Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // ==============================
            // -- Prepare graphic systems
            // ==============================
            spriteBatch       = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            particleSystem    = new ParticleSystem();
            primitiveRenderer = new PrimitiveRenderer(spriteBatch);

            // ==============================
            // -- Object pre-initialization
            // ==============================
            particle = new Particle(particle1SpriteSheet);
            beam     = new Particle(beam1SpriteSheet);

            // ==============================
            // -- Load fonts
            // ==============================
            sysFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\System");
            // ==============================
            // -- Load graphics
            // ==============================
            fighterSpriteSheet.Texture   = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Sprites\Fighter1");
            particle1SpriteSheet.Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Particles\Particle1");
            beam1SpriteSheet.Texture     = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Particles\Beam1");
            bulletSpriteSheet.Texture    = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Sprites\bullet");
            // ==============================
            // -- Object post-initialization
            // =============================

            State = new TitleState(this, sysFont);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Draw(Effect effect, BasicEffect effect2, GraphicsDevice device)
            if (Dead)

            //set the parameters for the shader
            Effect noiseTrailEffect = SpiritMod.Instance.GetEffect("Effects/MotionNoiseTrail");

            noiseTrailEffect.Parameters["progress"].SetValue(Main.GlobalTime * -1.5f);
            float length = (_startPoint - _endPoint).Length();

            noiseTrailEffect.Parameters["xMod"].SetValue(length / 800f);

            Vector2         center          = Vector2.Lerp(_startPoint, _endPoint, 0.5f);
            float           rotation        = (_startPoint - _endPoint).ToRotation();
            Color           lightColor      = Lighting.GetColor((int)center.X / 16, (int)center.Y / 16);
            SquarePrimitive squarePrimitive = new SquarePrimitive
                Height   = _width,
                Length   = length,
                Color    = lightColor * _opacity,
                Position = center - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation = rotation

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(squarePrimitive, noiseTrailEffect);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch Sb, PrimitiveRenderer Pr)

            // Draw enemy projectiles
            // Draw player projectiles
            foreach (Bullet bullet in BulletList)
                if (bullet.isAlive)
                    bullet.Sprite.Draw(Sb, bullet.position, bullet.Angle, bullet.Scale, Color.White);
            // Draw enemy slaves
            // Draw player slaves

            // Draw fighters
            foreach (Fighter fighter in Fighters)
                if (fighter.CurrentState == Fighter.State.Defend)
                    Pr.DrawCircle(fighter.Position, 50, 1.0f, Color.White * fighter.ShieldStrength);
                fighter.Sprite.Draw(Sb, fighter.Position, fighter.Angle, fighter.Scale, Color.White);
            Rr.Draw(Pr, Sb);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            float  blurLength      = 100 * projectile.scale;
            float  blurWidth       = 5 * projectile.scale;
            float  flickerStrength = (((float)Math.Sin(Main.GlobalTime * 10) % 1) * 0.1f) + 1f;
            Effect blurEffect      = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");

            IPrimitiveShape[] blurLines = new IPrimitiveShape[]
                new SquarePrimitive()
                    Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                    Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength,
                    Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength,
                    Rotation = 0,
                    Color    = Color.White * flickerStrength * projectile.Opacity

                //Vertical, lower length
                new SquarePrimitive()
                    Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                    Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength,
                    Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength * 0.5f,
                    Rotation = MathHelper.PiOver2,
                    Color    = Color.White * flickerStrength * projectile.Opacity

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(blurLines, blurEffect);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch sb)
            Texture2D WhiteMask        = ModContent.GetTexture(Texture + "_Mask");
            float     whiteMaskOpacity = 1 - (Timer / PRE_LAUNCH_TIME);

            whiteMaskOpacity = Math.Max(whiteMaskOpacity, 0);
            whiteMaskOpacity = EaseFunction.EaseQuadOut.Ease(whiteMaskOpacity);

            sb.Draw(WhiteMask, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, projectile.DrawFrame(), Color.White * whiteMaskOpacity * projectile.Opacity, projectile.rotation,
                    projectile.DrawFrame().Size() / 2, projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            float blurLength = 200 * projectile.scale * whiteMaskOpacity * projectile.Opacity;
            float blurWidth  = 25 * projectile.scale * whiteMaskOpacity * projectile.Opacity;

