Exemplo n.º 1
        private void OnOpenClick()
            PressOperation selectedEntity = SelectedEntity;

            if (selectedEntity == null)
                MessageBox.Show(@"Пожалуйста, выберите операцию.");

            if (selectedEntity.PressOperationData == null)
                Dal.LoadPressOperationData(selectedEntity);//загрузим данные длял опреции

            ChartForm form = (ChartForm)UiHelper.GetFormSingle(typeof(ChartForm));

            form.ChartFormShowMode = ChartFormShowMode.ShowSavedOperation;

            ChartFormViewModel viewModel = new ChartFormViewModel {
                PressOperation = selectedEntity

            form.buttonSaveOperation.Visible = true;
            viewModel.CanSaveOperation       = true;
            form.ViewModel = viewModel;

            UiHelper.ShowForm(form, UiHelper.GetMdiContainer(this));
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void FireOperationCreated(PressOperation operation)
     if (OperationCreated != null)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CreatePassportExcel(PressOperation left, PressOperation right)
            application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
                DisplayAlerts = false

            char[] separ = { ' ', '.', '-' };

            //Открываем шаблон
            //Приложение самого Excel
            workBook  = application.Workbooks.Open(PassportTemplatePath);
            worksheet = workBook.ActiveSheet as Worksheet;
            //Заполняем файл (шаблон)
            //Заполняем дату формирования КП
            worksheet.Range["B12"].Value = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month);
            worksheet.Range["D12"].Value = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
            worksheet.Range["A28"].Value = String.Format("Паспорт соствален {0} {1} {2}г.", Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Day), Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month), Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year));
            //Заполняем тип колесной пары
            worksheet.Range["B5"].Value = left.WheelType;

            //Заполняем номер диаграммы
            worksheet.Range["B11"].Value = left.DiagramNumber;
            //заполняем данные по номеру колесной пары
            string[] parce_pair = new string[2];
            parce_pair = left.AxisNumber.Split(separ);

            //Заполняем условный номер изготовления черновой оси
            worksheet.Range["B3"].Value = left.FactoryNumber;
            //Заполняем порядковый номер черновой оси
            worksheet.Range["C3"].Value = parce_pair.Length > 0 ? parce_pair[0] : string.Empty;
            //Заполняем год изготовления черновой оси
            worksheet.Range["E3"].Value = Convert.ToString(parce_pair.Length > 1 ? parce_pair[1] : string.Empty);

            string[] parce_left_wheel = left.WheelNumber.Split(separ);
            worksheet.Cells[17, 4].Value2 = parce_left_wheel.Length > 0 ? parce_left_wheel[0] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[19, 4].Value2 = parce_left_wheel.Length > 1 ? parce_left_wheel[1] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[18, 4].Value2 = parce_left_wheel.Length > 2 ? parce_left_wheel[2] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[15, 4].Value2 = parce_left_wheel.Length > 3 ? parce_left_wheel[3] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[16, 4].Value2 = parce_left_wheel.Length > 4 ? parce_left_wheel[4] : string.Empty;

            string[] parce_right_wheel = right.WheelNumber.Split(separ);
            worksheet.Cells[17, 2].Value2 = parce_right_wheel.Length > 0 ? parce_right_wheel[0] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[19, 2].Value2 = parce_right_wheel.Length > 1 ? parce_right_wheel[1] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[18, 2].Value2 = parce_right_wheel.Length > 2 ? parce_right_wheel[2] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[15, 2].Value2 = parce_right_wheel.Length > 3 ? parce_right_wheel[3] : string.Empty;
            worksheet.Cells[16, 2].Value2 = parce_right_wheel.Length > 4 ? parce_right_wheel[4] : string.Empty;

            //Пока сохраняем
            workBook.SaveAs(PassportsArhivePath + left.AxisNumber);

            //Печатаем файл
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OnSaveOperation()
            PressOperation operation = ViewModel.PressOperation;

            if (operation.IsNew)
                MessageBox.Show(@"Обновление данной операции невозможно");


            MessageBox.Show(@"Опенрация сохранена");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void OnWriteExcel()
            PressOperation operation = ViewModel.PressOperation;

            if (operation != null)
                new ExcelReport().CreateExcel(operation);
                MessageBox.Show(@"Пожалуйста, укажите операцию");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static PressOperation CreatePressOperation()
            PressOperation operation = new PressOperation
                PressOperationData = new BindingList <PressOperationData>(),
                OperationStart     = DateTime.Now

            operation.Id = _dal.SaveOrUpdatePressOperation(operation);


