Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, PostModels p, HttpPostedFileBase Image)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid || Image == null || Image.ContentLength == 0)
            //if (Image.FileName==null)
            //    Image.FileName = "default.png";
            p.Image = Image.FileName;

            Post post = ps.GetById(id);

            post.Title        = p.Title;
            post.Description  = p.Description;
            post.Privacy      = p.Privacy;
            post.Image        = p.Image;
            post.PostDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/"), Image.FileName);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            PostModels pst = db.Posts.Find(id);

            var manager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
            var author  = manager.FindById(pst.UserID);

            var viewpost = new IdentityPostViewModel()
                category     = pst.category,
                UserFullName = author.Name + " " + author.Surname,
                content      = pst.content,
                dateCreated  = pst.dateCreated,
                postID       = pst.postID,
                title        = pst.title,
                UserID       = pst.UserID,
                lastModified = pst.lastModified

            if (pst == null)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ActionResult Create(PostModels p, HttpPostedFileBase Image)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid || Image == null || Image.ContentLength == 0)
     p.Image = Image.FileName;
         Post post = new Post
             PostId       = p.Id,
             Title        = p.Title,
             Description  = p.Description,
             Privacy      = p.Privacy,
             Image        = p.Image,
             PostDateTime = DateTime.Now
         var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/"), Image.FileName);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AddPost(PostModels post)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string postTo;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(post.PostToId))
                    postTo = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                    postTo = post.PostToId;

                PostModels postModel = new PostModels()
                    Text         = post.Text,
                    PostFromId   = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                    PostToId     = postTo,
                    PostDateTime = DateTime.Now

        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            PostModels postmodels = db.Posts.Find(id);

Exemplo n.º 6
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "PostId,Title,PostContent")] PostModels postModel)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
        // GET: /Post/Edit/5

        public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
            PostModels postmodels = db.Posts.Find(id);

            if (postmodels == null)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Post_list_hot(int?cate_id)
            PostModels    postModels = new PostModels();
            List <C_Post> listPost   = new List <C_Post>();

            postModels.ClearCache(CommonGlobal.Post + CommonGlobal.CateNews + LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName + int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberListLatestNews", "0")));
            listPost = postModels.TopPostHot(CommonGlobal.CateNews, cate_id, LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName, int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberListLatestNews", "0")));

            return(this.PartialView("../control/post_list_hot", listPost));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task DeleteMessage(Guid postId, HttpClient httpClient)
            await httpClient.DeleteAsync($"Post/{postId}");

            var deletedMessage = PostModels.FirstOrDefault(postModel => postModel.PostId == postId);


Exemplo n.º 10
 public ActionResult Edit(PostModels postmodels)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(postmodels).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult Create(int Type, String Title, String Tag, String Lead, String Context)
            if (Type == 0)
                var Emergency = new EmergencyNewsModels();
                Emergency.Title       = Title;
                Emergency.Tag         = Tag;
                Emergency.Lead        = Lead;
                Emergency.Context     = Context;
                Emergency.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                Emergency.School      = SchoolID;
                Emergency.Delete      = 0;
                Emergency.PostBy      = "TA";


            else if (Type == 1)
                var New = new NewsClassModels();
                New.Title       = Title;
                New.Tag         = Tag;
                New.Lead        = Lead;
                New.Context     = Context;
                New.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                New.School      = SchoolID;
                New.Delete      = 0;
                New.PostBy      = "TA";


            else if (Type == 2)
                var Post = new PostModels();
                Post.Title       = Title;
                Post.Tag         = Tag;
                Post.Lead        = Lead;
                Post.Context     = Context;
                Post.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                Post.School      = SchoolID;
                Post.Delete      = 0;
                Post.PostBy      = "TA";



Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the status is hot post.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>update status is hot post</returns>
        public ActionResult Update_status_is_hot_post(string id, string status, string type)
            PostModels postModel = new PostModels();
            C_Post     objPost   = new C_Post();
            bool       isOk      = false;

            if (UserModels.CheckPermission(this.Session["mem"] != null ? this.Session["mem"].ToString() : string.Empty, "change_post", "adminPost", CommonGlobal.Edit, type))
                isOk = true;
                isOk = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                if (int.Parse(id) > 0)
                    objPost = postModel.GetbyID(int.Parse(id));

                if (objPost != null)
                        if (bool.Parse(status) == true)
                            objPost.IsHot = true;
                            objPost.IsHot = false;

                        if (isOk)
                            objPost.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
                    catch (Exception)

            var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var results        = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "|" + objPost.IsHot;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult CreateAnswer(Answer answer)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                PostModels postmodel = db.Posts.Find(answer.Id);
                answer.PosModelsId = postmodel.Id;
                // db.Answers.Add(answer);

                return(RedirectToAction("ViewAnswers", new{ id = answer.PosModelsId }));
Exemplo n.º 14
        // GET: Post/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            PostModels posts = db.Posts.Find(id);

            if (posts == null)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public ResultSet deletePost(PostModels PM)
         var postId = new SqlParameter("@postId", PM.PostId);
         return(Context.Database.SqlQuery <ResultSet>(@"EXEC sp_delete_post postId=@postId", postId).FirstOrDefault());
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new ResultSet()
             code = 0, message = ex.Message
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult Create(PostModels postmodels)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                CategoryTopic categoryTopic = db.CategoryTopics.Find(postmodels.CategoryId);
                postmodels.PosterName = User.Identity.Name;
                postmodels.DateSubmit = DateTime.Now.Date;
                //   db.Posts.Add(postmodels);

