Exemplo n.º 1
    private MyMessage MessageTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.GetAllMessagesRow dr, string currLat, string currLon, int regionId, int timeZone, int userId)
        //TimeZoneInfo pacificZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local; //.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
        //int UsTimeZone = pacificZone.BaseUtcOffset.Hours * -1;

        MyMessage msg = new MyMessage();
        DateTime msgDate;

        msgDate = dr.PostDate.AddHours(timeZone);

        msg.relativeDate = GetRelativeDate(dr.PostDate);
        msg.msgId = Convert.ToInt32(dr.ID);
        msg.latitude = dr.Latitude;
        msg.longitude = dr.Longitude;
        msg.category = dr.CategoryName;
        msg.catID = dr.CategoryID;
        msg.userid = Convert.ToInt32(dr.UserID);
        msg.Name = dr.Name;
        msg.title = dr.title;
        msg.titleSlugged = Helpers.Slugify(msg.title);
        msg.description = dr.description;
        msg.userImage = dr.avatarImageUrl;
        msg.Date = msgDate.ToString("d MMM yyyy", new CultureInfo("en-us"));
        msg.Time = msgDate.ToString("HH:mm", new CultureInfo("en-us"));
        msg.type = Convert.ToInt32(dr.type);
        msg.CommentsNumber = dr.CommentsCounter;
        msg.Distance = CalcDistance(currLat, currLon, msg.latitude, msg.longitude);
        msg.Email = ""; //dr.Email; //.Replace("@", " AT ");
        msg.Phone1 = dr.Phone1;
        msg.Phone2 = dr.Phone2;
        msg.shortDescription = TruncateAtWord(msg.description, 64);
        msg.catColor = dr.CategoryColor;
        msg.ClassName = "";
        msg.image = dr.ImageUrl;
        msg.msgAddress = dr.address;
        msg.facebookID = dr.facebookID; // need to pull this from db
        msg.FullDate = msgDate;
        msg.link = dr.link;
        msg.Mine = false;
        if (msg.userid == userId)
            msg.Mine = true;

        if (msg.type == 2)
            //msg.ClassName = "CommercialBox";

        msg.totalShares = dr.TotalShares;

        return msg;
Exemplo n.º 2
    private List<User> UserTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.UsersDataTable dt)
        List<User> lstUsers = new List<User>();
        User user;
        foreach (PostAroundMeDataSet.UsersRow dr in dt)
            user = new User();

            user.address = ""; // dr.address;
            user.avatarImageUrl = dr.avatarImageUrl;
            user.email = dr.email;
            user.firstName = dr.FirstName;
            user.lastName = dr.LastName;
            user.latidute = dr.Latidute;
            user.longtitude = dr.Longtitude;
            user.phone1 = dr.phone1;
            user.phone2 = dr.phone2;
            user.userID = dr.ID;
            user.link = dr.link;
            user.facebookID = dr.facebookID;

        return lstUsers;
Exemplo n.º 3
    private Comment CommentTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.CommentsRow dr)
        Comment comment = new Comment();

        comment.ID = dr.ID;
        comment.body = dr.Body;
        comment.date =  dr.Date;
        comment.strDate = comment.date.ToString("d MMM yyyy", new CultureInfo("en-us"));
        comment.strTime = comment.date.ToString("HH:mm", new CultureInfo("en-us"));
        comment.messageID = dr.MessageID;
        comment.userID = dr.UserID;
        comment.name = dr.Name;
        comment.commentUserLink = dr.link;
        comment.avatarImageUrl = dr.avatarImageUrl;
        comment.Mine = false;

        return comment;
Exemplo n.º 4
    private List<MyMessage> MessagesTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.GetAllMessagesDataTable dt, string currLat, string currLon, int regionId, int timeZone, int userId)
        List<MyMessage> lstResult = new List<MyMessage>();
        MyMessage msg;

        foreach (PostAroundMeDataSet.GetAllMessagesRow dr in dt)
            msg = MessageTranslator(dr, currLat, currLon, regionId, timeZone, userId);
        return lstResult;
Exemplo n.º 5
    private List<Comment> CommentsDtToList(PostAroundMeDataSet.CommentsDataTable dt, int userId, int timeZone)
        //TimeZoneInfo pacificZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local; //.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
        //int UsTimeZone = pacificZone.BaseUtcOffset.Hours * -1;

        List<Comment> lstResults = new List<Comment>();
        Comment comment;
        foreach (PostAroundMeDataSet.CommentsRow dr in dt)

            bool isPosterOrReplier = false;
            bool isPrivateComment = false;
            if (dr.isPrivate.Equals(true))
                if (dr.UserID == userId)
                    isPosterOrReplier = true;
                    //Get PosterUserID
                    MyMessage mainMessage = GetMessageById(dr.MessageID, "", "", 0, 0, 0);
                    if (mainMessage.userid == userId)
                        isPosterOrReplier = true;
            if (dr.isPrivate.Equals(true) && !isPosterOrReplier)
                // if it's a private message but the current user is not the poster or the replier - then skip this row.
            else if (dr.isPrivate.Equals(true) && isPosterOrReplier)
                // if it's a private message AND the current user IS the poster or the replier - then Set this comment as private
                isPrivateComment = true;

            comment = CommentTranslator(dr);

            DateTime commentDate;
            commentDate = dr.Date.AddHours(timeZone);
            comment.date = commentDate;
            comment.strDate = comment.date.ToString("d MMM yyyy", new CultureInfo("en-us"));
            comment.strTime = comment.date.ToString("HH:mm", new CultureInfo("en-us"));

            if (comment.userID == userId)
                comment.Mine = true;

            comment.isPrivate = isPrivateComment;


        return lstResults;
Exemplo n.º 6
    private List<Category> CategoryTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.CategoriesDataTable dt)
        List<Category> list = new List<Category>();
        Category item;
        foreach (PostAroundMeDataSet.CategoriesRow dr in dt)
            item = new Category();

            item.ID = dr.ID;
            item.Name = dr.Name;
            item.Color = dr.Color;


        return list;
Exemplo n.º 7
    private Dictionary<int, string> CategoryDtToDictionaryTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.CategoriesDataTable dt)
        Dictionary<int, string> retVal = new Dictionary<int, string>();

        foreach (PostAroundMeDataSet.CategoriesRow dr in dt)
            retVal.Add(dr.ID, dr.Name);
        return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 8
    private BriefMessage BriefMessageTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.GetAllBriefMessagesRow dr)
        BriefMessage msg = new BriefMessage();

        msg.msgId = Convert.ToInt32(dr.ID);
        msg.latitude = dr.Latitude;
        msg.longitude = dr.Longitude;
        msg.catID =  Convert.ToInt32(dr.CategoryId);
        msg.FullDate = dr.PostDate;
        msg.Title = dr.Title;

        return msg;
Exemplo n.º 9
    private List<BriefMessage> BriefMessagesTranslator(PostAroundMeDataSet.GetAllBriefMessagesDataTable dt)
        List<BriefMessage> lstResult = new List<BriefMessage>();
        BriefMessage msg;

        foreach (PostAroundMeDataSet.GetAllBriefMessagesRow dr in dt)
            msg = BriefMessageTranslator(dr);
        return lstResult;