Exemplo n.º 1
        //gets selected post with pagination except for banned user's post(used in the index)
        public PostWithEntriesWithPaginationViewModel GetSelectedPostWithEntries(int id, int currentPage = 1)
            var        user              = _httpContext.HttpContext.User;
            int?       UserId            = null;
            List <int> blockedUserIdList = new List <int>();

            //gets blocked user list
            if (user.Claims.Count() > 0)
                UserId = int.Parse(user.Claims.ToList().First(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value);
                foreach (var item in _blockedUserService.GetAll(UserId.Value))
            var itemSize   = 5;
            var postListVM = new PostWithEntriesWithPaginationViewModel();
            var getPost    = _postRepository.Get(x => x.Id == id);

            if (getPost != null)
                postListVM.Post.Title = getPost.Title;
                postListVM.Post.ClickCount = getPost.ClickCount;
                postListVM.Post.Id         = id;
                postListVM.CurrentPage     = currentPage;
                var itemCount = _entryRepository.GetAll(x => x.PostId == getPost.Id).Where(x => !blockedUserIdList.Contains(x.UserId)).Count();
                var pageCount = itemCount / itemSize + (itemCount % itemSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);
                postListVM.PreviousPage = currentPage - 1 > 0 ? currentPage - 1 : pageCount;
                postListVM.NextPage     = currentPage + 1 <= pageCount ? currentPage + 1 : 1;
                postListVM.PageCount    = pageCount;

                var postEntries = _entryRepository.GetAll(x => x.PostId == getPost.Id).Include("User")
                                  .Where(x => !blockedUserIdList.Contains(x.UserId))
                                  .Skip((currentPage - 1) * itemSize)
                if (postEntries != null)
                    foreach (var item in postEntries)
                        var entryModel = new EntryWithRatingViewModel();
                        entryModel.Content      = item.Content;
                        entryModel.UserId       = item.UserId;
                        entryModel.CreateDate   = item.CreateDate;
                        entryModel.UpdateDate   = item.UpdateDate;
                        entryModel.Id           = item.Id;
                        entryModel.UserName     = item.User.UserName;
                        entryModel.LikeCount    = _entryRatingService.GetLikeCount(item.Id);
                        entryModel.DislikeCount = _entryRatingService.GetDislikeCount(item.Id);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //main screen-returns the selected post in the selected category with entries to the index page, and also get data to viewbags to pass layout
        public IActionResult Index(int postCategoryId = 1, int postId = 1, int selectPageNumber = 1)
            ViewBag.UserInfo         = _accountService.GetUserInfos();
            ViewBag.SelectedCategory = _postCategoryService.GetSelectedCategory(x => x.Id == postCategoryId);
            ViewBag.CategoryList     = _postCategoryService.GetAllCategories();
            ViewBag.PostList         = _postService.GetPostListByCategoryWithEntries(postCategoryId);
            ViewBag.postCategoryId   = postCategoryId;

            var postWithEntriesViewModel = new PostWithEntriesWithPaginationViewModel();

            postWithEntriesViewModel = _postService.GetSelectedPostWithEntries(postId, selectPageNumber);