Exemplo n.º 17
 public HttpResponseMessage GetPost(string method, PostModels post)
         using (var provider = new PostProvider())
             return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, provider.getAll()));
     catch (Exception ex)
         result.code    = 0;
         result.message = ex.Message;
         return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, result));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public ResultSet createPost(PostModels PM)
         var postTitle       = new SqlParameter("@postTitle", PM.PostTitle);
         var postDescription = new SqlParameter("@postDescription", PM.PostDescription);
         return(Context.Database.SqlQuery <ResultSet>(@"EXEC sp_create_post postTitle=@postTitle,postDescription=@postDescription", postTitle, postDescription).FirstOrDefault());
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new ResultSet()
             code = 0, message = ex.Message
Exemplo n.º 19
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "postID,title,content,category,status,dateCreated,lastModified")] PostModels posts)
            //The following two lines automatically sets date created & modified variables to the current date & time
            posts.dateCreated  = DateTime.Now;
            posts.lastModified = DateTime.Now;

            posts.UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)

Exemplo n.º 20
        // GET: Post/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            Post       post = ps.GetById(id);
            PostModels p    = new PostModels
                Id           = post.PostId,
                Title        = post.Title,
                Description  = post.Description,
                Image        = post.Image,
                Privacy      = post.Privacy,
                PostDateTime = post.PostDateTime

            if (p == null)
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id, PostModels post)
            if (!id.HasValue)

            var dbpost = DbContext.Posts.Where(p => p.Id == id).Include(p => p.PostedForum).Include(p => p.SenderId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (dbpost == null)

            if (!(User.Identity.GetUserId() == dbpost.SenderId.Id || User.IsInRole("Admin")))
            dbpost.Content = post.Content;

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Forum", new { id = dbpost.PostedForum.Id }));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public HttpResponseMessage update([FromBody] PostModels PM)
         if (!ModelState.IsValid)
             return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new ResultSet()
                 code = 0, message = "Bad Request"
         using (var provider = new PostProvider())
             return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, provider.updatePost(PM)));
     catch (Exception ex)
         result.code    = 0;
         result.message = ex.Message;
         return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, result));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult Post_list_view()
            PostModels postModels = new PostModels();
            var        list_view  = new ViewModels.List_post_view();
            ArrayList  viewLst    = new ArrayList();

            HttpCookie mycookie = Request.Cookies["listPostView"];

            if (mycookie != null)
                var arr = mycookie.Value.Split(',');
                for (int j = arr.Count() - 1; j > 0; j--)
                    ////max 3
                    if ((arr.Count() - j) <= 3)

            if (viewLst.Count <= 0)
                list_view.Message   = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messErrorWishlist;
                list_view.ListView  = null;
                list_view.ItemCount = "0";
                list_view.Message   = string.Empty;
                list_view.ListView  = new ArrayList(postModels.GetListPostView(viewLst));
                list_view.ItemCount = postModels.GetListPostView(viewLst).Count.ToString();

            return(this.PartialView("../control/post_list_view", list_view));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult Post_detail(int?id, int?cate_id, string back_link, string cate_type)
            string       url          = Request.Url.ToString();
            RatingModels ratingModels = new RatingModels();
            PostModels   postModels   = new PostModels();

            id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0;

            var post_view = new ViewModels.Post_detail_view();

            if (id == 0)
                postModels.ClearCache(CommonGlobal.Post + string.Empty + id);
                C_Post obj = postModels.GetbyID((int)id);
                if (obj.PostID == 0)

                ////post_view.listRating = ratingModels.GetListRatingByItem(obj.PostID);
                ////StringBuilder _html5 = new StringBuilder();
                ////for (int j = 0; j < post_view.listRating.Count; j++)

                ////    _html5.Append("<div class=\"review-header\">");
                ////    _html5.Append("   <h5>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post_view.listRating[j].name) + "</h5>");
                ////    _html5.Append("   <div class=\"product-rating\">");
                ////    _html5.Append("      <div class=\"stars\">");
                ////    var start = post_view.listRating[j].Rating ?? 0;
                ////    var other = 5 - start;
                ////    for (int jj = 0; jj < other; jj++)
                ////    {
                ////        _html5.Append("<span class=\"star\"></span>");
                ////    }
                ////    for (int ii = 0; ii < start; ii++)
                ////    {
                ////        _html5.Append("<span class=\"star active\"></span>");
                ////    }
                ////    _html5.Append("      </div>");
                ////    _html5.Append("   </div>");
                ////    _html5.Append("</div>");
                ////    _html5.Append("<div class=\"review-body\">");
                ////    _html5.Append("   <p>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post_view.listRating[j].contents) + "</p>");
                ////    _html5.Append("</div>");
                ////    _html5.Append("<hr>");
                ////post_view.ltrRating = _html5.ToString();
                ////post_view.ratingSum = ratingModels.GetRatingSumforItem(obj.PostID);
                ////post_view.ratingTotal = ratingModels.GetRatingTotalforItem(obj.PostID);