Exemplo n.º 7
        public void UpdatePressOperationFieldTotal(string fieldName, PressOperation pressOperation, object val, DbType valType)
            pressOperation.LengthSopriazh = GetMaxSopr(pressOperation.Id);
            pressOperation.MaxPower       = GetMaxZapress(pressOperation.Id);
            pressOperation.LengthLines    = GetDlinaPramUch(pressOperation.Id);

            string query = string.Format("UPDATE [dbo].[PressOperations] SET {0} = @val, LengthSopriazh = @LengthSopriazh, Power100mm = @Power100mm, MaxPower = @MaxPower, LengthLines = @LengthLines, FactoryNumber = @FactoryNumber, WheelNumber = @WheelNumber, DiagramNumber = @DiagramNumber, AxisNumber = @AxisNumber, WheelType = @WheelType, Side = @Side, DWheel = @DWheel, DAxis = @DAxis, LengthStup = @LengthStup WHERE ID = @id", fieldName);

            DbProviderFactory factory = SqlClientFactory.Instance;

            using (DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(factory, ConnectionString))
                using (DbCommand cmd = CreateTextCommand(conn, query))
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@fieldName", fieldName, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@id", pressOperation.Id, DbType.Int32);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@val", val, valType);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@LengthSopriazh", pressOperation.LengthSopriazh, DbType.Int32);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@Power100mm", pressOperation.Power100Mm, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@MaxPower", pressOperation.MaxPower, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@LengthLines", pressOperation.LengthLines, DbType.Int32);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@FactoryNumber", pressOperation.FactoryNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@WheelNumber", pressOperation.WheelNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@DiagramNumber", pressOperation.DiagramNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@AxisNumber", pressOperation.AxisNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@Side", pressOperation.Side, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@WheelType", pressOperation.WheelType, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@DWheel", pressOperation.DWheel, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@DAxis", pressOperation.DAxis, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@LengthStup", pressOperation.LengthStup, DbType.Int32);

                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("pressOperation.Id " + pressOperation.Id);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(" pressOperation.FactoryNumber " + pressOperation.FactoryNumber);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Log.Error("Не удалось обновить операцию", ex);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void CreatePassport()
            PressOperation operation1 = ViewModel.PressOperation;

            PressOperation operation2 = Dal.GetOperationForPassport(operation1.AxisNumber, operation1.Side);

            if (operation1.Side == @"левая")
                new ExcelReport().CreatePassportExcel(operation1, operation2);
                new ExcelReport().CreatePassportExcel(operation2, operation1);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void LoadPressOperationData(PressOperation pressOperation)
            int operationId = pressOperation.Id;

            string query = "SELECT  [ID], [DispPress], [DlinaSopr], [PressOperationId], [DateInsert] FROM [ZDPress].[dbo].[PressOperationData]  WHERE [PressOperationId] = @pressOperationId";
            List <PressOperationData> data    = new List <PressOperationData>();
            DbProviderFactory         factory = SqlClientFactory.Instance;

            using (DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(factory, ConnectionString))
                using (DbCommand cmd = CreateTextCommand(conn, query))
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@pressOperationId", operationId, DbType.Int32);
                        DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            int                id               = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]);
                            decimal            dispPress        = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["DispPress"]);
                            int                dlinaSopr        = Convert.ToInt32(reader["DlinaSopr"]);
                            int                pressOperationId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["PressOperationId"]);
                            DateTime           dateInsert       = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["DateInsert"]);
                            PressOperationData item             = new PressOperationData
                                Id = id,
                                PressOperationId = pressOperationId,
                                DispPress        = dispPress,
                                DlinaSopr        = dlinaSopr,
                                DateInsert       = dateInsert

