Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Dungeon Quest");
            Console.Title = "Dungeon Quest";

            Console.WriteLine("Greetings Traveler! Welcome to the mystical dungeon of Rathnar. " +
                              "Please tell me more about you.\nName: ");
            string userName        = Console.ReadLine();
            Race   characterRace   = Race.Human;
            Weapon characterWeapon = new Weapon("Rusty Long sword", 1, 6, 5, false);

            Console.WriteLine("\nNow choose a race:\n" +
                              "H)uman\n" +
                              "D)warf\n" +
            ConsoleKey userRace = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;

            switch (userRace)
            case ConsoleKey.H:
                characterRace   = Race.Human;
                characterWeapon = new Weapon("Rusty Long sword", 1, 6, 5, false);

            case ConsoleKey.D:
                characterRace   = Race.Dwarf;
                characterWeapon = new Weapon("Trusty Battle Axe", 1, 10, -6, true);

            case ConsoleKey.E:
                characterRace   = Race.Elf;
                characterWeapon = new Weapon("Elvish sword", 1, 10, 6, false);

                Console.WriteLine("That was not a vaild choice. Your punishment is a human");

            Console.WriteLine("Interesting... I hope you are prepared for what lies ahead traveler." +
                              "You will find a weapon in the first room. From there you will traverse the dungeon " +
                              "in search of awesome loot and to maybe defeat the dungeon keeper himself! Good " +
                              "luck... you'll need it. *You enter the dungeon, excited but terrifed by what the old " +
                              "man said.*\n");

            Player player = new Player(userName, 50, 50, 65, 5, 0, characterRace, characterWeapon);

            bool exit  = false;
            int  score = 0;

                //Console.WriteLine(GetRoom() + "\n");
                Skeleton s1 = new Skeleton("Skeleton", 10, 10, 50, 5, 10, 1, 5, "The skeleton stands before you with a dead stare" +
                                           "looking into your soul. It readys it's weapon to fight.");
                Monster m1 = new Monster("Zombie", 15, 15, 55, 4, 15, 1, 7, "The old rotting body of a previous adventurer approches you," +
                                         "it seems hungry...");
                Monster m2 = new Monster("Necromancer", 20, 20, 65, 6, 20, 3, 10, "The necromacer challenges you for killing their " +
                Monster m3 = new Monster("Wraith", 13, 13, 50, 6, 20, 1, 7, "The pale shadowy figure sits there floating as you aproach.");
                Vampire v1 = new Vampire("Vampire Lord", 20, 20, 60, 7, 25, 3, 10, "A pale figure stands before you with blood dripping" +
                                         "from it's fangs...");
                Monster m4 = new Monster("Rathnar", 100, 100, 55, 10, 1000000, 5, 10, "The ancient " +
                                         "dragon stands before you!");
                Monster[] monsters =
                    s1, s1, m1, m1, m3, m2, v1
                //Console.WriteLine("Standing before you is a " + monster.Name + ".\n");
                Monster monster = monsters[new Random().Next(monsters.Length)];
                Console.Title = "Gold:" + score;
                Monster finalMonster = m4;
                if (score >= 1000)
                    monster = m4;
                    Console.WriteLine("You approch a large set of doors. It says, 'those who brave the " +
                                      "dungeon and aquire a large sum of gold will be able to enter'. You have bested" +
                                      "many monsters to reach this room, the doors open and you see mounds of gold " +
                                      "as you enter the mounds starts to fall and a large creature emerges...\n");
                    Console.WriteLine(m4.Name + " " + m4.Description);
                } //end if

                    Console.WriteLine(GetRoom() + "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Standing before you is a " + monster.Name + ".\n");

                bool reload = false;

                //ToDo add potions make a seperate method and put the funtionality for it there
                //as well to buy more potentially

                    Console.WriteLine("Choose and action\n" +
                                      "A)ttack\n" +
                                      "F)lee\n" +
                                      "P)layer Stats\n" +
                                      "M)onster Stats\n" +
                                      "R)estore Health");
                    ConsoleKey userChoice = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;

                    switch (userChoice)
                    case ConsoleKey.A:
                        Combat.DoBattle(player, monster);
                        if (monster.Life < 1)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            Console.WriteLine("You Killed the {0}", monster.Name);
                            score     += monster.XP;
                            player.XP += monster.XP;
                            reload     = true;
                        }    //end if
                        if (m4.Life < 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("Rathnar lays at your feet... as you admire the wealth you gained, " +
                                              "a dark force surrounds you. You hear the old mans voice saying 'you are now the master of this dungeon..." +
                                              "bound forever until you meet your end to the new master of the dungeon'. " +
                                              "*You try and leave but some force holds you back...*");
                            exit = true;

                    case ConsoleKey.F:
                        Console.WriteLine("RUN AWAY!!!");
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} attacks you as you flee!", monster.Name);
                        Combat.DoAttack(monster, player);
                        reload = true;

                    case ConsoleKey.P:

                    case ConsoleKey.M:

                    case ConsoleKey.R:
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} attacks you as you heal!", monster.Name);
                        Combat.DoAttack(monster, player);

                    case ConsoleKey.Escape:
                        Console.WriteLine("Farwell traveler! Try again soon.");
                        exit = true;

                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid action. Try again.");
                    }//end switch
                    if (player.Life < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("You have been slain by the {0}!", monster.Name);
                        exit = true;
                    }//end if player dies
                } while (!reload && !exit);
            } while (!exit);
            Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER" +
        }//end Main()