                ////StringBuilder _html6 = new StringBuilder();
                ////var start_no = post_view.ratingTotal != 0 ? (post_view.ratingSum / post_view.ratingTotal) : 0;
                ////var other_no = 5 - start_no;
                ////for (int jj = 0; jj < other_no; jj++)
                ////    _html6.Append("<span class=\"star\"></span>");
                ////for (int ii = 0; ii < start_no; ii++)
                ////    _html6.Append("<span class=\"star active\"></span>");
                ////post_view.ratingStart = _html6.ToString();

                post_view.ListOther = postModels.GetOthers(obj.PostID, obj.CatelogID ?? 0, LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName, int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberOtherNews", "3")));

                CatalogModels catalogModel = new CatalogModels();
                C_Catalog     cateItem     = new C_Catalog();

                if (cate_id == 0)
                    if (obj.CatelogID != null && obj.CatelogID != 0)
                        cate_id = obj.CatelogID;

                cateItem = catalogModel.GetbyID((int)cate_id);

                post_view.PostID       = obj.PostID;
                post_view.PostName     = obj.PostName;
                post_view.Title        = obj.Title;
                post_view.Summary      = CommonGlobal.CutString(obj.Summary, 500);
                post_view.CatalogID    = obj.CatelogID;
                post_view.ImagePath    = obj.ImagePath;
                post_view.Link         = obj.Link;
                post_view.PostContent  = obj.PostContent;
                post_view.DateModified = obj.DateModified;
                post_view.IsHot        = obj.IsHot;
                post_view.Lang         = obj.Lang;
                post_view.Keyword      = obj.Keyword;
                post_view.Description  = obj.Description;
                post_view.OrderDisplay = obj.OrderDisplay;
                post_view.Approve      = obj.Approve;
                post_view.Cate_id      = cate_id ?? 0;
                post_view.Cate_type    = cate_type;
                post_view.Url          = url;

            return(this.PartialView("../control/post_detail", post_view));
        public static void SeedUsers(ApplicationDbContext context)
            // Create the users
            UserStore <ApplicationUser>   store   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context);
            UserManager <ApplicationUser> manager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(store);

            ApplicationUser eliasU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(eliasU, "password");
            ApplicationUser nicoU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(nicoU, "password");
            ApplicationUser oskarU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(oskarU, "password");
            ApplicationUser randomU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(randomU, "password");
            ApplicationUser corazonU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(corazonU, "password");
            ApplicationUser andreasU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(andreasU, "password");
            ApplicationUser mathiasU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(mathiasU, "password");
            ApplicationUser lightU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(lightU, "password");
            ApplicationUser hakU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(hakU, "password");
            ApplicationUser alfonsU = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"

            manager.Create(alfonsU, "password");

            // Define Profiles
            ProfileModels eliasP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = eliasU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Elias",
                LastName     = "Stagg",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "This is an example biography of the profile for Elias Stagg.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1998, 04, 22),
                Desperation  = 10,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 4,
                Pride        = 6,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/stagg.jpg")
            ProfileModels nicoP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = nicoU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Nicolas",
                LastName     = "Björkefors",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "This is an example biography of the profile for Nicolas Björkefors.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1998, 01, 05),
                Desperation  = 9,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 3,
                Pride        = 8,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/smugOkuu.png")
            ProfileModels oskarP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = oskarU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Oskar",
                LastName     = "Olofsson",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "This is an example biography of the profile for Oskar Olofsson.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1982, 09, 15),
                Desperation  = 9,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 10,
                Pride        = 1,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/pickadoller.jpg")
            ProfileModels randomP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = randomU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Random",
                LastName     = "Svensson",
                Gender       = Gender.Attackhelicopter,
                Biography    = "This is an example biography of the profile for Random Svensson.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1980, 08, 14),
                Desperation  = 5,
                Loneliness   = 6,
                Horniness    = 10,
                Pride        = 9,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/random.png")
            ProfileModels corazonP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = corazonU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Corazon",
                LastName     = "D'amico",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "Este es un ejemplo de biografía del perfil de Corazon D'amico.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1971, 07, 15),
                Desperation  = 10,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 7,
                Pride        = 3,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/corazon.png")
            ProfileModels andreasP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = andreasU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Andreas",
                LastName     = "Ask",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "Ja, nu har du hittat min profil. Diskutera vad detta innebär sakligt i par eller nåt. Och förresten har någon sett min fez?",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1900, 01, 25),
                Desperation  = 8,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 7,
                Pride        = 5,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/ask.jpg")
            ProfileModels mathiasP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = mathiasU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Mathias",
                LastName     = "Hatakka",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "Jag har en katt, och katten. Har flera katter. Mitt hem är praktiskt taget ett katthem.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1900, 05, 11),
                Desperation  = 5,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 7,
                Pride        = 8,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/katt.jpg")
            ProfileModels lightP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = lightU.Id,
                FirstName    = "月",
                LastName     = "夜神",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "を魚取り、ヌードリングする",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1996, 03, 22),
                Desperation  = 3,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 7,
                Pride        = 10,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/light.png")
            ProfileModels hakP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = hakU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Hak",
                LastName     = "Son",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "Don't come near me or the princess. I'll kill you.",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(1982, 09, 29),
                Desperation  = 2,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 8,
                Pride        = 10,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/hak.png")
            ProfileModels alfonsP = new ProfileModels {
                Id           = alfonsU.Id,
                FirstName    = "Alfons",
                LastName     = "Åberg",
                Gender       = Gender.Man,
                Biography    = "Någon som vill med på brajbaxningsäventyr?",
                BirthDate    = new DateTime(2002, 12, 11),
                Desperation  = 6,
                Loneliness   = 10,
                Horniness    = 4,
                Pride        = 10,
                ProfileImage = setInitializerProfilePicture("/Content/Images/braj.png")