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Log.Error("Error PageOperation", ex);
            pressOperation.PressOperationData = new BindingList <PressOperationData>(data);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public int SaveOrUpdatePressOperation(PressOperation pressOperation)
            Logger.Log.Info("Создаём новую операцию в БД ConnectionString = " + ConnectionString);
            DbProviderFactory factory = SqlClientFactory.Instance;

            using (DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(factory, ConnectionString))
                using (DbCommand cmd = CreateTextCommand(conn, pressOperation.IsNew ? InsertPressOperationCommandAsText() : UpdatePressOperationCommandAsText()))
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@OperationStart", pressOperation.OperationStart, DbType.DateTime);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@OperationStop", pressOperation.OperationStop, DbType.DateTime);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@FactoryNumber", pressOperation.FactoryNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@WheelNumber", pressOperation.WheelNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@DiagramNumber", pressOperation.DiagramNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@AxisNumber", pressOperation.AxisNumber, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@WheelType", pressOperation.WheelType, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@Side", pressOperation.Side, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@DWheel", pressOperation.DWheel, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@DAxis", pressOperation.DAxis, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@LengthStup", pressOperation.LengthStup, DbType.Int32);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@Natiag", pressOperation.Natiag, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@LengthSopriazh", pressOperation.LengthSopriazh, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@Power100mm", pressOperation.Power100Mm, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@MaxPower", pressOperation.MaxPower, DbType.Decimal);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@LengthLines", pressOperation.LengthLines, DbType.Int32);
                    if (!pressOperation.IsNew)
                        AddParameter(cmd, "@Id", pressOperation.Id, DbType.Int32);
                    object res = cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                    int id = (int?)res ?? pressOperation.Id;


Exemplo n.º 11
        public PressOperation GetOperationForPassport(string axisNum, string sideParam)
            const string query = "SELECT TOP 1 " +
                                 " [ID] " +
                                 ",[OperationStart] " +
                                 ",[OperationStop] " +
                                 ",[WheelNumber] " +
                                 ",[FactoryNumber] " +
                                 ",[DiagramNumber] " +
                                 ",[AxisNumber] " +
                                 ",[WheelType] " +
                                 ",[Side] " +
                                 ",[DWheel] " +
                                 ",[DAxis] " +
                                 ",[LengthStup] " +
                                 ",[Natiag] " +
                                 ",[LengthSopriazh] " +
                                 ",[Power100mm] " +
                                 ",[MaxPower] " +
                                 ",[LengthLines] " +
                                 " FROM [dbo].[PressOperations] " +
                                 " WHERE UPPER([AxisNumber]) = UPPER(@axisNumber) AND UPPER([Side]) <> UPPER(@side)  " +
                                 " ORDER BY [OperationStart] DESC ";

            DbProviderFactory factory = SqlClientFactory.Instance;

            using (DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(factory, ConnectionString))
                using (DbCommand cmd = CreateTextCommand(conn, query))
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@axisNumber", axisNum, DbType.String);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@side", sideParam, DbType.String);
                        PressOperation operation = new PressOperation();
                        DbDataReader   reader    = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            int      id             = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]);
                            DateTime operationStart = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["OperationStart"]);
                            DateTime?operationStop  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["OperationStop"].ToString()) ? (DateTime?)Convert.ToDateTime(reader["OperationStop"]) : null;
                            string   factoryNumber  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["FactoryNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["FactoryNumber"]) : null;
                            string   wheelNumber    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["WheelNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["WheelNumber"]) : null;
                            string   diagramNumber  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["DiagramNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["DiagramNumber"]) : null;
                            string   axisNumber     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["AxisNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["AxisNumber"]) : null;
                            string   wheelType      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["WheelType"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["WheelType"]) : null;
                            string   side           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["Side"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["Side"]) : null;
                            decimal  dWheel         = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["DWheel"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["DWheel"]) : 0;
                            decimal  dAxis          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["DAxis"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["DAxis"]) : 0;
                            int      lengthStup     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["LengthStup"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["LengthStup"]) : 0;
                            decimal  natiag         = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["Natiag"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Natiag"]) : 0;
                            int      lengthSopriazh = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["LengthSopriazh"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["LengthSopriazh"]) : 0;
                            decimal  power100Mm     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["Power100mm"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Power100mm"]) : 0;
                            decimal  maxPower       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["MaxPower"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["MaxPower"]) : 0;
                            int      lengthLines    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["LengthLines"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["LengthLines"]) : 0;

