/// <summary>
        /// Check that result of post session is Created (201), and that the user handle returned is matches
        /// the one passed found in the UserPrincipal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionResultPostUser">result of create session operation</param>
        public void CheckPostSessionResult201(IHttpActionResult actionResultPostUser)
            // Check that create user worked
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResultPostUser, typeof(CreatedNegotiatedContentResult <PostSessionResponse>));
            PostSessionResponse postSessionResponse = (actionResultPostUser as CreatedNegotiatedContentResult <PostSessionResponse>).Content;

            if (this.UserPrincipal.UserHandle != null)
                Assert.AreEqual(this.UserPrincipal.UserHandle, postSessionResponse.UserHandle);
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostSession([FromBody] PostSessionRequest request)
            string className  = "SessionsController";
            string methodName = "PostSession";
            string logEntry   = $"SessionUserHandle = {request?.UserHandle}";

            this.LogControllerStart(this.log, className, methodName, logEntry);

            // Check whether user handle is null
            if (this.UserHandle == null)
                this.log.LogError("Unauthorized because PostSession called without a user handle");

            // The auth's user principal must have the same user handle as the one in PostSession request
            if (this.UserHandle != request.UserHandle)
                this.log.LogError(string.Format("Unauthorized because one user handle called PostSession on behalf of another user handle. Auth's UserHandle: {0}, Request's UserHandle: {1}", this.User, request.UserHandle));

            // Is user handle registered with this app?
            var userProfileEntity = await this.usersManager.ReadUserProfile(this.UserHandle, this.AppHandle);

            if (userProfileEntity == null)
                this.log.LogError(string.Format("No user profile found for this app. UserHandle: {0}, AppHandle {1}", this.UserHandle, this.AppHandle));

            // Generate session token
            string sessionToken = await this.tokenManager.CreateToken(this.AppPrincipal, this.UserPrincipal, this.sessionTokenDuration);

            PostSessionResponse response = new PostSessionResponse()
                UserHandle   = this.UserHandle,
                SessionToken = sessionToken

            // Log user session start to app metrics

            this.LogControllerEnd(this.log, className, methodName, logEntry);
            return(this.Created <PostSessionResponse>(this.UserHandle, response));