            // Define Posts
            PostModels post1 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = eliasU.Id,
                PostToId     = randomU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 12, 14, 44, 24),
                Text         = "Praise RNGesus!"
            PostModels post2 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = oskarU.Id,
                PostToId     = randomU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 13, 23, 45, 02),
                Text         = "Shit asså."
            PostModels post3 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = nicoU.Id,
                PostToId     = randomU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 14, 19, 01, 08),
                Text         = "Söker efter någon att spela Pokémon Reborn med!"
            PostModels post4 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = randomU.Id,
                PostToId     = randomU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 15, 17, 33, 48),
                Text         = "Does this thing work?"
            PostModels post5 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = nicoU.Id,
                PostToId     = corazonU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 15, 07, 27, 33),
                Text         = "I'm your biggest fan!"
            PostModels post6 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = corazonU.Id,
                PostToId     = corazonU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 15, 08, 03, 17),
                Text         = "Gracias."
            PostModels post7 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = corazonU.Id,
                PostToId     = eliasU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 16, 17, 28, 51),
                Text         = "Hola señor."
            PostModels post8 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = oskarU.Id,
                PostToId     = nicoU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 18, 22, 04, 55),
                Text         = "Mate, get stuck in there. Scrum!"
            PostModels post9 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = eliasU.Id,
                PostToId     = randomU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 20, 19, 05, 33),
                Text         = "Fett avis på din randomness."
            PostModels post10 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = lightU.Id,
                PostToId     = alfonsU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 22, 21, 09, 53),
                Text         = "死ね、 人間のくず"
            PostModels post11 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = alfonsU.Id,
                PostToId     = mathiasU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 22, 21, 05, 18),
                Text         = "Hej jag vill klappa katter."
            PostModels post12 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                PostToId     = eliasU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 23, 07, 48, 32),
                Text         = "Kom ihåg att evaluera dina hattalternativ noga varje morgon. Idag valde jag min fez."
            PostModels post13 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = mathiasU.Id,
                PostToId     = oskarU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 24, 11, 39, 33),
                Text         = "En av mina katter har tappat sitt hår. Får jag låna lite av ditt?"
            PostModels post14 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = nicoU.Id,
                PostToId     = lightU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 24, 22, 52, 04),
                Text         = "私はLですwwww."
            PostModels post15 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = oskarU.Id,
                PostToId     = alfonsU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 25, 10, 41, 52),
                Text         = "Har svårt att stå emot en sådan lockande inbjudan! Hänger med på studs."
            PostModels post16 = new PostModels {
                PostFromId   = alfonsU.Id,
                PostToId     = andreasU.Id,
                PostDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 02, 14, 06, 37, 09),
                Text         = "Eyy, Andy! Ska du med och baxa braj?"

            // Define requests
            RequestModels request1 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = nicoU.Id,
                RequestToId     = corazonU.Id
            RequestModels request2 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = oskarU.Id,
                RequestToId     = corazonU.Id
            RequestModels request3 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = oskarU.Id,
                RequestToId     = eliasU.Id
            RequestModels request4 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = randomU.Id,
                RequestToId     = eliasU.Id
            RequestModels request5 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = nicoU.Id,
                RequestToId     = lightU.Id
            RequestModels request6 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = lightU.Id,
                RequestToId     = mathiasU.Id
            RequestModels request7 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = randomU.Id,
                RequestToId     = alfonsU.Id
            RequestModels request8 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = alfonsU.Id,
                RequestToId     = eliasU.Id
            RequestModels request9 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = hakU.Id,
                RequestToId     = eliasU.Id
            RequestModels request10 = new RequestModels {
                RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                RequestFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                RequestToId     = nicoU.Id

            // Define FriendCategories
            FriendCategoryModels category1 = new FriendCategoryModels {
                CategoryName = "Default"
            FriendCategoryModels category2 = new FriendCategoryModels {
                CategoryName = "Acquaintances"
            FriendCategoryModels category3 = new FriendCategoryModels {
                CategoryName = "BFFs"

            // Define Visits
            VisitorModels eliasV1 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 25, 10, 41, 52),
                VisitFromId   = nicoU.Id,
                VisitToId     = eliasU.Id
            VisitorModels eliasV2 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 05, 15, 12, 54, 8),
                VisitFromId   = oskarU.Id,
                VisitToId     = eliasU.Id
            VisitorModels eliasV3 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 05, 04, 22, 21, 54),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = eliasU.Id
            VisitorModels eliasV4 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 02, 21, 23, 15, 12),
                VisitFromId   = lightU.Id,
                VisitToId     = eliasU.Id
            VisitorModels eliasV5 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 05, 25, 13, 41, 45),
                VisitFromId   = randomU.Id,
                VisitToId     = eliasU.Id
            VisitorModels nicoV1 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 05, 25, 13, 41, 45),
                VisitFromId   = randomU.Id,
                VisitToId     = nicoU.Id
            VisitorModels nicoV2 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 07, 30, 20, 35, 26),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = nicoU.Id
            VisitorModels nicoV3 = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 08, 25, 14, 37, 55),
                VisitFromId   = lightU.Id,
                VisitToId     = nicoU.Id
            VisitorModels oskarV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 09, 26, 15, 38, 56),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = oskarU.Id
            VisitorModels lightV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 05, 24, 19, 48, 26),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = lightU.Id
            VisitorModels mathiasV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 06, 23, 18, 47, 41),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = mathiasU.Id
            VisitorModels randomV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 09, 12, 09, 37, 23),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = randomU.Id
            VisitorModels hakV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 03, 28, 10, 00, 00),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = randomU.Id
            VisitorModels andreasV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 04, 19, 14, 12, 35),
                VisitFromId   = alfonsU.Id,
                VisitToId     = randomU.Id
            VisitorModels alfonsV = new VisitorModels {
                VisitDateTime = new DateTime(2019, 08, 25, 14, 37, 55),
                VisitFromId   = andreasU.Id,
                VisitToId     = alfonsU.Id