                            operation.Id             = id;
                            operation.OperationStart = operationStart;
                            operation.OperationStop  = operationStop;
                            operation.FactoryNumber  = factoryNumber;
                            operation.WheelNumber    = wheelNumber;
                            operation.DiagramNumber  = diagramNumber;
                            operation.AxisNumber     = axisNumber;
                            operation.WheelType      = wheelType;
                            operation.LengthSopriazh = lengthSopriazh;
                            operation.Side           = side;
                            operation.DWheel         = dWheel;
                            operation.DAxis          = dAxis;
                            operation.LengthStup     = lengthStup;
                            operation.MaxPower       = maxPower;
                            operation.LengthLines    = lengthLines;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Log.Error("Error GetOperationForPassport", ex);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public List <PressOperation> PageOperation(int pageSize, int pageNumber)
            string query =
                " SELECT " +
                " [ID] " +
                ",[OperationStart] " +
                ",[OperationStop] " +
                ",[WheelNumber] " +
                ",[FactoryNumber] " +
                ",[DiagramNumber] " +
                ",[AxisNumber] " +
                ",[WheelType] " +
                ",[Side] " +
                ",[DWheel] " +
                ",[DAxis] " +
                ",[LengthStup] " +
                ",[Natiag] " +
                ",[LengthSopriazh] " +
                ",[Power100mm] " +
                ",[MaxPower] " +
                ",[LengthLines] " +
                ", [TotalRows] " +
                "FROM " +
                "(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [ID] DESC) AS RowNum, " +
                " [ID] " +
                ",[OperationStart] " +
                ",[OperationStop] " +
                ",[WheelNumber] " +
                ",[FactoryNumber] " +
                ",[DiagramNumber] " +
                ",[AxisNumber] " +
                ",[WheelType] " +
                ",[Side] " +
                ",[DWheel] " +
                ",[DAxis] " +
                ",[LengthStup] " +
                ",[Natiag] " +
                ",[LengthSopriazh] " +
                ",[Power100mm] " +
                ",[MaxPower] " +
                ",[LengthLines] " +
                " ,COUNT(*) OVER() AS TotalRows " +
                " from [dbo].[PressOperations] " +
                ") AS PressOperations " +
                "WHERE RowNum BETWEEN (((@pageNumber - 1) * @pageSize )+ 1) AND (@pageNumber * @pageSize) ";

            List <PressOperation> operations = new List <PressOperation>();
            DbProviderFactory     factory    = SqlClientFactory.Instance;

            using (DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(factory, ConnectionString))
                using (DbCommand cmd = CreateTextCommand(conn, query))
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@pageSize", pageSize, DbType.Int32);
                    AddParameter(cmd, "@pageNumber", pageNumber, DbType.Int32);
                        DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            int      id             = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]);
                            DateTime operationStart = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["OperationStart"]);
                            DateTime?operationStop  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["OperationStop"].ToString()) ? (DateTime?)Convert.ToDateTime(reader["OperationStop"]) : null;
                            string   factoryNumber  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["FactoryNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["FactoryNumber"]) : null;
                            string   wheelNumber    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["WheelNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["WheelNumber"]) : null;
                            string   diagramNumber  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["DiagramNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["DiagramNumber"]) : null;
                            string   axisNumber     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["AxisNumber"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["AxisNumber"]) : null;
                            string   wheelType      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["WheelType"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["WheelType"]) : null;
                            string   side           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["Side"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToString(reader["Side"]) : null;
                            decimal  dWheel         = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["DWheel"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["DWheel"]) : 0;
                            decimal  dAxis          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["DAxis"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["DAxis"]) : 0;
                            int      lengthStup     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["LengthStup"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["LengthStup"]) : 0;
                            decimal  natiag         = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["Natiag"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Natiag"]) : 0;
                            int      lengthSopriazh = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["LengthSopriazh"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["LengthSopriazh"]) : 0;
                            decimal  power100Mm     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["Power100mm"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Power100mm"]) : 0;
                            decimal  maxPower       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["MaxPower"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal(reader["MaxPower"]) : 0;
                            int      lengthLines    = GetDlinaPramUch(id);//!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["LengthLines"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["LengthLines"]) : 0;
                            int      totalRows      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader["TotalRows"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["TotalRows"]) : 0;

                            PressOperation operation = new PressOperation();

