VALUE = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quotation.Total_taxable_amount.ToString());

            List <Quotationitems> klist = CQuotationitems_exten.FKId(p_id, new DAL());

            row.TOTAL_SUB = (Global.ToDecimal(row.TAXABLE_VALUE).ToString());

            if (quotation.Ledger_id != null)
                if (quotation.Ledger_id.Trim() != "")
                    row.LEDGER = "Add TAX Invoice " + quotation.Ledger_id;
                    row.LEDGER = "";

            row.ADDITIONAL      = quotation.Additional.ToString();
            row.OUTSTANDING     = "Total Outstanding Amount : " + CQuotation_exten.GetBalance(CParty_exten.GetId_Name(quotation.Party_id));
            row.GRANDTOTAL      = quotation.Grandtotal.ToString();
            row.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS = "Rupees   : " + Global.AmountInWords(Convert.ToDecimal(quotation.Grandtotal));