            context.Visitors.AddRange(new[] { eliasV1, eliasV2, eliasV3, eliasV4, eliasV5, nicoV1, nicoV2, nicoV3, oskarV, lightV, mathiasV, randomV, hakV, andreasV, alfonsV });
            context.Profiles.AddRange(new[] { eliasP, nicoP, oskarP, randomP, corazonP, andreasP, mathiasP, lightP, hakP, alfonsP });                                // Add profiles
            context.Posts.AddRange(new[] { post1, post2, post3, post4, post5, post6, post7, post8, post9, post10, post11, post12, post13, post14, post15, post16 }); // Add posts
            context.Requests.AddRange(new[] { request1, request2, request3, request4, request5, request6, request7, request8, request9, request10 });                // Add requests
            context.Categories.AddRange(new[] { category1, category2, category3 });                                                                                  // Add friend categories
            context.SaveChanges();                                                                                                                                   // We need to save the friend categories into the database to be able to access their IDs for the creation of the friends.

            // Define friendships
            FriendModels friends1 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = nicoU.Id,
                FriendId       = oskarU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category1.Id
            FriendModels friends2 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = nicoU.Id,
                FriendId       = eliasU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category2.Id
            FriendModels friends3 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = eliasU.Id,
                FriendId       = corazonU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category3.Id
            FriendModels friends4 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = oskarU.Id,
                FriendId       = randomU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category1.Id
            FriendModels friends5 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = oskarU.Id,
                FriendId       = alfonsU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category1.Id
            FriendModels friends6 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = eliasU.Id,
                FriendId       = lightU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category1.Id
            FriendModels friends7 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = andreasU.Id,
                FriendId       = eliasU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category1.Id
            FriendModels friends8 = new FriendModels {
                UserId         = nicoU.Id,
                FriendId       = hakU.Id,
                FriendCategory = category1.Id

            context.Friends.AddRange(new[] { friends1, friends2, friends3, friends4, friends5, friends6, friends7, friends8 }); // Add friendships
Exemplo n.º 26
        public ActionResult Post_list_all(string lang, string cate_type, int?cate_id, string link_text, string search, string tag, string param, int?page, int?page_size, string order, string style_list_show)
            CatalogModels cateModels   = new CatalogModels();
            WebInfoModels web_infor    = new Models.WebInfoModels();
            int           total_record = 0;
            PostModels    postModels   = new PostModels();
            C_Catalog     cate         = null;

            ////request query string param
            page = Request.QueryString["page"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()) : 1;

            if (cate_id == null)
                cate_id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(link_text))
                link_text = RouteData.Values["Link"] != null ? RouteData.Values["Link"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            if (cate_id > 0)
                cate = cateModels.GetbyID((int)cate_id);

            ////get order for product list
            string order_by   = string.Empty;
            string order_type = string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order))
                order_by   = "DateModified";
                order_type = "desc";
                order      = order_by + ";" + order_type;
                if (order.Contains(';'))
                    order_by   = order.Split(';')[0];
                    order_type = order.Split(';')[1];
                    order_by   = "DateModified";
                    order_type = "desc";
                    order      = order_by + ";" + order_type;

            postModels.ClearCache(lang + cate_type + (cate_id ?? 0) + search + tag + param + page + page_size + order_by + order_type);

            List <SelectListItem> orderDrop = new List <SelectListItem>();

            orderDrop.AddRange(new SelectListItem[]
                new SelectListItem {
                    Selected = order == "DateModified;desc" ? true : false, Text = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderDateDesc, Value = "DateModified;desc"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Selected = order == "DateModified;asc" ? true : false, Text = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderDateAsc, Value = "DateModified;asc"

            List <C_Catalog> lst_parent     = new List <C_Catalog>();
            List <C_Catalog> lst_parent_all = new List <C_Catalog>();

            if (cate == null || (cate.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuRecruitment && cate.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuBeautyTips))
                lst_parent = cateModels.GetbyParentID(0, cate_type, lang).Where(p => p.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuRecruitment && p.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuBeautyTips).ToList();

                foreach (var it in lst_parent)
                    var lst_child = cateModels.GetbyParentID(it.CatalogID, cate_type, lang).Where(p => p.Show == true).ToList();
                    foreach (var child in lst_child)

            var posts_view = new ViewModels.Page_posts_view();

            posts_view.List_parent_category = lst_parent;
            posts_view.List_parent_all      = lst_parent_all;
            posts_view.List_page_size       = this.GetSizePagingPublic(page_size ?? int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberPageSizeNews", "8")));
            posts_view.List_order           = orderDrop;
            posts_view.Page_list_post       = postModels.GetListPostAll(lang, cate_type, cate_id, search, tag, param, (int)page, (int)page_size, order_by, order_type, out total_record);
            posts_view.Total_record         = total_record;
            if (total_record == 0 && search != string.Empty && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search))
                posts_view.Text_search_result = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strSearchResult;