                            operation.Id             = id;
                            operation.OperationStart = operationStart;
                            operation.OperationStop  = operationStop;
                            operation.FactoryNumber  = factoryNumber;
                            operation.WheelNumber    = wheelNumber;
                            operation.DiagramNumber  = diagramNumber;
                            operation.AxisNumber     = axisNumber;
                            operation.WheelType      = wheelType;
                            operation.Side           = side;
                            operation.DWheel         = dWheel;
                            operation.DAxis          = dAxis;
                            operation.LengthStup     = lengthStup;
                            operation.LengthSopriazh = lengthSopriazh;
                            operation.MaxPower       = maxPower;
                            operation.LengthLines    = lengthLines;
                            operation.TotalRows      = totalRows;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Log.Error("Error PageOperation", ex);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static void SavePressOperationData(PressOperationData data)
            bool needCreatePressOperation = data.ShowGraph && CurrentPressOperation.Id == 0;

            if (needCreatePressOperation)
                CurrentPressOperation = CreatePressOperation();

            //bool badStart = needCreatePressOperation && data.DlinaSopr != 0;

            bool changeSopr = _lastDlinaSopr != data.DlinaSopr && data.DlinaSopr < 300;


            _lastDlinaSopr = data.DlinaSopr;

            bool needCreatePressOperationData = data.ShowGraph && changeSopr;

            if (needCreatePressOperationData)
                if (CurrentPressOperation.Id == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Press operaion was not created!");

                data.PressOperationId = CurrentPressOperation.Id;

                data.DispPress = data.DispPress / 100;//потому что надо


                if (CurrentPressOperation.PressOperationData == null)
                    CurrentPressOperation.PressOperationData = new BindingList <PressOperationData>();


                // FireOperationDataCreated(data);

            bool pressOperationWasFinished = !data.ShowGraph && CurrentPressOperation.Id != 0;

            if (pressOperationWasFinished)
                // TODO: проверить что обновилось на форме
                ChartForm form      = (ChartForm)UiHelper.GetFormSingle(typeof(ChartForm));
                var       operation = form.ViewModel.PressOperation;
                ReportDto reportDto = form.GetReportDto();

                /*operation.AxisNumber = reportDto.NomerOsi;
                 * operation.FactoryNumber = reportDto.NomerZavoda;
                 * System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("  reportDto.NomerZavoda" + reportDto.NomerZavoda);
                 * operation.WheelType = reportDto.TipKolesPar;
                 * operation.Side = reportDto.Storona;
                 * operation.WheelNumber = reportDto.NomerKolesa;
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.DiametrPodsChasti))
                 * {
                 * operation.DWheel = Decimal.Parse(reportDto.DiametrPodsChasti);
                 * }
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.DiametrOtvStupici))
                 * {
                 * operation.DAxis = Decimal.Parse(reportDto.DiametrOtvStupici);
                 * }
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.DlinaStupici))
                 * {
                 * operation.LengthStup = int.Parse(reportDto.DlinaStupici);
                 * }
                 * //operation.Natiag = reportDto.Natag;
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.DlinaSoprag))
                 * {
                 * operation.LengthSopriazh = int.Parse(reportDto.DlinaSoprag);
                 * }
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.UsilZapres100))
                 * {
                 * //operation.Power100Mm = Decimal.Parse(reportDto.UsilZapres100);
                 * }
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.MaxUsilZapres))
                 * {
                 * //operation.MaxPower = int.Parse(reportDto.MaxUsilZapres);
                 * }
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportDto.DlinaPramUch))
                 * {
                 * //operation.LengthLines = int.Parse(reportDto.DlinaPramUch);
                 * }
                //textBoxPods.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", ViewModel, "PressOperation.DWheel", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));
                //textBoxOtv.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", ViewModel, "PressOperation.DAxis", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));
                //textBoxDlin.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", ViewModel, "PressOperation.LengthStup", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));

                operation.Id = CurrentPressOperation.Id;

                _dal.UpdatePressOperationFieldTotal("OperationStop", operation, DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime);

                _lastDlinaSopr = 0;

                using (AutoPrint demo = new AutoPrint(reportDto))

                CurrentPressOperation.Id = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void CreateExcel(PressOperation operation)
            //Открываем шаблон
            //Приложение самого Excel
            application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
                DisplayAlerts = false
                                // Visible = false
            workBook  = application.Workbooks.Open(Filename: RegisterTemplatePath);
            worksheet = workBook.ActiveSheet as Worksheet;
            //Cчитаем мколичество заполненных строк на листе
            int iRows = worksheet.Cells[3, 1].CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1;