            Effect          blurEffect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");
            SquarePrimitive blurLine   = new SquarePrimitive()
                Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                Height   = blurWidth,
                Length   = blurLength,
                Rotation = 0,
                Color    = Color.White * whiteMaskOpacity * projectile.Opacity

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(blurLine, blurEffect);
        public override void CustomDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            Texture2D texture   = ParticleHandler.GetTexture(Type);
            var       drawFrame = new Rectangle(0, _frame * texture.Height / 2, texture.Width, texture.Height / 2);

            Effect effect = SpiritMod.ShaderDict["PrimitiveTextureMap"];

            Vector2[] vertices = _chain.VerticesArray();
            vertices.IterateArray(delegate(ref Vector2 vertex, int index, float progress) { IterateVerticesSine(ref vertex, progress); });
            var strip = new PrimitiveStrip
                Color         = Color.White * _opacity,
                Width         = 13 * Scale,
                PositionArray = vertices,
                TaperingType  = StripTaperType.None,

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(strip, effect);

            var origin = new Vector2(drawFrame.Width / 2, drawFrame.Height);

            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, _chain.StartPosition - Main.screenPosition, drawFrame, Color.White * _opacity, Rotation, origin, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            Texture2D bloom = SpiritMod.Instance.GetTexture("Effects/Ripple");

            spriteBatch.Draw(bloom, _chain.StartPosition - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Red * _opacity, 0, bloom.Size() / 2, 0.75f, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        public CartesianFieldRenderer(CartesianField field, FieldRendererControl renderControl)
            Field         = field;
            RenderControl = renderControl;

            FieldOfView = new Camera(new Vector2(-5, -5), new Vector2(10, 10));
            P_Renderer  = new PrimitiveRenderer(renderControl);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public TablatureRenderer(PrimitiveRenderer primitiveRenderer, TablatureStyle style, CoreTablature tablature)
            : base(null, tablature)
            this.Tablature         = tablature;
            this.PrimitiveRenderer = primitiveRenderer;
            this.Style             = style;

            _rendererLookup = new Dictionary <ElementBase, ElementRenderer>();
            _barRenderers   = new List <BarRenderer>();
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor)
            if (projectile.timeLeft > 2)             //bandaid fix for flickering

            float  opacity = projectile.Opacity;
            float  xMod    = (1 + (Distance / 250) + (SwingRadians / GranitechSaberProjectile.SwingRadians));
            Effect effect  = mod.GetEffect("Effects/GSaber");

            effect.Parameters["baseColor"].SetValue(new Color(25, 132, 247).ToVector4());
            effect.Parameters["overlayColor"].SetValue(new Color(99, 255, 229).ToVector4());

            effect.Parameters["xMod"].SetValue(1.5f * xMod);             //scale with the total length of the strip

            float slashProgress = EaseFunction.EaseCircularInOut.Ease(Timer / SwingTime);

            effect.Parameters["timer"].SetValue(-Main.GlobalTime * 6);

            Vector2 pos = BasePosition - Main.screenPosition;

            List <PrimitiveSlashArc> slashArcs = new List <PrimitiveSlashArc>();

            DrawAberration.DrawChromaticAberration(Vector2.UnitX, 4, delegate(Vector2 offset, Color colorMod)
                PrimitiveSlashArc slash = new PrimitiveSlashArc
                    BasePosition  = pos,
                    StartDistance = offset.X + Distance - projectile.Size.Length() / 2 * SwingDirection,
                    EndDistance   = offset.X + Distance + projectile.Size.Length() / 2 * SwingDirection,
                    AngleRange    = new Vector2(SwingRadians / 2 * SwingDirection, -SwingRadians / 2 * SwingDirection),
                    DirectionUnit = InitialVelocity,
                    Color         = colorMod * opacity * 0.5f,
                    SlashProgress = slashProgress
            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(slashArcs.ToArray(), effect);

            Texture2D     tex           = Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type];
            SpriteEffects spriteEffects = projectile.spriteDirection == -1 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None;

            DrawAberration.DrawChromaticAberration(projectile.velocity, 3, delegate(Vector2 offset, Color colorMod)
                spriteBatch.Draw(tex, projectile.Center + offset - Main.screenPosition, null, colorMod * opacity, projectile.rotation, tex.Size() / 2, projectile.scale, spriteEffects, 0);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor)
            spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.GameViewMatrix.ZoomMatrix);

