Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool OnPlacement(Mobile from, Point3D p)
            if (!from.CheckAlive() || from.Backpack == null || from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(HousePlacementTool)) == null)

            ArrayList            toMove;
            Point3D              center = new Point3D(p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z);
            HousePlacementResult res    = HousePlacement.Check(from, m_MultiID, center, out toMove);

            switch (res)
            case HousePlacementResult.Valid:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1011576);         // This is a valid location.

                PreviewHouse prev = new PreviewHouse(m_MultiID);

                MultiComponentList mcl = prev.Components;

                Point3D banLoc = new Point3D(center.X + mcl.Min.X, center.Y + mcl.Max.Y + 1, center.Z);

                for (int i = 0; i < mcl.List.Length; ++i)
                    MultiTileEntry entry = mcl.List[i];

                    int itemID = entry.m_ItemID;

                    if (itemID >= 0xBA3 && itemID <= 0xC0E)
                        banLoc = new Point3D(center.X + entry.m_OffsetX, center.Y + entry.m_OffsetY, center.Z);

                for (int i = 0; i < toMove.Count; ++i)
                    object o = toMove[i];

                    if (o is Mobile)
                        ((Mobile)o).Location = banLoc;
                    else if (o is Item)
                        ((Item)o).Location = banLoc;

                prev.MoveToWorld(center, from.Map);

                /* You are about to place a new house.
                 * Placing this house will condemn any and all of your other houses that you may have.
                 * All of your houses on all shards will be affected.
                 * In addition, you will not be able to place another house or have one transferred to you for one (1) real-life week.
                 * Once you accept these terms, these effects cannot be reversed.
                 * Re-deeding or transferring your new house will not uncondemn your other house(s) nor will the one week timer be removed.
                 * If you are absolutely certain you wish to proceed, click the button next to OKAY below.
                 * If you do not wish to trade for this house, click CANCEL.
                from.SendGump(new WarningGump(1060635, 30720, 1049583, 32512, 420, 280, new WarningGumpCallback(PlacementWarning_Callback), prev));


            case HousePlacementResult.BadItem:
            case HousePlacementResult.BadLand:
            case HousePlacementResult.BadStatic:
            case HousePlacementResult.BadRegionHidden:
            case HousePlacementResult.NoSurface:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043287);         // The house could not be created here.  Either something is blocking the house, or the house would not be on valid terrain.

            case HousePlacementResult.BadRegion:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501265);         // Housing cannot be created in this area.

            case HousePlacementResult.BadRegionTemp:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501270);         //Lord British has decreed a 'no build' period, thus you cannot build this house at this time.

            case HousePlacementResult.BadRegionRaffle:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150493);         // You must have a deed for this plot of land in order to build here.

            case HousePlacementResult.InvalidCastleKeep:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1061122);         // Castles and keeps cannot be created here.

            case HousePlacementResult.NoQueenLoyalty:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1113707, "10000");         // You must have at lease ~1_MIN~ loyalty to the Gargoyle Queen to place a house in Ter Mur.

        public bool OnPlacement(Mobile from, Point3D p)
            if (!from.CheckAlive())

            ArrayList            toMove;
            Point3D              center = new Point3D(p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z);
            HousePlacementResult res    = HousePlacement.Check(from, m_MultiID, center, out toMove);

            switch (res)
            case HousePlacementResult.Valid:
                if (from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && BaseHouse.HasAccountHouse(from))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501271);                               // You already own a house, you may not place another!
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1011576);                               // This is a valid location.

                    PreviewHouse prev = new PreviewHouse(m_MultiID);

                    MultiComponentList mcl = prev.Components;

                    Point3D banLoc = new Point3D(center.X + mcl.Min.X, center.Y + mcl.Max.Y + 1, center.Z);

                    for (int i = 0; i < mcl.List.Length; ++i)
                        MultiTileEntry entry = mcl.List[i];

                        int itemID = entry.m_ItemID & 0x3FFF;

                        if (itemID >= 0xBA3 && itemID <= 0xC0E)
                            banLoc = new Point3D(center.X + entry.m_OffsetX, center.Y + entry.m_OffsetY, center.Z);

                    for (int i = 0; i < toMove.Count; ++i)
                        object o = toMove[i];