            posts_view.Order      = order;
            posts_view.Page_size  = page_size ?? int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberPageSizeNews", "4"));
            posts_view.Style_list = style_list_show;
            posts_view.Cate_type  = cate_type;
            posts_view.Cate_id    = cate_id ?? 0;
            if (cate != null && (cate.CategoryName == App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuBeautyTips || cate.CategoryName == App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuRecruitment))
                posts_view.Cate_name = cate.CategoryName;
                posts_view.Cate_name = string.Empty;

            posts_view.Link              = link_text;
            posts_view.Lang              = lang;
            posts_view.Tag               = tag;
            posts_view.Text_search       = search;
            posts_view.Param             = param;
            posts_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            posts_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

            return(this.PartialView("../control/post_list_all", posts_view));
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Posts the specified identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="cate_id">The cate identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="cate_type">Type of the cate.</param>
        /// <returns>Posts the specified</returns>
        public ActionResult Post(int?id, int?cate_id, string cate_type)
            /////post detail
            PostModels postModels = new PostModels();

            id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0;

            var link = RouteData.Values["Link"] != null ? RouteData.Values["Link"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            cate_id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cate_id"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["cate_id"].ToString());
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cate_type))
                cate_type = CommonGlobal.CateNews;

            if (id == 0)
                postModels.ClearCache(CommonGlobal.Post + string.Empty + id);
                C_Post obj = postModels.GetbyID((int)id);

                if (obj.PostID == 0)

                ViewBag.Title = obj.Title + " | " + GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.PageName, this.Lang);

                string        strbreadcrumbs = string.Empty;
                CatalogModels catalogModel   = new CatalogModels();
                C_Catalog     cateItem       = new C_Catalog();

                if (cate_id == 0)
                    if (obj.CatelogID != null && obj.CatelogID != 0)
                        cate_id = obj.CatelogID;

                cateItem       = catalogModel.GetbyID((int)cate_id);
                strbreadcrumbs = string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.RouteUrl((cate_type != CommonGlobal.CateService ? "_post_only" : "_service_only"), new { controller = "news", action = "posts" }) + "\">" + (cate_type != CommonGlobal.CateService ? App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuNews : App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuService) + "</a></li>");
                if (cateItem != null)
                    strbreadcrumbs   += string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.RouteUrl(cate_type == Web.Models.CommonGlobal.CateService ? "_service" : "_post", new { controller = "news", action = "posts", id = cate_id, Link = cateItem.Link != null ? cateItem.Link : string.Empty, cate_type = cate_type }) + "\">" + cateItem.CategoryName + "</a></li>");
                    ViewBag.cate_name = cateItem.CategoryName;

                strbreadcrumbs += string.Format("<li>" + obj.Title + "</li>");

                ViewBag.str_breadcrumbs = strbreadcrumbs;
                ViewBag.back_link       = Url.RouteUrl(cate_type == CommonGlobal.CateService ? "_service" : "_post", new { controller = "news", action = "posts", id = cate_id, Link = cateItem.Link, cate_type = cate_type });
                ViewBag.heading         = obj.Title;

                this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Keyword, obj.Title);
                this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Description, this.ClearHtml(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(obj.Summary)));
                ViewBag.id        = id;
                ViewBag.cate_id   = cate_id;
                ViewBag.cate_type = cate_type;

                ////// Add post cookies
                HttpCookie mycookie    = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["listPostView"];
                ArrayList  arrListView = new ArrayList();

                ////// Lấy danh sách post đã xem từ cookies
                if (mycookie != null)
                    var arr = mycookie.Value.Split(',');
                    for (int j = 0; j < arr.Count(); j++)
                    arrListView = new ArrayList();

                if (obj.PostID != 0)
                    if (!Util.CheckExistInArray(obj.PostID.ToString(), arrListView))
                    ////// Lưu danh sách xuống cookies
                    string[] arrLst = (string[])arrListView.ToArray(typeof(string));

                    if (mycookie != null)
                        mycookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6);
                        mycookie.Value   = null;

                    HttpCookie cookie_new = new HttpCookie("listPostView");
                    cookie_new.Value   = string.Join(",", arrLst);
                    cookie_new.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6);

Exemplo n.º 28
        public ActionResult Change_post(FormCollection collection, HttpPostedFileBase file_image)
            CatalogModels         cateModels          = new CatalogModels();
            PostModels            postModel           = new PostModels();
            C_Post                objPost             = new C_Post();
            StringBuilder         sb                  = new StringBuilder();
            int                   rt                  = 0;
            bool                  is_valid            = true;
            int                   level               = 0;
            List <SelectListItem> list_select_catalog = new List <SelectListItem>();
            var                   post_view           = new Web.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.Post_view();


            if (post_view.PostID > 0)
                objPost = postModel.GetbyID(post_view.PostID);

            ////validation server
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post_view.PostName))
                is_valid          = false;
                post_view.Message = "Bạn cần nhập tên danh mục";

            ////validation server
            if (post_view.Parent == 0)
                is_valid          = false;
                post_view.Message = "Bạn cần lựa chọn danh mục";
            ////post_view.act = "change_post";
            ////post_view.ctrl = "adminPost";
            post_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            post_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

            if (post_view.PostID != 0 && post_view.Type_act == CommonGlobal.Edit)
                ////Link tab
                sb.Append("<li><a class=\"active\" href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_post", ctrl = "adminPost", type = post_view.Type, page = "1" }) + "\"><span><span>Danh sách tin tức</span></span></a></li>");
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Cập nhật</span></span></a></li>");