            Vector2 pos = Player.MountedCenter - Main.screenPosition;

            float progress = GetProgress();

            List <PrimitiveSlashArc> slashArcs = new List <PrimitiveSlashArc>();
            Effect effect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/NemesisBoonShader");

            effect.Parameters["opacity"].SetValue((float)Math.Sqrt(1 - progress));
            PrimitiveSlashArc slash = new PrimitiveSlashArc
                BasePosition  = Player.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                StartDistance = (projectile.width * 0.3f) * projectile.scale,
                EndDistance   = (projectile.width * 0.85f) * (((projectile.scale - 1) * 0.5f) + 1),
                AngleRange    = new Vector2(SwingRadians / 2 * SwingDirection, -SwingRadians / 2 * SwingDirection),
                DirectionUnit = direction,
                Color         = Color.Red,
                SlashProgress = progress

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(slashArcs.ToArray(), effect);

            spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.GameViewMatrix.ZoomMatrix);

            Texture2D tex2 = Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type];
            Texture2D tex3 = ModContent.GetTexture(Texture + "_Glow");

            if (flip)
                if (Empowered)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(tex3, Player.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Red * (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - progress) * 0.3f, rotation + 2.355f, new Vector2(tex3.Width, tex3.Height), projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(tex2, Player.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, lightColor * .5f, rotation + 2.355f, new Vector2(tex2.Width, tex2.Height), projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0f);
                if (Empowered)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(tex3, Player.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Red * (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - progress) * 0.3f, rotation + 0.785f, new Vector2(0, tex3.Height), projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(tex2, Player.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, lightColor, rotation + 0.785f, new Vector2(0, tex2.Height), projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            Texture2D Bloom        = mod.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");
            Color     color        = BloomColor;
            float     bloomopacity = 0.75f;
            float     bloomscale   = 0.4f;
            float     starScale    = 15f;

            if (Timer > 15 && Timer < 45)
                color        = Color.Lerp(color, Color.White, 0.75f * ScaleProgress());
                bloomopacity = MathHelper.Lerp(bloomopacity, 2f, ScaleProgress());
                bloomscale   = MathHelper.Lerp(bloomscale, 0.25f, ScaleProgress());
                starScale    = MathHelper.Lerp(starScale, 7f, ScaleProgress());

            if (LastStar >= 0)
                Projectile laststar = Main.projectile[(int)LastStar];
                if (laststar.active && laststar.type == projectile.type && laststar.ai[0] == projectile.ai[0] + 1 && laststar.owner == projectile.owner)
                    Texture2D Beam    = mod.GetTexture("Textures/Trails/Trail_4");
                    Vector2   scale   = new Vector2(projectile.Distance(laststar.Center) / Beam.Width, projectile.scale * 30 / Beam.Height);
                    float     opacity = 0.8f * projectile.Opacity * laststar.Opacity;
                    Vector2   origin  = new Vector2(0, Beam.Height / 2);
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Beam, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Lerp(Color.White, color, 0.75f) * opacity, projectile.AngleTo(laststar.Center), origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            int bloomstodraw = 3;

            for (int i = 0; i < bloomstodraw; i++)
                float progress = i / (float)bloomstodraw;
                spriteBatch.Draw(Bloom, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, projectile.GetAlpha(color * bloomopacity) * MathHelper.Lerp(1f, 0.5f, 1 - progress), 0,
                                 Bloom.Size() / 2, projectile.scale * bloomscale * MathHelper.Lerp(0.75f, 1.2f, progress), SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            StarPrimitive star = new StarPrimitive
                Color          = Color.White * projectile.Opacity,
                TriangleHeight = starScale * projectile.scale,
                TriangleWidth  = starScale * projectile.scale * 0.3f,
                Position       = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation       = projectile.rotation

Exemplo n.º 12
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color drawColor)
            StarPrimitive star = new StarPrimitive
                Color          = Color.White,
                TriangleHeight = 12 * projectile.scale,
                TriangleWidth  = 4 * projectile.scale,
                Position       = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation       = projectile.rotation

Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void CustomDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            //Draw a bloom underneath the circle
            Texture2D bloom      = SpiritMod.Instance.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");
            Vector2   drawCenter = Position - Main.screenPosition;
            Vector2   bloomScale = new Vector2(Scale, Scale * (1 - _zRotation));

            bloomScale *= 2.5f;
            Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle((int)(drawCenter.X - (bloomScale.X / 2)), (int)(drawCenter.Y - (bloomScale.Y / 2)), (int)bloomScale.X, (int)bloomScale.Y);

            spriteBatch.Draw(bloom, destRect, Color.Lerp(Color, Color.White, 0.25f) * _opacity * 0.4f);

            //Draw the circle itself
            Effect effect = SpiritMod.Instance.GetEffect("Effects/MagicCircle");

            Color additiveColor = Color;

            additiveColor.A = 0;

            List <SquarePrimitive> primList = new List <SquarePrimitive>();

            PulseDraw.DrawPulseEffect(PulseDraw.BloomConstant, 6, 6, delegate(Vector2 posOffset, float bloomOpacity)
                primList.Add(new SquarePrimitive
                    Color          = additiveColor * _opacity * bloomOpacity * 0.25f,
                    Height         = Scale,
                    Length         = Scale * (1 - _zRotation),
                    Position       = Position - Main.screenPosition + posOffset,
                    Rotation       = _angle,
                    ColorXCoordMod = 1 - _zRotation

            primList.Add(new SquarePrimitive
                Color          = additiveColor * _opacity,
                Height         = Scale,
                Length         = Scale * (1 - _zRotation),
                Position       = Position - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation       = _angle,
                ColorXCoordMod = 1 - _zRotation

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(primList.ToArray(), effect);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public RenderSystem(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PondSimState pond, Texture2D frogSprite, SpriteFont uiFont, FrogAnimationData animationData)
            mRenderer = new PrimitiveRenderer();

            mFrogRenderer = new FrogRenderer();
            mFrogRenderer.Setup(graphicsDevice, frogSprite, animationData);

            mUIFont = uiFont;

            mPond   = pond;
            mDevice = graphicsDevice;
            SetupCamera(graphicsDevice, pond);

            mUISpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(mDevice);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch Sb, PrimitiveRenderer Pr)
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            // Draw track list
            str.AppendLine("Track List:");
            foreach (Track track in Tracks)

            Sb.DrawString(Font, str, trackSelectListPosition, Color.White);

            // BEGIN ==================================
            for (int i = 0; i < noPlayers; ++i)
                // Draw diff list
                foreach (TrackData diff in Tracks[TrackSelected[i]].Diffs)
                Sb.DrawString(Font, str, diffSelectListPosition[i], Color.Pink);

                // Draw selected list
                foreach (TrackSelection selection in SelectionList[i])
                    str.AppendFormat("{0} ({1})\n", selection.Track.Name, selection.Diff.Name);
                Sb.DrawString(Font, str, selectionListPosition[i], Color.Pink);

                // Draw track selected box
                Rectangle selectedRect = new Rectangle((int)trackSelectListPosition.X - 15 * (noPlayers - i), (int)trackSelectListPosition.Y + (1 + TrackSelected[i]) * Font.LineSpacing, 10, Font.LineSpacing);
                Pr.DrawRectFilled(selectedRect, 1, Color.Red, Color.Pink);

                // Draw diff selected box
                selectedRect = new Rectangle((int)diffSelectListPosition[i].X - 15, (int)diffSelectListPosition[i].Y + (1 + DiffSelected[i]) * Font.LineSpacing, 10, Font.LineSpacing);
                Pr.DrawRectFilled(selectedRect, 1, Color.Red, Color.Pink);
            // END ==================================

Exemplo n.º 16
        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch sb)
            float blurLength = 100 * projectile.scale * projectile.Opacity;
            float blurWidth  = 25 * projectile.scale * projectile.Opacity;

            Effect          blurEffect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");
            SquarePrimitive blurLine   = new SquarePrimitive()
                Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                Height   = blurWidth,
                Length   = blurLength,
                Rotation = projectile.velocity.X * .1f,
                Color    = new Color(181, 245, 255) * .5f

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(blurLine, blurEffect);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            RasterizerState rs = new RasterizerState();

            rs.CullMode = CullMode.None;
            mGraphics.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = rs;

