Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ExcelPackage ExportCadencier()
                int                colCounter  = 2;
                double             cumulTotal  = 0;
                double?            sommePresta = 0;
                double?            res         = 0;
                List <CumulPresta> presta      = PrestSante.CumulPrestaData();

                List <int> years = presta.GroupBy(p => new { p.AnneeSoins })
                                   .Select(g => g.Key.AnneeSoins)

                List <double> yearsCumul = new List <double>(years.Count);
                foreach (int year in years)

                int maxMonth = presta.Max(p => p.MoisReglement);

                List <double> lstSommePresta = new List <double>();

                ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage();
                var          ws  = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("PRESTATIONS");

                //write the header
                ws.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Mois de règlement";
                foreach (int year in years)
                    ws.Cells[1, colCounter].Value = year.ToString();
                ws.Cells[1, colCounter++].Value = "Somme des prestations";

                ws.Column(colCounter).Style.Numberformat.Format = "#0\\.00%";
                ws.Cells[1, colCounter++].Value = "Prestations moyenne";

                ws.Column(colCounter).Style.Numberformat.Format = "#0\\.00%";
                ws.Cells[1, colCounter++].Value = "Prestations cumulées";

                ws.Column(colCounter).Style.Numberformat.Format = "#0\\.00%";
                ws.Cells[1, colCounter++].Value = "Taux PSAP";

                ws.Cells[1, colCounter++].Value = "Coefficient PSAP";

                int row = 2;

                for (int i = 1; i <= maxMonth; i++)
                    colCounter  = 2;
                    sommePresta = 0;

                    ws.Cells[row, 1].Value = i.ToString();
                    int yearCount = 0;
                    foreach (int year in years)
                        res = presta.Where(p => p.AnneeSoins == year && p.MoisReglement == i).Select(p => p.SommePresta).SingleOrDefault().HasValue ?
                              presta.Where(p => p.AnneeSoins == year && p.MoisReglement == i).Select(p => p.SommePresta).SingleOrDefault() : 0;

                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter].Value = res;
                        sommePresta += res;

                        yearsCumul[yearCount] += res.HasValue ? res.Value : 0;


                    //Somme Presta
                    ws.Cells[row, colCounter++].Value = sommePresta;
                    lstSommePresta.Add(sommePresta.HasValue ? sommePresta.Value : 0);


                //calculate CumulTotal => somme des prestations && write the last line => cumul
                colCounter = 2;
                foreach (double annualTotal in yearsCumul)
                    ws.Cells[row, colCounter].Value = annualTotal;

                    cumulTotal += annualTotal;

                ws.Cells[row, colCounter++].Value = cumulTotal;
                ws.Cells[row, colCounter].Value   = 100;

                //complete missing columns
                row = 2;
                double cumPresta = 0;
                foreach (double sumPresta in lstSommePresta)
                    //presta moyenne %
                    if (cumulTotal != 0)
                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter].Value = sumPresta * 100 / cumulTotal;
                        //presta cumulées %
                        cumPresta += sumPresta * 100 / cumulTotal;
                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter + 1].Value = cumPresta;
                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter].Value     = 0;
                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter + 1].Value = 0;

                    //Taux PSAP %
                    ws.Cells[row, colCounter + 2].Value = 100 - cumPresta;

                    //Coeff PSAP %
                    if (cumPresta != 0)
                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter + 3].Value = (100 - cumPresta) / cumPresta;
                        ws.Cells[row, colCounter + 3].Value = 0;


                //Format table => first line bold
                ws.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;
                ws.Row(1).Style.Font.Size = 12;

                //last column green
                for (int i = 1; i <= maxMonth + 1; i++)
                    ws.Cells[i, colCounter + 3].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                    ws.Cells[i, colCounter + 3].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Green);
                    ws.Cells[i, colCounter + 3].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0.0000";

                //years in header, background yellow
                for (int i = 2; i <= years.Count + 1; i++)
                    ws.Cells[1, i].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                    ws.Cells[1, i].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);

                    ws.Cells[maxMonth + 2, i].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0";
                ws.Cells[maxMonth + 2, years.Count + 2].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0";

                //last line (totals): bold
                ws.Cells[maxMonth + 2, 1].Value      = "Cumul";
                ws.Row(maxMonth + 2).Style.Font.Bold = true;
                ws.Row(maxMonth + 2).Style.Font.Size = 12;

                //autofit column width
                for (int i = 1; i <= colCounter + 3; i++)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void RecreateCadencier()
                List <double?> lstSommePresta = new List <double?>();
                double?        res            = 0;
                double?        cumulTotal     = 0;
                double?        sommePresta    = 0;
                double?        coeffPSAP      = 0;
                string         assName        = "";

                //get Presta
                List <CumulPresta> presta = PrestSante.CumulPrestaData();
                List <int>         years  = presta.GroupBy(p => new { p.AnneeSoins })
                                            .Select(g => g.Key.AnneeSoins)

                if (presta.Any())
                    assName = presta.First().AssureurName;

                //get last year
                int maxYear = years.Max();

                List <double> yearsCumul = new List <double>(years.Count);
                foreach (int year in years)

                //delete Cad for specific year

                //re-create Cad for that year
                int maxMonth = presta.Max(p => p.MoisReglement);

                for (int i = 1; i <= maxMonth; i++)
                    sommePresta = 0;
                    int yearCount = 0;
                    foreach (int year in years)
                        res = presta.Where(p => p.AnneeSoins == year && p.MoisReglement == i).Select(p => p.SommePresta).SingleOrDefault().HasValue ?
                              presta.Where(p => p.AnneeSoins == year && p.MoisReglement == i).Select(p => p.SommePresta).SingleOrDefault() : 0;

                        sommePresta += res.HasValue ? res.Value : 0;

                        yearsCumul[yearCount] += res.HasValue ? res.Value : 0;


                    lstSommePresta.Add(sommePresta.HasValue ? sommePresta.Value : 0);

                //calculate CumulTotal => somme des prestations
                foreach (double annualTotal in yearsCumul)
                    cumulTotal += annualTotal;

                //complete missing columns
                double?cumPresta = 0;
                int    month     = 1;
                foreach (double sumPresta in lstSommePresta)
                    //presta moyenne %
                    if (cumulTotal != 0)
                        //presta cumulées %
                        cumPresta += sumPresta * 100 / cumulTotal;

                    //Coeff PSAP %
                    if (cumPresta != 0)
                        coeffPSAP = (100 - cumPresta) / cumPresta;
                        coeffPSAP = 0;

                    int id = Cadencier.InsertCadencier(new Cadencier
                        AssureurName    = assName,
                        Year            = maxYear,
                        DebutSurvenance = new DateTime(maxYear, 1, 1),
                        FinSurvenance   = new DateTime(maxYear, 12, 31),
                        Month           = month,
                        Cumul           = Math.Round(coeffPSAP.Value, 4)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;