                ////list parent
                cateModels.List_catalog_parent(0, level, objPost.CatelogID ?? 0, post_view.Type, objPost.Lang, ref list_select_catalog);
                post_view.List_category = list_select_catalog;

                ////list language
                post_view.List_language = this.List_select_language(objPost.Lang);
                ////Link tab
                sb.Append("<li><a class=\"active\" href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_post", ctrl = "adminPost", type = post_view.Type, page = "1" }) + "\"><span><span>Danh sách tin tức</span></span></a></li>");
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Thêm mới</span></span></a></li>");

                ////list parent
                cateModels.List_catalog_parent(0, level, 0, post_view.Type, post_view.Lang, ref list_select_catalog);
                post_view.List_category = list_select_catalog;

                ////list language
                post_view.List_language = this.List_select_language(post_view.Lang);

            post_view.Html_link_tab = sb.ToString();

            if (!is_valid)
                return(this.PartialView("../control/change_post", post_view));

            ////Post info
            objPost.CatelogID = post_view.Parent;
            objPost.PostName  = post_view.PostName;

            var imgPathTemp = "images/newspost/" +
                              DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/";
            var name_time = DateTime.Now.Day + DateTime.Now.Month + DateTime.Now.Year + DateTime.Now.Hour + DateTime.Now.Minute + string.Empty;

            if (file_image != null && file_image.ContentLength > 0 && CommonGlobal.IsImage(file_image) == true)
                string image_small = imgPathTemp + "sc_small_" + name_time + "_" + CommonGlobal.CompleteNamefileImages(file_image.FileName);
                string image_lager = imgPathTemp + "sc_full_" + name_time + "_" + CommonGlobal.CompleteNamefileImages(file_image.FileName);

                ////save image and delete old file
                this.Savephoto(objPost.ImagePath, file_image, imgPathTemp, image_small, image_lager);

                ////set image thumb to link catalog
                objPost.ImagePath   = "/" + image_small;
                post_view.ImagePath = "/" + image_small;
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPost.ImagePath))
                objPost.ImagePath = "0";
                objPost.ImagePath = post_view.ImagePath;

            objPost.Link         = CommonGlobal.CompleteLink(post_view.PostName);
            objPost.Summary      = post_view.Summary;
            objPost.PostContent  = post_view.PostContent;
            objPost.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
            objPost.IsHot        = post_view.IsHot;
            if (objPost.IsHot == true)
                post_view.IsHot         = true;
                post_view.Is_short_text = "checked='checked'";
                post_view.IsHot         = false;
                post_view.Is_short_text = string.Empty;

            objPost.Approve = post_view.Approve;

            if (objPost.Approve == true)
                post_view.Approve   = true;
                post_view.Show_text = "checked='checked'";
                post_view.Approve   = false;
                post_view.Show_text = string.Empty;

            objPost.Lang         = post_view.Lang;
            objPost.Title        = post_view.Title;
            objPost.Keyword      = post_view.Keyword;
            objPost.Description  = post_view.Description;
            objPost.OrderDisplay = post_view.OrderDisplay;

            if (post_view.PostID != 0 && post_view.Type_act == CommonGlobal.Edit)
                objPost.CreateDate = post_view.CreateDate;
                rt = postModel.Edit(objPost);
                objPost.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                rt = postModel.Add(objPost);

            if (rt > 0)
                post_view.Message  = "Cập nhật thành công!";
                post_view.PostID   = rt;
                post_view.Type_act = CommonGlobal.Edit;
                post_view.Message = "Cập nhật không thành công!";

            return(this.PartialView("../control/change_post", post_view));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ActionResult List_post(int?parent, int?cate_id, int?post_id, string type, string act, string ctrl, string type_act, string lang, string search, int?page, int?page_size, string order_by, string order_type)
            CatalogModels         cataModel           = new CatalogModels();
            PostModels            postModel           = new PostModels();
            C_Post                post                = new C_Post();
            List <SelectListItem> list_select_catalog = new List <SelectListItem>();
            var           list_post_view              = new Web.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.List_post_view();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            int total_record = 0;
            int level        = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                type = Request.QueryString["type"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type"].ToString() : CommonGlobal.CateNews;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(act))
                act = Request.QueryString["act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["act"].ToString() : "list_post";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl))
                ctrl = Request.QueryString["ctrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ctrl"].ToString() : "adminPost";

            if (page == null || page == 0)
                page = Request.QueryString["page"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()) : 1;

            if (parent == null)
                parent = Request.QueryString["parent"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["parent"].ToString()) : 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                lang = LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName;

            if (page_size == null)
                page_size = int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberPageSizeAdmin", "30"));

            list_post_view.Page      = (int)page;
            list_post_view.Page_size = (int)page_size;

            list_post_view.Cate_type = CommonGlobal.GetCatalogTypeName(type);

            ////list category
            cataModel.List_catalog_parent(0, level, (int)parent, type, lang, ref list_select_catalog);
            list_post_view.List_parent = list_select_catalog;