            PrimitiveRenderer primitiveRenderer = new PrimitiveRenderer();

            primitiveRenderer.Setup(mGraphics.GraphicsDevice, kArenaWidth, kArenaHeight);
            mMTSCRenderer = new MTSCombatRenderer(primitiveRenderer);

            mMTSGame = new MTSCombatGame(2, kArenaWidth, kArenaHeight);


Exemplo n.º 18
        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch sB)
            Vector2 drawPosition = npc.Center + (Vector2.UnitY * npc.height / 4);

            if (LockedOn && npc.Distance(Target.Center) < FOLLOW_MAXRANGE)
                Effect effect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/EmpowermentBeam");
                effect.Parameters["progress"].SetValue(Main.GlobalTime / 3);
                effect.Parameters["uColor"].SetValue(new Color(245, 59, 164).ToVector4());
                effect.Parameters["uSecondaryColor"].SetValue(new Color(255, 138, 212).ToVector4());

                Vector2 dist = Target.Center - drawPosition;

                TrianglePrimitive tri = new TrianglePrimitive()
                    TipPosition = drawPosition - Main.screenPosition,
                    Rotation    = dist.ToRotation(),
                    Height      = 100 + dist.Length() * 1.5f,
                    Color       = Color.White * BeamStrength,
                    Width       = 80 + ((Target.width + Target.height) * 0.5f)

                PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(tri, effect);

            float blurLength = 250;
            float blurWidth  = 25;

            Effect          blurEffect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");
            SquarePrimitive blurLine   = new SquarePrimitive()
                Position = drawPosition - Main.screenPosition,
                Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength,
                Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength,
                Rotation = npc.rotation,
                Color    = new Color(255, 138, 212) * flickerStrength

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(blurLine, blurEffect);

            sB.Draw(ModContent.GetTexture(Texture + "_Glow"), npc.Center - Main.screenPosition, npc.frame, Color.White,
                    npc.rotation, npc.frame.Size() / 2, npc.scale, npc.spriteDirection < 0 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor)
            spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.GameViewMatrix.ZoomMatrix);

            float  opacity = (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin(Timer * MathHelper.Pi / swingTime), 1.5f) * 0.75f;
            Effect effect  = mod.GetEffect("Effects/GSaber");

            effect.Parameters["baseColor"].SetValue(new Color(25, 132, 247).ToVector4());
            effect.Parameters["overlayColor"].SetValue(new Color(99, 255, 229).ToVector4());


            float slashProgress = EaseFunction.EaseCircularInOut.Ease(Timer / swingTime);

            effect.Parameters["timer"].SetValue(-Main.GlobalTime * 6);

            Vector2 pos = Owner.MountedCenter - Main.screenPosition;
            List <PrimitiveSlashArc> slashArcs = new List <PrimitiveSlashArc>();

            DrawAberration.DrawChromaticAberration(Vector2.UnitX, 2, delegate(Vector2 offset, Color colorMod)
                PrimitiveSlashArc slash = new PrimitiveSlashArc
                    BasePosition  = pos,
                    StartDistance = offset.X + projectile.Size.Length() * 0.33f,
                    EndDistance   = offset.X + projectile.Size.Length(),
                    AngleRange    = new Vector2(SwingRadians / 2 * SwingDirection, -SwingRadians / 2 * SwingDirection),
                    DirectionUnit = initialVelocity,
                    Color         = colorMod * opacity,
                    SlashProgress = slashProgress
            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(slashArcs.ToArray(), effect);

            spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.GameViewMatrix.ZoomMatrix);
            return(base.PreDraw(spriteBatch, lightColor));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void Draw(Effect effect, BasicEffect effect2, GraphicsDevice device)
            if (Dead || _points.Count <= 1)

            //set the parameters for the shader
            Effect flametrailEffect = SpiritMod.Instance.GetEffect("Effects/FlameTrail");

            flametrailEffect.Parameters["Progress"].SetValue(Main.GlobalTime * -1f);

            float getWidthMod(float progress = 0) => ((float)Math.Sin((Main.GlobalTime - progress) * MathHelper.TwoPi * 1.5f) * 0.33f + 1.33f) / (float)Math.Pow(1 - progress, 0.1f);

