Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetPost(string Slug)
            var post = await _context.Posts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(w => w.Slug == Slug);

            if (post == null)

            PostOut postOut = new PostOut
                BlogPost = new PostOut.Post
                    Slug                            = post.Slug,
                    Title                           = post.Title,
                    Description                     = post.Description,
                    Body                            = post.Body,
                    CreatedAt                       = post.CreatedAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ"),
                    UpdatedAt                       = post.UpdatedAt != null?post.UpdatedAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ") : "n/a",
                                               Tags = await _context.PostTags.Where(w => w.PostId == post.Slug).Select(x => x.Tag.Name).ToListAsync()

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Put(string slug, PostToDb update)
            var post = await _context.Posts.Where(w => w.Slug == slug).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (post == null)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(update.blogPost.Title))
                var          updateSlug = update.blogPost.Title;
                RegexOptions options    = RegexOptions.None;
                Regex        regex      = new Regex("[ ]{2,}", options);
                updateSlug = regex.Replace(updateSlug, " ");
                updateSlug = updateSlug.Replace(" ", "_").ToLower();

                //post.Slug = updateSlug; -- important rule of EF said that we can't change ID, so I will go in another way

                Post p = new Post // create new post with new slug and title
                    Slug        = updateSlug,
                    Body        = post.Body, //  update.blogPost.Body = maybe is empty so I will update body in next if statement
                    CreatedAt   = post.CreatedAt,
                    Title       = update.blogPost.Title,
                    Description = post.Description
                await _context.Posts.AddAsync(p);

                var postsTags = _context.PostTags.Include(x => x.Tag).Where(w => w.PostId == slug).ToList(); // all tags related to choosen post

                foreach (var postTags in postsTags)                                                          // After I created new post, adding tags with new post slug
                    PostTag pT = new PostTag
                        PostId = p.Slug,
                        TagId  = postTags.TagId

                    await _context.PostTags.AddAsync(pT);

                //then delete post and related tags
                var deletePostTags = _context.PostTags.Where(w => w.PostId == slug).ToList(); // find all rows in table PostTags

                _context.PostTags.RemoveRange(deletePostTags);                                // delete all rows with wanted slug
                _context.Posts.Remove(post);                                                  // last but not least, removing post

                post = p; //  post is global variable so I can use it further
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(update.blogPost.Description))
                post.Description = update.blogPost.Description;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(update.blogPost.Body))
                post.Body = update.blogPost.Body;

            post.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            _context.Attach(post);             //new post is already in database
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // update Description and Body if its changed

            PostOut postOut = new PostOut
                BlogPost = new PostOut.Post
                    Slug                            = post.Slug,
                    Title                           = post.Title,
                    Description                     = post.Description,
                    Body                            = post.Body,
                    CreatedAt                       = post.CreatedAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ"),
                    UpdatedAt                       = post.UpdatedAt != null?post.UpdatedAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ") : "n/a",
                                               Tags = await _context.PostTags.Where(w => w.PostId == post.Slug).Select(x => x.Tag.Name).ToListAsync()