                        if (o is Mobile)
                            ((Mobile)o).Location = banLoc;
                        else if (o is Item)
                            ((Item)o).Location = banLoc;

                    prev.MoveToWorld(center, from.Map);

                    /* You are about to place a new house.
                     * Placing this house will condemn any and all of your other houses that you may have.
                     * All of your houses on all shards will be affected.
                     * In addition, you will not be able to place another house or have one transferred to you for one (1) real-life week.
                     * Once you accept these terms, these effects cannot be reversed.
                     * Re-deeding or transferring your new house will not uncondemn your other house(s) nor will the one week timer be removed.
                     * If you are absolutely certain you wish to proceed, click the button next to OKAY below.
                     * If you do not wish to trade for this house, click CANCEL.
                    from.SendGump(new WarningGump(1060635, 30720, 1049583, 32512, 420, 280, new WarningGumpCallback(PlacementWarning_Callback), prev));



            case HousePlacementResult.BadItem:
            case HousePlacementResult.BadLand:
            case HousePlacementResult.BadStatic:
            case HousePlacementResult.BadRegionHidden:
            case HousePlacementResult.NoSurface:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1043287);                           // The house could not be created here.  Either something is blocking the house, or the house would not be on valid terrain.

            case HousePlacementResult.BadRegion:
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501265);                           // Housing cannot be created in this area.

Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool OnPlacement( Mobile from, Point3D p )
            if ( !from.CheckAlive() )
                return false;

            ArrayList toMove;
            Point3D center = new Point3D( p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z );
            HousePlacementResult res = HousePlacement.Check( from, m_MultiID, center, out toMove );

            switch ( res )
                case HousePlacementResult.Valid:
                        if ( from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && BaseHouse.HasAccountHouse( from ) )
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501271 ); // You already own a house, you may not place another!
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1011576 ); // This is a valid location.

                            PreviewHouse prev = new PreviewHouse( m_MultiID );

                            MultiComponentList mcl = prev.Components;

                            Point3D banLoc = new Point3D( center.X + mcl.Min.X, center.Y + mcl.Max.Y + 1, center.Z );

                            for ( int i = 0; i < mcl.List.Length; ++i )
                                MultiTileEntry entry = mcl.List[i];

                                int itemID = entry.m_ItemID & TileData.MaxItemValue;

                                if ( itemID >= 0xBA3 && itemID <= 0xC0E )
                                    banLoc = new Point3D( center.X + entry.m_OffsetX, center.Y + entry.m_OffsetY, center.Z );

                            for ( int i = 0; i < toMove.Count; ++i )
                                object o = toMove[i];

                                if ( o is Mobile )
                                    ( (Mobile) o ).Location = banLoc;
                                else if ( o is Item )
                                    ( (Item) o ).Location = banLoc;

                            prev.MoveToWorld( center, from.Map );

                            /* You are about to place a new house.
                             * Placing this house will condemn any and all of your other houses that you may have.
                             * All of your houses on all shards will be affected.
                             * In addition, you will not be able to place another house or have one transferred to you for one (1) real-life week.
                             * Once you accept these terms, these effects cannot be reversed.
                             * Re-deeding or transferring your new house will not uncondemn your other house(s) nor will the one week timer be removed.
                             * If you are absolutely certain you wish to proceed, click the button next to OKAY below.
                             * If you do not wish to trade for this house, click CANCEL.
                            from.SendGump( new WarningGump( 1060635, 30720, 1049583, 32512, 420, 280, new WarningGumpCallback( PlacementWarning_Callback ), prev ) );

                            return true;

                case HousePlacementResult.BadItem:
                case HousePlacementResult.BadLand:
                case HousePlacementResult.BadStatic:
                case HousePlacementResult.BadRegionHidden:
                case HousePlacementResult.NoSurface:
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1043287 ); // The house could not be created here.  Either something is blocking the house, or the house would not be on valid terrain.
                case HousePlacementResult.BadRegion:
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501265 ); // Housing cannot be created in this area.
                case HousePlacementResult.BadRegionTemp:
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501270 ); // Lord British has decreed a 'no build' period, thus you cannot build this house at this time.

            return false;