            IPrimitiveShape[] shapesToDraw = new IPrimitiveShape[]
                new CirclePrimitive
                    Color      = Color.White * _deathProgress,
                    Radius     = _width * _deathProgress * getWidthMod(),
                    Position   = _points[0] - Main.screenPosition,
                    MaxRadians = MathHelper.TwoPi
                new PrimitiveStrip
                    Color         = Color.White * _deathProgress,
                    Width         = _width * _deathProgress,
                    PositionArray = _points.ToArray(),
                    TaperingType  = StripTaperType.TaperEnd,
                    WidthDelegate = delegate(float progress) { return(getWidthMod(progress)); }

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(shapesToDraw, flametrailEffect);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public async Task <double> MeasureMinSize(PrimitiveRenderer primitiveRenderer)
            if (_minSize != null)

            var minDuration = this.Element.Columns.Min(c => c.GetDuration());
            var size        = 0.0;

            // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
            foreach (var column in this.Element.Columns)
                size += await this.GetColumnMinWidthInBar(primitiveRenderer, column, minDuration);

            _minSize = size;

Exemplo n.º 22
        private async Task <double> GetColumnMinWidthInBar(PrimitiveRenderer primitiveRenderer, BarColumn column, PreciseDuration minDurationInBar)
            var columnRegularWidth = Math.Min(this.Style.MaximumBeatSizeWithoutLyrics,
                                              this.Style.MinimumBeatSize * column.GetDuration() / minDurationInBar);

            double columnMinWidth;

            if (column.Lyrics == null)
                columnMinWidth = this.Style.MinimumBeatSize;
                var lyricsBounds = await primitiveRenderer.MeasureLyrics(column.Lyrics.Text);

                columnMinWidth = Math.Max(this.Style.MinimumBeatSize, lyricsBounds.Width);

            return(Math.Max(columnRegularWidth, columnMinWidth));
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected void DrawBeam(Color lightColor, Color darkColor)
            Effect effect = SpiritMod.Instance.GetEffect("Effects/EmpowermentBeam");

            effect.Parameters["progress"].SetValue(Main.GlobalTime / 3);

            Vector2 dist = SigilPosition - npc.Bottom;

            TrianglePrimitive tri = new TrianglePrimitive()
                TipPosition = SigilPosition - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation    = MathHelper.PiOver2,
                Height      = 100 + dist.Length() * 1.5f,
                Color       = Color.White * 0.33f,
                Width       = 100 + ((npc.width + npc.height) * 0.5f)

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(tri, effect);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void DrawBoonBeam(Vector2 targetPos)
            Effect effect = SpiritMod.Instance.GetEffect("Effects/EmpowermentBeam");

            effect.Parameters["progress"].SetValue(Main.GlobalTime / 3);
            effect.Parameters["uColor"].SetValue(new Color(247, 117, 42, 0).ToVector4());
            effect.Parameters["uSecondaryColor"].SetValue(new Color(247, 195, 92, 0).ToVector4());

            Vector2 dist = SigilPosition - targetPos;

            TrianglePrimitive tri = new TrianglePrimitive()
                TipPosition = SigilPosition - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation    = (SigilPosition - targetPos).ToRotation() + MathHelper.Pi,
                Height      = 100 + dist.Length() * 1.5f,
                Color       = Color.White * 0.33f,
                Width       = 100 + ((npc.width + npc.height) * 0.5f)

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(tri, effect);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch sB)
            StarPrimitive star = new StarPrimitive
                Color          = Color.White * projectile.Opacity,
                TriangleHeight = 12 * projectile.scale,
                TriangleWidth  = 4 * projectile.scale,
                Position       = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                Rotation       = projectile.rotation


            Texture2D bloom = mod.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");