            ////list language
            list_post_view.List_language = this.List_select_language(lang);

            sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a class=\"active\" href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_post", ctrl = "adminPost", type = type, page = "1", parent = parent, lang = lang }) + "\"><span><span>Danh mục " + CommonGlobal.GetCatalogTypeName(type) + "</span></span></a></li>");
            sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "change_post", ctrl = "adminPost", type = type, type_act = "add", parent = parent, lang = lang }) + "\"><span><span>Thêm bài viết</span></span></a></li>");
            list_post_view.Html_link_tab = sb.ToString();

            if (post_id != null && post_id != 0 && type_act != null && type_act == CommonGlobal.Delete)
                ////check permission delete
                if (UserModels.CheckPermission(this.Session["mem"] != null ? this.Session["mem"].ToString() : string.Empty, act, ctrl, type_act, type))
                    post = postModel.GetbyID((int)post_id);
                    if (post != null)
                        ////delete old image
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.ImagePath))
                            string strImg = post.ImagePath;
                            strImg = "~" + strImg;
                            string fileDelete = Server.MapPath(strImg);
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileDelete))

                            string fileDelete2 = Server.MapPath(strImg.Replace("sc_small_", "sc_full_"));
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileDelete2))
                        ////delete post
                        bool rt = postModel.Delete((int)post_id);
                        if (rt)
                            list_post_view.Message = "Bạn đã xóa bài viết: " + post_id;
                            list_post_view.Message = "Xóa không thành công";
                        list_post_view.Message = "Không tìm thấy bài viết : " + post_id;
                    list_post_view.Message = " Bạn không có quyền thực thi hành động xóa.";

            ////list post
            list_post_view.List_page_size = this.GetSizePagingPublic((int)page_size);
            list_post_view.Page_list_post = postModel.GetListPostAll(lang, type, (int)parent, search, (int)page, (int)page_size, order_by, order_type, out total_record);
            list_post_view.Total_record   = total_record;
            list_post_view.Search         = search;
            list_post_view.Type_act       = type_act;
            list_post_view.Type           = type;
            list_post_view.Act               = act;
            list_post_view.Ctrl              = ctrl;
            list_post_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            list_post_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            ////end action

            return(this.PartialView("../control/list_post", list_post_view));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public ActionResult Change_post(int?post_id, string type, string act, string ctrl, string type_act, string lang)
            CatalogModels         cateModels          = new CatalogModels();
            PostModels            postModel           = new PostModels();
            C_Catalog             cate                = new C_Catalog();
            C_Post                objPost             = new C_Post();
            List <SelectListItem> list_select_catalog = new List <SelectListItem>();
            var           post_view = new Web.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.Post_view();
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();
            int           level     = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                type = Request.QueryString["type"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type"].ToString() : CommonGlobal.CateNews;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(act))
                act = Request.QueryString["act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["act"].ToString() : "change_post";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl))
                ctrl = Request.QueryString["ctrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ctrl"].ToString() : "adminPost";

            if (post_id == null)
                post_id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                lang = LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type_act))
                type_act = Request.QueryString["type_act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type_act"].ToString() : CommonGlobal.Add;
                if (post_id == 0)
                    type_act = CommonGlobal.Add;
                    type_act = CommonGlobal.Edit;

            if (type_act == CommonGlobal.Edit)
                objPost                = postModel.GetbyID((int)post_id);
                post_view.PostID       = objPost.PostID;
                post_view.PostName     = objPost.PostName;
                post_view.PostContent  = objPost.PostContent;
                post_view.ImagePath    = objPost.ImagePath;
                post_view.Title        = objPost.Title;
                post_view.Keyword      = objPost.Keyword;
                post_view.Description  = objPost.Description;
                post_view.Summary      = objPost.Summary;
                post_view.Lang         = objPost.Lang;
                post_view.CatalogID    = (int)objPost.CatelogID;
                post_view.OrderDisplay = (int)objPost.OrderDisplay;
                post_view.Parent       = (int)objPost.CatelogID;
                post_view.CreateDate   = objPost.CreateDate ?? DateTime.Now;
                if ((objPost.IsHot ?? false) == true)
                    post_view.IsHot         = true;
                    post_view.Is_short_text = "checked='checked'";
                    post_view.IsHot         = false;
                    post_view.Is_short_text = string.Empty;

                if ((objPost.Approve ?? false) == true)
                    post_view.Approve   = true;
                    post_view.Show_text = "checked='checked'";
                    post_view.Approve   = false;
                    post_view.Show_text = string.Empty;

                cateModels.List_catalog_parent(0, level, (int)objPost.CatelogID, type, cate.Lang ?? objPost.Lang, ref list_select_catalog);

                ////Link tab
                sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_post", ctrl = "adminPost", type = type, page = "1", lang = objPost.Lang }) + "\"><span><span>Danh sách tin tức</span></span></a></li>");
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Cập nhật</span></span></a></li>");

                post_view.List_language = this.List_select_language(cate.Lang ?? objPost.Lang);
                ////Link tab
                sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_post", ctrl = "adminPost", type = type, page = "1", lang = lang }) + "\"><span><span>Danh sách tin tức</span></span></a></li>");
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Thêm mới</span></span></a></li>");

                cateModels.List_catalog_parent(0, level, 0, type, lang, ref list_select_catalog);
                post_view.List_language = this.List_select_language(lang);

            post_view.List_category = list_select_catalog;
            post_view.Type          = type;
            post_view.Type_act      = type_act;
            post_view.Html_link_tab = sb.ToString();
            post_view.Act               = act;
            post_view.Ctrl              = ctrl;
            post_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            post_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            ////end action

            return(this.PartialView("../control/change_post", post_view));