            //Ищем строку с таким-же номером оси
            char[] separ = { ' ', '.', '-' };
            int    flag  = 0;

            for (int i = 4; i <= iRows; i++)
                if (Convert.ToString(worksheet.Cells[i, 2].Value) == Convert.ToString(operation.DiagramNumber))
                    flag = i;
            //Если такой строки еще нет
            if (flag == 0)
                //Заполняем все общие строки
                //Заполняем дату
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, 1].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                //Заполняем номер диаграммы
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, 2].Value = operation.DiagramNumber;                        //номор диаграммы
                //Заполняем номер оси (колесной пары)
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, 4].Value = operation.FactoryNumber + operation.AxisNumber; //1 номор завода 2 номер колесной пары
                //Заполняем тип колесной пары
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, 5].Value = operation.WheelType;                            // тип колесной пары
                //Заполняем следующий столбец константой
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, 6].Value = 20;
                //Определяем какую сторону необходимо заполнять
                int col = 0;
                if (string.Compare(operation.Side, "левая", true) == 0)
                    col = 14;
                else if (string.Compare(operation.Side, "правая", true) == 0)
                    col = 7;
                    col = 7;//default falue
                //Заполняем номер ЦКК (номер колеса)
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, col].Value = operation.WheelNumber;
                //Заполняем диаметр подступичной части
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, col + 1].Value = operation.DWheel;
                //Заполняем внутренний диаметр ступицы
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, col + 2].Value = operation.DAxis;
                //Заполняем длину ступицы
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, col + 3].Value = operation.LengthStup;
                //Заполняем принятый натяг
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, col + 4].Value = operation.Natiag;
                //Заполняем конечное давление
                worksheet.Cells[iRows + 1, col + 5].Value = operation.MaxPower;
            //Если строка уже есть
                //Определяем какую сторону необходимо заполнять
                int col = 7;
                if (string.Compare(operation.Side, "левая", true) == 0)
                    col = 14;
                //else if (string.Compare(operation.Side, "правая", true) == 0)
                //    col = 7;

                //Заполняем номер ЦКК
                worksheet.Cells[flag, col].Value = operation.WheelNumber;
                //Заполняем диаметр подступичной части
                worksheet.Cells[flag, col + 1].Value = operation.DWheel;
                //Заполняем внутренний диаметр ступицы
                worksheet.Cells[flag, col + 2].Value = operation.DAxis;
                //Заполняем длину ступицы
                worksheet.Cells[flag, col + 3].Value = operation.LengthStup;
                //Заполняем принятый натяг
                worksheet.Cells[flag, col + 4].Value = operation.Natiag;
                //Заполняем конечное давление
                worksheet.Cells[flag, col + 5].Value = operation.MaxPower;

                //Тут же проверяем заполненность всех строк на листе
                //на шапку добавляем 4 строки

                //Если заполнены все необходимые строки
                if (iRows == max_rows_in_sheet + 4)
                    //Проверяем заполненность столбцов
                    bool flag_data = true;
                    for (int j = 5; j <= iRows; j++)
                        if (worksheet.Cells[j, 7].Value == null || worksheet.Cells[j, 13].Value == null)
                            flag_data = false;
                    //Если заполнены и правая и левая стороны для всех строк
                    if (flag_data == true)
                        //Печатаем файл
                        //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ТУТ ФОРМИРУЕТСЯ ИМЯ СОХРАНЯЕМОГО ФАЙЛА И ПУТЬ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        //Сохраняем файл в архив
                        //формат названия файла: год - от 01 до 99, месяц - от 01 до 12, день - от 01 до 31, часы - от 00 до 23 и т.д.
                        workBook.SaveCopyAs(@"D:\registerArchive\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy_M_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".xlsx");
                        //Очищаем файл от данных
                        for (int k = max_rows_in_sheet + 4; k > 4; k--)
                            worksheet.Cells[k, 1].EntireRow.Delete();
                        worksheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$T$" + (max_rows_in_sheet + 4);
            //Закрываем Excel
            //Перемещаем обработанный файл csv
            //string[] name = t[0].Split('\\');
            //  File.Delete(arch_path + name[name.GetUpperBound(0)]);
            // File.Move(t[0], arch_path + name[name.GetUpperBound(0)]);
            //Удаляем прочитанный файл из каталога