            sB.Draw(bloom, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Goldenrod * 0.8f * projectile.Opacity, 0, bloom.Size() / 2, 0.25f * projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
            sB.Draw(bloom, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Goldenrod * projectile.Opacity, 0, bloom.Size() / 2, 0.2f * projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            Texture2D beam         = mod.GetTexture("Textures/Ray");
            float     beamProgress = (float)Math.Pow(Timer / (float)CHANNELTIME, 2);
            float     opacity      = MathHelper.Lerp(0.5f, 1f, beamProgress) * projectile.Opacity;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                float   angle  = TargetAngle + (MathHelper.TwoPi * (i / 5f)) - MathHelper.PiOver2;
                float   length = MathHelper.Lerp(30, 150, beamProgress);
                Vector2 scale  = new Vector2(projectile.scale, length / beam.Height);
                sB.Draw(beam, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Goldenrod * opacity, angle, new Vector2(beam.Width / 2, 0), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                float   angle  = TargetAngle + (MathHelper.TwoPi * ((i + 0.5f) / 5f)) - MathHelper.PiOver2;
                float   length = MathHelper.Lerp(15, 100, beamProgress);
                Vector2 scale  = new Vector2(projectile.scale, length / beam.Height);
                sB.Draw(beam, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.Goldenrod * opacity, angle, new Vector2(beam.Width / 2, 0), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private void PreDrawOrbExtras(SpriteBatch sB, float scale, Color color)
            Texture2D Lu1 = mod.GetTexture("Textures/T_Lu_Noise_31");
            Texture2D Lu2 = mod.GetTexture("Textures/T_Lu_Noise_32");

            void DrawMask(Texture2D tex, float opacity, float maskScale, float rotationDirection) =>
            sB.Draw(tex, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, color * opacity, Main.GlobalTime * rotationDirection, tex.Size() / 2, scale * maskScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            float rotationSpeed = 2f + Charge;

            DrawMask(Lu2, 0.15f, 0.06f, -rotationSpeed);
            DrawMask(Lu1, 0.15f, 0.06f, rotationSpeed);
            DrawMask(Lu2, 0.3f, 0.05f, -rotationSpeed);
            DrawMask(Lu1, 0.3f, 0.05f, rotationSpeed);

            DrawGodray.DrawGodrays(sB, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, color, 20 * scale * projectile.Opacity, 8 * scale * projectile.Opacity, 16);

            //not ideal, basically only stable because no sprites are drawn after this in the duration of the current spritebatch, as the current spritebatch is ended
            //convert to spritebatch drawing later if a suitable additive mask for a blur line is found?
            //alternatively just literally use the same ray texture godrays use they look basically the same when obscured
            float  blurLength      = 130 * scale * projectile.Opacity;
            float  blurWidth       = 9 * scale * projectile.Opacity;
            float  flickerStrength = (((float)Math.Sin(Main.GlobalTime * 12) % 1) * 0.1f) + 1f;
            Effect blurEffect      = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");

            var blurLine = new SquarePrimitive()
                Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength,
                Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength,
                Rotation = 0,
                Color    = color * flickerStrength

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(blurLine, blurEffect);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor)
            if (_chain != null)
                Effect effect = SpiritMod.ShaderDict["PrimitiveTextureMap"];

                Vector2[] vertices = _chain.VerticesArray();
                vertices.IterateArray(delegate(ref Vector2 vertex, int index, float progress) { IterateVerticesSine(ref vertex, progress); });
                var strip = new PrimitiveStrip
                    Color         = Color.White * projectile.Opacity,
                    Width         = 13 * projectile.scale,
                    PositionArray = vertices,
                    TaperingType  = StripTaperType.None,
                PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(strip, effect);

                Texture2D projTexture = Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type];
                var       origin      = new Vector2(projectile.DrawFrame().Width / 2, projectile.DrawFrame().Height + 2);
                spriteBatch.Draw(projTexture, _chain.StartPosition - Main.screenPosition, projectile.DrawFrame(), projectile.GetAlpha(Color.White), _chain.StartRotation + MathHelper.PiOver2, origin, projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void AdditiveCall(SpriteBatch sB)
            float  blurLength      = 180 * projectile.scale;
            float  blurWidth       = 8 * projectile.scale;
            float  flickerStrength = (((float)Math.Sin(Main.GlobalTime * 12) % 1) * 0.1f) + 1f;
            Effect blurEffect      = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");

            IPrimitiveShape[] blurLines = new IPrimitiveShape[]
                new SquarePrimitive()
                    Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                    Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength,
                    Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength,
                    Rotation = 0,
                    Color    = Color.White * flickerStrength * projectile.Opacity

                //Vertical, lower length
                new SquarePrimitive()
                    Position = projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition,
                    Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength,
                    Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength * 0.75f,
                    Rotation = MathHelper.PiOver2,
                    Color    = Color.White * flickerStrength * projectile.Opacity

