public ActionResult Upload(ImageTable IT)
            if (IT.File.ContentLength > (4 * 1024 * 1024))
                ModelState.AddModelError("CustomError", "File size must be less than 4MB");
                return View(IT);
            if (!(IT.File.ContentType == "image/jpeg" || IT.File.ContentType == "image/gif"))
                ModelState.AddModelError("CustomError", "File type allowed: jpeg and gif");

            IT.FileName = IT.File.FileName;
            IT.ImageSize = IT.File.ContentLength;
            byte[] data = new byte[IT.File.ContentLength];
            IT.File.InputStream.Read(data, 0, IT.File.ContentLength);

            IT.ImageData = data;

            using (PostsDataBaseEntities dc = new PostsDataBaseEntities())
            return RedirectToAction("ImageFetching");
        public ActionResult ImageFetching()
            List<ImageTable> listAll = new List<ImageTable>();

            using (PostsDataBaseEntities dc = new PostsDataBaseEntities())
                listAll = dc.ImageTables.ToList();
            return View(listAll);