Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Create(HoneycombDef def, string filename)
            int p = def.P;
            int q = def.Q;
            int r = def.R;

            double   scale = 5.0;
            Vector3D cen   = HoneycombPaper.InteriorPointBall;

            Sphere[] simplex = SimplexCalcs.Mirrors(p, q, r, moveToBall: false);

            // Apply transformations.
            simplex = simplex.Select(s =>
                Sphere.ScaleSphere(s, scale);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (simplex[i].IsPointInside(cen))
                    simplex[i].Invert = true;

            Sphere[] simplexForColorScale = SimplexCalcs.Mirrors(p, q, r, moveToBall: true);
            CoxeterImages.Settings temp   = HoneycombPaper.AutoCalcScale(def, simplexForColorScale);
            int maxDepth = (int)temp.ColorScaling;

            bool ball = true;
            bool dual = false;

            H3.Cell[] simplicesFinal = HoneycombPaper.GenCell(simplex, null, cen, ball, dual);

            simplicesFinal = simplicesFinal.Where(s => s.Depths[0] < 1).ToArray();
            //simplicesFinal = simplicesFinal.Where( s => s.)

            // Output the facets.
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename))                 // We need to reuse this StreamWriter (vs. calling AppendSimplex) for performance.
                sw.WriteLine("#include \"hyper_ball.pov\"");
                int[] include = new int[] { 0 };
                foreach (H3.Cell cell in simplicesFinal)
                    Sphere[] facets = cell.Facets.Select(f => f.Sphere).ToArray();
                    int      depth  = cell.Depths[0] + 1;
                    Color    c      = Coloring.ColorAlongHexagon(maxDepth, depth);
                    PovRay.AddSimplex(sw, facets, cell.Center, include, filename, Coloring.ToVec(c));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void CreateCellPovRay(HoneycombDef def, string filename, double t = 0)
            int p = def.P;
            int q = def.Q;
            int r = def.R;

            //Vector3D trans = new Vector3D( 1.0/3, 0 ) * (2 + 2 * Math.Sin( Math.PI / 6 )) * t;
            //double scale = 1.8;
            Vector3D trans = new Vector3D();
            double   scale = 1.0;

            Vector3D[] sVerts = null;               // SimplexCalcs.VertsBall( p, q, r );

            Vector3D vUHS = H3Models.BallToUHS(SimplexCalcs.VertexPointBall(p, q, r));

            // Just did this for everything.  Non-general position working better and will make all heads consistent.
            scale = 2.0;

            if (Geometry2D.GetGeometry(q, r) != Geometry.Hyperbolic)                // Vertex-centered if possible
                scale = 1.0 / vUHS.Z;
            //else if( Geometry2D.GetGeometry( p, q ) == Geometry.Hyperbolic ) // Make the biggest head somewhat smaller.
            //	scale = 2.0;

            Vector3D cen = InteriorPointBall;

            /*var kleinVerts = sVerts.Select( v => HyperbolicModels.PoincareToKlein( v ) );
             * Vector3D avg = new Vector3D();
             * foreach( Vector3D v in kleinVerts )
             *      avg += v;
             * avg /= kleinVerts.Count();
             * Vector3D cen = HyperbolicModels.KleinToPoincare( avg );*/
            cen  = H3Models.BallToUHS(cen);
            cen += trans;
            //cen *= scale;
            cen = H3Models.UHSToBall(cen);

            Sphere[] simplex = SimplexCalcs.Mirrors(p, q, r, moveToBall: false);

            // Apply transformations.
            simplex = simplex.Select(s =>
                Sphere.TranslateSphere(s, trans);
                Sphere.ScaleSphere(s, scale);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (simplex[i].IsPointInside(cen))
                    simplex[i].Invert = true;

            Sphere[] simplexForColorScale = SimplexCalcs.Mirrors(p, q, r, moveToBall: true);
            CoxeterImages.Settings temp   = AutoCalcScale(def, simplexForColorScale);
            int maxDepth = (int)temp.ColorScaling;
            //Random rand = new Random( p+q+r );
            //int randOffset = rand.Next( maxDepth );

            bool ball = true;
            bool dual = false;

            H3.Cell[] simplicesFinal = GenCell(simplex, null, cen, ball, dual);

            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename))                 // We need to reuse this StreamWriter (vs. calling AppendSimplex) for performance.
                sw.WriteLine("#include \"hyper_ball.pov\"");

                //int[] include = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
                int[] include = new int[] { 0 };
                if (dual)
                    include = new int[] { 3 }

                // Output the facets.
                foreach (H3.Cell cell in simplicesFinal)
                    Sphere[] facets = cell.Facets.Select(f => f.Sphere).ToArray();
                    if (m_toKlein)
                        facets = facets.Select(s => H3Models.BallToKlein(s)).ToArray();

                    int   depth = cell.Depths[0] + 1;
                    Color c     = Coloring.ColorAlongHexagon(maxDepth, depth);
                    if (cell.Depths.Sum() % 2 == 0)
                        c = Coloring.Inverse(c);
                    PovRay.AddSimplex(sw, facets, cell.Center, include, filename, Coloring.ToVec(c));

                /*include = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
                 * foreach( H3.Cell cell in simplicesFinal )
                 * {
                 *      Sphere[] facets = cell.Facets.Select( f => f.Sphere ).ToArray();
                 *      Color c = Color.Red;
                 *      Vector3D cv = Coloring.ToVec( c );
                 *      cv.W = 0.9;
                 *      PovRay.AddSimplex( sw, facets, cell.Center, include, filename, cv );
                 * }*/

            // Output the edges/verts.
            bool includeEdges = false;

            if (includeEdges)
                sVerts = sVerts.Select(v =>
                    v  = H3Models.BallToUHS(v);
                    v += trans;
                    v *= scale;

                H3.Cell.Edge[] edges = Recurse.CalcEdges(simplex.Skip(1).ToArray(),
                                                         new H3.Cell.Edge[] { new H3.Cell.Edge(sVerts[2], sVerts[3], order: false) },
                                                         new Recurse.Settings()
                    Threshold = 0.01
                PovRay.WriteH3Edges(new PovRay.Parameters {
                    AngularThickness = 0.01
                }, edges, filename, append: true);

                HashSet <Vector3D> verts = new HashSet <Vector3D>();
                foreach (H3.Cell.Edge e in edges)
                PovRay.WriteVerts(new PovRay.Parameters {
                    AngularThickness = 0.02
                }, Geometry.Hyperbolic, verts.ToArray(), filename, append: true);