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShapeBatched(blurLines, blurEffect);

            Texture2D bloom = mod.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");

            sB.Draw(bloom, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, null, Color.White * projectile.Opacity, 0, bloom.Size() / 2, 0.25f * projectile.scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Exemplo n.º 29
        //Temp, planning on moving sword trails to vertex strip system for convenience and lasting after projectile death
        private void DrawTrail(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color drawColor, float progress, float opacity)
            spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.GameViewMatrix.ZoomMatrix);

            Effect effect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/AstralSpellblade");

            effect.Parameters["baseColorDark"].SetValue(new Color(67, 37, 143).ToVector4());
            effect.Parameters["baseColorLight"].SetValue(new Color(230, 55, 166).ToVector4());
            effect.Parameters["overlayColor"].SetValue(new Color(255, 245, 245).ToVector4() * 3);

            effect.Parameters["overlayCoordMods"].SetValue(new Vector2(1f, 0.2f));

            effect.Parameters["timer"].SetValue(-Main.GlobalTime * 1.5f);

            Vector2           pos   = Owner.MountedCenter - Main.screenPosition;
            PrimitiveSlashArc slash = new PrimitiveSlashArc
                BasePosition   = pos,
                StartDistance  = projectile.Size.Length() * 0.33f,
                EndDistance    = projectile.Size.Length() * 0.95f,
                AngleRange     = new Vector2(TOTAL_RADIANS / 2 * SwingDirection, -TOTAL_RADIANS / 2 * SwingDirection),
                DirectionUnit  = initialVelocity,
                Color          = Color.White * opacity,
                SlashProgress  = progress,
                RectangleCount = 30

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(slash, effect);

            spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.GameViewMatrix.ZoomMatrix);
        private void DrawBeam()
            float progress = AiTimer / LASER_TIME;

            float PowF(float power) => (float)Math.Pow(progress, power);

            Vector2 scale = new Vector2(BeamLength, MathHelper.Lerp(60, 10, PowF(0.75f)));

            float ColorLerp = PowF(2.5f);

            Color color = Color.Lerp(midBlue, darkBlue, ColorLerp);

            color  *= 1 - PowF(2.5f) * 0.33f;
            color.A = 10;
            Vector2 position = projectile.Center + StaffTipDirection + (BeamDirection * BeamLength / 2) - Main.screenPosition;             //Center between staff tip and beam end

            //Draw the beam and apply shader parameters
            Effect beamEffect = mod.GetEffect("Effects/Laser");

            beamEffect.Parameters["Progress"].SetValue(Main.GlobalTime * 3f);
            beamEffect.Parameters["xMod"].SetValue(BeamLength / 150f);

            SquarePrimitive beam = new SquarePrimitive
                Height   = scale.Y,
                Length   = scale.X,
                Rotation = BeamDirection.ToRotation(),
                Position = position,
                Color    = color

            PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(beam, beamEffect);

            //Draw a visual effect for hitting tiles
            if (HittingTile)
                float     scaleMod = scale.Y / 60;
                Texture2D bloom    = mod.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");
                Vector2   endPos   = projectile.Center + StaffTipDirection + BeamDirection * BeamLength;
                Main.spriteBatch.Draw(bloom, endPos - Main.screenPosition, null, darkBlue, 0, bloom.Size() / 2, 0.5f * scaleMod, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

                float  blurLength      = 400 * scaleMod;
                float  blurWidth       = 12 * scaleMod;
                float  flickerStrength = (((float)Math.Sin(Main.GlobalTime * 20) % 1) * 0.3f) + 1f;
                Effect blurEffect      = mod.GetEffect("Effects/BlurLine");

                for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                    float           rotation = BeamDirection.ToRotation() + MathHelper.PiOver2 + (MathHelper.Pi / 6) * i;
                    float           size     = 1 - Math.Abs(i * 0.5f);
                    SquarePrimitive blurLine = new SquarePrimitive()
                        Position = endPos - Main.screenPosition,
                        Height   = blurWidth * flickerStrength * size,
                        Length   = blurLength * flickerStrength * size,
                        Rotation = rotation,
                        Color    = Color.Lerp(lightCyan, Color.White, 0.25f) * (1 - ColorLerp)
                    PrimitiveRenderer.DrawPrimitiveShape(blurLine, blurEffect);